5              I request sweetness
It has been ten days since the Demis have start coming to the shop. Recently, the regular male customers who always surrounds the counter seat have stopped coming, while other customers who loves coffee and female customers have started coming.
Although the Demis did not come (to dine) everyday, but they would still come to visit. Hence, they would only be customers coming for a take out during the afternoons. The customers would check out the shop from the window to make sure the Demis are not there before coming into the shop.
The cafe is running normally for now.
But the Demis paid me too much so I am holding onto it for now to return it back to them afterwards but
 After paying them back, I would probably still be able to go through somehow.
In addition, I am happy that my time to lay back and relax has increased. And there is time to revise the menu after hearing feedbacks from the female customers.
“If its cakes, this shop is better!”
And I received such comments yesterday, which made me really happy. Most of the female customers likes cakes filled with plenty of fruits, and those are hard to find in the shops nearby here so I was thinking of adding some more into the menu.
Today as well, the customers stop coming over after noon. Hence I decided to immediately test out making a fruit cake. Heading to the kitchen, I opened the upper cabinet to take out the sugar, where I saw a small figures of a Roto. It was sneakily snacking on my homemade marshmallows.
Recently, the sales of cakes were going so smoothly that there were no leftovers for the Rotos to eat to their fill. It seems they have insufficient sugar intake.
The Roto with a lotus like light green head then turned red. The Rotos were shaking intensely with their cheeks stuffed full of marshmallows, their chubby peridot eyes were swimming around. And finally, as if it gave up, it dogeza-ed. It seems the Roto put too much force to it that its elastic head reflected back after hitting the base of the cabinet.
*bounce bounce
It feels bad seeing it trying so hard but it’s unbearably cute.
“Fufu. Then please work as much as you ate”
To ensure its head do not hit the base any further, I placed my hand between its head and the base of the cabinet. Then gently patting its cheek, it was as soft as marshmallows.
The Roto then stood up firmly and stretched like spring, then saluted.
I’m sure the other Rotos too are having insufficient sugar intake. Since it’s a rare chance, let’s have them taste test the cake.
As I ask the Roto to call for its other friends while bringing over some fruits as well. The Rotos who then appeared brought lots of fruits over with their small bodies.
Using the fruits they brought, I made a tart, short cake and a gateau chocolat. There was leftover strawberry coated with chocolate so before they taste test the cake, I offered it to the Rotos.
“Mmm- Strawberries and chocolates fits so well” whispering so, as if assenting, the Rotos nodded in response.
I’m sure everyone will love cakes with strawberries.
And also
 I hope to use fruits that did not exist in my previous world to make some cakes. For example, the fruit called Berryva. Its shape is alike to a big raspberry and cluster together like grapes, and each and every one of it is a vibrant beautiful red and its sweetness melts.
Exclusively using the Berryvas for a cake festival sounds good as well. And it’s right on their season too.
Decorating it on jellies may probably make them look like jewels, and sweets which is pleasing to the eyes are likened by the female customers. I’m sure the customers will be pleased with it.
“Can you guys help me pick some Berryvas tomorrow?”
But it may be hard for the Rotos to carry since the fruit is bigger than them

As I request of so, the Rotos saluted with an ‘Aye’ with chocolates on their mouth. And—
A Roto who was standing on tip of the bowl lost its balance and fell down into the bowl filled with sugar. The sugar granules flew and the Roto closed its eyes tightly.
Seeing it’s cute appearance makes me involuntarily smile.
At that moment, the doorbell rang. *cling clang
The next moment, the dumbfounded Rotos jumped right up and started to fluster on top of the work table.
Moment after the big confusion, the Rotos cluster together into a very big marshmallow. While the other Roto who fell into the bowl of sugar tried it’s best to cover the bowl.
After finishing a menial task, the Roto took a breath but is now in a fluster to find a hiding place for itself. Facing his round head left and right, It finally dived into my apron’s pocket.
It was so cute that I could not withhold my laughter.
It was Chise-san voice.
Taking a look towards the shop’s interior, 2 bad looking tall guys were standing there.
An all back jet black haired male, and another one of blue hair. It was Boss-san and Chise-san in their human form.
“Welcome” as I smile.
“Is there someone there?”
Chise-san looking towards the direction of the kitchen, seems like he heard the voices of the Rotos.
I felt a shake from within my pocket so I held my hand in and patted the Roto to tell that it’s alright.
As I was thinking on how to evade the question, Chise-san’s eyes opened wide and ran towards the kitchen.
Looking back thinking the Rotos was exposed—
“Looks delicious! Gimme please! I want it!”
Chise-san’s gaze was stuck on the cakes.
“Oh, those are the prototypes. So they’re not for sale but” 
.I’m glad it’s not the Rotos that he was talking about. I’m sure they will all cry if he said that they look delicious.
“You- no, tenchou, can you eat all of this by yourself?”
“Then we’ll eat it for you!” Chise-san grinning, and went to sit on the counter seat. Boss-san sat beside him, looks like he’s going to be eating it too.
“Um, would you like to dine something first?”
“It’s fine! The steak can come later! Later! The drink.. as usual then!”
I wonder if steaks go in a separate stomach for Chise-san.
. Will it only be the 2 of you for today?”
“They’re coming later. Sena’s on the report and Ryuse’s getting hit on by women”
I see, so Sena-san’s still on the clock and Ryuse-san’s getting hit on by women coming from other cities since the townspeople wouldn’t even try to hit on him.
“Since Ryuse-san’s cool, I guess”
“Tenchou, is Ryuse your type?” bringing over the coffee and juice I have prepared, I sighted Chise-san with a discontent expression. I lightly replied “that may be so” without much thought.
“Huum, so women like that kind of face huh. That guy, he gets hit on all the time, and I don’t get what makes him happy from that” (Chise)
Oh my, I knew it, Ryuse-san is popular with the women.
“Do you not like to get hit on?” Nonchalantly asking so, Chise-san, resting his chin on his hand replied. “Tenchou had ever been hit on too right? Like that bastard with the foul cologne who came last time. Getting hit on.. you don’t hate it?”
“The person yesterday was a customer so. It is troubling when they forcefully hope for something in return but.. being showered with good will makes me happy, I think”
Although I’m bad with people whose true intention are plain as day, but I did not emphasize that and replied vaguely.
“If there’s someone who’s too insistent, I’ll chase him out for you”
“I’m fine”
I declined with a smile since it was not to the extent that I need help from the MercSquad. Going back to the kitchen, I sliced the cake, plated it and returned back to the counter.
Chise-san was still showing a dissatisfied expression.
“Well, I can understand the guys hitting on women but why’s that when women hit on men it makes them happy? I don’t understand whaai! Eeey, Shize!”
Chise-san gaze moved towards Boss-san. So Boss-san’s name is Shize then. It was surprising that they are in a relationship where they can talk without formalities. Looks like they are not just colleagues.
Boss-san, or so to speak, Shize-san, did not reply. He only stared straight towards my hand. Looks like he wanted the cake.
“Thank you for waiting. This is called a fruit tart”
I slowly placed the plates onto the table to ensure the fruits do not fall off.
Chise-san took the fork and pierced on the strawberry and kiwi and chowed it down. Then scooping the custard cream and crunchy crust and inserted it into his mouth in a mouthful.
“Hmmmm-! So gooood!” The moment when Chise-san lifted up his face, I could see shining stars and blue flowers blooming out from his face.
Surprised, I blinked repeatedly. And looking closer, it was not blue flowers blooming but actually his blue fur covering his face.

He transformed from his human form into his beast form. My eyes opened wide, I unrealizingly cover my mouth with my hand. Chise-san came back to his senses and slightly wavered. He then covered his face with his wolf hand.
“M-my bad
On the other hand, I was agonizing within my heart.
 I saw the moment he transformed! That was amazing!
 Can you.. can you do it one more time?”
“It was my first time seeing a demi transform. If you could, would you please show it to me one more time?” While leaning out my body to the counter. Chise-san was dumbfounded with his mouth wide open.
.You, really are a weird one” (Chise)
Gradually narrowing his eyes, he then put up a smile on his big mouth.
“A-okay. Watch, kay?”
Chise-san once again covered his face with his wolf hand. The next moment, as if blue flowers just spread out, his blue fur took flight and melted into thin air. And within seconds his hand and face turned into a human’s.
Amazing. An instant transformation without incantation or tools. This is the Demis!
As I applause, Chise-san made a big smile and transformed once again.
Although their human form are great, but I still preferred their mofumofu form.
After that, every time I applause and cheered with a “wow!” Chise-san transformed again. A transformation complemented by the blue flowers blooming and scattering, as I had a thought of touching it, I enthusiastically observed it.
After a few repetitions of transformation, he who is currently in his beast form held out his right paw.

.It is alright for me to touch it?
 Ti-time out
Ah, looks like I was wrong. Chise-san was panting and his shoulders moving up and down.
“Are you perhaps tired? I’m sorry”
“No, I was cocky.. Transforming back and forth in a short time just made me dizzy” (Chise)
“Magic exhaustion, I believe. I shall bring a cup of water over” and handed over the cup of water to Chise-san.
When too much magic powers is consumed, one will fall into an anemic-like state. And it will recover when one rests without using it.
Slightly looking towards Shize-san, he had already finished eating the fruit tart and his coffee cup is empty as well.

I wonder if he wants seconds? As I think of such, Chise-san touched Shize-san’s shoulder.
“Shize, pass”
Pass? Tilting his head, Shize-san then looked up towards my direction.
“I’ll show you but first
 choco” His finger pointing towards the gateau chocolat in the kitchen.
Perhaps, if I bring him seconds, this time Shize-san will show me his transformation?
“Yes, I’ll bring it right over”
The gateau chocolat topped with strawberries and mixed berries coated in chocolate to the brim. I slowly placed the plate in front of Shize-san to ensure the fruits do not fall off. Shize-san then stood up and approached me, taking ahold of my hand.

His face is really close.
His wide face and his all back hair. His firm eyebrows, and unexpectedly long eyelashes, as well as his amber eyes with a strong will dwelling within them. Involuntarily getting caught within Shize-san’s gallant face, a black smoke then covered it in the next moment and a jet black lion suddenly appeared. His hand which was holding onto mine too changed into one of a lion’s.
Looking back up once again, a fine mane can be seen and his wide mouth opened. Then, his tongue licked my face, which had a rough feeling and warmth running through it.
It was too much that my thought process stopped.
“There was sugar on you”
His voice can be felt through my skin, I came back to my senses and moved back. And so, my hand slipped away from his.
“Ah, I wondered was that shine was, so it’s sugar huh. Your skin’s white so I didn’t realize” (Chise)
Chise-san, stuffing his mouth full with the fruit tart was unfazed.

I wonder if licking another person’s face means nothing much to Demis. I wonder if I should be fazed on how someone of the opposite sex licked my face, or be fazed from a big cat licking my face.. Is picking the latter fine?
“There’s still some shine, ey. Want me to lick it?” (Chise)
“I’ll wipe it off” (Rhonya)
My heart won’t be able to handle it if Chise-san too licked me. For now, I should calm down. And I too wanted to cool down my flustered face. I then took a wet cloth and lightly wiped my face.
Chise-san then peeked on me and pointed towards the kitchen.
“Tenchou, those over there too. Let me have them all please”
Not just seconds, he demanded all of them, which made me dumbfounded.
“Eh.. Will the both of you be able to finish them?”
“Yeah, I’m sure Sena will be eating it too”
I see. So the Demis not only like meat, but also sweets. And since Chise-san and Shize-san had showed me a precious spectacle, I shall oblige.
Bringing over the whole cake, I placed it onto the counter. Fruit tart, gateau chocolat, as well as the short cake. I served a slice of gateau chocolat to Chise-san whose eyes were shining brightly, and did the same for Shize-san.
As for Ryuse-san, I should ask about what he can eat first.
 I guess there’s no need to ask.
Silently chowing down the gateau chocolat and finished it within moments and holding out his plate. I then placed another slice of gateau chocolat on his plate. Chise-san beside him too was eating it vigorously. His tail swaying up and down and screaming “Deliiiiii!”, then leering at the whole cake in front of him and tilted his head.
“Speaking of, why’s there so many fruits like dis? If you have too many then gimme some to eat!”
Looks like Chise-san is more of a fruit lover than saying he loves sweets. I wonder if he likes fruits as much as meat.
“I am working on adding this to the menu. How is it?”
“Heeeh.. Delish! All of them!” I’m glad he likes them.
Then, the doorbell rang with a cling clang. Looking towards the door, there stood a small statured young man. That green hair, it’s Sena-san. He too came into the shop in his human form.
“Welcome” I greeted with a smile.
Sena-san then saw the other two seating in the counter seat and tilted his head in wonder.
“They were in their human form just a while ago
 Why did they transformed?”
“We showed the Tenchou how we did it”
“To the Tenchou? Hmmmmph..”
Sena-san’s deep green eyes then stared on me.
“It was my first time seeing a Demi transform. Do you like to order something? The two are eating cakes right now”
Sena-san standing beside Shize-san and looked down on the cake.
“I’ll have it later. Give me a pastrami sandwich and a latte”
“Alright, understood”
“Where’s Ryuse?” Chise-san then replied to Sena-san’s question.
“Getting hit on”
“Ah, that so”
The 3 lined up seating on the counter seat.
I then went into the kitchen and prepared a cup of latte. And then went on to make the sandwich as usual, and brought it over to Sena-san. Right at that time, the doorbell once again rang, informing an incoming customer.
“Whu? Why’s that you all are at the counter?” The last one, Ryuse-san had come into the shop. His silky white hair and a well-organized face. His hands inside his jacket’s pocket, knitting his eyebrows and puzzled.
“Eating cake. It’s deli I tell you” (Chise) Answering in a smile was Chise-san.
“That’s not answering my question. How bout food? Food I tell ya. Tenchou-san, I’ll have the usual.” (Ryuse)
Ryuse-san then went to sit on the same table as yesterday.
“Bacon steak and latte with less milk right. I will get to it right now”
“Ah, Tenchou. Me too” (Chise)
“Yes, understood. Would Shize-san like something as well?”
I tried asking Shize-san since Chise-san ordered something to eat as well. Ah, my first time calling him by his name
 I wonder if it’s alright? While feeling a little worried, the jet black lion looked up towards me and nodded in response.
I then reconfirm the orders just in case. The two are as the usual bacon steak (Chise and Ryuse), and second cups of orange juice for Chise-san and a black coffee for Shize-san.
Moving the cake on the counter to the side, I headed towards the kitchen, started preparing the beverages and brought them out to them, then starter to prepare the bacon steak.

I should have cleaned up the utensils used to make the cake first.. There was enough space to make some sandwiches but for another 3 portions of bacon steak, it’s too cramped in here.
Slightly taking a peek outside the kitchen, I then took out the Aurora Ring. And so, while working on the bacon steak, I used magic to clean the workspace.
By the way.. The Rotos are still under the bowl, I believe. The Roto inside my pocket is staying silent, and I guess it’s alright for them to stay like this until the Demis leave.
I could hear the conversation between Chise-san and Ryuse-san from the shop interior.
“What’s with the woman just now, Ryuse?”
“Ah? She found out I’m a demi. More like, why did you transform? You were in your human form till just now right?” (Ryuse)
“I showed it to Tenchou” (Chise)
“Haaah?” (Ryuse)
Gradually, the two started talking about work. It seems Shize-san is the leader and Sena-san is in a position around the vice leader.
Finished with cleaning the utensils, I’m now plating the bacon steaks.
Ah, I’m missing a plate.
Taking out another plate from the cupboard with the Aurora ring, I could hear a huge uproar from the shop interior.
“UWooo!! She’s using magic!”
I was shocked and started shaking. My apron pocket too started to shake, and the bowl too started to shake in response. Looking back in response, Chise-san was taking a peek at the kitchen from the counter’s side and our eyes met.
“Cooooolll! Wherdyu learn dat?”
Putting up a smile, I brought out the bacon steak to the counter seats.
.Thank you for waiting
 The magic is from this ring, it works when I apply my willpower to activate it” As I try to make them believe it’s not some kind of amazing magic.
Chise-san returned to his seat with shining eyes and stared towards my ring.
I did use healing magic on Shize-san before
 but it seems he did not hear anything about it.
“Heeh, so it’s a magic tool or sorts? Soometimes there are some bandits who can use magic though. Where did they even learn that” said Chise-san with a straight face. It seems like Chise-san has some grudge with bandits who can use magic.
“Since some can learn to use magic just by reading about it from books. Or perhaps when they use magic tools”
There is no school which teaches about magic in a countryside city by the country border like this. To add, there isn’t any shops which were selling magic tools here, and there are only few who could use magic here.

.I have to be careful to not arouse their suspicion. I should take note to not use any powerful magic in front of people.
Nodding by myself, Ryuse-san then called out to me from the table seat.
“You think you can protect yourself with just that puny magic tool?”
Aa! I forgot to bring over the bacon steak to Ryuse-san! I then rushed to bring over the dish to him. Ryuse-san who had transformed into his beast form during who knows when was resting his chin on his hand and looked to me.
He looks somehow not in a good mood. His long tail hanging down from the sofa, slapping the floor.
.This ring would not do anything without its owner willing it. It could only carry things without touching it or moving things, but I think it’s not fit for self-defense”
“Hmpph. But last you said that you can defend yourself. Why’s that?” (Ryuse)
Troubled on how to answer him, I went into thought. Since I can’t say that I could just make do with magic.. Some moment after thinking about it, I could hear Sena-san’s voice from behind.
 Don’t trouble her too much”
“I’m not troubling her!” (Ryuse)
“Never mind that, I would like to have some cake, Tenchou” (Sena)
I got out of it with Sena-san’s help.
Taking a light bow towards Ryuse-san, I went back to the counter and sliced a short cake for Sena-san.
“Yep, delicious” he commented, which made me glad.
A while after, Chise-san and Shize-san who finished their bacon steak asked for a second helping of cakes. Since they had already tasted the fruit tart and gateau chocolat just now, I served them short cakes for a change.
“Would Ryuse-san like some too?”

I tried calling out to Ryuse-san whose tail was slapping from a distance, then his tail perfectly stopped moving at that moment.
He started thinking, “Hmmmmm—“, and his long tail started swaying once again. My gaze was locked into his tail.
Guess what he’s ordering? :3
1. Short Cake
2. Fruit tart
3. Gateau chocolat
4. Rhonya!
5. “Uzeee!”
The flexible and silky smooth white tail moved, swaying and wriggling around. Swaying to the upper right, then coming down left. While wondering how it moves and returning my gaze back to Ryuse, our eyes met. His light blue eyes were looking straight to mine. Maybe he found out that I was staring at his tail, and so, I avoided his gaze by looking slightly upwards.
.Then, choco cake”
“R-right. Right away”
Since he did not mention anything, I acted ignorant of the matter and proceed to bring over the gateau chocolat to Ryuse-san.
Ryuse-san then ate small mouthfuls of the cake.
“This’ bad! I’m too full! Sena, eat more!” Sena-san had a dumbfounded expression upon hearing Chise-san’s words.
“You know I can’t eat this much”
“Didn’t ya just had one piece!”
“You just ate too much, Chise”
Sena-san, pointing a cold gaze towards Chise-san then asked for another cup of latte.
“It’s fine so please don’t force yourself” (Rhonya)
Saying so towards Chise-san, he moaned with a stern expression.
“Don’t wanna! I said I wanted all of it! And I said I can eat it all!” (Chise)
Chise-san then glared on the excess gateau chocolat, fruit tart and short cake. Then, Shize-san held out his fork and took another slice of the gateau chocolat. Finished it in a moment and now, another slice of fruit tart. And continuously eating them and not long after, he finished everything.

“Thank you for the food” Slightly bowing down his head, which brought me back to my senses.
uhm, everyone of the DemiMercSquad”
Calling them out in a nervous tone, they then all looked towards me.
“I have received a lot of tips from everyone until now. The payment for today will be cut from it, so there is no need for any more”
And the cakes are prototypes too.
Chise-san, Sena-san and Ryuse-san looked towards Shize-san’s approval for my proposition. But Shize-san continued on drinking his coffee as if he did not hear anything.
Then, Sena-san spoke out to represent the others.
“Tenchou, we are voluntarily paying, so please do accept it. We’ll be paying today, so please accept these chips”
“I’m happy that you feel that way, but this is really too much”
“Then it’s fine if we reduce it, yea? Then you can’t talk back if it’s one piece of gold coin, right?” Chise-san leaned out his body and said so, suggesting that he won’t back down any more. I then had no choice but to accept.
Chise-san grinned with his fangs out, and sent out a gaze towards the other members as if suggesting something. Sena-san then suppressed his mouth and looked down, while Ryuse-san was giggling and swaying his tail by the table seat.

This is weird.. While I was dumbfounded, Shize-san then stood up.
“It was delicious. Thanks for the food” Shize-san then left a piece of gold coin on the counter.
“Thanks for da food” Chise-san and the rest then followed suit, and headed towards the door.
The next moment, my eyes opened wide, since there was 3 gold coins on the counter. Not only Shize-san, Chise-san and Sena-san too left a gold coin each. As I think how unthinkable it would be and looked towards the table seat
 There was a piece of shining gold coin as well.
“This is not what we talked about! Didn’t I say a piece of gold coin!”
Cling clang, and doorbell rang, the Demis exited the shop.
I rushed to try and stop them, but Shize-san and Sena-san was already outside. Ryuse-san who stopped his steps laughed out loud while Chise-san waved back at me.
“A gold coin, rite?”
“Yea, I paid a gold coin too. So did Boss and Sena”
A gold coin for each person to a total of 4 gold coins
 In the end, isn’t this too much!
“That’s sly!”
“See you, Tenchou!”
Ryuse-san laughing while holding back his stomach and Chise-san who waved together with his tail.
I.. I was teased..
Slumping my shoulders, I then gathered the gold coins.

Are they thinking of paying this much each visit? I wonder are the earnings of mercenaries this much?
Since there was nobody now, I sneaked a peek into my apron’s pocket. There, the Roto was sleeping very soundly. Oh my my..
Taking a peek into the bowl on the workspace, the Rotos here too had fallen asleep. Oh my my my..
Cling onto each other, the Rotos looked like a humongous marshmallow. But since I had removed the bowl, as if they lost balance, gradually the rolled down with a ‘fuwawaa’.
Still in a daze and their eyes opened, there were Rotos who woke up while the others went back to sleep and snored. Which made me slightly laughed out a ‘pfft’.
Let’s leave them as it is.  And since the cakes are gone, let’s make some marshmallows as their reward.
After, I made fluffy marshmallows whilst using magic. Making a mountain bunch of them, the Rotos who woke up were in great joy. Their bellies filled up full of marshmallow, they energetically waved their hands and went back to the forest.