4 The Customer with an Ulterior Motive
The next day during preparations for the shop’s opening, as I request the Rotos to help out with cleaning, I went out to the market for some errands and was called out to by many people. It seems they were worried if the DemiMercSquad were violent or if I was threatened.
“No, they (Demis) were very much different from the rumors and are not scary at all.” or so I said to everyone, but was denied by the crowd with “They were probably just in a good mood by chance”.
True that after their meal, they did took a nap in the shop which was quite whimsical. And how the lion and cheetah are family of the cats, and may have the image of being moody. Hence, when they are in a bad mood, they would rampage around. But seeing them yesterday, no, it was unimaginable. I was again advised to buy the warding charm but I replied lively that ‘I’m fine’, and finish with my errands.
Amidst my way home, I was called out by someone from my back. Looking backwards, it was one of the customers who frequents the shop. A student one year younger than me. Ha has fair skin and red hair, and his freckled face turned red.
“Go-good morning! P-please do your best at work today!!”
“Good morning. Your studies, please do your best too”
“Y-y-yess I will!”
Returning his greeting, his face turned even redder and he ran away, which brought a smile on my face. It makes me happy how someone innocently shows favor towards me, but I would be troubled if someone asks me out for a date and I do not particularly like it when that person shows that he/she has ulterior motives.
It would be best if I clearly tell the male customers who comes to the shop about this. While thinking of such, I return back into the shop and continued preparations to open the shop.
Taking out the open sign, there is many customers too today. Customers who enjoys a cup of coffee, customers who orders cakes, and those who indulge in a light meal whilst reading. As usual, the counter seats are filled with male customers but it was less boisterous than a few days ago. After finishing a phase of continuous servicing while smiling died down, one of the male customers sitting by the counter called out to me.
“Rhonya-chan, it’s best for you to quickly buy that ward charm.”
“I do not feel the need for that”
“It’s too late after you suffer losses, though? Rhonya-chan!”
Although I understand that he is just worried about me, all I could do was perk up a bitter smile.
“Uhm, but they really are not as scary as everyone says. They did not turn violent or threaten me either, and they did not destroy the shop” If by chance they did destroy the shop, a little magic will do the repairing trick.
The other male customers could only let out a sigh to my reply.
“That’s because Rhonya-chan is too kind
Hmmm, I don’t think just because someone is kind that person will cover up for them.
“Uhmm.. everyone? Why is everyone so wary of the DemiMercSquad?” Resolving with all I have to ask so, the owner of the accessory shop was the first one to reply.
“Of course it’s because they are scary! They are.. too strong! They easily threw off an adult male with ease! And that person flew as high as the 3rd floor of a building at that!”
” I unknowingly replied loosely. Imagining how black lion easily throw off a person
 looks like an anime

“It’s true, Rhonya-san! Believe me!” The accessory shop owner forcibly leaned forward his body.
Even if you say so
 It’s not that I don’t believe you, but to me, a person flying from getting hit is just a common occurrence.
During my time in San Crisante Academy, there are also practical classes.
Although the female students are not engaged in aggressive fights, that is not so for the male students. And during those classes, not little are thrown flying. Recalling my student days, the other male customers started raising their voices one after another.
“Rhonya-chan, they really are very dangerous! They howl ferociously, and I heard they bare their fangs to attack people! And their bites are lethal at that!”
“Their claws can disintegrate this table in an instant too it seems! The table of a bar somewhere was done in by them”
“I too have heard about that! Where they crushed the windows into grains! And in another shop, they made a big hole in the door and wall too.”

.Their stories continued one after another, but all of them were heard from someone else’s.
“Umm, everyone, did you ever see it happen in person?” As I ask so, the customers made a troubled look on their faces and looked toward each other.
Looks like they were baited around by rumors. If this continues, all they could see is fear (towards the Demis) and not look at how they really are.
At that moment, a brilliant idea went through my mind.
“That’s right! The Demi customers did say they are coming by the shop again”
Since it’s a rare chance, how about communicating with them
 or so I wanted to continue, but the customers sitting by the counter all started preparing to exit the shop altogether. Then taking out their wallets and swiftly made their way out.
The female customers who were sitting on the table seats too looked troubled and called out.
“Umm.. are the people from the DemiMercSquad coming after this?”
“No, I’m not sure if they are coming today or not
” as I answer so, they fell into deep thoughts, and eventually stood up. Then they took out their wallets with an apologetic face.
“I’m sorry, although I only ordered a drink”
“No, please, I do not mind”
“Um.. Can I takeout the cake?” I nodded towards that question.
“Yes, that’s fine. What would you like?”
Then the other female customers too requested to takeaway cakes and sandwiches.

.To think that the takeout boxes would be useful here and now

I did prepare them when the shop first opened, but there wasn’t any chance to use these white paper boxes. I then packaged the cakes and sandwiches into them and handed them over to the customer.
Incidentally seeing the clock, it was now a little before noon.
I wonder, will the Demis come by today?

. It was just yesterday when they came, so there’s a possibility they won’t come continuously.
Cleaning up the shop, some customers came by to request a takeout. Looks like they heard about this from the previous female customers. But none of them came to take a seat

..Then, the rumors of how the DemiMercSquad come by the shop in the afternoon spread like wildfire. If this goes on, on the days where they do not come, the afternoons would be as silent as the graveyard**. That would be somewhat troubling.
Implementing a takeout menu to cover up the sales would probably work out somehow. If it comes to so, it would also be better for me to add more varieties of cakes.
If in the end all else fails and the shop needs to close down, as a last resort, I can just live in the Spirit’s Forest. Ever since I stopped being a noble, the spirit contracted to me invited me to live in the forest.
But I do not intend to close down the shop any soon, and will do all I can until the end, but if it comes to that time I thought of depending on the spirits.
“Good afternoon, beautiful Rhonya-san”
Coming back to my senses, there was a fancy looking man standing in front of the door. His curly platinum blonde hair set in a fancy way. Lightly wearing a plain purple coat with white shirt and flower embroidered white vest underneath it. His name is Macway-san, the owner of a cafe in the neighboring city, Cedric.
He visited once soon after he heard rumors of how Cafe Mattari opened. Ever since, he had frequent the shop and I’m thankful for that but

“Regarding the matter I discussed before, have you considered it? I really do want you to work at my shop.”
–Each and every time he comes by, that’s all he asks and truthfully it is somewhat troubling.
“Welcome, Macway-san. Thank you but I will have to decline”
Putting up a smile to brush off his invite, I guided him to his seat. He then quickly approached me closer. The smell of the cologne on his body was so strong that I felt like sneezing. But doing that here would be rude, so I endured by holding my breath and keeping a smile up.
“What’s wrong? A beautiful lady such as you working here alone is regrettable. Especially so when you have such talent and wisdom. Rhonya-san, please think it over”
Macway-san took a hold of both my hands with his, and glared at me with a hot gaze.
“Umm, I really do not intent to”
“You really are hard to get. Oh yes, I heard that the DemiMercSquad comes to your shop”
I was astonished to how he suddenly changes the topic. He really is a ‘my pace’ person. A type of person which I do not really handle well, but since he’s a customer, I can’t be picky. While making sure my smile does not break, I nodded and replied “yes they did”.
“That was dreadful. Were you hurt? I came here today to give you this. I thought you would need it.” As he said so, he took out a small box from within his pocket. As he did it forcibly and quick, I involuntarily accepted it. Prompted to open the box, its content was a Beast Ward Charm.
It was in the shape of a light brown crystal big enough to be held within my grasp. In the center point of it is a mark alike a keyhole.
“You can ward off the Demis just by pasting this in the building”
.Thank you for your offer but, I do not have any need for this” I tried to return it back to him but he didn’t accept my wishes.
“Please don’t hold back. It may be a bit expensive for you but the price is nothing to me. Since if anything happens to you, I might stop breathing.”

.I’m not talking about the price though. And your cologne is the cause of my breathing difficulties right now.
“I’m not holding back on anything. I wished to welcome the members of the DemiMercSquad on my own accords”
“Aa, you truly are too kind. But the ones who trampled on your kindness is those mercenaries. Alright, before you get harmed I will paste this on myself”
Macway-san then took out the ward from the box.
At that moment, *Clang clang, the doorbell rang.
Looking towards the door from over Macway-san’s shoulder, there stood a big black Demi. His mane as gallant as yesterday. Macway-san who looked back turned frozen stiff. On the other hand the jet black lion, Boss-san, didn’t look at him at all. The direction of his amber eyes were gazing upon the ward in his hand. Boss-san then held out his black hand, taking it with his claw hidden beneath the puffy paw, and crushed the ward. It splendidly turned into pieces.
The ward only takes effect once it’s pasted on a building, hence before its pasted on, it’s just a mere crystal
 but to think that it can be easily crushed by mere claws..
The strength of a Demi really is to be feared.
While I was still astonished, Boss-san had already sat on the same seat as yesterday.
Today, his uniform looked ruffled. The shirt underneath his coat was all unbuttoned, and his jet black upper body can be see through it.
“Ughhh, stinky!” The one who said so and entered was the blue wolf, Chise-san. Followed by the white cheetah Ryuse-san and the green jackal Sena-san, and the 3 suppressed their noses while heading to the same seat as yesterday.
“Gaaaa~ Hungryyy~” Said Chise-san, sitting deep in the sofa. Sena-san sitting in front of Boss-san, faceplanted his face on the table. Ryuse-san was laying down on the sofa, and looking closer, his fur was dirty with patches of red.
How should I say this.. They look battered.. And reeks of iron and explosives.. I wonder if they just came back from a harsh fight.
Involuntarily looking at him, Boss-san then growled.
“–Oi” Boss-san’s eyes were looking behind me. Coming back to my senses and looking towards my back, I saw Macway-san’s hand on the doorknob.
“Damn you, you walking away without ordering anything?” (Boss-san)
How sharp of him to know that he(Macway) didn’t order. True that he came in like a customer but

While I was impressed by Boss-san, I then heard a wavering voice from Macway-san.
 t-t-then.. a.. a latte..”
I wonder where did that overconfidence of his from before went. His face turned horribly pale and he was shivering badly.
I swiftly prepared the Latte and poured it into a lidded cup. This is the cup used within the shop. Since I will be implementing a takeout menu, it would be better for me to prepare the vessels for the drink as well.
Handing over the warm latte to Macway-san, “t-thank you. The change..is..fine” and left a silver coin and went away.
“Heey, nee-chan! If you have bacon then I wanna dat in a steak style however you cook it! Sandwiches ain’t enough, I get hungry too quick!” Chise-san’s voice resonated within the shop, while he was sitting in the sofa with one of his leg up. I headed towards the table seat.
“Chise, use respect” Boss-san with his low toned voice, which made Chise shudder profusely*. Chise then slowly brought down his leg from the sofa and opened his mouth while shaking.
“T-t-ten.. tenchou
?” The grown adult wolf turned 180 degrees around into a scared puppy. I desperately try to hold back my laughter.
“I currently have bacon block in stock, would you like it to be served in steak style?”
Y-yes please”
Moving my gaze from Chise-san to Ryuse-san, he replied to me while licking his left hand.
“Theen, I’m having that bacon steak too” He’s like a cat grooming his fur.. Wait, not that..
“Umm, are you perhaps hurt?”
“It’s not my blood though”
.Should I bring over a towel?”
“Not needing it. It’s dried up already, I don’t wanna dirty your towel” Which almost made my imagine things, but let’s not. I’m more worried about Ryuse-san being dirty than the shop. Since his pure white fur is too beautiful.
“Heeey~ Nee-cha, I mean, Tenchou, please hurry up!” Chise-san who’s on his hunger limit, fluttering his tail around.
While thinking of how pleasant it is seeing him do that, I turned around towards the green jackal, Sena-san, to see that he has fell asleep. It seems he is really exhausted.
“Let him sleep. He’ll order later on” Since Boss-san said so, I left Sena-san sleep as he did.
Afterwards, Boss-san too ordered a bacon steak, and to bring over the same drinks as yesterday. Returning back to the kitchen, I suddenly realized something.
 Is garlic alright?”
“Hah?! We’re not monsters!!” Chise-san in an irritated voice while leaning his chin on the table.
In my previous world, garlic is not only used as an food ingredient, but also to ward off evil. And similarly in this world, it is used to ward off evil as well. That’s why it seems that Chise-san felt insulted but–
“Umm, that’s not what I meant. Since you disliked the smell of the cologne used by the previous customer, I thought of how the smell of garlic would bother you”
“I hate that, but garlic’s fine.”
“Understood, please forgive my rudeness”
After taking a bow, I headed to the counter before going back to the kitchen. Then, from the lower drawer, I took out a deodorizer pack since the smell of the cologne just now may have lingered and left it beside the sandglass.
Similar to yesterday, I served the drink first before preparing the steak. I then cut the bacon block and since the bacon block has already been salted, I held back in seasoning it with just slightly adding some pepper and rosemary.
Next, I sliced some garlic and fried it in a previously heated pan with olive oil. Slowly cooking it in low heat until the smell of the olive oil seeps out and place the bacon in. While paying attention to its doneness, I also prepared salads by the side. Here, I added the same amount (of vegetables) as in sandwiches.
And so, a simple bacon steak is completed.
Bringing it over to the table, “Wooo! Coool!” Chise-san while fiercely swaying his tail.
“Delissssh! Supp–er delisssh!!” Even when it did not take much effort, I was praised. Opening up his big mouth, the wolf smiling with his fangs out. His huge blue tail, jumping around on the chair. Involuntarily I moved my attention to his tail even when I know I shouldn’t stare hard on it, since it may be rude.

.But even so, seeing him so happy makes me very happy as well.
“Thank you very much! I’m glad it’s to your liking”
“I love beef more but. Gimme seconds!.. No, I mean, Please give me seconds, Tenchou!”
“Yes, understood”
I did not have beef blocks in stock so I unfortunately could not offer it. But I’m glad that the bacon steak is to his liking. It feels like I successfully baited a wolf with food.
“Aah, delisssh
 Sez always burns it everytime.” (Chise)
Sez-san, is he another Demi?
While wondering about the name Chise-san mentioned, I looked towards Ryuse-san.
“It’s been a while since I ate such yum meat” (Ryuse)
He also looked satisfied while bringing the steak to his mouth. Moving my gaze towards Boss-san, he is chewing down the steak. Our eyes met, and he slightly held up his plate.
Looks like he too wants seconds.
“Seconds? Understood”
Since Boss-san nodded, I headed back to the kitchen to cook some more steaks.
Bringing over the second plates of steaks, Chise-san had already finished his first plate and Boss-san too.
Ryuse-san who had finished eating since earlier was swaying his long tail around while peeking towards the sleeping Sena-san.
“Sena really has no stamina” (Chise)
Chise-san saying so, Ryuse-san replied with “at least better than Sez”. Ryuse-san then stretched his hand to lower the window shade.
“There really is too many of em this time. What, bandits?”
“Don’t knowww. A bunch of them still can’t match up to us, even though it’s meaningless”

.I knew it, these four are considerably strong.
Gradually Chise-san let out a splendid yawn.
“Can I nap a bit, Tenchou?” (Chise)
Yes, by all means”
Exhausted as they are, I think it’ll be better for them to sleep on their beds back at home. But Sena-san did not show any signs of waking up, Ryuse-san and Chise-san had already closed their eyes.
Coming back from the kitchen after cleaning up the utensils, Chise-san and Ryuse-san had already fell asleep.
Boss-san just rolled up his sleeve and licking his right hand. Slightly approaching them, I could sense that Sena-san was sleeping agonizingly.

.Since he was practically faceplanting on the table from just now, it was evident that he isn’t comfortable. At least laying on the sofa would have been better.
I then asked Boss-san in a soft voice.
“Can I lay him on the sofa?”
 I don’t mind”
Since I have permission, I gently held onto Sena-san’s shoulders and tried to slowly lay him down on the sofa.. But the next instant

Sena-san’s head leaned onto my left shoulder.
Whilst I almost let out a weird voice, but I withheld it with all my might. Sena-san’s ear twitched a bit, but he did not show signs of waking up. His fuwafuwa fur feels very good, and an urge to just hug him tightly right then rushed through me.
While I somehow held back from doing so, I laid him down on the sofa and with a heavy heart removed my hands.
Aaa, I wanted to touch the mofumofus even longer.
Casually moving my gaze to Boss-san, he was still licking his right hand. I wonder if he is perhaps hurt.
Kneeling beside Boss-san, I stared up towards him.
“Umm, may I treat your wound?” I asked with a soft voice.
After a while, Boss-san held out his right hand. I knew it, he really is hurt.
The black lion’s hand, covered in fur made it hard to discern where the wound is. But healing magic will probably do the trick. Wrapping my hands around his, I think about the magic formula in my mind.
One with magic powers and knowledge of the magic formula can use healing magic. However, it will not invoke if the image of the magic formula is vague, hence the need to concentrate.
Gradually my hand softly shines, and the weight of Boss-san’s hand can be felt through mine. This is the toll. The healing process is complete when the weight diminishes.
After concentrating for a while and sensing that the weight diminishes, I called out to Boss-san saying ‘It’s completed’.
Boss-san then looked intensely on his hand and *pomf* he left it directly on top of my head. After he lightly pat pat my head and stroked it, he laid down his back on the sofa and went to sleep.
I absentmindedly went back to the kitchen and sat down on a chair.
Patted by that mofumofu hand. I’m so happy!
Aah! Please come by everyday!
After an hour or so, the four of them woke up. Sena-san then ordered a sandwich and latte, while Chise-san ordered another plate of bacon steak in addition. What a big appetite he has.
“Thanks for the food! Tenchou!” The happy Chise-san is paying the bill today. He placed 3 gold coins on the table.
Although they did ordered a lot, but the amount paid to me is too much. Adding in from yesterdays, it’s really too much, so much that they could be eating free for a while here.
“Umm, this is too much!” I tried to return the gold coins, but Chise-san replied with a “See you again-!” and exited the shop, as well as the other 3.
With no other choice, I followed suit and sent them out. “Thank you very much! Umm, please come again tomorrow if you would like to!”
Chise-san waved back at me with a smile today.