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QTVW Chapter 10<b>The Future* President’s Fiancee (X)</b>
After the university graduation ceremony, An Mu Lan returned home and saw, at a glance, Ling Xihan sitting on the sofa with her eyes closed, and her face immediately brought a smile to her face.
She walked quickly to Ling Xihan’s side, then leaned down and kissed her gently on the cheek.
Seeing Ling Xihan open her eyes to look at her, with a bit of laughter in her eyes, An Mu Lan then sat down beside Ling Xihan, squeezing her long and slender fingers and fiddling with them.
With long, slender knuckles and fair skin, Ling Xihan’s fingers looked extraordinarily fragile, but over the past few years, An Mu Lan had been following Ling Xihan around, and she had seen with her own eyes that it was these soft hands that had beaten a strong man of over two metres to death with a single blow; she had also seen that it was these hands that had personally stripped the skin and bones of those who had betrayed her.
And more often than not, these hands gently caressed her long hair, her cheeks, and occasionally when emotions arose, Ling Xihan would stroke her body either lightly or heavily, but for some reason, Ling Xihan never took a step deeper. Even though sometimes An Mu Lan was so aroused by her that she was sweating profusely, and yet she would always stop at that final step.
These are hands that one loves to hate at the same time, An Mu Lan deflated and said,
“I’ve graduated from university.”
With that, she lifted that hand and placed it under her lips and kissed it, looking at Ling Xihan with a sly brow.
Over the years together, they have grown even closer and such intimate gestures happen on a daily basis. She said,
“How will you reward me?”
Ling Xihan narrowed her eyes slightly, she looked at An Mu Lan out of the corner of her eye and said leisurely,
“I have good news, and bad news for you, which one do you want to hear first?”
An Mu Lan tilted her head and said,
“What’s the matter, all that mystery? I want to hear the bad news first.”
“Ye Zixuan has returned, and with her is the current head of the Zhang family - Zhang Yao.”
An Mu Lan has searched for Ye Zixuan and Zhang Yao for a long time over the years and spent a lot of effort to find them, but now these two are popping up together, and Zhang Yao has even become the head of the Zhang family.
An Mu Lan wondered,
“How did the two of them get together? Bad news indeed, Zhang Yao is a rotten love of yours Xihan, I don’t care, anyway, you have to help me out with her.”
Seeing that An Mu Lan had become more and more rogue in the past two years, Ling Xihan laughed lightly and continued to say in a calm and steady manner,
“The good news, on the other hand, is that I have spread the word about the marriage and in another month we will be officially married.”
An Mu Lan’s eyes widened in surprise and she pounced on Ling Xihan like a bear, hugging her body and not letting go, and kept kissing and touching her.
Ling Xihan had long since become accustomed to such special expressions of joy from An Mu Lan.
She habitually put up with An Mu Lan’s hand movements, and when the time came, she saw that An Mu Lan did not restrain herself in the slightest and acted recklessly. She immediately reached out and squeezed An Mu Lan, then cupped her chin and gave her a deep, sweet kiss, causing An Mu Lan to quickly lose her guard and her arms and legs to go limp.
After the kiss, An Mu Lan drifted **** to the kitchen to cook, leaving the still calm Ling Xi Han sitting on the sofa to rest, these two days she had just solved a rival force, and officially stood firm in the political world, the result looked pleasing, but it took just as much energy, she had not had a good rest for a long time.
An Mu Lan took out the ingredients, settled down, and then handled them while thinking deeply about these two events just now.
After these three years together, she has pretty much solved the original owner’s revenge target, and all of the heroine’s other powerful harem has been solved and thrown into a mental hospital.
The four brothers of the An family, on the other hand, were deliberately left at the end of the list by An Mu Lan, who often gave them little tricks, so much so that several of them had a grimy life, and there were always messy things going on around them, leaving them with their hands full while losing face to the An family.
And Father An’s impression of them grew worse and worse. The An family, even raised their voices to abolish the An family’s elder brother’s right to succeed to the throne, a result that pleased An Mu Lan greatly.
Everything is going well, except for the two most crucial culprits - Ye Zixuan and Zhang Yao. She spent a lot of time and effort, but could not find either of them.
Rumors circulated that after the Li family dinner, the young master of the Zhang family had contracted a nasty disease and that it was Zhang Yao and Ye Zixuan who were to blame for it all.
Because of the power struggle within the Zhang family, some entertainment media have even reported that it was the Zhang young master’s sister and mistress who teamed up to set up the Zhang young master, so much so that the Zhang young master had no qualms about the public going after him as well.
There is a lot of information such as this, but it is largely without credibility, which has brought An Mu Lan’s revenge plan to a standstill.
And on this road to raiding Ling Xihan, they’ve got a good bond with each other, but it’s not the true love the system demands.
An Mu Lan is used to the presence of Ling Xihan, they are used to each other, trust each other, and are each other’s most important existence, but there is a layer of barrier between the two, something is missing, An Mu Lan thinks to herself, this needs an opportunity to turn the feelings that have accumulated over the years, into a quantum leap into the heart of a loving person.
An Mu Lan turned the spoon with one hand while secretly thinking: there was no rush, there was no time limit for the task, she had plenty of time to make it happen.
After dinner, the two of them lay on the sofa and watched the Today Report channel. The first report was about the unexpected death of the young master of the Zhang family and Zhang Yao’s sudden rise to power; then there were some alliances between families; and finally, there was the news of the impending marriage between the new political star and the president of the business world, Ling Xihan, and the young lady of the An family, An Mu Lan.
The two of them have been in and out of the house together over the years for outsiders to see. During their three years of unmarried cohabitation, their relationship has been very close and free of scandalous arguments. An Mu Lan has even become the right arm of the great president of Ling Xihan.
So, the commentary on the matter in the news was almost lopsided in the direction of good opinion.
Ling Xihan looked on quietly and suddenly spoke out,
“You be careful these days.”
An Mu Lan looked up at her and saw that her expression had become more serious, so she immediately nodded in response, thinking: even if she didn’t remind her, she knew it herself, because the first person Zhang Yao would deal with when she returned would be her.
After a moment of deep thought with her eyes downcast, An Mu Lan said,
“I want to go back to the An family for a visit in the next couple of days.”
Ling Xihan’s body stiffened and it took a long time before she nodded in agreement. An Mu Lan could see her discomfort and knew that she did not want to be separated from her, so she immediately and joyfully bear-pounced and kissed her again.
During the afternoon of the next day, An Mu Lan returned to the An family, and as soon as she entered, she sensed the strange atmosphere.
The butler came up with a serious face to greet her, and An Mu Lan looked at the visitor sitting on the sofa in the living room, a look of recognition flashed in her eyes.
She smiled kindly at the housekeeper, ordered a glass of milk, and automatically sat down next to Father An, smiling and saying,
“We’ve got a visitor in the house, and this young ladies looks very familiar.”
The visitors are no strangers, it is none other than Zhang Yao and Ye Zixuan who have disappeared for three years and returned in high profile.
These two women, looked much older than they did three years ago, Zhang Yao’s slim cheeks were full of mean and malicious expressions, while Ye Zixuan, who was sitting beside her, had a nervous look on her face, her eyes were averted when their gaze met, and the clothes on her body were inexpensive, but they just looked like they gave off a cheap and hysterical feeling.
It seems that they have not had a good time in the past three years, and their appearance looks almost as bad as the original owner’s in the mental hospital.
And across from them, sat four men, all with disgust and haggardness in their brows, the eldest two had aged a lot and looked like they were 34 or 35, while the third was all dishevelled, the fourth had a sharp, grumpy expression, and overall they all seemed to be doing rather badly.
Father An had a sullen face as he said in a slow tone,
“This is the current head of the Zhang family, Zhang Yao, and the one beside her is, I’m told, your elder brother’s wife.”
His voice had a certain malevolent intensity to it, and it was clear that he was very unhappy with the current situation. Over the years, Father An had aged a lot, his body was thin and frail, with the sickly look of a dying man, An Mu Lan knew exactly why his father was weakening, but she didn’t want to care much.
She said with a smile on her lips and a cheerful face,
“So it’s sister-in-law, I remember seeing you at the Li family banquet three years ago ah, you’re not the one ……”
Before she could finish her sentence, she was interrupted by the oldest, who said stiffly,
“Mu Lan, let’s not mention what happened so many years ago, no matter what, she is your sister-in-law, and that, will never change.”
Father An sniffed, his original expression of not caring disappeared, his expression gloomy as he asked,
“Mu Lan, you met this woman, three years ago?”
An Mu Lan immediately showed a difficult expression, looking at the oldest with a bit of fear and unease in her eyes.
Father An patted the back of her hand and repeated with kindness,
“Mu Lan, you met this woman, three years ago?”
An Mu Lan sat up straighter and lowered her head and whispered,
“Yes, father, at the Li family banquet three years ago, this young lady called Ye Zixuan, once pleaded with me to help her leave the An family because she said that brothers forced her, and at that time I thought that such a scandal would be bad for the An family if word got out, so I originally intended to help her out, but …… ”
She twisted and turned, and said with a bitter face,
“I somehow passed out then, and when I woke up again, I saw her on the news, and as to what it was, it’s not very easy to say.”
Father An narrowed his eyes from the moment he heard about the forcing, and instead of continuing to make things difficult for An Mu Lan, he got his housekeeper to search out the news from that year and read it line by line.
In the An family’s living room, the scene is terribly quiet, the sound of breathing is faintly audible, and the only movement is the mechanical sound of the electronic screen popping out of the window.
Father An skimmed slowly, reading out the words one by one,
“The young master of the Zhang family played a mix-up between men and women at a party, and according to reports, what happened was that the young master first slept with a guest and then felt unable to satisfy his desire/wants, thus seeking out ……”
He finished reading this sentence and moved on to the next screen, reading,
“The half/** son on the sofa is really pathetic, not as charming as the tough guy, Young Master Zhang has left the fluttering beauty out in the cold.”
His narrowed eyes were filled with a lurid gloom as he said,
“Eldest, your wife is such a woman?”
The oldest sat on the sofa and shifted his body uneasily, he looked at Ye Zixuan who had a terrified and mournful face, and then said aloud,
“That’s right, I love her, she’s innocent, Father, it must be An Mu Lan who is behind all this, she’s always been shady, yes, it’s her, it’s An Mu Lan who’s done all the damage we’ve suffered over the years.”
An Mu Lan’s heart was shocked, but her face was still unmoving, instead she said with teary eyes and aggression,
“Brother, you’re my own brother, why would I do that to you, we’re the closest people in the world, brother, you’re letting me down so much.”
With that, she whimpered and cried. Father An looked coldly at the eldest, as well as the second, third and fourth, who had an anxious look on their faces, the same expression on their faces, concerned about the woman across the room, Ye Zixuan, while disdainful of their own sister.
This is the kind of sons he has raised, so thin-skinned and childish, how gut-wrenching and heartbreaking to know how much trouble they have caused themselves over the years and yet never say sorry and grateful to their father, the one who cleaned up the mess.
He spoke in a heavy tone and asked,
“What about the opinions of some of you?”
He asked of the three remaining sons.
Echoing the words of the eldest, the second said calmly,
“Father, Zixuan is a good girl, there must be some misunderstanding between this.”
The third spoke hoarsely,
“Zixuan is a pure and beautiful woman and it is only when I am around her that I can feel happy and free, that I feel wanted and loved.”
An Mulan smiled and silently nodded in her heart, saying good, can’t you see that Father An’s face is turning blue? So many years of upbringing have brought up a white-eyed wolf, Father An, you’re so pathetic!
The fourth stood up in a fury and looked at An Mu Lan and said,
“Bitch, did you do this, you were the only one present, how could you be so vicious, father, look at the vicious daughter you have taught, I feel sick for you.”
An Mu Lan silently bowed her head and continued to nod in her heart, what a good point, what a self-seeking death, she had seen it.
An Mu Lan cried quietly, her face numb and pale with despair and pain. Seeing this scene, Father An closed his eyes deeply and said in a soft spitting voice,
“Housekeeper, make arrangements to call the An family members here tomorrow to pass the position of An family patriarch, to An Mu Lan, the An family’s young lady.”
He paused, ignoring the gasps of surprise from several of his sons, and continued,
“As for these little buggers, suspend them and let them cool off for a while.”
The housekeeper looked at An Mu Lan without moving his eyes and nodded silently in response,
“Yes, milord.”