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QTVW Chapter 9<b>Future* President’s Fiancee (IX)</b>
After washing and bathing in her room, An Mu Lan came to the door of Ling Xihan’s room with a pillow in her arms, then …… stood dumbfounded as her thoughts drifted.
Too many things had happened today. She fought with Ling Xihan and was mentally and physically exhausted; then she forced her intellect to boost, leaving a slight after-effect on her brain.
This left her brain in a state of confusion for most of the time after this.
It was only when she was in the bathroom shower just now, with the warm water wetting her whole body, that she realized what Ling Xihan had just said - that the two of them were going to sleep together tonight, in the same ***.
After what had happened today, she had temporarily lost the idea of going to leer and seduce Ling Xihan, instead, she already regarded Ling Xihan as an unfathomable villain, and the thought of being intimate with her made An Mu Lan a little timid.
But she also knew that the two were now in a fiancée relationship and that it was only human and reasonable for something to happen if they slept together.
An Mu Lan squatted, allowing the water to rinse off her body, then tried to calm down and analyse the character of Ling Xihan as a person.
She knows that Ling Xihan likes clean and well-behaved girls, but in the novel, there is no detail about whether Ling Xihan likes to do that with people.
However, looking at Ling Xihan’s indifferent expression, her facial expression and ascetic aura, An Mu Lan would not be able to associate that file with Ling Xihan.
With this in mind, An Mu Lan dropped her guard and moved quickly to put on her long nightgown and arrived at the door of Ling Xihan’s room.
However, An Mu Lan was still feeling emotionally awkward, even though she had reasonably understood this, her eyes were still wide open, staring at the innocent door in front of her, and her heart was torn as if a cat’s claws are scratching it.
She wandered** at the door for a long time, hesitating, before opening the door with a trembling hand and walking slowly inside.
The familiar room was **neat and tidy and empty, while the sound of rushing water was still coming from the direction of the bathroom, signalling the fact that the owner was taking a bath.
Good, An Mu Lan breathed a sigh of relief and put her mind at ease, then quickly jumped to the inside of the big bed and covered up.
And it was at this point that she realised that this **, was filled with the body odour belonging to another person, a very faint, yet unmistakable smell.
An Mu Lan sniffed out this condensed scent, she had also slept in this ** earlier, but at the time, her thoughts were too occupied with other things to notice this. And now that she had temporarily settled those trivial matters, her full attention returned, focusing on Ling Xihan as a person.
An Mu Lan was now somewhat torn. She vaguely remembered now that she had not been in love when she was alive. But despite this, and despite the fact that she was still in a state of emotional ignorance, she knew very well that she was more attracted to soft girls than hard boys.
This person, Ling Xihan, apart from her skewed outlook and skewed identity, is actually a very good woman.
She is mature and ascetic, with perfect looks, a great body, a top-notch career and a superb IQ ……
Thinking of this, An Mu Lan’s confused thoughts became even more confused, black lines appeared on her forehead, suddenly she realized that such a good object was placed in front of her eyes, placed in a **, not to eat for nothing ah!
But at the thought of the morning’s events, An Mu Lan wilted.
And as her thoughts wandered off, the bathroom door opened and Ling Xihan, dressed in a thin black bathrobe, stepped out. Long, slightly curly hair draped over the side of her shoulders, somewhat damp and plastered to her cheeks, Ling Xihan, who had been bathed in hot water in the bathroom, had an extremely unfamiliar flush on her cheeks that looked extremely inviting.
An Mu Lan pinched her nose and looked at the curvaceous Ling Xihan walking over, she knew that Ling Xihan was not wearing any underwear at this moment, because on the black bathrobe, the two distinct points jumped out on her chest, An Mu Lan pulled up the thin blanket and silently covered her eyes, her heart silently thought: Lust, is, emptiness, and, emptiness is, lust.
Ling Xihan walked over to the bed, turned off the sound-controlled light, then lay down, forcefully grabbed An Mu Lan, who had shrunk into a ball into her arms, and said slowly and deliberately,
“Go to sleep, it’s still too early.”
Then she closed her eyes.
After half an hour of trepidation, An Mu Lan was relieved to get this result. She could not help but spit on her own impure thoughts earlier and whispered “good night” to Ling Xihan before stretching her body, rubbing against the soft body beside her and falling asleep as well.
Early the next morning, after the two of them got up and ate their meals in succession, An Mu Lan dressed up and followed behind Ling Xihan to her company.
As the president of a company, and a new and fast-growing one at that, Ling Xihan has a very heavy workload.
Because she herself is a very controlling person who doesn’t trust anyone, she is the only one who has a say in the big decisions of the company, which directly leads to the fact that, every day, her working papers are as thick as three Xinhua dictionaries stacked on top of each other.
An Mu Lan was initially sitting on the sidelines, quietly looking at the professional books given to her by Ling Xihan.
After a week of studying, Ling Xihan handed over some minor documents to her to review and take care of, and all decisions were made by An Mu Lan.
At the very beginning, when An Mu Lan saw the high seven-figure transaction amount on the document, her heart would always tremble with fear, always afraid that she would make the wrong decision and bring losses to Ling Xihan’s company.
But Ling Xihan only glanced at her lightly and said,
“It’s okay, these are for you to practice with, and if there are losses, I’ll sort it out.”
After hearing these words, An Mu Lan’s heart stirred. She calmed down the small-citizen emotions deep inside her and began to calmly set about making a decision-making plan.
After half a month of practice, she got very pleasing results, and as Ling Xihan said, she took care of the problem of An Mu Lan’s mistakes at work, which made An Mu Lan completely free from worries.
The morning was spent in the midst of Ling Xihan and An Mu Lan, reviewing documents together.
By the time noon rolled around, An Mu Lan would bring out the lunchboxes that had been prepared long ago and the two would go to the president’s lounge to eat in company, and after eating, they would take a lunch break in the quiet surroundings.
Whenever it comes to this time of year, it is difficult for Ling Xihan to fall asleep quickly.
From the time An Mu Lan and Ling Xihan slept together at night**, An Mu Lan slowly discovered that Ling Xihan was someone who had a hard time going to sleep, somewhat similar to insomnia. She would not really fall asleep until very late every night.
At first, when An Mu Lan woke up in the middle of the night to drink water, she saw Ling Xihan’s eyes open and the look in her eyes was clear, she thought it was because of Ling Xihan’s light sleep, but after spending more time together, she realised that it was because of Ling Xihan’s insomnia and the fact that she could not easily fall asleep.
And when it came to lunchtime, Ling Xihan was resting with her eyes closed rather than napping.
An Mu Lan had thought of many ways to cure her insomnia, she used food therapy, massage methods, mechanical methods and so on, but she just couldn’t cure this problem of Ling Xihan.
Over time, she got used to it. And when it came to the three-hour lunch break at noon, An Mu Lan would spend half an hour after eating asking Ling Xihan some doubts and questions about her work, and then the remaining hour would be spent gently massaging Ling Xihan’s forehead, telling her some little jokes or news, and the two of them would talk about these topics.
And in between this exchange, An Mu Lan discovered that Ling Xihan herself was actually a very intelligent and knowledgeable person with a very philosophical mind.
She knows a lot, whether it is the popular technology and machinery industry, or the cold knowledge of history appreciation, Ling Xihan can say a thing or two, and is not superficial, she will always say some very philosophical and profound comments in these areas, so that An Mu Lan sighs in amazement and admiration.
After a leisurely lunch break for the two of them, An Mu Lan would go down to the physical exercise room in the basement, alone, to work on the physical side of things.
Ling Xihan had arranged for a very fit woman to come and give her lessons.
The original owner, An Mu Lan, had never been exposed to relevant physical training before. So her body was fragile and her endurance was poor. Basically, most of her physical fitness test results were below the average standard of the future world, so after an all-round test, the coach developed a training plan based on the test results, taught her physical endurance training and started to teach her fighting skills once her body reached the primary standard of the future world.
Time passed unhurriedly in this way, and the tacit understanding and affection between An Mu Lan and Ling Xihan deepened a lot.
Two months later, An Mu Lan received a video email for the first time when she was taking a break from dinner with Ling Xihan.
She opened the viewing button and after watching the video, she realised that she would be starting school in a couple of days.
Her schedule was so full these days, brushing up on Ling Xihan’s goodwill and working on her personal skills, that she rarely had time to think about anything else, and without this email, she would have forgotten that she was still a college student.
Beside her, Ling Xihan, who had naturally seen the video, turned her head and looked at the paper in her hands without looking away, but said under her breath,
“What year are you in college?”
An Mu Lan answered honestly,
“It’s time for my sophomore year, um, I’m studying business management,”
An Mu Lan took the initiative to add a reply.
Ling Xihan looked up at her and said,
“Then get ready, you will take classes and you will need a resounding diploma.”
An Mu Lan had always been obedient to Ling Xihan, so when she heard this, she immediately nodded “yes” and received a smile and a kiss from Ling Xihan.
With a smile on her face, An Mu Lan climbed on top of Ling Xihan and kissed her heavily on the lips as well.
After two months together, they are slowly getting used to each other’s presence and occasionally exchange a casual kiss.
Ling Xihan never went deeper than kissing her, but An Mu Lan was very happy with the current situation.
She has grown somewhat fond of this woman with a cold exterior and a cleavage in her chest, and she releases her joy every day, knowing that raiding the villain is going to be a long process, that relationships take time to build up, and she has no shortage of time, she just needs to take it slowly, one step at a time. Because the villain she’s raiding is a sensible, wise and ruthless person who doesn’t give her heart easily.
An Mu Lan packed everything up the next day and then threw herself into university life.
But not much has changed in her daily life. She usually goes to school when she has classes, and when she doesn’t, she goes to Ling Xihan’s company to do her share of work or to do physical training.
Her life now proceeds in three places, school, villa and company.
She occasionally returns to the An family to see her father and four brothers.
After the news about the young master of the Zhang family, the four brothers already knew that the woman who was half, **body at the scene, was Ye Zixuan, and she also disappeared without a trace after that.
An Mu Lan looked on coldly and found that all four brothers were, to varying degrees, showing sadness and disillusionment, and they had mobilised their forces to find Ye Zixuan, but no substantial progress had ever been made.
The plot reaches a striking similarity at this point in time. The novel is also written in a storyline where the heroine is preyed upon by the forces of the underworld and then viciously toyed with because she was let go by the original owner. And now without her ‘kind help’, it’s still back to the drama of this. What is different is that this time, instead of waiting around, she chose to strike in the dark.
She returns home to collect relevant things about her four brothers and then exploits them, to trip them up a little, so that Father An, the actual head of the An family, will slowly become disgusted with them, in order to prepare for future revenge.
She had not forgotten, either, those who had harmed the original owner. She lurks in the shadows, nimbly using all kinds of information to engineer a fatal blow to them, just as she did at the Li family banquet.
And so, time rushed by, and three years of university career soon came to an end.
After returning home on the day after graduating from university, An Mu Lan learns from Ling Xihan that there is good news and bad news.