Raw Provider: Tsalispark
Translator: Rhyme_Bean
Editor: SilverAndGold
A cozy outing of Earl Gordon and his daughter, an exclusive capture!
An article was published in Pisca Weekly magazine. There was not a single person who was not stimulated by this article about the illegitimate child and the article had quite a big momentum. Mainly because of the manly Earl Gordon and the beautiful little Claire.
Maybe because of the blood she inherited, she is quite pretty….
As the dirt from the discarded and locked up niece was washed away, she looked pretty. Sometimes, when he went to her in a drunken state, he only felt her as thin as a toothpick and not even worth a look. But now reevaluating those things, he felt a bit, a little bit, sorry. If she were his real daughter, then she would have been a pearl on the palm of his hands… it should have been that way.
It had been two weeks since Claire returned to the Earl mansion. Her cheeks became more chubby and her hair more strong. Though she was subjected to the displeasure of the countess, there was no expression of it.
He smiled slightly, happily seeing Claire play with Beth outside the window. When he saw her beauty, he felt that it was no loss to raise her and marry her into nobility.
He thought, if he was to raise her locked up, then her value might not have been high. His eyes travelled towards Beth.
A maid with good brains.
Beth went to him, the day before to request for two things.
To provide Beth with beautiful dresses and her own personal guards.
Right now the news about the Earl family must have already reached His Majesty’s ears. He might even dispatch someone to the mansion. To profit from this, it‘ll be good to arrange a party.
Yes, through this, the news of Miss’ improved health can be spread. This can directly dissuade the ludicrous statements that have been spread. When inviting a party designer, it will be better to look for a light lipped person.  A light lipped person can be assigned the arrangements of party dresses whereas a tight lipped person can be assigned to make casual wears.
After a while, a famous Designer from April Workshop and an obscure designer would arrive. When the light lipped designer was chosen, Beth was the one to put forward a recommendation for the tight lipped obscure designer- a woman.
It will not be much to hire this person. With all due respect, for a pseudo Miss, an expensive dress is not needed.
He quite liked those words. Because it showed what sort of person Beth was. To specify it, he thought that he comprehended her with those words.
Beth already knew that the Elder Master stared at her. She also knew about his satisfied look whenever he saw Claire and his conceited looks towards her as if he completely figured out Beth.
“ Beth, Beth look there! The flower is beautiful.”
“Yes~ I can see it.”
Claire snapped a bunch of them for Beth. In Beth’s eyes, Claire was more beautiful than any of those beautiful flowers. She was very happy and thought about Claire being able to enjoy the outside world even before the time depicted in the original work.
“Miss Claire, the guest will arrive in a moment.”
The Butler called out towards Claire who had been enjoying her walk with Beth. Claire stretched out her hands and held onto Beth tightly and looked up at her. The meaning was clear, that she wanted to go in with Beth. With a slight smile she directly hugged her.
Very light.
She ate a lot more in these two weeks but she still needed to eat more.
“Will you lead us towards the guest room? I will move the Miss.”
The guest room was arranged with a long sofa and a short sofa. Refreshments for the guests were also in place. But as the guests were someone who came to prepare dresses for them, they wouldn’t dare to eat any of those refreshments. Beth settled the Miss on the long sofa and stood beside her.
“Beth won’t sit?”
Claire looked back at her.
“I am a maid, I have to stand as I am in my working hours.” Beth said lightheartedly.
When she heard this, Claire turned back with a lost expression.
With an announcement about the arrival of guests, the door opened.
“Hello~!This is Second-in Designer of April Workshop, Cheryl~.”
She was a lady with a friendly and bright personality. She wore a very brilliant dress. Beth looked towards that lady with a blank expression.
Actually, she didn’t care whether she was a second-in or a top designer. What really mattered was whether her mouth was tight or loose.
“Phew, was I late? I had a delivery in an aristocratic family which was reserved for some time~ that person is one of our regular customers~ this time her hip was increased by two inches~ but she was adamant saying that her size was always the same~ how can a person increase one’s hip size all of a sudden? Mrs. Pity… she always acts like this.”
Her mouth seemed to be as light as a feather.
Looking at the woman disclosing all her customers’ secrets to the Miss and her maid, Beth felt that her credibility was really an eye opener.
She really is light lipped.
Cheryl looked towards Claire who was going to be her customer.
“OH MY OH MY! Isn’t it this the famous Miss who appeared in Pisca weekly magazine~?”
“Pisca weekly magazine?”
“It seems that the rumors praising Miss’s beauty were true.”
When she realized that Cheryl had deliberately avoided the term ‘Illegitimate Child’, Beth showed a soft smile.
“The press is just like that. Our Miss is so pretty and that’s why such a rumor is spreading around. Her beauty is really a rare one which can make everyone on the street glance at her,” Beth said to Cheryl as if Claire had never been an illegitimate child.
“That’s right~ In my case too? I am so wronged. People say that I am light lipped~ These types of talks behind one’s back become rumors? It seems like the destiny of talented people is to become lonely.”
No, It’s not a rumor, rather a fact…
Beth just looked at Cheryl with her usual dull expression.
“Actually it’s a secret, Miss Cheryl.”
“Just call me Cheryl~.”
“Yes, Cheryl…”
Beth deliberately made a sorrowful expression and moved closer to Cheryl. In a low voice she whispered. “In truth, our miss is pale because her body is not good… For many years she couldn’t appear in front of others. Since birth, she has been very weak, some people even said our Miss woudn’t live long. You know how the aristocrats with weak bodies are treated.”
“I know, I know.”
“That’s why our Miss and Elder Master got into the whirlpool of scandal, if not for it, she should have lived a carefully hidden life. Who on earth, such a damned person could accuse Miss as an illegitimate child?…. Really, I was so shocked. Our Elder Master is a person with a clear integrity and clean conscience. He is also very good to our gold like Madam…”
Beth didn’t even bat an eye when she talked about the ‘damned person’.
“When the news about the illegitimate child was released, all the maids working at the Gordon Mansion were thoroughly checked. No one knows how much our Elder master sacrificed and suffered for our Miss. Even a week wouldn’t be enough time to describe how much the Earl Master dotes on our Miss… He is even throwing a party to celebrate since Miss’s body is getting better! Hearing such ludicrous news, our miss even became sick again. Phew… At that time the elder Master was so angry, even thinking about it…..”
Beth realized that she was really good at lying and brilliant in making up stories –  more than she had expected.
“So please don’t even say ‘ill’ of an illegitimate child in front of our Miss… such a bad world where nothing can stay hidden from a young person. Yes…?”
Beth wiped the non-existent tears that she had squeezed out with her handkerchief. To her regret, the handkerchief wasn’t even damp. But still, with her crocodile tears and acting, Cheryl had already wiped her eyes.
Rich in sensitivity.
Beth’s emotions were dried up except for Claire. So she silently watched Cheryl who became very emotional – more than she had previously thought.
Claire was unaware about the conversation of the two adults in front of her. She keenly watched their actions as she twirled her fingers in both hands. Cheryl looked towards Claire as she suppressed her cries.
“Don’t worry, Young Miss. I will glam up Miss to become the most beautiful person before all!”
“Th….Thank you….”
“Whoever sees you, their eyes will for sure follow you!”
Before she heard Beth’s explanation, Claire was just an honorable, but blindingly beautiful conversational subject. But after she heard such a heart-wrenching story, which couldn’t be listened to without tearing up, Cheryl’s brain started to create beautiful and rich designs.
“This second-in designer Cheryl, promises to pull out the most beautiful design for you!”
“What about the samples you brought?”
Beth said as she looked towards the dresses which were shoved towards the gasping assistants behind Cheryl.
She didn’t know their identities but their blackened eyes clearly showed how much they suffered.
“These dresses are already out! We need to make a new dress! Something that no one has worn before…! That kind of lovely dress!”
“Do you have any sort of questions?”
“No, nothing.”
When Cheryl said that all the samples were out, the uncertainty of the assistants standing behind her faded. That is the life of someone having a boss. If their boss was a noisy person, then they wouldn’t have peace of mind throughout the journey. Beth expressed her condolences towards their silent lives.
“Young Miss’s eyes! Eyes like opal are said to be inspirational to the artists all over! Ah ha~ I need to ignite my artistic soul, I will be leaving then~”
Cheryl, who talked in a high tone and friendly manner and made gestures like a theatrical actress, left the room just like that. The assistants with their trembling bodies collected the dresses that they just took out and their facial muscles shook as if they were suppressing their anger.
“Just a moment, Cheryl.” Beth couldn’t do anything for them, so she went out to follow Cheryl.
“What is the matter?”
Beth acted like she hesitated while looking back and opened her mouth.
“The thing I told you earlier….. please keep it as a secret. If the outside world came to know about our Miss’s weak constitution, it might even affect her marriage….”
“That is for sure! Just trust me!”
Beth trusted Cheryl with all her strength that she was capable of spreading this specific rumor towards every corner.
“Oh~hohoho~ I will come to find you soon~” The assistants with trembling legs, followed Cheryl, who walked out of the corridor with elegant steps.
Be strong… my dear people….
Beth saw them off with a small gesture.
Claire who appeared beside Beth at some time, held on the hem of her skirt and slightly tilted her head upwards.
“Everything ended so quickly?”
How was she to explain all of this? Beth also tilted her head just like the way Claire did and said, “The next meeting will take a long time.”
“Is that so?”
“It is so.”
The designer they were going to meet next was much silent compared to the designer they had just met.
When the flamboyant and extravagant carriage left the Earl mansion, a simple black colored carriage entered. When they saw that carriage enter the mansion, some employees who were lazing around became flustered – only the Butler who took care of Earl for a long time, tarried beside the door as he waited for the one inside to come out.
A pale face contrasted her black hair and black eyes. Maybe because of lack of sleep for days she was pale as paper and very skinny. She exited holding a big bag, making the audience question how someone like her could carry such a huge bag.
There were a total of two designers appointed to visit that day. Thinking that she might be the other person, the butler inquired for her name.
“Dana… Dana Brian.”
She was the obscure designer. She worked in a very small workshop but made dresses that were new in style.
Beth was in need of such a person.
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Though Dana Brian was a designer without great fame at the moment, after eight years, she would be a person who would make the most beautiful dresses in the world and would go on to make a dress for Cecil too.
I can’t let that happen.
Beth raised her lips revealing a slight smile.
She had to be much more than just a dress designer.
Dana must be completely molded for Claire.