Raw Provider: Tsalispark
Translator: Rhyme
Editor: SilverAndGold
Beth promised Claire that she would come back for sure yet Claire felt anxious.  She had lived alone for many years – alone without any laughter or happiness. But after she spent only a month with Beth, she began to feel lonely again.  Once she tasted the sweetness of Beth’s company, she felt terribly lonely. She reminisced about their days together.
Without any prior notice, the food that she was served completely changed from the usual. Before, she was provided with black bread or watery porridge with some veggie pieces. But now her diet changed to white bread or meat cut into bite size pieces – even fresh salad was served.
At first, when she was served with such extravagant food, she thought it was a mistake and acted as if she didn’t see it, but the brusque maids informed her that the food was really meant for Claire.
As if these anomalies were not enough, out of the blue one day, someone from the main house came to notify her that the Earl wish to see her. Instantly she was dragged into a bathtub which was then filled with such a high amount of perfume oil that her head started to hurt because of the smell. Unlike the gentle wipes provided by Beth, she was thoroughly washed – albeit a bit roughly.
She wore a beautiful, expensive dress for the first time.  She had never, in her short life, worn something that was so fluffy. Unlike the narrow space she lived in before, she was welcomed into the mansion-like place where there was no corner that wasn’t filled with expensive articles.
Claire’s eyes were wide open.
The maids announced to her that the whole top floor was fully reserved for her and the room hidden by that large door would be her bedroom.
She carefully opened that door –
The Beth she hadn’t seen for days was standing at the windowsill.
Even with a back view, Claire was sure about the identity of the person in front of her. She felt as if they hadn’t met for years. As she clenched onto her wobbly heart, Claire watched Beth with a piercing gaze.
Beth turned around.
“Glad to make your acquaintance, Miss.”
The words that came out of her mouth were something Claire had never expected. As if she had met a stranger, Beth’s eyes were devoid of any emotion. She debated  whether Beth forgot about her or the person before her was not Beth. Beth introduced herself to Claire.
“My name is Beth, who from now on will be serving Miss.”
After her introduction, she looked towards the maids behind Claire.
“I will introduce the remaining to Miss. You guys can go back. “
After they heard Beth’s words, the maids politely saluted towards Claire and left the room. As the sound of footsteps completely disappeared, Beth’s blank expression disappeared into a beautiful smile towards Claire.
“Miss, have you been doing well?”
“Yes, it’s me!.”
With an affectionate smile she knelt down and spread out her hands.  Step by step Claire ran into those outstretched arms.
“Now the whole top floor is yours. I have prepared it for you. “
“Yes, I talked with the Elder Master. From now on, you will be able to walk down a flowery path without obstacles. “
Flowery Path
–  Claire felt good when she heard it. But she had always wished for Beth to be by her side when that happened. Because without Beth, even the most beautiful flowery paths would only be lonely roads for her.
“You will be there to accompany me?”
Claire turned her head with a concerned face towards Beth.
“That’s for sure, Miss.”
With a reassuring smile, she gently patted Claire’s head.
“Miss, whatever happens, you must trust me.”
Beth was confident that she could save Claire from any dangerous situation since there were no big changes to the story line. Almost all of the villain characters of the novel were foolish and compared to them, Beth was much more intelligent.
“If I am alive, then I promise I will always come to save you.”
Though she was neither a magician nor a swordsman, she was someone who knew all the scenes of the novel. So all will be good.
Beth placed Claire onto the bed and settled her into it. Though Claire was the owner of that fancy room, she darted her nervous eyes around, like a stranger.
Beth gently petted such a small miss.
“Ah, did my father really say that I can take this room?”
“Yes, he did.”
It was difficult to disclose the truth, that the Earl couple would always hate her and will be disgusted with her. And if Beth never came into her life, Claire’s life was destined to be made difficult by the Earl couple and the maids.
Claire, you are now being used by your own dear uncle. He stole all your rights.
“The Elder Master is very regretful about his actions towards you till now. He will even act the same as when you met him now. It’s just that due to this long time, he is awkward.”
It was hard to lie with open eyes. Whether Claire noticed or not, Beth’s cheeks flushed with shame.
Beth felt her conscience hurt for the first time. Would lying to her be a good choice – what would happen when Claire finds out the truth? Then she will kill the one who disclosed the truth. When she thought all these in the future, she could only see bleakness.
Claire just watched Beth whose cheeks were dyed red.
“Be….Beth what shell we do?”
“Do you have any worries?”
Like she was about to say something big, Claire curled up her toes and said to Beth.
“I… I wanted to give you something. But I left it where I used to live…. When the maids told me to follow, I couldn’t take it with me….”
Claire always knew that Beth helped her without the knowledge of others. So she understood that, if any of the things brought by Beth were found by other maids, then Beth would be in great trouble.
“Then, shall I go to search for it?”
“Can, can you?”
“Where did you hide it?”
“Mm, below the first shelf on the right.”
Beth saluted and left Claire after saying that she would return soon. Beth could find the route to the tower even with her eyes closed. As she thought that now she wouldn’t need to go there anymore, Beth felt a little lost.
Those moments could be considered a part of my memories in this journey.
Now she knew that Claire wouldn’t be living in this place, her heart didn’t beat fast as she climbed the steps. She did not need to worry if Claire was cold on chilly days. She also didn’t need to worry about her getting soaked from the rain or catching a fever – even about her sleep. Will she be scared of the dark nights, bored in the long days? Beth now didn’t need to worry about any of these factors.
A rough sound was heard as she opened the door.
“Under the shelf……. Under the shelf…..”
What was it that Claire wanted to give to me?
Would it be a letter written by the paper and pencils she bought for her before, was Miss so brilliant that she could even write a letter?
With this train of thoughts, she inserted her hands under the shelf and searched for the gift.
The thing she felt with her hands was not any paper rather a small and cold thing.
It was the candy tin that Beth gave to Claire.
Only one piece of candy remained in it.
Claire said that she wanted to give something to Beth and Beth understood what this meant.
The short period of time when Beth had left Claire, the child must have been frightened from the quietness. Claire only felt affection towards Beth. And because of it, she felt nervous about being abandoned by Beth.
The last piece of candy was left for Beth. She missed Beth so much that she left that one candy to give it to Beth when she returned.
She placed the one remaining piece into her mouth.
The sweet and sour taste of candy made her dizzy. In truth, Beth didn’t like sweets. Though she ate pie and cookies, the blatant sweetness of candies always made her frown.
But at the moment, she slowly rolled and melted the candy in her mouth. She didn’t even have a bad expression as she felt the affection of Claire from the candy.
She slowly opened her eyes.
If she had money or status, it would have been easier for her to help Claire. But for now, all she could do was to give Claire her little gifts and cheer up her mood.
One of the only things that she could do in the light was just to buy those cheap candies for her.  If truth be told, the reason why she decided to help Claire was because she felt shocked when she saw the little child being abused.
Beth didn’t care whether Claire became a Villainess or someone else. She wanted to make Claire’s childhood days more meaningful and help her regain her rights.
Beth let out a small gasp. Her mouth filled with sweetness.
Beth felt that the road to happiness for Claire was too long for someone who didn’t even know the reason why Beth decided to stay with her.
She thought of leaving this place after some years. She would make her point clear to Claire that she would leave once and for all when Claire could wield the power in Earl mansion.
Beth’s reasoning was that, at that time there would be no need for Beth to be beside Claire. And how the rest of the story played out – it would be none of her business. But now she felt all such thoughts disappear, like an eye of heaven.
“Beth! Did you find it?”
Beth who returned with a heavy heart was welcomed with an expression that was full of expectations and worry on Claire.
Beth raised her head with her usual expression.
“Yes. The candy miss left for me. It was very tasty.”
“Haha, since it was tasty, I thought you might also like to have a taste.”
Claire who came close and snuggled in her arms –  Beth felt a heavy feeling in her heart again.
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If I didn’t decide to change the story flow, I would’ve known about what will happen in the near future.
At least she knew when certain plot points would happen. In order to make Claire live a happy life, it would not be a problem for Beth, a character who never appeared in the story to stay beside Claire.
Beth petted Claire’s hair with care.
“It really was very tasty.”
Beth began to wish for Claire to be the heroine.