Chapter 8
The Monster Lord cleared away the .
Then, he opened the desk drawer and took out an enormous box. When he opened the lid, there were a few sheets of paper.
He took out the cleanest and most recent paper, spread it on his desk, and started writing. The ink on the quill pen began to write.
Leticia couldn’t resist her curiosity and asked.
“What are you writing?”
“I’m just leaving a pledge of what I said, all the great pledges of the Lord go by the law to do so.”
He then wrote something in a serious manner and then let go of the quill. He picked up a small jar that had a handle and poured some stuff in it.
Hot wax poured down.
He stamped the seal of Lord Halstead on it before the wax hardened.
It was a dragon figure with four wings spread out.
The whole process looked very interesting and fascinating.
Leticia unwittingly picked her head and looked in. The name next to the nice seal took her interest.
That was the Monster Lord’s name.
‘Erden, Erden…’
Leticia quickly memorized the name.
Meanwhile, the ink dried up, and Erden gave the paper to Leticia.
“First of all, we’re going to forge a contract and solve the curse, and later we have to get divorced at that time you can live alone. That’s all, right?”
Leticia nodded quickly.
In fact, the Lord’s dignified declaration is enough. But it was even more wonderful that it is written on a paper.
Leticia always liked to read things.
If she keeps a document like this, she can read it whenever she wants. She feels reassured when she does it each time.
“Thank you very much.”
Leticia rolled the finished certificate and held it in her hands. And, she thanked him with proper courtesy while holding her skirt.
“Thank you for your generosity, my Lord.”
Erden cringed a little. He felt strange and embarrassed due to Leticia’s courtesy.
“I think it’s time for you to sleep.”
That meant she may go out now.
“Very well, then I’ll be going.”
Leticia went straight out of the hall. Struggling with her memory, she headed to her own temporary bed chamber.
“Not that way!”
Erden ran right out. I guess it’s not here.
“Do you want to get lost again? If you cry, they’ll think I made you cry. Ah… This is very troublesome.”
He took the lead instead.
It seems like he knew the way to Leticia’s temporary room. He guided her there without any difficulty.
The corridors at night were really scary. She was walking alone in this hallway a while ago, and her legs almost gave out.
But, it didn’t feel so creepy now.
She didn’t fear anything that could appear in the dark corners, because the Young Monster Lord was stronger.
Leticia walked cautiously while thinking.
After a while, the small bedroom that the maids had given her was within reach.
After a long time wandering around, she managed to get back.
She felt relieved when she saw the bed. It was like coming back from a long adventure.
That’s right, there were so many things that happened today. The 12-year-old kid was given a grand adventure.
‘Anyway, I’ll just finish it all like a Lady.’
Leticia bent her knees, while holding the hem of her skirt with both hands.
“Then I owe you a lot, my Lord.”
Her greetings looked perfect.
But, there was still one more problem.
The bed looked too high for her to go up alone.
North Koreans grew faster and bigger than South Koreans and South Americans. So, the bed was very large and made it look soothing. Moreover, it was even more troublesome that there were mountains of blankets on top of it.
This was the work of the maids.
They thought that Leticia was like a princess, and the princess would say that she felt uncomfortable even if there was a bean under her bed.
So, the maids piled up clean blankets. The head maid was only worried about the softness, and she overlooked the fact that the bed was too out of reach.
‘It’s alright. It’s alright.’
Leticia calmly tried to reach it.
‘It’s all good once I jump up and get on to it.’
She put the certificate she just received down the bed. She put her hands on the bed, then bent her knees, and jumped.
Sadly she failed.
The bed was even higher than a pile of snow. The lack of strength in her legs made it look fine.
Stars flashed before her.
Embarrassment came before the pain. Leticia jumped up like a roly-poly.
“Does it help you sleep if you climb the bed that way?”
Erden was obviously embarrassed.
“Oh, yes. The north is desolate, so it’s best if you have high body temperature.”
He pretends not to see Leticia fall, even though it was awkward, he talks back.
It was a thankful concern.
Leticia gave up getting on the bed.
Instead, she chose the next best option, which was to climb onto the desk and jump into the bed. But, as soon as she stepped on the chair, the bottom wobbled and tilted.
Erden couldn’t pretend that he didn’t see. He caught the chair with lightning speed.
“Stop! Stop!”
He spoke in a startled tone.
“As expected, your uncle and aunt didn’t teach you how to jump, right? But you can’t just sleep on the floor, so we’ll have to do something about it.”
Erden took a footstep and put it on the bed, but that wasn’t enough either.
“Wait a minute.”
He went out and came back soon. He had a wooden board and tools in his hands.
‘Are you trying to make it yourself?’
Leticia was surprised.
There was a fresh feeling at Erden’s rattling figure.
How much difference do you have from that horrible first impression?
It felt very strange to imagine the face of a monster beyond the mask since he is so focused on building a foothold.
The Monster is scary.
But, as she thought, she should get used to it.
But how?
‘Why don’t we just keep talking?’
Leticia thought and started speaking.
He was startled.
Leticia was more surprised by his reaction.
‘Did I do something wrong?’
Erden said quickly.
“Sorry, until now no one has ever called my name. Not even my parents…”
“Oh, I see. I have something to ask you, but I don’t know how to call you.”
“Do as you wish, just say it comfortably. What do you want to ask?”
“Isn’t it uncomfortable to live like that?”
“This is not a normal mask, there’s magic in it. I’ve never felt uncomfortable because of it.”
“Anyway, it’s done.”
The foothold has been completed. Erden stuck it close to the bed.
“If you still use the method you used earlier to climb the bed, something wrong might happen and you might not be able to sleep on your bed. That is why you can use this from now on.”
“Thank you.”
Leticia greeted him politely and stepped on the foothold.
It was very stable, she could go up to the bed without falling.
She unfolded the certificate she had put on the bed. She hasn’t even read it yet.
[The person who holds this certificate is the Lady of Halstead and my wife.
She can stay in Halstead Castle as much as she wants. So much so, she can leave Halstead as much as she wants. This is my will, so don’t stand in my way.
-Lord Erden Astar Lohine el Halstead.]
It was written with cursive letters.
Leticia read the certificate again and again until the candle burned out.
Soon the candle burned out.
“Ah, I really need to sleep now.”
Leticia laid in bed.
After reading it so many times, the contents of the certificate were even visible in her mind and on the dark ceiling.
She blinked her eyes and began to ponder.
‘As I thought, the spelling was off.’
It’s not supposed to be ‘[get on a horse]’* instead it should be ‘[to tell oneself]*. There seemed to be still a slight loophole in his writing ability.
He is quite different from the first impression he gave me.
Leticia suddenly thought.
‘What kind of monster is he?’
In the dark, all the expressions that would exist beyond the mask came to her mind. It might be insensitive, but on the other hand, it stimulated her curiosity.
‘What color are his eyes? What color is his skin?’
Leticia blinked and imagined.
She then slowly fell asleep.
At that moment, Gerick, the castle’s guard, approached the patrol and found the Lord. He approached him quickly with astonishment.
“What can I do for you?”
“Oh, nothing.”
Erden replied.
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However, he suddenly heard a strange sound from nearby.
Gerick was in doubt of what he heard.
‘Did he just laugh?’
He stared at the Lord’s back, which was disappearing further with astonishment in his eyes.