Chapter 9
The blanket had covered her from head to toe.
Leticia wiggled under the quilt.
Then she opened her eyes.
A strange mudstone wall was seen, it was the first tapestry she saw that was hanged.
She panicked for a moment.
Where am I?
When she rose up, a bell rustled beside her. She reached out and picked it up.
The memory of what happened last night came back to her.
From getting lost in the hallway, wandering in the wrong way into the aisles, until returning to the room with the certificate.
Such a turbulent event happened.
Leticia caressed the certificate.
The Lord himself assured her that no one would drive her out of the castle. She could promise her whole being as a sign of authenticity.
At that moment, her stomach groaned.
No one was there, and her face turned red.
‘You think you’re life is worth living now?’
I practically starved all day yesterday.
In the evening, she remembered there was a bowl of hot soup and meat that she had barely touched. Now, because of her hunger, she ached ferociously.
“I can’t do this.”
Leticia got out of bed.
It was very quiet outside. It seemed like nothing had happened yet.
There was a smell of food somewhere.
Despite the hesitation, she followed the scent of the food like a dog. There was no sign of anyone around.
I’ll just eat bread.
Leticia carefully pushed through the kitchen door.
She hardened like a stone.
The kitchen, which was squeakily quiet, was filled with people.
Everyone was eating breakfast quietly without breathing.
When Leticia came in, her eyes widened at the sight she saw. The Lord and the servants and the soldiers, except the three Grandmothers, were gathered in one place.
The world couldn’t have been even more perplexed.
Leticia felt the urge to turn around and run away. But…
‘I can’t do that.’
A voice of admonition came into her head.
It was different from yesterday.
She knew it all now, it was all her misunderstanding, everyone was just trying to be nice.
Leticia was firm in her head. She held onto her skirt and bowed politely.
“I owe you a lot for yesterday.”
She bravely marched into the kitchen.
Both the servants of the castle and the guards faced each other.
It was only then that everyone seemed to feel relaxed.
The Captain of the guards sighed with relief.
The little girl, who suddenly greeted, was terrified at a glance. She was pitifully frightened of everything in this castle.
‘We’re a little stiff, so everything may turn into a nightmare.’
So they made a suggestion. This morning, they had to have a good breakfast and just quickly disappear.
But the plan was turned into a serious adverse effect.
The little girl looked away from the kitchen, as if she thought no one was there.
Soon, everyone froze with embarrassment as Leticia unexpectedly waltzed in. They thought she came in with so much bravery.
‘Everything’s all done.’
The Captain picked up his fork again with a sigh of relief.
“Come, sit down here.”
The maids quickly moved up the high chairs, then Leticia sat down.
This is not yet the end.
She had to move on to the next step.
Leticia looked at nanny Bastian sitting right next to her.
Her tough, hard face was really scary. She didn’t even dare to talk to her.
Even so, she plucked up her courage and spoke to her.
“The bath was very warm yesterday.”
The nanny Bastian almost looked at Leticia.
Then the nanny replied.
“It’s obvious that you knocked on the firewood in there.”
She then cut the hard bread on the plate in half.
Leticia lost all her courage.
Suddenly, an unexpected savior appeared.
“Sometimes, you really are inflexible.”
Mrs. Alexa, the butler, told her.
“You didn’t even ask why the water is warm.”
“Huh? No?”
Bastian blinked and looked at Leticia.
“Then what do you mean by that?”
“What I was trying to say is, thank you for the warm water…”
“It’s a shame that I’ve knocked the firewood in…”
Alexa shook her head.
“Enough is enough. More than that, Miss, have you experienced any inconvenience of staying in the castle?”
The blue eyes beneath the gray hairs didn’t look so cold now, perhaps due to the illuminating morning sun. Leticia felt encouraged.
“Well, actually, there’s one thing I’d like to ask the butler. Can I get a map of the castle? I don’t want to get lost again.”
“I’m afraid I don’t have the map. I had no choice but to let the scary old lady in.”
“Will you be able to do that?”
She seemed embarrassed when Leticia welcomed her.
Usually, if she does it like this, the other person might show a reluctant reaction. Especially to a child who would burst into tears.
Her cold face with white hair shook slightly.
Cassaro, the cook who was watching them a little afar, approached. She had a crooked smile and looked excited.
“You are a good talker today. Do you have anything to say to me?”
Leticia glanced at the chef’s hat and black eye patch.
She thought she should apologize for leaving the food last night. But before that, she couldn’t help but ask.
“Are you a captain of a pirate ship?”
Then why is she just dressed like that?
She said in accordance with what she thought so.
“All those who called me a pirate had to walk on the board with their hands tied. I’m the captain of Valeria, and I’m not some kind of thief, and I was also called the King of the Black Sea.”
“You are perfectly clear. If you get to call pirates, pirates, they instantly get angry.”
Mrs. Alexa said.
So this old lady was a real pirate?
Leticia opened her mouth. She was excited that she gulped down the milk that the maids gave her.
“This is so delicious!”
When she was so impressed, Mrs. Cassaro had a sizzling smile on her face.
She was the first guest they had after all.
A new life has begun.
Leticia is now leaving the bed as soon as she opens her eyes. The big door was opened by the maids who came into her room.
“Oh my! Are you up already, Madam?”
“Today, you got up early Madam!”
After Leticia was chosen as the bride in order to solve the curse, her title and treatment were changed.
Everyone in Halstead had treated Leticia like their real madam. Otherwise, they might unconsciously hurt Erden.
Everyone kept that rule pleasantly, since giving service to the Madam was very enjoyable.
The only problem was that their Madam doesn’t even wash her face.
Leticia greeted them with an awkward face and turned her face for fear of being caught.
Gradually striding away from the post, she then ran straight off.
The courtyard in front of the castle was already agitated.
The servants were putting a bundle of firewood from the cart. Then as she was passing by, Nanny Bastian saw her.
“This is frustrating! Everybody out of the way!”
As she rolled up her arms, she saw a steel-like muscle hidden in the grandmother’s clothes. She turned the cart over and over again.
Leticia struck a hand.
Bastian glanced.
After a moment, her hard face loosens up gently. It was an incredible sight for the servants.
She was a warrior. She came to Halstead Castle and became the captain of the infantry. The poison of the Luda demon made her poor.
After that, Bastian who was accepted as a nanny and was transferred to St. Mary was bewildered by words.
However, a nanny’s life was not particularly rewarding.
Should she say that it seems like she felt that there was a thin line between ideal and reality?
Bastian, a woman of lofty character, worked hard day by day without complaining.
Then she finally realized it.
‘That’s it! All I wanted was this kind of feeling!’
Leticia gave her a fresh smile.
A red-like river hair that shone brightly in this murky castle, and green eyes which sparkled with curiosity.
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The person who listens to everything Bastian has to say, her ears, and her little mouth that always shows gratitude.
Most of all, she hesitated at first, but from time to time, she held on to her soft hands.
In just a few days, her heart had already fallen.
Bastian asked her.
‘Am I weird?’