No, no…
I am slowly losing consciousness…
I can’t fall down like this.
At this rate…
“Die! I don’t need someone like you standing between her and me!”
What happens if I fall down here now?
I’m sure Sibel won’t save Lara.
So the novel ends with him kidnapping Lara?
…Of course, that’s not going to happen. However, I still need to get the two of us out of this situation.
If I don’t have a weapon, then I just have to use my hands!
I poked Bentley’s eyes with my two fingers.
Professor Bentley rolled on the floor with his eyes closed. Then, I immediately moved away as far as I could from him.
So what do you think of my fingers, huh?
I also did not forget to take the “fake” diary amidst all of this.
“Huff… huff!”
While desperately running away, I was panting so hard that I drooled along the way.
If I were the main character of this novel, I still would have looked innocent and pitiful as he was strangling me, but no, I only play the supporting role.
“Come here right now!”
I noticed Bentley approaching me from behind.
“Don’t come too close! Don’t you want this diary?”
“Do you want me to kill you myself and just take it away from you?”
“Even if you kill me and destroy this, it won’t make all your crimes disappear!”
“How dare you call my love a crime?”
“Didn’t you also stalk your first love?! The same goes for Isabella Lonis!”
“They’re all wrong!”
His calm demeanor from before was now gone, and his eyes were bloodshot.
Now that he had revealed his true colors, his appearance is now an accurate reflection of who he really is.
“Okay. Now that it has all come to this, I will tell you everything that happened. My sad history of love.”
No thanks. Why the hell would I even want to know?
However, regardless of my thoughts, that pervert began to talk about his past.
* * *
I was the son of a poor farmer. When I was 12 years old, I became a servant of the richest family in town in order to make a living.
“My name is Bentley… Lady Rosetta.”
“You’re the same age as me, right? Let’s be friends.”
My first love, Rosetta, was a girl who loved flowers and music.
Oh, my sweet Rosetta!
When Rosetta found out that I’m quite smart, she told my father to let me go to school as she felt sorry for me not getting the education that I deserved. She also said that I had a talent for playing the piano and sat next to me as I taught her how to play it.
I had no choice but to fall in love with my kind Lady Rosetta. And soon, I also realized that…
‘So you love me too, milady.’
So please…  just give me an opportunity…
“I really only think of you as a good friend.”
You don’t have to say it like that.
I know how you feel about me…
“Lady Rosetta! Why are you doing this? Why are you avoiding me?”
“…Don’t come near me. Why did you hide in my room last night? Why did you steal my clothes?”
“Milady, I just love you so much…”
“I-I am to marry someone! I hope you don’t cross the line.”
In the end, the richest girl in that small town married the richest man in the capital.
Bentley wanted to kidnap Rosetta, but he couldn’t.
Knowing that Rosetta’s prospective husband came from a family with connections to the royal family, he couldn’t dare to do so.
* * *
So the bottom line is, you wanted to kidnap your first love just like what you did to Lariensa right now; however you couldn’t because his husband was someone of power? Why would you wrap it up in such a stupid way?
“…What about Isabella Lonis?”
Bentley seemed to be completely obsessed with acting as the victim and was so delusional that he didn’t even hear the noise behind the door. At this point, I realized that something was going on, so I kept drawing his attention to make sure he doesn’t notice what’s happening outside.
“Isabella, she…”
* * *
“Professor, stop!”
“What’s wrong, Isabella? Everything was just fine, right?”
“I have never once thought of you as a man.”
“That can’t be true. Then why do you always bring me a sandwich and ask me to have breakfast with you everyday? Why do you always approach me in the teacher’s office and share your problems with me?”
“Because you’ve been so nice to me, professor, that I also want to repay your goodwill…”
“I mean, you like me, right?”
“No! That’s not it!”
You brat! After all the hard work that I did! And for what? You still don’t see me as a man?
How dare you play with me?
But that idiot girl only knew one thing and never thought of the other.
That I have a greater reputation than you in the academy!
* * *
“I hadn’t even lifted a finger, and everyone took my side! Stupid people! Haha!”
“Well, I don’t care what happens to those two gals now. As long as Lariensa stays with me!”
“Kidnapping and confining someone against their will is a crime.”
“Why is it a crime? Lariensa is mine! Mine!”
She’s mine! Mine!
For Pete’s sake, you’re like a kid throwing tantrums and begging for toys in a supermarket!
I can’t believe there are still people like him alive on this planet.
“Professor, you really… you don’t know true love.”
I pity you who do not know the beauty of true love!
I never thought there would come a day when I’d say this line.
“Here, I’ll give this back to you.”
I threw the diary to Professor Bentley. His eyes widened and hurriedly confirmed if it was real.
Of course, it was fake, so…
“Are you… playing with me right now?”
Bentley became furious and rushed towards me angrily.
However, before he could even reach me, someone suddenly barged inside the room and rushed towards Professor Bentley like a bull, and that person was none other than…
Her foot had precisely hit Professor Bentley in the face.
“Go die, you bastard!”
Yahoo! For the first time, Emily looked heroic!
“Wh-what’s going on…?!”
Professor Bentley looked at Emily with a perplexed face and looked at the door belatedly.
In front of the door, several students and professors stood looking perplexed at the scene, including my friends.
“S-since when…?”
“Exactly when you were about to finish talking about your first love story.”
So you mean, you guys all heard about Lariensa’s kidnapping as well as what he did to Isabella Lonis?! Oh yeah!
“T-That is just a misunderstanding! It’s a false accusation! I’ve been wronged!”
He appealed with a disordered face, but the professors and students who had already seen his true face did not believe him.
“Firstly, I’m going to have to fire you, Professor Bentley.”
“The Imperial Crime Squad has also come to arrest you for kidnapping, imprisoning, threatening, and using of violence to a student in the academy.”
“Wh-what do you mean? I was wronged, vice-principal!”
However, as soon as the vice-principal finished speaking, the security guards came in and arrested Professor Bentley.
“Marilyn, are you okay?”
Natalie quickly rushed in and helped me stand up.
“What is happening…?”
When I saw people standing outside the door, I was a bit confused about what was going on. However, I was still worried about something.
“What about Lara…?”
“Lara’s fine. Let’s take care of you first.”
In a hoarse voice, I asked my friends what had happened to them earlier and how they had found me.
“How did you know I was here?”
“We went to the newspaper company and told them the whole story as you instructed, and they told me that you and Lariensa should not be left alone in the academy right now.”
“To give you a detailed explanation–”
‘So they’re still inside the academy?’
‘Hmmm– Being an old journalist, I don’t feel good about this situation for some reason. Let’s go to the academy for now. I think we should bring your two friends out of there first.’
Due to his sense of professionalism, the journalist went to the academy with my friends. Then, they happened to run into Lycan…
‘Have you seen my sister? I took a nap, and I don’t feel too good about my dream. I think I need to see her right now to calm myself down.’
If the reporter noticed the danger with his sense of professionalism, Lycan noticed Lariensa’s crisis due to a foolish reason. Then, at that moment, a scream could be heard somewhere.
They followed the voice until they reached the professors’ quarters. From there, they could see Lariensa’s blond hair from the window of Bentley’s room, Natalie said.
Although she was tied up, she managed to stick her head out and ask for help.
“It turned out she pretended to faint and waited for the right moment to ask for help.”
“Did she get hurt anywhere?”
“No, she’s perfectly fine.”
“That’s a relief…”
“Lariensa may look guileless, but she really is smart.”
It goes without saying that the academy became noisy as they found out that a student was tied up in a professor’s quarters.
The professors called the security guards to also search for me, who had suddenly disappeared.
“If we were a bit late, you would have been in big trouble. Had it not been for the witness who saw you then…”
“Who… saw me?”
“It was Sibel.”
“He said he saw you at the entrance hall.”
I don’t remember encountering Sibel, but considering his character in the original story, it wasn’t surprising that he knew where I was.
Come on, if you’re going to help me, then just personally do so.
“…Sigh, really.”
Even though I try not to think about that nuthead intentionally, he was always the one who helps me at the most critical times, even before…
I feel like I owe him too much now.
“Let’s get out, Marilyn.”
“Okay, ah…!”
I was going to take a step forward, but my legs suddenly felt weak and I fell down.
I must have been very nervous earlier.
“I’ll give you a special piggyback since you’ve done a good job.”
Emily knelt down to her knees and showed her back reliably. I knew that I had worked hard, so I was willing to be carried on her back.
While being carried, I suddenly felt tired.
Other professors tried talking to me, but I couldn’t even respond to them. Still, when I left the academy building, a cool wind blew, waking me up.
“Marilyn! Are you okay?!”
“Marin! Did you get hurt?”
From afar, I could hear Violet and Lariensa, who was on her brother’s back just like me.
Violet and Lariensa breathed a sigh of relief after I said I was okay several times.
“Lara, what about you? Are you okay?”
“I’m really fine. My scalp is just tingling a bit because he pulled my hair so hard, but I pretended to faint right away so that he’ll stop pulling it.”
Lycan’s forehead crumpled when he heard that his sister’s hair was pulled.
“Wait, Lariensa! Please!”
Hearing Bentley shouting from afar while being taken away by the guards, Lycan lowered Lariensa on the flowerbed and quietly approached him.
“This is unfair! Lariensa! You just don’t know yourself. We are meant to be! You are my last love!”
“Shut up, you bastard.”
Didn’t you say you can’t harm a professor because of your scholarship…?
Lycan broke through the security guards and drew his sword at Bentley.
“This sword won’t miss this time.”
Whether it would be a prison or a hospital, I’m sure this will be the first thing Bentley will think of once he wakes up again later.
‘Where is it? I can’t believe that it’s gone! I’ve been emasculated!!!’
“I also have a brother, too, but…”
Emily, who saw Lycan fight Bentley for his sister, couldn’t get over it.
“Why can’t he be my brother instead?!”
Oh, Emily, you must have been so jealous about it.
“I’m glad no one got seriously hurt.”
Everyone agreed with her.
Today was such a long day as many things happened. I was that tired.
But the most important thing was that no one was seriously hurt, and everyone was safe.
That alone seemed to be enough for me to laugh away today’s incident.
* * *
The academy, which was always quiet at night, became noisy today.
Sitting on the watchtower railing, Sibel’s eyes were fixed on Marilyn, who was currently being carried on her friend’s back.
Marilyn Launer readily and easily sacrifices herself for her loved ones. That’s why he refrained from helping her out in the hopes that she would come to her senses.
However, for the first time, Sibel felt regret.
The handprints on Marilyn’s neck, which were visible from afar, made him feel something repulsive deep down within him.
‘What is this feeling? Why am I feeling this way?’
The small scratch on Marilyn Launer’s body made him feel terrible.
“Marilyn Launer…”
Sibel reached his hand towards Marilyn, who was too far away to reach. Then he carefully pulled back his hand.
‘How interesting… I really want her.’
But is that really all that he feels?
Sibel became a little confused.