Meanwhile, at the very place where the commotion took place last night, Bentley applied medicine on his body alone.
Blisters and cuts filled every portion of his body. Most notable was the injury on his head which was dealt by a suspicious woman who smashed his head with a vase last night.
However, all his other remaining bruises and injuries were made by another person.
And that was, Lycan Jellinus.
He was Lariensa’s brother, the brother of Bentley’s recipient of affection.
This morning Bentley decided to go to work despite the injury on his head because that’s the only he could do to find and identify his assailant.
However, on his way to the faculty room, someone suddenly covered Bentley’s mouth from behind and kidnapped him.
Bentley, who was taken to a secluded forest inside the academy, was flustered to find out who had kidnapped him.
“L-Lycan?! What do you think you’re doing? No matter how well-recognized you are as an outstanding student, you cannot do this to me!”
The blow to his face left Professor Bentley speechless.
“Even you will get expelled from school for this… Ugh!”
There was no time to talk.
“Let’s calm down first…!”
He was beaten without even having a chance to talk.
“You know… there are two kinds of people that I hate the most in this world, professor.”
Lycan sat down with his knees bent and made eye contact with Bentley who was lying on the ground.
“First are those people who use their power against the weak, and second… are those people who dare hurt my sister. But professor… you did both. Even in the former case, your target is my sister.”
“Y-you must’ve misunderstood! Lariensa and I love each other!”
At those words, Lycan’s eyes flashed in anger and hit Professor Bentley a few more times. However, he did not stop there. Lycan even pulled out his sword.
The sword stuck between Bentley’s legs.
“If this happens again, this sword won’t then miss as it did now.”
“So don’t be so delusional, and… don’t bother my sister anymore.”
“Or I will kill you for real.”
“Uh, uh, u-uh…!”
Bentley eventually roared in anger.
‘She loves me, too! We are meant to be! I recognized her the moment I saw her, but why doesn’t she recognize me?’
Professor Bentley then recalled what happened last night.
Lycan and Sibel. Both of these guys who approached him in rage and in broad moonlight were all men.
But the assailant who broke into his place last night were women.
‘Who were they?’
He had to find out. Bentley couldn’t afford to miss his last love just like what happened to his first love.
‘In order to get Lariensa, I will destroy everything that hinders our love!’
‘First things first, those two girls seem to be the easiest.’
Bentley focused on remembering what happened last night.
Both of them were covering their faces. One had a common hair color, and the other one was…
A red-haired woman.
‘Why didn’t I notice earlier?’
He definitely saw her hair when he tore the paper bag!
“That damn girl again…!”
Finally, he had found one of the two criminals.
Now, it’s time for payback.
Bentley clenched his fist so hard that his veins sprang out.
* * *
Today, everyone in the class was noisy and they didn’t focus on the lesson.
And it was also the same for us.
“Guys, you know it’s today, right?”
We all nodded as Natalie whispered in class.
Today is finally the day we are given free time to go out. Oh yeah!
Usually, everyone would be excited to go out to buy clothes and food and have fun, but we were a little nervous as we have a different reason to go out.
“What time was it again?”
“Five o’clock.”
“After this class, we’ll then be free to go.”
On days like today, where we have free time, class ends a little after lunch. And now, there are only 10 minutes before the class is over…
I hope the professor will let us go now already. Although Bentley has been quiet lately, I’m still worried knowing that he’s still freely walking around the campus!
“Alright, class is over. You all know when’s the curfew, right? Try not to come back too late.”
After the class was over, I immediately gave my bag to Emily which contained all of Bentley’s diaries. Although we had the free time all to ourselves, I was in a hurry to leave because as long as Bentley is here, I can’t help but feel burdened holding onto his diaries.
Suddenly, somebody called out to Lariensa.
“The homeroom professor said he has something to talk to you about.”
“Ah, really?”
Although we’ve always been together, I stuck to her much more this time because of the recent incident.
“It’s alright, Marin. She’s also with me.”
“I know you had a hard time protecting me every day. Professor Bentley called in sick today anyways. Also, we just have to endure up until today, right? Do you still think something bad is going to happen?”
That’s true, but I’m still worried.
However, since I know that Lariensa has been feeling bad about me following her all day just to protect her, I decided to follow her will this time without saying anything.
“Then we’ll be waiting at the entrance of the main building.”
“Okay, I’ll be back as soon as possible.”
I was just relieved thinking that after this day, Lariensa would now be safe from that bastard.
But I never knew that that decision would be something that I would regret for the rest of my life.
* * *
“Why hasn’t Lariensa arrived yet?”
“Didn’t she say she was going to the faculty room?”
Violet nervously checked her watch.
“It’s already four. We have to hurry out…”
“Nothing bad happened, right?”
Natalie was also anxious as she bit her nails and hit the back of her hand.
“Why don’t you guys go ahead and talk to the publisher first. Don’t give them the diaries easily.”
“Marilyn, what about you?”
“I’ll look for Lariensa in the meantime.”
“But, what if something will happen to you…”
As Natalie murmured anxiously, Violet criticized her for saying such a curse.
“All the more so that you have to keep these diaries.”
If that bastard gets ahold of his diaries again, we’ll have nothing as proof anymore.
After I instructed my friends on what to do, I quickly headed to the faculty room to find Lariensa.
“Lariensa isn’t here.”
“What? Didn’t you call her here, professor?”
“What do you mean? I never called Lariensa.”
…That can’t be.
“Are you… sure, professor?”
“I haven’t even met her this day, so if you don’t have any more businesses with me, please leave. As you can see, the teachers’ office is a very busy place.”
The homeroom professor seemed to find me very troublesome, but I just stood there, frozen. I felt like my head was turning white.
So, where is she now?
‘The homeroom professor said he has something to talk to you about..’
Yeah, she didn’t say the professor called her to the faculty room.
But, the professor never even called her.
No way, no, no, no…
I stormed out of the faculty room after realizing something. At that time, I saw the student who called Lariensa and took her.
‘Good to see you!’
Running towards that student, I immediately grabbed her shoulders and began asking her.
“Where’s Lariensa?”
“Huh? Ah, what are you doing?!”
“Come on, tell me. You’re the one who took her!”
“That’s because the homeroom professor asked me…”
“Don’t lie to me! The professor said he never even called Lara.”
“That can’t be… he definitely asked me to bring her to him…”
“Who told you that?”
From the student’s lips came a name that I hope it wasn’t.
“Professor Bentley”
“He said the homeroom professor asked him to call Lariensa for him.”
“T-to where…?”
“To the classroom on the fifth floor…!”
I instantly knew where it was after hearing that much. Surely, it’s the empty classroom where we’re being mentored by Professor Bentley!
After letting go of her, I ran straight up to the fifth floor.
However, Lara was not in there.
Instead, a note was left on a desk.
– Bring the diaries to me at the entrance hall by 5:00 PM. I’ll kill you if you call another person and if you don’t bring the diaries. –
You have now gone all the way, huh. In the end, you’re kidnapping her?!
What a complete psycho. No, he’s always been this crazy.
It’s my fault that I was careless.
But, I have to give the diaries to him by 5? The diaries are with Emily and the others, and it will take too much time even if I tried to get it back. Also, we never know, if I really give it to him directly, he might not easily hand over Lariensa to me.
I think his diary had a common design. And according to the original story, he was an oddly constrained man, so maybe…
I went back down to the faculty room.
“Marilyn, what are you doing?!”
Naturally, the other professors yelled at me as I suddenly burst inside and searched at Professor Bentley’s desk. Regardless of them yelling at me, I didn’t stop moving.
“…Found it.”
There were notebooks similar in design and color on his desk with only some slight differences. Technically, he wouldn’t be able to identify those from afar unless he looked at it closely.
So, after collecting three similar-looking notebooks to his diaries, I quickly left the faculty room, not minding the other professors yelling at me.
The academy was so large that it took a considerable amount of time to get from the main building to the entrance hall.
It would be nice to ask Lycan for help, but right now, I don’t have the time to look for him.
After arriving at that place alone, I found another note.
Written in it was simple instruction to go to another place.
‘You seem to be getting cocky now that you have the upper hand, but you will never see this coming.’
Furious, I headed to the music room at the end of the hall on the first floor, following the note left by Bentley.
I swallowed my saliva then opened the door carefully.
“You really took your time coming here, Ginger.”
Ginger, Ginger, aren’t you being too familiar with me?
Maybe he’s actually not obsessed with blondes, but those with red hair.
“Where’s Lariensa?”
“The diary first.”
“No, Lariensa comes first.”
As I remained firm, Bentley’s first hit the old piano inside the room. The piano keys created a strange noise, not a beautiful melody.
“You must be mistaken now, girl. You do not get to choose.”
“So are you going to threaten Lariensa by saying you love her?”
Nothing good will come if I provoke him here. Since I didn’t have the time to ask for help earlier, and there’s no one who would come to my rescue now, I have to take time as long as I can until I can think of another way.
“Ah, of course, I love her very much. But she doesn’t love me back! Why? How come!”
All right, let’s induce the conversation in this way.
“So what did Lariensa say to you?”
Professor Bentley was completely absorbed in his emotions that he was unable to make rational decisions.
Even now… look at him being excited as he recalls what happened with him and Lariensa earlier.
“I said I love her, but she doesn’t! She said it was unpleasant! How could that be?”
Lara said that? How crazy are you that you said those things to her?
Seeing that he was now showing his true colors, I was more worried about Lariensa.
“So what did you do next, professor?”
“Then, I screamed at her a few times. She was shaking like a leaf. Afterwards, she passed out.”
“…She passed out?”
I barely managed to hold myself back. How scared must she have been that she fainted?
“Professor, why don’t we calm down first and try to make up with each other. I think there has been a lot of misunderstanding between us.”
“Yes, a misunderstanding. Why don’t we talk calmly about this first and reconcile with each other, hmm?”
As I approached him carefully, Professor Bentley, who had a look like a gentle sheep earlier, suddenly changed attitude as soon as he heard my words.
“Because of you… It’s all your fault! What misunderstanding?”
Professor Bentley then strangled my neck.
“If you just disappear, then Lariensa will know how I feel.”
“If I can prove my love for her by getting rid of you, then I will gladly do it!”
I was suffocating. Tears filled my eyes as I struggled to resist and then I fell on the floor.
I managed to find something that could be a weapon, but… I couldn’t reach it.