Knights & Magic Volume 7 Chapter 92
Chapter 92 Let’s Confront Enquiry to the Wise Man (Duel)
There is one of titan’s clan called Kaellous who are now enveloped with unusual excitement between them. The reason of their excitement was the showdown between brave which is raised in the midst of preparing to ask an enquiry to the wise man.
Without regard to their age and gender, all of the titan gathering in the center of the village. And in the center of them, there is a three eyed titan who received the Brave’s blessing, also a human boy who was not tall enough to reach the titan’s knee.
While all the attention focused between two of them, Adeltrud who wear silhouette gear, sneaked into the village secretly. The titans raised their voice every time the Brave and Ernesti exchanging their blows. At the same time, Addy who snuck up behind the titan peeked at the battle situation.
When the ground quaked every time the titan swings down the stone axe, Ernesti run around by evading it. After seeing that, Addy who hold her palm while wearing silhouette gear, quietly murmured.
“Eru-kun, seemed pretty annoyed?”
Was it regarding to pay no heed to what he says, or fighting without Silhouette Knight?
“Maybe both. Oh, well. Anyway, while they at ităƒ»ăƒ»ăƒ»ăƒ»â€
Thanks to Eru who challenging the Brave from the front, their houses was quite vacant now. Addy who move quietly as possible, invading the vacant house.
“There is nothing much here”
Inside the house that made accordingly to the titan size, was duller than what she imagined. There are tools that made for hunting and fighting. A repaired armor, and a simple weapon such as stone axe and club are lying around. Along with that, there were also have weapon looks like a spear. A thin grip with needle-like-spearhead were lined up, maybe they are used for throwing.
What’s remaining is the preserved food that had been piled up which leaving a bad scent within the house.
“Uu, if I know this going to happen, I should have fight too!”
Other than that, no matter how many small tools sighted, that was not enough to call it something like a tool. Basically, the titan who have a robust body, only use few kinds of essential tools to live. There was mostly equipment for hunting, like weapon that has been made mainly from a stone and armor that has been made mainly from a beast material.
“I think it would be impossible to build Silhouette Knight with this”
The titan’s culture was completely different from what they expected. Eru might be disappointed. No, it’s probably not in the case. If it something possible he will challenge it, but if it was impossible to do, he will immediately be given up. If it was Eru, he would like to think so.
As long as the titan can be used for heavy laboring, their technology was not matter at all.
“Although, they didn’t have any technology. Then, at least they can be used for heavy laboring, right?”
Once she has held someone like a fear, she was already considered them as a heavy labor resources, it seems she was already poisoned by Eru that much.
With this Addy has completed her run through and looking around. Even if the duel with the titan ended with failure, the minimum result already has been achieved. While she doing it, a loud cry from the village center can be heard.
â€œăƒ»ăƒ»ăƒ»ăƒ»ăƒ»ăƒ»ăƒ»There is nothing left to do! Is it fine to help Eru-kun soon right?”
Although, to whom is she representing that kind of resolve to, now she started to run.
A stone axe runs through along with its roaring wind. Whatever it was Silhouette Knight or a titan, there is no human being who can receive their attack without a hitch. The destructive power that created by size and weight plus momentum was too overwhelming.
But if only can hit the target thought.
A small opponent who challenge the Brave——— Either way Ernesti was awfully too nimble. Even the blows of wind that made from stone axe attack couldn’t scratch him. The Brave already know about his swiftness several times before the duel, and now he had renown that difficultness again.
“Was goblin such this tough opponent before! It seems my eyes still clouded after all!”
Whatever it for hunting or fighting, it was normal for the titan to attack enemy while defend incoming enemy attack. Because the battle between gigantic being with overwhelming destructive power wouldn’t need any cheap tricks at all.
Therefore, no matter how much the titan received the brave’s blessing, he has no experience on fighting with small and swift opponent. Although his struggle was due to Ernesti who specialized in extremely high-speed combat among the Knight Runner.
The Brave was trying to catch the back of Eru movement by swinging the stone axe with various controlled pace of attack. But he wouldn’t get caught easily once the Brave has shown his real intention.
The Brave realized that he was not getting anywhere moved on more boldly. The movement which didn’t really think about his defense at all. Although, it was understandable. For a goblin who use a small blade like that was not enough threat against a titan. Leaving aside damaging the armor made with demonic beast, even piercing the titan skin might be impossible after all.
But why this goblin tends to fight with full of confidence?
Their answer was appeared suddenly.
The moment when the the Brave stepped on his all-out attack, suddenly a ‘fireball’ come from the air.
A fireball come out of nowhere flying through his side’s vision, and the Brave remarked in a small surprise. Although it was small, it was something that cannot be ignored. When he steeps strongly to kill the motion, he can avoid it by bending himself backward.
In the same time, Eru took his distance from the Brave. With that movement, the Brave began to suspect his surrounding without distracting any attention.
“Where did that flame come from?”
But he was certain, it was not come from the goblin direction.
“This goblin, I though he was the Brave first, but to think he was the sorcerer all along. I could not understand at all”
The titan also knows about the magical phenomenon that can create flame. But they couldn’t understand when it comes out of nowhere.
“I think its time to finish this”
In a space which is dominated by doubt, only Eru who in settled condition.
“You have attacked enough right? Next, I will be coming at you”
The Brave start to take a step firmly without replying to him. No matter what he does, the Brave will not allow any petty trick anymore. And the only way is, to crush him in the front.
That assumption was forced to be altered shortly afterwards. This time the fireball that come from the air were not only one. They come from right and left after another, all of them flying to the Brave blind side. As expected, it was impossible to dodge them all, the armor that had been licked by the fire leaving a brown mark on it.
What strange from it is, the surrounding titans who watching the fight also couldn’t understand the true nature of Eru’s attack. They couldn’t think other than a fireball suddenly come from the nowhere.
But there should not be ‘comes from nowhere’.
Of course, there was a trap
Surely, there is something that flies around the air. However, for a titan that was something so small and couldn’t be seen properly.
“If Ikaruga was here, I call ităƒ»ăƒ»ăƒ»ăƒ»â€™Rahu’s Fist'”
Through a fist that connected by Silver Nerve to make magical phenomenon and shoot at long distance. It was named Rahu’s Fist, one of Ikaruga armament function as well as Ernesti beloved machine.
The metallic scissors that can be driven using Crystal Tissue by relaying magical power through the Silver Nerve———matching it perfectly with ‘Wire Anchor’.
“Unfortunately, this is a fight without Ikaruga but・・・・for now, I will become Ikaruga substitute so, lets endure it for a moment. Also, to train my intuition for not being too dull”
While muttered, Ernesti took step forward.
At the same time, a reel that positioned on his hip launched the Wire Anchor. Leaving the sharp jet-like sound and flies to the sky.
Wire Anchor was originally created based on auxiliary device for movement. And he used it as a ‘Magical Launching Device’ to run in the midair.
Following the ‘Script’ that had been sent through the Silver Nerve, the Wire Anchor can be used as intermediary to perform magical phenomenon in the midair. From that principle ‘Fire Ball’ magic can be released from that place.
The Brave might able to capture Wire Anchor movement if he calmly observes at it. But, Eru was already in front of his eyes. To make the Brave took attention on Eru, he moves quickly so the Brave cannot afford to overlook him.
While controlling the Wire Anchor, Eru took the Gun Staff and face it to the Brave. From there, a Fire Ball were launched one after another. And before he knows it, the Brave is confined with fireball from all side
———The Brave was being toyed.
The moment he realizes that fact, an explosion-like anger began to run through the Brave annoyed state. Even though each one of the fire balls is relatively small, attacked from either side can also too bothersome for him.
A goblin who able to repeating this kind of attack was surprising at first, but on the second though it was still small kind of magic. Considering the armor durability, each one of them lacking firepower to inflict damage to the Brave.
“You’re splendid, goblin’s braver. But if you can only do that much, you can only scratch me!”
While the Brave body still barraged by magic, he was unleashing a brute force attack. The Brave thought, all of this will be ended if he can defeat his opponent first.
Using tremendous force, he unleashed a sharp strike from above while running at high speed. Unlike before, this kind of momentum would be impossible to stop.
“Yeah, I have been waiting for that kind of attack”
Eru smiled while staring at the approaching stone axe. And now, he uses whole different magic.
A faint light engulfing the tip of Gun Staff, that was also known as the activation of magic phenomenon. From there launched several sparkling lances of fire. That was the ‘Piercing Lance’ magic.
â€œăƒ»ăƒ»ăƒ»ăƒ»Canister Shoot”
Without realizing, the stone axe got stuck between Wire Anchor which had been changing its position. The flame bullet that come from Wire Anchor and Eru. All of them launched toward Piercing Lance’s firing lane to the stone axe at once.
Because of compressed flame bullets, the stone axe blade and handle turned into numerous lights. Immediately afterwards, a massive outburst occurred because of the light turned into electromagnetic properties according to the Script.
The stone axe was eaten from inside and outside by countless flame bullets. Although the Brave weapon was indeed big and strong, originally it was just made by combining lumber and stone. And then, the stone axe now has been crushed in one clap.
“I, impossible・・・・・!?”
The astonished Brave’s face can be seen beyond the outburst flame and the scattering fragments. The Brave had made one big mistake. In order to defeat Ernesti, that kind of huge stone axe was not necessary at all. Eventually his fatal gap will be exposed after his usual accustomed weapon has been destroyed.
Within the swirling flame, a silver radiance run through the scattering fragments. Ernesti who rush like a wind after seeing the Brave unrest expression.
Using the hand as a footing, ride into the momentum of blowing air and run through to the Brave who still on same position when swinging the stone axe.
As the Brave sight the approaching Eru. Soon the Brave known what his aim. Even for the Brave who wearing an armor and have a strong body due to strengthening magic effect, his weakness was already exposed. Eru true aim is his ‘Eyes’.
“I wouldn’t let you!”
The Brave instantly throw his stone axe remains, and preventing Eru attack by returning his arm. It can be said his reaction alone was too quick to be praised.
Although, if his opponent was not Ernesti from the start.
At that time Eru already in the front of the Brave. By using ‘Sonic Blade’ magic, a distorted edged-like blade attached on the Gun Staff. The Brave closed his eyelids and avoided the swinging blade by hairbreadth.
“Gnu!! Gaah!”
The blade cuts the eyelids and leaves a horizontal scar. The Brave fallen back hardly, while a red blood splatting from his face.
By confirming his eyes was safe, he began to reforming his collapsed position while opening his eyes. And immediately searching Eru figure who have gone after kicking his helmet. For the Brave, moving with high speed and aim at the eyes from the blind spot was too dreadful tactic.
On the other hand, the Brave trying to bend his body, and backwards jump in a distance. Of course, Eru did let him escaping from his sight. If Eru go around behind, he can still attack the Brave body. Otherwise, Eru can attack to the front or go back from the Brave sight. A truly attack and defense movement.
As usual, Eru who went around to the Brave’ back, he accelerated his charge and swirling his body in the midair. As it continues descending to the ground. A rumbling sound can be heard when the Wire Anchor went back.
The Brave began to lower his waist and sets his fist after seeing Eru figure. The brave who will not show any carelessness and unshaken feeling. Now, he didn’t think his opponent was too weak anymore. There is only, to build up the strength to defeat each other.
No feeling despises anymore. Defeat it with small and swift strike. It might not only his eyes alone if he let Eru to strike him for the next time. The Brave calmed his remaining eyes and would not overlook any small movement.
Because of the blood flowing from the torn eyelids, one of his eyes cannot be opened properly. While not getting angry about not being able to see, he calmly grips his fist. After opening his eyelids, he was learning first time in his life on how to fight against small enemies. He doesn’t need a big move. Just a quick and small move will do.
And the titan who watching the fight, grasping their own breath. For a mere one goblin able to pin down the Brave was not imaginable for them. Although, there is nobody who can do that in the first place. Probably, if he was not the Brave, he might already fall on the ground while his eyes have been crushed. Leaving aside the size, his opponent is way too terrifying.
For a moment, each one of them mutually reading their opponent moves.
While not aware, the Brave began to smile. For him, to lost the stone axe might be good after all. In the first place, he doesn’t need that exaggerated weapon at all. All of the titan body including the enormous mass were already deadly weapon for him. He didn’t consider the advantage of having a huge body before, but he didn’t consider it as a disadvantage after think it calmly.
“Thank you, My Hundred Eyes・・・・this is truly the duel between Braves!”
After resolving himself, the Brave greatly stepped forward. The movement that increasing his concentration to the limit, and from that huge body leaving the sharpness that beyond imaginable.
A plain stepping attack, from diving in. [1]
Of course, Eru went to the midair. Aiming for that, a wiggling jab flying toward him.
Eru who got caught on the raging storm of fist that pierced through the wind, dancing like a fallen tree’s leaves. Using the projected fist as a footing, Eru aimed to jumps higher than that.
The Brave utilizing his size to broaden him arm widely. By mow down the widen arm as it is, he could create a suppressive attack.
As he stopped swinging his arm, he could feel a slight discomfort. It was there when he glanced all over the place. By sticking on the Wire Anchor, the goblin was standing there on his arm.
Eru who start running faster than the Brave who noticed his figure and want to waving his arm. The Wire Anchor flies into the air while passing Eru and rushing to the Brave.
A flame is born in the midair. However, because that small fireball cannot inflict damage to the Brave, he ignored it and poked his head out.
By ignoring his speculation, the flying Wire Anchor launch a magical phenomenon. It was specially dazzling, and run through in red. Also, that was not a fireball magic. ‘Flame Strike’———It was Middle Spell from fireball magic tree, which is more powerful than fireball.
The fireball firepower that Eru has been used so far were indeed small but, he deliberately used it to bait the Brave. Afterwards, from the Brave sides, a fierce explosion can be heard.
Although, the penetrating ability is much inferior than Piercing Lance, the explosive bombardment was much higher than a pure impact. And that firepower alone was enough to impact the helmet.
Immediately afterwards, the Brave began to crumble in abnormal state.
Run through the shoulder on the leaning titan, Eru swung up his Gun Staff. The magic has been activated on his twin sword. By using ‘Sonic Boom’, the compressed air and the shock wave overlapping each other hitting the Brave face. As if he had been punched by a titan, the Brave crashed intensely.
The Brave head was greatly tilted over after being punched in the face, from that sight an opened jaw can be seen.
Eru who jumped up from the collapsing titan, immediately sticking out his Gun Staff and releasing a barrage of Flame Strike as if the they were sucked into unprotected jaw. When the Flame Strike landed on the unprotected jaw, a great flame of flower bloomed on there.
The Brave who received the Upper Cut bombing in the jaw, begin to float into the air and thrusting his head into the ground leaving the rising dust. With that trajectory alone, it could even draw a gentle slope mountain on it.
By using Air Suspension magic, Eru landed on the top of sprawled Brave body. [2]
The Kaellous clan who staring at the scene before their eyes. Their Brave who fell down in the center of the dust, and a small Braver who stand on the top of their Brave. A suffocating silence running through between them.
At that time, the small Brave swallowed a deep breath, and asking unbelievable question with the small head of his.
“Well then, how can you decide the outcome of this battle? It was indeed too troublesome for me to kill a giant”
The Brave who has lost its consciousness and a goblin who look down on it. Before the surrounding titan began to panicking, the Fourth eyed old woman come toward at them.
“My Hundred Eyes, the outcome has been brought. It’s already ended, goblin Braver・・・・it’s your victory”
The surrounding titan looked each other and wanting to said something but, without saying anything they just petrified with puzzled looks on their face.
In the meantime, a groaning voice can be heard from the fallen Brave.
“Did you come to your sense, Third Eyed Seat?”
â€œăƒ»ăƒ»ăƒ»ăƒ»ăƒ»ăƒ»Did I, close my eyes?”
While shocking his head sharply to make him come to his senses, he gets up slowly and unexpectedly calm without getting any remorse at all.
“It was my loss”
Before the old woman want to say something, the Brave suddenly say it by himself and asking while facing at Eru direction who just jumped out to the ground.
“Why didn’t you end me?”
“You are certainly big. I couldn’t even easily kill you”
“Fu, sound reasonable”
There is something changed inside him. When the Brave began to grin, he suddenly tightens his expression. From his position, he starts to kneel before Eru while not to wipe the blood that flowing from his forehead’s eyelids, he closed his unharmed eyes.
“My small Braver, you are acknowledged by the Hundred Eyes. By following your victory, I will ‘obey your words'”
â€œăƒ»ăƒ»ăƒ»ăƒ»ăƒ»ăƒ»I think this kind of direction was a little off but. Well whatever, from the result, it was not problem at all”
After Eru got seriously and nodded, a huge shadow overlapping each other.
“That word, can I hear it too?”
“My Sorcerer”
The old woman also began to kneel next to the Brave and sat on the ground.
Because of their height difference, it was hard to keep a conversation after all.
“Before that, I must ask you goblin Braver. You said that you are not being kept by Rubel Clan, was it true?”
“It was true. From the first place, you guys are the first giant I have meet”
Although Eru was in serious expression, but for the titan that answer was too puzzling.
“For the first time? Where on the earth you have been living before?”
“A country far too west from here, the Kingdom of Fremmevira”
Even though, it was the truth. None of the titan known that name, uselessly deepen the mysteries between them.
The old woman narrowed her eyes while thinking about it, but the Brave nodded without hesitation.
â€œăƒ»ăƒ»ăƒ»ăƒ»The one who had been acknowledged by the Hundred Eyes. I will believe in your words. Without a doubt you are not from Rubel Clan”
“I have been saying that from the beginning, did I?”
The Brave touched his own wounded eyelid. Although the blood already stopped, the half-dried part stickily stuck on the fingertips.
“Naturally, the one who hold this kind of power. I cannot imagine for Rubel Clan to able obeying them”
There is a goblin that being kept by the titan. That was also a common sense among the titan. But even so, he cannot believe that kind of fearsome being able to tame it. Whatever who is the big clan, they definitely get their hand burned for sure.
From the wound he owned, the Brave understood that. The fact that this goblin was accustomed on fighting against ‘huge being’.
Did they have been hunting a titan, or a beast?
In any case, he was worthy as the Brave. That’s enough for him.
The Brave start to stand up and looked around.
“Small Braver. From now I will treat you as a guest of our clan. Any objection, everyone?”
The surrounding titan who look at the Brave and Sorcerer, began to stare at themselves in a confusion, but eventually nodded.
They had been convinced because of the duel between two braves.
Then the old woman also began to stands up.
“Unknown・・・・clan name. I must ask further from your truth. It might become important guiding toward our clan”
The old woman seized on Eru appearance.
It was like trying to see something on his little body which had a sharpness.
“A, did the fight already ended? As I though, you already win, Eru-kun!”
At that time, a strange in lump of metal came through the titan. It was Addy who wearing Silhouette Gear.
After seeing unfamiliar object and come straightly to Eru, the Brave narrowed his eyes like a warrior.
“Is that also a goblin? The same Brave like you?”
Gradually, the gaze becoming stronger. Eru who felt a disturbing situation groaned faintly.
Although he was able to convince them with one duel, it would become hassle if they start asking to duel again.
That why, he pointed his finger to Addy direction.
“Umm. This is my・・・・wife”
“Oh, it’s your wife”
“!? Wifeeeeeee!!!!????”
Even though the brave still in the middle of asking, somehow a big scream come out Addy.
Ignoring all of it, Eu nods quietly.
“Wife, married couple, mating. Such that kind of custom and words. Do you didn’t have it?”
“Nay, we have, we have. But to think you are married couple. I see, with that kind of Brave, sound reasonable enough?”
The goblin is too small for the titan. Among them Eru is particularly small than them.
Although, he thought something unnatural in there, but the Brave was convinced by his blessing as a Brave who have various kind of power on him.
By the way Addy was not caring the situation at all.
After leaving the Silhouette Gear, she began to rush and embracing Eru.
“Eru-kun, Eru-kun, Eru-kun, hufufufufufufufufufuhyou!!”
â€œăƒ»ăƒ»ăƒ»ăƒ»Calm down Addy. If I didn’t tell them that, we might repeat again that kind of duel. For a while, talking with a giant already succeed, and we got safe place to sleep too”
Despite Eru explaining all of that, sure enough she didn’t listen to him at all.
“It’s fine if we become that way, no, we must become that way”
â€œăƒ»ăƒ»ăƒ»ăƒ»ăƒ»We can talk that for latter but, for now the surrounding gaze makes me uncomfortable though”
Anyhow, they were located in the center of the titan.
Being able to defeat the Brave was enough for them to keep their eyes on Eru.
Of course, Addy would not care that kind of thing.
“Eru-kun! After we got back, we should plan the ceremonies soon. Together with everyone, we will decorate Fort Olvecius! With Ikaruga grapping my Tzen-chan, we will go around everywhere!!”
“You surely think the future too much. Although we just got acquainted with the giants, I still cannot see the way to return home yet”
“It’s fine, really fine at all! Because I will kill anyone who become hindrance. I will do my best!!”
Eru looks away as he given up while he guesses this will not stop for a while.
“It was good to have a motivation”
And for a while, Addy had turned into an object who always leaked a cringe laughter.
Before those two-small people, the Brave confusion began to deepening again.
â€œăƒ»ăƒ»ăƒ»ăƒ»Truly, what on the earth are you guys?”
“A missing knight commander and its assistant”
As he though, the Brave didn’t understand at all.
From now on, the titan will need quite a bit of time to understand this little brave.
Like this way, is one of titan’s clan called Kaellous, visited by a rare guest and also began to live in the village
TL note
[1] original text: éŁ›ăłèŸŒăżă‹ă‚‰ăźă€ć€§ă’ă•ăȘèžăżä»˜ă‘æ”»æ’ƒ roughly (by diving in, a exaggerated stepping attack) he was attacking eru by doing something like this.
[2] in here the giant sprawled like a (性) character.
Alright, let me sleep properly first.
If you have better word than mine, please tell it to me so I can change it.
And if my translation have something weird that you don’t know what it mean, please tell it to me so I will know where should I change first.