Knights & Magic Volume 7 Chapter 91
Chapter 91 Let’s Start Conversation with a Giant
Even though it was so dark, the stone axe overwhelming destructive power have been proved closely.
The third eyed titan staring at the goblin who dwells in the dark. The next moment, the limb’s muscle swing down the stone axe violently.
The raw physical strength who will inherit the Brave (Fortissimos) name. There is nothing like a mere goblin who can escape that overwhelming attack.
———If that was a goblin then.
The one who stood again him were the strongest knight order of Fremmevira Kingdom. Ernesti Echavalier the commander of Silver Phoenix Knight and his number one disciple Adeltrud Olter.
Didn’t even need glances at the titan, using the ‘Gun Staff’ on the hand, they already completed the ‘script’ in their ‘magius circuit’.
No one know how many times they have used that kind of magical phenomenon. Because they now don’t even need to think anymore.
By using the script, the air has been amassed and compressed, and it can be guided thru launching the high pressure.
Eru and Addy who have been utilizing the ‘Aero Thrust’ magic, flies around the midair.
As soon as that giant axe smashing the ground where the spot those two belong before. The outburst-like force shimmering down the ground, with the titan’s weapon which is overly sized than a human height.
A blunt explosion noise, roaring through the serene night.
His frame as third eyed of brave was not just for show, but.
He caught the glimpse of the goblins who had jump faster than his strike and escaped right before the direct hit.
He surprisingly opened his eyes. And with that shock alone unblocking the dust that have been covering him.
“How dare someone like goblin able to escape my attack!?”
He is the Brave (Fortissimos)———the strongest and highest position in the village.
The fact that a mere undersized goblin able avoid the attack, hurt his eyes too much. [1]
The time he starts running by lowering his hips, the clacking sound made from his teeth can be heard clearly.
Break through the dust, and leaped to the goblin who wanted to run away into the darkness.
Without waiting the titan who still at full of rage, Eru and Addy began to turn their back.
“Umu, I couldn’t agree with this. Even though we are not goblin or anything”
“Aah, enough! You can do that latter! Moreover, what should we do now!?”
The titan has a huge step, his movement speed is very fast despite he was just sprinting.
Even though the two of them using aero thrust magic and move like a bullet, the titan still able to catch up them.
“For now, let’s withdraw to the forest!”
Without further ado, the two of them run into the darkness between trees shade.
The titan also followed them from the behind without much thinking. Yet, after entering the forest, his advance come to a halt.
“Kuh!? Curse you!”
It was difficult to track ‘small animal trail’ who ran away in the forest at night. Also, it would be impossible to find small animal who move swiftly like that.
He was drifting in the fury while gazing at the dark forest. His mind become clouded because of the sound of the trees combined with small animal who running in the dark.
â€œăƒ»ăƒ»ăƒ»ăƒ»ăƒ»Being able to escape from me. No matter how small are they, do not disregard them, huh?”
He stares at the forest with a sheer expression for a while, eventually shook his head and return to the village.
At the time when the Brave come back to the village, every titan who hear the commotion gathering up and waiting for him.
And in the center, there is a four eyes old woman who also called ‘The Sorcerer’.
“Brave, such commotion in the middle of night. What’s happened?”
“My Sorcerer. There are a few goblins who snoop around something. Feasibly, they were from Rubel Clan”
“Oh myăƒ»ăƒ»ăƒ»ăƒ»ăƒ»ïŒâ€
Between the titan, the buzzling sound echoed on them.
The fourth eyed old woman began to close her eyes, afterward she opened her mouth.
â€œăƒ»ăƒ»ăƒ»ăƒ»Goblins. There is no other clan who keep them other than Rubel Clan. To depend on that miserable eyes, what a bunch of wretched clan. Then, where this goblin now?”
“Regrettably, their leg is so hasty and have run away. ・・・・as the one who inherit the brave name, this is a disgrace”
The Brave kneeling down while closing his pair of eyes. The stone axe in his hand making a thump sound as he grasped it.
“There’s nothing you can heed for now. Soon or latter, someone might know about the corpse of stained beast hearsay. However, to think Rubel Clan using goblin to move around. How prominent of them to do such an extentăƒ»ăƒ»ăƒ»â€
“My Sorcerer. There should not be only goblin here, it’s insufferable for Rubel Clan to sustain their eyes closed”
The old woman nods back at the Brave words.
If the goblin loafing around the village, there must be someone nearby who control it. They were certain a titan from the Rubel Clan might be hiding somewhere in the forest.
“What a fool. Rubel Clan is being impatient. ・・・・Everyone listen! Let’s send a messenger. We must convey this to our neighbor clan”
“My Sorcerer, in that case, I will be going!?” [2]
The surrounding titan who listening the Brave and old woman began to murmur in lower voice.
“Our eyes already opened. Before the Rubel Clan begin their move, we must joint with various clan and ask the enquiry to the wise man. Without any delay. Everyone, we must prepare”
To respond the old woman phrase, every titan arising out their war cry. In a short moment, the tranquil forest quaked and the birds fly at once in dismayed state.
To not being pursued by those madness, two small human shaped shadows run past through the forest.
The environment of titan settlement within that night has changed completely.
“Prepare for hunting!”
“Suit yourself in armor! Display our courage without question!!”
This situation, usually were no different from hunting for food. But their behavior become too enthusiastic.
The amount of armament has increased several times than usual.
In addition, targeting a demonic beast that normally didn’t often to hunt before.
For example, the robust crustacean. The demonic beast which have a larger body than the titan.
It possesses overwhelming toughness which requires considerable amount of effort and endurance to hunt. An opponent whose didn’t really efficient to hunt.
For such opponent, the titan grouped together enhancing their attack persistently.
As not to damaging the shell as possible. Aiming its weak point at the gap of the shell, a truly time-consuming attack strategy.
Eventually the massive demonic beast become weakened and then collapse into the ground.
“Alright, pull it!!”
With the synchronized yell, every titan pulls the massive load. By placing the demonic beast on lined logs, they pull it by using a rope made from demonic beast hair.
No matter how superior the titan’s strength is, it sure difficult to transport a demonic beast that surpass battalion class in one go.
The titans pass through the forest with triumphant war cry while carrying massive demonic beast carcass.
The population in Kaelleous Clan’s [3] settlement is not too many from the start.
Most of them preceding to hunt, but a small number of them, heading to different route.
Their attire was also different from when hunting, and they also will not return for several days or weeks. Their duty as a messenger leading them to travel around to another clan within the forest.
To ask an enquiry to the wise man, they need to assemble at least 6 number of clans.
The titan is relatively use small number of clans as a central to relay the message.
“Today is the big catch! Well, then everyone, let’s do our best!”
The prey that had been hunted brought to their settlement.
Every whole of them regardless of whether they are man or woman, went to hunting and also every one of them begin to handle the prey.
The demonic beast skin will become soft after they lose its strengthening magic when they died. After it, disassembling them will be an easy task.
The titan peel of the shell as if they were already used to this, afterward they mince the meat.
Tanning the skin, lining up the bone. Excluding the fresh meat for today feast, the leftover must made into dried meat.
Although, there is no reason for them to preserve the meat, because for most titan always consume what they hunt at that day.
But now, they must prepare for approaching occasion, to ask the enquiry to the wise man.
They were carefully maintained their weapon, cleansing the whole place, and then back to their own house with a leather and shell on their hand.
The material they hunt today used to strengthen their hunting attire like armor or fur coats.
They can make it durable and flexible by combining the hard shell and leather to replace the old and damaged part.
By twisting the demonic beast hair, they can make simple thread or sometimes they even use demonic beast sinews as substitute.
Including the battalion class demonic beast’ material, the armor it self become firmer than before.
The beast material that has been gathered by themselves, will be acknowledged by the Hundred Eyes (Algos) and will bless them with greater power if they use that material to make the armor.
Soon or later, their preparation has come to close.
Morning has come, the light shine down the Bocuse Sea of Trees.
Countless number of animal living in the forest start poking out their head, and bustles with its fullest.
As the small demonic beast raises, the fluttering noises imbued through every tree.
Ernesti opened his eyes when that peaceful melody going through his ear.
The leaf that covering his face, instantly falls away from his sight. He was in the top of huge tree dotted within the forest.
Eru began to stretch his body, peeks out his face from the edge and looking out at the condition below the tree.
At the same time, Addy who began to move fidgety after noticing Eru has been awake. Stretching out her arm and then embracing Eru who observing down below the tree.
â€œăƒ»ăƒ»ăƒ»Eru-kun・・・・is something happened?”
“There is nothing particular nearby. Even the Sound Chirping Bird (Ring-ring Bird) [4] is still sleeping, right?”
The place where they still sleep-talking each other.
A bird-like hemispherical place, made by compiling tree branch and leaves——actually, it was really the bird’s nest itself.
Though in the center of it, there is a big bird that can extend its wing up to 10 m. Of course, it was categorized as duel class demonic beast.
Of all things, they snuck out into duel class demonic beast’s nest, from all this time they have been using the demonic beast itself as a pillow.
Although that kind of deeds can be said as reckless, obviously they won’t do that such thing without clear reason.
This big bird is a species with possessing the friendliest characteristic amongst demonic beast, besides it doesn’t feed on human.
It also posses interesting trait, it will ignore any presence that would not endanger itself, but it will react perceptively when it senses any danger even if just only a slight of it.
When it got endangered, it would cause intense cry while notifying its kind, that’s why it called Ring-ring Bird.
Eru and Addy who took it as their property, utilizing the demonic alarm device, moreover using its feather as pillow to sleep.
Furthermore, even their silhouette gear placed inside the nest.
Despite the fact it is placed at the edge of the nest with some diffidence. Without any covering, it was arranged to able get in at any time they want.
No matter how much they can be exploited, they must not forget to be cautious.
And when they enfolded in drowsy, the big bird indicated a slight nervousness.
The dozing bird immediately reveal its pupil, and began to steer its neck impatiently.
Those two who notice it, peered down again from the edge of the nest.
A huge human shaped shadow can be seen between the forest’s trees. Soon after confirming that, the two of them withdrew their head.
“Uun. The giant still wandering around the forest. Are they still looking for us?”
“Assuming that is the case, it’s not like they were still resentful about it but・・・・rather, they were only targeting demonic beast. Maybe it was something like a hunting season for them. Umuăƒ»ăƒ»ăƒ»ăƒ»â€
While crossing his arm and bothering something, no clear answer can be obtained yet.
Because of their previous investigation ended with failure, there is no way for them to know the titan circumstances.
However, no matter what is the circumstances, having the titan aggressively moving around is sure bothersome.
It doesn’t matter how vast the forest is, they cannot foresee when they will meet next, and even if they happened to meet, for sure they will be attacked again without question.
“This is not good, I can’t see the situation. Anyway, we still didn’t have many cards to play”
The big bird loosening its nervousness since the titan already passed by.
As Eru praises and patted the wing. The big bird catches the glimpse of him for a moment and then lost its interest while closing the eyes.
“Well then, I believe we must consider how to take opponent card soon”
“It would be troublesome if we don’t do something about the giant, right?”
Eru and Addy who leaning on the big bird, thinking about what they planning from now on.
In the other place, not far from the center of the forest.
There is a three eyes titan. The Brave who walking without fear like usual.
Since accepting the blessing, he always keeps leading even at the hunting time.
The three eyes of his seeking around the trees, and then discovering a beast’s traces there. Although, it was hard to find the trace of small beings, but it would be different story if the target was a demonic beast.
Below from the large tree, there is a dung scattered around the tree’s root.
Of course, it was dropped from the top. When the titan trying to look up, there is a nest which made by combining tree’s branches and leaves.
“Sound Chirping Bird, huh・・・・alright”
He knows the demonic beast who live in that nest. For a titan, this kind of prey is not worthy to eat but their feathers are good for decorations.
To meet and ask the enquiry for wise man, it was important to decorate the armor. Because armor value is not just stiffness at all.
As the Brave thought that way, the titan grab holds of boulder that loitering around of him.
Immediately, the Ring-ring bird opened its eyes. In a flash, a loud ‘alarm’ noise ringing from its beak.
Eru and Addy were tripped over due to loud cry blaring them at the close range. In the same time, the big bid flapping its wing and jumped from its nest without hesitation.
Immediately afterwards, a bulk of rock come flying through the nest.
Penetrating the branches and leaves on its way, leaving a huge hole in the nest. It was really tremendous strength.
Although their ear still ringing, Eru and Addy were forced to make a move.
Addy who start up the silhouette gear as soon she rides, leap into the nearest tree branch.
“Throwing, huh? I thought there is no tools that can be used in this forest”
They soon spotted it if they look at the ground, the glaring eyes. The figure of a glaring titan who look at the Ring-ring bird direction.
“Eru-kun this is our chance! It would be fine right if we didn’t let this guy free right?”
“Yeah, this also good opportunity for us. Let’s go talk a bit with him”
After Addy said that, moodily.  Eru responds it with a refreshing smile.
Afterward, the two of them jumped off from the tree branches.
“What a fast bird as ever. It’s hard to hunt at this distance”
While watching the loud-cries shriek from the distance, the third eyes brave click his tongue.
Because of the Ring-ring bird special trait, they will inform the threat to their kind. For awhile they will be alerted and will not able to hunt easily.
It can’t be helped if it was a failure. As soon the titan wants to walk away, a faint noise entering his ears.
The titan looks around quickly, eventually he found a small human-like figure standing in the tree branch.
â€œăƒ»ăƒ»ăƒ»ăƒ»What, a goblin! To think hiding in this such place”
His eyes shine brightly, and then his mouth began to grin twistedly.
At the same time, Eru who noticed something start to narrowing his eyes.
“That voice, I do recognize it. It seems you are the same giant from other day. This might be some kind of fate”
“What a luck. To able face my failure again. This time, for sure wipe it!” [5]
The whole titan body infused with his fighting spirit. The titan gathering his power not solely for hunting but for a hot-blooded battle.
“Goblin. Your luck already ran out without your owner eyes”
“You don’t understand anything at all. As I told you many times before, we were not being kept by anyone at all”
The Brave face loose its smile after hearing the fearless Eru answer.
By slowly moving forward while measuring the distance, he glares at the top of the branch.
“You awfully talk a lot. Are you saying you are ‘stray’? Then it would not necessary to snoop around didn’t you”
“I just wanted to know about you guys”
“I cannot understand. Just ask to your owner is enough for that. But・・・・I no longer emit any more word”
The titan who carefully shorten the distance, landing his last step.
At the same time, the stone axe cut down the branch into a small piece.
Eru who think ahead, jumped out in the midair. As if they have been replaced, Eru now attempting to leap over the titan, but resulting the stone axe bounced up.
Eru who still in the midair, by utilizing aero thruster magic he forcefully change the direction.
The stone axe swings into the sky once again, and pierced through the ground pointlessly.
“What a feat to able avoid my attack continuously! For a mere goblin, you are not bad. However!”
“Honestly, what a giant! Was it your word is only for show!?”
For a stone axe that used to beat huge demonic beast easily, sure have a bad affinity when aiming at small opponent.
Yet, despite having been evaded countlessly, the titan swung up the stone axe again.
With attack combining on stepping in, Eru once again avoided it.
But, at that time Eru felt something wrong. There is something suspicious——soon he notices the reason. The titan’s third eye is always glancing his figure.
The titan is not only having a lot of eyes. As consequence, their field of vision is wide and also have outstanding dynamic vision.
When they mean glaring at the prey is.
The stone axe that supposedly cutting an air, suddenly curved like a living being, and chasing after Eru in three times.
Eru immediately change aero thruster direction but, what most terrifying is, the stone axe also able to change the trajectories.
The Brave’s cheek filled with grinning.
When he swings the stone axe, he deliberately pulls his strength. And by suppressing the momentum, he can move the stone axe freely. His aim was the gap between prey’s movement.
For a titan, it was easy thing to do swinging without momentum. Even if Eru got hit from stone axe, he cannot come off without a hitch after all.
Complicated movement to freely swing the huge stone axe with such weight, all of that due to the strength of the titan.
The stone axe raises its roar and approaching Eru.
In front of approaching a large mass. What on earth was he thinking, by posing up the gun staff to the front.
Is he planning to catch a huge stone axe with that thin gun staff? There is no way to think other than desperation.
Even so, he still took his gun staff toward the stone axe————in a second, there is compressive-air outburst occurred.
Eru’s body blown off like a tree’s leaf after being overwhelmed by raging wind storms.
The gathered air functioning as a cushion, furthermore he was able to escape to the distance.
“Sonic Boom・・・・it’s been a long time huh?”
As it is turn around in the midair, by using Air suspension magic he slowly going down to the ground.
Before the spectacle, even the Brave start to distrusted his eyes to that extent.
Although, swiftly avoiding the attack was still relatable. But, able to survive after receiving the overwhelming titan attack from the front is too unbearable for him.
The Brave has a preconceived view toward the goblin as he has strength to crush them in piece.
The titan began to forgot lifting up the stone axe, and then a smile broke into his faces.
“How could・・・・haha! To able survive that! Goblin, I must apologize to you! For a mere goblin, you are the worthy Brave opponent. Then I am also, as a Brave will not display shameful fight! Hundred eyes, be my witness!”
The titan acknowledged, he had no choice to admit it. In front of him, there is no mere goblin at all, he is worthy opponent who should not be disregarded.
Therefore, as the Third Eyed Seat of Brave (Fortissimos De Terrias Okrys), he completely changed his posture.
â€œăƒ»ăƒ»ăƒ»ăƒ»you are really selfish, huh? None of mutual understanding can be done. Fine, Let’s hear it even if it just an obstinacy”
Finally, Eru has reached the point to give up.
He was preferring to negotiate, if they could start a proper conversation. With his ability, evading any attack was not hard at all.
But, the titan in front of him somewhat convinced by himself, furthermore increasing his wariness. It was not the vibe that makes proper conversation at all
There is one way to converse with a battle junkie.
“I have one favor for me before we fight”
“There’s no rule talking in the middle of the fight・・・ but, for a mere goblin. Fine, it would be your last word. I will consider it”
He leans the stone axe on his shoulder, and then the Third Eyed of Brave look down with overconfident manner.
If this was a battle between titan, exchanging conversation before the fight is considered become useless when the fight begins.
However, this time is not a titan but a goblin. Was it the strongest composure or the matter of enthusiasm? The third eyed titan seems interested enough to hear it.
After nodding, Eru nonchalantly opened his mouth
“Let’s go somewhere else”
The titan who excused him to speak. Intentionally respond with that kind of doubtful condition, he concerned about this stupidity.
Still, the next word he speaks make the titan speechless.
“Let’s go to your village, and fight there in front of everyone”
Without confirming the true meaning in Eru words, the titan has no word to reply. Even the Brave, began to doubt his weariness.
“In this fight with no meaning at all, should be displayed only once. Well, please guide me there”
Disbelieving on what he hears, for the first time, the Brave finally look at the small figure clearly.
The goblin that looks like a titan. They were only small and easy enough to trample.
Whatever how big the size, he is the ‘Brave’, that is the truth which even the Brave himself admitted it.
“Fine. Fight between the Brave must be acknowledged widely”
While thinking in a short moment. The Brave nod his head solemnly.
Afterwards. The titan which located in the village, wondering about the Third Eyed Brave early arrival.
“Third Eyed Seat? What happened, return with empty hands. Did you close your eyes while on hunting?”
Even with that bizarre looks, will be replaced with surprised expression by the Brave responds.
“Will change the enquiry to the wise man. Watch it”
“What did you say!? We still haven’t sent the messenger. What on earth is happening・・・・!?”
The titan who seek the figure of the Brave opponent in hurry, eventually discovering a hideous being.
Behind the Brave, there is a small figure who was being accompanied without afraid or anything.
The titans could not understand at all. While still stunned, the frightened titan asked the Brave.
“Don’t tell me・・・・the enquiry to the wise man, will be that goblin!?”
“What a fool!? Did your eyes become clouded, Third Eyed Seat?”
“Nay. This is what I have been bestowed to call a Brave. As for the truth, it should be revealed after this”
The titans look at the Brave with sudden turmoil, and without clearing the confusion, changed their line of sight.
The Brave who become stubborn to this extent, how can they able to persuade it. And then, in a such terribly shrewd air, a savior appeared between them.
It was the fourth eyed old woman who dressed in a gaudy decoration. The Sorcerer of Four Eyes Seat (Marga De Quortos Okrys).
When the old woman come out in front of the titans, she glared at the Brave.
“Brave. I have heard the story. Was it true, to give a goblin an ask to enquiry?”
“I swear it on my eyes”
The brave kneels down before her leaving his eyes on the forehead opened.
After watching him kneel, hearing his words, the old woman groaned. The Brave word right now is the highest oath for the titan.
The Brave knew immediately about how much is the unbending confidence he had.
“If you say that much, then there is no room for me. What left is asking the Hundred Eyesăƒ»ăƒ»ăƒ»ăƒ»â€
“No, please wait. Please don’t make the decision only by yourself”
The objection that come from the unexpected place.
The old woman, open her eyes which buried in the wrinkles and seek the source of the sound.
Even though surrounded by huge figure, the small being who didn’t even show any shred of fear, cool and calmly standing between them.
None of the titan, expecting this miserable mouth speaking its words.
They do not know the reason why the Brave would ask to enquiry to the wise man so whimsically, besides they still believed and will not doubt on a mere goblin who can simply just be crushed.
Yet that also, will be ended until this moment.
“This is a duel. Then I want a demand if I win this fight”
With just one breath the titan expression changed dramatically.
With their Brave as his opponent, this small being is———speaking, with intention to win.
“Fine, say it”
“That’s, between the goblin he must be the brave. Then, the Hundred Eyes must be pleased. That victory need requital”
The titan’s line of sight now traverses through the Brave and Eru.
The situation that going in front of them were already beyond anyone imagination.
Gathering various clan, and then asking the enquiry to the wise man, why all of this happened at the time like this.
Only one man, the only Brave who remain elegantly.
“After I win the battle, you must hear what I’m trying to say”
And yet, after listening beyond unexpected demand, even he (the Brave) couldn’t hide his bizarre looks.
“Honestly, I don’t know what is the circumstances, you guys didn’t even to listen despite of how much I have been explaining all this time. If you guys really have a language, at least show me we can do proper conversation”
â€œăƒ»ăƒ»ăƒ»Are you fine with that kind? This is the battle between Brave”
Unlike the confused Brave, Eru puffed his chest and nodded proudly.
The old woman who seeing all the details, buried her four eyes into the wrinkles.
That small brave is, different matter with the goblin that Rubel Clan has been kept.
There is no history, fighting a titan without using phantom beast help.
Then, it would be something different from the old woman thought.
Without hiding that doubt, the old woman said it with serious tone.
â€œăƒ»ăƒ»ăƒ»ăƒ»the preparation has been fulfilled. With this, as for the Hundred Eyes, we will ask the enquiry to the wise man. Brave, your name!”
Formally, the beginning of the duel has been announced.
At the moment, the surrounding titan become tightened. When the enquiry begins, there is no room for objection anymore.
The Brave inhaling the air heavily, put his stone axe in the ground and puts out his chest.
“My name is Wilts Fortissimos Terrias Okrys De Caelleus! The Hundred Eyes, be my witness!!”
Afterward, he held his favorite stone axe.
There is no reason for him to held back, even if his opponent is a small goblin. Yet, that such thing was futile, because this goblin didn’t even afraid a slightness thing against the titan.
“My name is Ernesti Echavalier, I’m just a knight commander”
As a prove, he glares at the Brave with the small blade on his hand.
Next, after they introduce them-self, the two beasts start running in the same time.
TL note:
[1] original text : (ăČă©ăćœŒăźç™Șă«éšœăŁăŸă€‚) hurt his eyes too much. For a giant, eyes meaning pride, name, or everything about their existance.
[2] in this dialog, the original text were: ă€Œé­”ć°Žćž«ă€ă—ă‹ă‚‰ă°ïŒïŒŸă€.( しからば) is an old fashioned word that have meaning like (Well then, please excuse me ). At first, I thought it was something like this (Hallo. My name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father. Prepare to die) kek
[3] ă‚«ă‚šăƒ«ăƒŹă‚Šă‚č氏族: Kaelleous Clan. In romanji it should be like this (Kaerureusu)
[4] 鳎栱鳄(ăƒȘăƒłă‚źăƒłăƒăƒŒăƒ‰): Honestly, I don’t know how to spell this. All I know is the romanji of (ăƒȘăƒłă‚źăƒłăƒăƒŒăƒ‰) this (ringimbaado). So I thought it would be Ring-ring bird. As for鳎(sound, ringing, cry)  , ć ±(information, communication, report), éł„ (Bird). For now I called it sound chirping bird, or noise humming bird, or anything else if anyone know what is the best
[5]original text:( é›ȘăăŻă€ă“ăźæ™‚ă‚’ăŠă„ăŠă‚ă‚‰ăšïŒ) roughly it mean (what time is it to snow), but (é›Șぐ) in this sentence can also wipe, clean, wiping. Considering the last sentence before it was reminding of his failure.