He clenched his jaw and furrowed his brow in response to the lingering gaze.
“You say go; why don’t you go?” Karl thought, his frustration simmering beneath the surface.
Diane had always been attuned to his desires without needing to voice them, understanding him on a level that felt almost intimate. He never had to repeat himself, and she never did anything he didn’t like. So why is he acting this way now? Karl had been about to ask if there was something she wanted to say, but Diane spoke first.
“I heard that the Empress has issued an announcement to hire an aide,” Diane said cautiously, choosing her words carefully. She knew that mentioning the Empress would likely prevent Karl from asking about that day directly. However, to her surprise, he only met her with a cold gaze, leaving her feeling perplexed.
“I’m worried,” Diane continued, her voice faltering. “Previous Empresses didn’t hire an aide until a year after their weddings, so if you’re trying to hire one in less than a month, I can’t help but wonder who it will be for Your Majesty.”
Karl cut her off abruptly, his tone icy. “It’s nothing for you to worry about. Just focus on your duties.”
Diane blinked in surprise, taken aback by the Emperor’s dismissive tone. She tried to hide her tears, desperately not wanting to show any weakness. She turned to leave, but Karl’s words stopped her in her tracks.
“And don’t bring up that topic again,” he said, his voice devoid of emotion.
Diane turned around, hoping for further explanation, but the Emperor had already turned to the documents on his desk, dismissing her without a second thought. She trembled, feeling as if she had been stripped bare in the midst of a cold winter with Karl’s indifferent attitude. The work she had mentioned finishing was in reference to a case in the Empress’ palace. And the Emperor’s order to not bring it up again was… heartbreaking.
“Princess…” Lorraine’s worried voice reached Diane’s ears as she made her way out, her steps unsteady, tears streaming down her face. She felt a deep sadness, knowing that Karl was both her heaven and her hell. In this moment, she felt cast into hell by the Emperor’s cold eyes, tone, attitude, and every word. It was all too easy for him to turn her world into a paradise, only to then plunge it into despair so painfully.
As Karl sat in his chambers, his emotions roiled like crashing waves, threatening to consume him. His feelings for Diane were tumultuous, fluctuating between love and frustration, tenderness and anger. Today was one of those days when he found it hard to bear her presence, her every word and gesture was like a sharp knife that pierced his heart.
He ran a hand through his disheveled blonde hair, trying to clear his thoughts. Diane had just left, and he could still feel the weight of guilt that lingered after their interaction. He had been curt with her, dismissing her concerns about the announcement for the Empress’ aide. But he had his reasons, and he couldn’t let his emotions get in the way of his responsibilities as Emperor.
Karl turned his attention to the papers in front of him, the report on the nobles who had responded to the announcement. It was only made this morning, yet the response has been swift and overwhelming. He couldn’t help but smile wryly at the eagerness with which families sent their children to vie for the prestigious position of the Empress’ aide. He knew the Empress’ magical prowess had drawn much attention, and he wondered how the dynamics of the court would shift with her new aide.
His thoughts then turned to the Baldr family, a powerful and influential noble house. He frowned as he realized there was no news yet of anyone from the Baldr family responding to the announcement. Duke Baldr and his deputy were unlikely to come forward themselves, but Karl knew he needed to send someone from the relevant family to represent them.
With a sigh, he rubbed his temples, feeling the dull throb of a headache coming on. He needed to make a decision soon, but his mind was clouded with conflicting emotions. He glanced at the papers in front of him but found it hard to focus. Hunger gnawed at him, a reminder that he hadn’t eaten all day.
“I’m going to eat something,” Karl muttered to himself, pushing back from the desk. He needed a clear mind to make a wise decision, and he couldn’t afford to let his emotions cloud his judgment. With determined steps, he left his chambers, hoping that a meal would help calm his troubled mind and provide the clarity he needed to handle the challenges that lay ahead.
Hannah Giggs, known for her encyclopedic knowledge and unwavering loyalty to the previous empress, was Adele’s trusted advisor. As Adele prepared for the interviews of potential aides after her recent announcement, she sought Hannah’s guidance on the political landscape of Ehmont.
Hannah’s insight was invaluable, and she didn’t hesitate to share her thoughts. “Considering the current circumstances, it would be wise to extend an invitation to the Baldr family,” she advised.
Adele knew that Duke Baldr led a faction that opposed her reign as emperor. On the opposite side were the Duke of Despone and his allies, including the Counts of Poitiers. It would be ironic for Adele to choose an aide from the House of Despone, given the tension between them. However, it was also unlikely that a direct descendant of the Baldr family would willingly serve as her aide. Adele carefully reviewed the list of potential candidates, mindful of any signals from the Baldr family.
Her mind raced with thoughts of the delicate balance she had to maintain in her court. She couldn’t afford to make a misstep in her choice of aide, as it could have far-reaching implications for her reign. She looked to Hannah for guidance, knowing that her wife’s knowledge and wisdom would be invaluable in making this critical decision.
Adele’s gaze narrowed as she scrutinized the list of potential candidates. She knew that her choice would send a message to the court and beyond. She had to be shrewd, strategic, and diplomatic in her decision-making. The fate of her empire hung in the balance, and she couldn’t afford to make a mistake.