Lionel interjected, “So what? Whether he’s seventeen or sixteen this year doesn’t really matter. And what about the second son of Count Roroman? I know his spouse passed away recently, but he has three children.”
Theseus responded with a dismissive tone, “That’s all. It’s not like any of it matters anyway. There’s no guarantee of success.”
Lionel pressed on, “Why can’t it be considered like the second and third sons of other families?”
Theseus was momentarily speechless, blinking as he considered his brother’s question. The two brothers shared a silent moment before Theseus let out a sigh and ran a hand through his hair.
“Lionel,” Theseus began, “there’s nothing for you to gain by going. The Empress is bringing in her aide to impress Her Majesty and to send a warning to Diane Poitiers.”
Lionel countered, “So losing face and honor is more important than potential gains?”
Theseus responded, “Do you not understand? If you become the Empress’ aide, people will mock you behind your back and call you her mistress. Why would you subject yourself to that?”
Michael, the secretary, intervened, “Have you overlooked something?”
Theseus glared at Michael before Michael continued, “Lionel has a point. We know very little about the wizards, towers, and witch beasts that are plaguing Ehmont. Even our attempts to steal information from other countries have failed due to it being a national secret. And we lost a person when we sent them to Gottrov. The Empress likely knows more than we do, and by becoming her aide, Lionel could gain valuable information to help us move forward.”
Theseus took a sip of his cold tea and furrowed his brow as he considered his brother’s argument. Lionel continued, “At least if I become the Empress’ aide, we can take a step forward.”
Theseus reluctantly agreed with his brother, but Michael posed an important question,
“What if the Empress doesn’t choose Lionel?”
Theseus and Lionel were caught off guard, having not considered that possibility. Michael expressed his disbelief at their baseless confidence and Lionel responded,
“What can we do? I’m still Lionel Baldr. I’ll dress nicely and go.”
Theseus couldn’t help but feel uneasy about the situation and lamented, “If our mother were still alive, she would have scolded me for letting you do this.”
As Diane gazed upon Karl, her heart sank at his preoccupation with her paperwork. It had been an entire day since their last encounter, which had taken place at the empress’ palace. She understood that he was a busy man, especially given the recent events involving the tower’s destruction and the empress’ subsequent issuance of an aide notice. Nevertheless, the silence between them was deafening.
Anxiety shimmered in Diane’s cerulean eyes as she struggled to keep her composure. Cold sweat dripped down her spine, and she took a deep breath as chills coursed through her chest. Beside her, Lorraine sensed her distress and quickly offered her water.
“Princess, are you alright?” Lorraine asked.
Diane nodded, her voice barely above a whisper. “Yes…thank you.”
“If you’re tired, you should rest at the palace,” Lorraine suggested.
Diane bit her lip, her eyes fluttering shut as she gathered her thoughts. She was always acutely aware of Karl’s every move – his subtle expressions, his small words, his tone, and even his smallest gestures. Diane had long been attuned to his every nuance, and she loved him for it.
Eventually, Diane rose from her seat, knowing that her condition had not gone unnoticed by the emperor. He would have come to check on her, as he always did.
“I apologize for worrying you, Your Majesty,” she murmured. “I came because I wanted to see you, but I fear I may have overexerted myself. I haven’t been feeling well lately.”
“Your complexion is not good. Go and rest,” Karl said, concern etched into his features.
Diane forced a smile, even as her heart ached. “Thank you, Your Majesty. I will. And I’ll ask the doctor to make some medicine for me.”
Despite her eagerness to leave, Diane hesitated for a moment, her mind racing with unspoken questions. Why hadn’t Karl asked about what had happened with the empress that day? If he only knew, she would have gladly told him everything. But as she turned to leave, her steps faltered, and she found herself unable to leave without an answer.
“Why didn’t you ask?” She blurted it out. “What happened at the empress’ palace that day? If you want to know, I’ll tell you everything.”
Her heart hammered in her chest as she waited for his response, unsure of what his reaction would be.