h.e.l.l week is over, so here's another chapter guys. Will probably be back to normal schedule after next week Thursday. Also, I'm working on the next chapter of ROM! Super long chapter, 42 pages. But I finished translating six pages just yesterday, so I'm feeling optimistic. (Haha I feel like ITMBIS is the series that's half story half announcements now)
So funny story (just skip through if you don't want to read it). This was during my exams a few days ago.
It was the night before my stats exam, and my calculator decided to betray me and break down. Clearly, I couldn't go out to fix it, cuz it was already about 11pm and stuff. No big deal, although I freaked out a little, because I felt like something really unfortunate was headed my way tomorrow. I borrowed a calculator from my brother.
So come morning, and I was just doing some last minute revision through all my notes, and that didn't need a calculator. But I needed to check some old exercise I did before this and this needed one, so I went my pencil case to grab it.
The calculator was gone.
Calculator? Gone. Exam? In ten minutes. Calculator? GONE.
Naturally, I panicked. Idk, probably from the stress or the slight freak out from yesterday.
After two minutes of overturning my bag and messing up my already messy notes, I looked at my left– and oh. Oh.
The calculator had just been buried under my notes. False alarm.
Originally posted on RBKTR Translations.
Author: Yi Zhi Da Yan (一隻大雁).
Translated by: Yujuan.
I feel that the most important affair right now is to tell my boyfriend that I love him.
That I love him so much, even if heaven and earth are shaken, even if the seas run dry and the rocks crumble, even if he has impotence, frigidity, I will not turn my back on him.
This way his self-confidence will be roused, sparking off his hopes.
And yet, how to do this effectively without leaving a trace, is really a huge question.
I thought for a long while, but couldn't think of a result.
With that, I switched on my laptop, opened the webpage, and clicked on the search b.u.t.ton.
【How do you persuade your impotent friend to live on】
Ignoring a bunch of andrology clinic adverts and aphrodisiac recipes pa.s.sed down from ancestors, I saw a poster's inner self-abas.e.m.e.nt and hopelessness seeking for help from countless forum posts.
…So there really are people who'll commit suicide because of their inability to have s.e.x.
Sigh, is it really worth it.
Out of the question, I must support my boyfriend well, love him spoil him be considerate of him, what should I do if he commits suicide?!