Originally posted on RBKTR Translations.
Author: Yi Zhi Da Yan (一隻大雁).
Translated by: Yujuan.
The more I think about it the more I feel that my boyfriend is frigid.
If it was me, I would push him into the bathroom, forcefully stripping him of his clothes, then pus.h.i.+ng the disheveled him into the bathtub…
You'd become hard just thinking about it!
But he was so composed!
The way he stripped me was so regular and thorough! His hands weren't even shaking!
Oh, don't ask me if he had a reaction or not, honestly speaking, I fell asleep, didn't see it.
I got up, walking to the kitchen.
A note was pasted onto the fridge, indicating that there was food in the fridge, I could just heat it up.
I was still thinking of the problem that kept on troubling me.
How should I persuade him to visit the clinic for a check-up.
He's already mad at me, telling him this will make him angrier.
I'll tell him after a few days then.
I entered the study after breakfast.
After the house became fully furnished, my boyfriend has always been using the study. My job basically doesn't require a study, and my boyfriend doesn't like others disturbing him while he's working, so I can even count the number of times I've walked into this room with my fingers.
I didn't come here to read, I just came here to find the spare key for my office. I lost it when I was tailing someone yesterday, but luckily my house key was still there, or else I would have to squat outside the house along with the dog waiting for my boyfriend to come back.
The spare key was placed inside the drawer of the desktop table. I accidentally touched the mouse, and the screen of the computer lit up.
I glanced at the screen.
Do you, feel troubled by your own feebleness?
Are you, suffering from kidney deficiency and premature e.j.a.c.u.l.a.t.i.o.n?
Come to XX Andrology, where we will revive your virility! Become a real man!
Wait a minute this thing looks familiar.
…Isn't this the website of the andrology clinic I found?
Has my boyfriend realized his problem? Is he trying to find a clinic to solve his problem on his own initiative?
This is really f.u.c.king awkward.
Honestly speaking, he must be feeling particularly sensitive and self-abased about this kind of problem. If I mentioned this matter to him, his frail little heart will definitely be harmed.
Since he has already found a clinic, there is no more need to mention this to him.
Next, I should encourage him with a glancing knock, sideways stroke, encouraging him to accept proper treatment, making him understand that even if the illness can't be cured I won't turn my back on him.
Goodness, I almost feel touched.