A little past noon.
Lapel and Lizelle were out in the garden after partaking their meals. It was the first time after a long time while because Lizelle could not go anywhere due to her sprain.
Although the air occasionally wafted in through the large windows of the mansion, the freshness of the wind that hit her body was different.
Werazel spent her time in the garden or walking with Lapel almost every day since they started living with the duke. That was all she could do here as a guest.
It was because Chester forbade them from doing anything else, saying it was dangerous if they go out.
So after having been walking or spending time in the garden for more than two weeks,  suddenly being stuck in her room for the last few days made her feel like she was dying.
“Now, I feel alive.”
“Did you feel stuffy in the mansion?”
“Really, I thought I was in a prison,” she sat down comfortably in a chair and chatted with Tia.
Lapel was sitting next to her, nibbling cookies.
“I’m glad you recovered quickly.”
“Yes, good thing I only twisted it a little. I must be athletic.”
Lizelle laughed, admiring herself.
Thanks to her agile movement, she felt very proud it was her only injury.
“That’s right,”
At this, Tia chuckled.
When playing ball with Lapel, she remembered seeing Lizelle panting heavily but she pretended not to notice.
“It’s a little cold,” Lizelle rubbed her arms with her hands. Perhaps it was a little chilly because the wind kept blowing and the dress she was wearing was thin.
“Shall I bring a fichu?”
Tia asked. Lizelle shook her head and looked at Lapel.
“Lapel, isn’t it cold? Would you like to go back to our room?”
Like Lizelle, Lapel came to the garden after a long time and so he was enjoying the moment. Besides, they had just been to the garden. He had no intention of going back to his room now.
“Tia, please look after Lapel. I’m going inside.”
Lizelle stood up from her seat. A coat was needed to stay a little longer in the garden.
“I’ll get it for you.”
“It’s fine. I’ll be right back. I was not allowed to move much during the past few days. I want to do it.”
Lizelle stroked Lapel’s head while blocking Tia who was trying to leave.
“Raphelion, I’ll be right back. Play with Tia.”
Lizelle headed to the room, happy with the fact that Lapel could now interact with Tia and not just her.
After entering the room, she came out with her shawl and Lapel’s coat.
And now that she was so used to it, she went down the hallways and stairs like she was in her own house.The mansion, which seemed like it had no end in sight, was big enough to make her want to remove her shoes when she walked, but now she felt kind of used to it. It was now friendly and familiar to her and showed how much she had adapted to the place.
When Lizelle exited the mansion and headed for the garden, a voice came from behind.
“I heard you recovered already.”
She turned around and saw Chester standing from a distance. He was holding a thick leash.
As she looked down the leash, she saw Warden was sitting next to him.
“Yes. You must have taken him out for a walk?”
Unlike the last time, Lizelle was amazed to see him sitting still and stared at him.
Currently, Warden stayed still like a doll because he was beside his owner.
“Warden has something for you.”
“For me?”
The two talked at a distance. No one approached each other first.
It was to prepare for an unexpected situation.
“Go on.”
Warden walked over to the space between the two, his ears drooping, biting a flower Chester had given him.
At Chester’s instructions, Warden put down the flower he was holding a little away from Lizelle.
It was the apology she asked for.
“You’re smart.”
Lizelle, who was watching his movements and the flower he brought with interest, smiled.
It looked like a gentle sheep.
Not long ago, he was like a wild beast in the garden.
She picked up the flower Warden gave her.
The yellow flower she could not identify was pretty.
“Will it be okay if I pet him?”
Lizelle glanced at Chester, unwilling to let this moment pass.
I want to pet him once, but I’m scared that it might suddenly rush towards me.
“Are you sure?”
“Yes, I want to hold him.”
In particular, I want to touch that fur and the full wrinkles.
Wouldn’t it feel like holding a soft carpet in your hand?
Chester loosened the leash he was holding tightly at Werazel’s request.
Warden sniffed and began to approach Lizelle’s side little by little.
She said it was okay with excitement in her heart, but as Warden approached, Lizelle’s expression gradually stiffened.
The memory of Warden running fiercely at her remained in her mind.
“Reach out your hand.”
“Is it okay?”
“I’m looking.”
She did not know why, but Lizelle felt reassured upon hearing his words.
Lizelle gulped and slowly extended her palm toward Warden.
Warden circled Lizelle’s scent for a while, sniffing and tickling her palm.
“You can touch him now,” Chester said.
Lizelle slowly squatted and touched Warden’s chin.
Fortunately, Warden did not bite nor growl.
“Wow. You have a lot of wrinkles.”
A lot of Warden’s folds were caught in her hand. The wrinkles on his face and his drooping eyes were cute.
“What is his breed?”
“It’s a bloodhound.”
Warden rolled and showed off his stomach after seeing that Lizelle’s touch was good.
“At that time, you ran viciously at me. Now, are you trying to be friends with me?”
Lizelle laughed at the big dog’s aegyo and touched his belly. Warden panted, lying on the floor, wagging his tail.
Chester was staring at Lizelle and Warden silently.
“Thank you for the flower.”
Lizelle, who had petted Warden for a long time, stood up.
She held the yellow flower that the dog gave her in her hand.
If you think about it, it means that Warden has been trained repeatedly, right?
Lizelle could not imagine Chester training Warden with flowers.
It is surprising to know that he is not always blunt and cold.
That he prepared something like this and listened to her words.
“Thank you. Then please, finish your walk.”
Lizelle nodded to Chester and returned to Lapel.
It was fascinating to see a new side of him.
“Arf! Arf!” Warden barked, feeling sad at Lizelle leaving him.
Chester comforted him as he stroked Warden’s head.
He looked at her back that was getting farther and farther away from him and handed Warden’s leash to the knight near him.
“I want you to take the rest of the walk.”
Then he followed Lizelle.
“Hah,” Lizelle, who was spending time with Lapel while eating Madeleines, sighed.
There was only one reason for that and it was Chester.
I don’t know why, but he is constantly circling around me.
At first I thought it was because there was something to discuss, but he did not even talk to me.
“Does the duke have something to say?”
Tia also whispered in a quiet voice.
“Then he can just say it, why is he snooping around the young miss?”
“I think it’s because of me. Should I go?”
“No. I’ll go ask him, miss.”
As Tia and Lizelle exchanged conversations, Chester was watching the two under a tree a little further away from them.
“Master,” Lohan approached Chester.
Lohan lamented deeply when he found Lizelle looking at their way.
His master seemed to try hiding himself, but the young miss already noticed him.
“Do you want to be with the young miss?”
“What?” said Chester, frowning at the butler.
“Isn’t that why you were watching her secretly?”
“What do you mean secretly?” He replied bluntly, pretending to be indifferent but in truth, he was embarrassed inside.
It was because Lohan hit the nail on the head.
In fact, he had followed suit to watch Lizelle and Lapel close by.
He seems to have misunderstood Werazel, so he wanted to see for himself how she treated Lapel, but unexpectedly, Werazel quickly noticed that Chester was hiding, and he was forced to stand there.
As if nothing happened, putting a natural expression on his face…
“I thought you were hiding secretly again. Duke, who would hide in such a way?” Lohan immediately noticed that his master was lying, but he pretended not to know it and advised him to hide better.
I was hiding under the shade of a tree, but maybe it was obvious.
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Chester was seriously contemplating if he had to climb up the tree when-.
“Would you like to play?”
Lizelle stood in front of Chester.
When did you come near?
Alright, Warden’s name is cleared now. I’mma go! Bye~~