“I’m going to Lizelle!”
When Chester was on his way out of Lizelle’s room, he found Lapel struggling in the Lohan’s arms in the hallway.
Lohan, who somehow tried to appease Lapel, saw Chester and hurried to him like the man had met his saviour. The servants also tried to help calm Lapel, but it was not enough. He was so stubborn that even bulls cannot be compared to him.
Lohan shouted at Chester with a face asking for help.
Meanwhile, Lapel flapped his short legs and arms and struck Lohan.
It was not strong, but it was painful because the boy kept hitting him.
Looking at Lohan who was in tears, Chester sighed and took Lapel from the butler’s hands. He carried him and met his eyes.
Lapel’s cheeks were puffed up and full of grumpiness.
“Raphelion,” said Chester to Lapel in a grim voice.
The persistently stubborn Lapel froze at his chilling voice.
“Lady Werazel must be very uncomfortable with her leg injury right now.”
“… Is Lizelle hurt? “
“Is it because of me?”
In an instant, tears gathered in the clear eyes of Lapel. His hands were shaking so hard as he was about to cry.
Chester soothed Lapel before he burst into tears.
“It’s okay. It was not because of you “
“Yes, it’s not your fault. She just needs some rest and she’ll get better soon so don’t worry. “
Lapel’s tears stopped at his uncle’s comforting words. Somehow, there was power in Chester’s words. That power that seemed to work like a spell.
That is why Lapel, who did not listen to anyone other than Lizelle, nodded softly.
“Okay! I will protect Lizelle! “
Lapel pumped his fists in front of Chester. The child’s red eyes shone resolutely.
At that moment, Chester looked as if he had been punched in the head.
Could I say that a child who trusted her and treated her with sincerity had been abused? Absolutely not.
He knew then that something was wrong.
“Yes. You have to help her by her side.”
“Yes, I will!”
Chester put down Lapel he was holding in his arms with a blank face.
“Lizelle!!!” Then, as if he had waited for a long time, Lapel ran into the room.
“Master?” Lohan called the dazed Chester.
Seeing my master holding Lapel was like a sight of an uncle and his nephew. Black hair and red eyes. It was so similar that I think it is not mere transformation magic.
“Yes, Master.”
Chester’s eyes flashed while he thinking hard.
“Get the antidote as soon as possible.”
If I really am misunderstanding something, I have to correct it quickly.
“You said she threw herself to save the child?”
“Wow, is that really because that child is the young master?”
“I don’t know. She may have been deliberately acting when she saw the Duke. You saw it. She was carried like a princess!”
The servants gathered today were talking about what happened in the mansion. They seemed very dissatisfied with the Duke living with the guests Werazel and Raphelion.
“Will she be no different from the others? Isn’t she aiming for the reward like other people, or is she trying to seduce the Duke by using his nephew?”
Suddenly, all the attention was focused on one woman.
“Right? It does not make sense at all that a young miss, a nobleman mind you, suddenly went to the trash to pick up a child there, does it?”
The woman spoke out and folded her arms.
The woman’s name was Regina. She was a servant who had been working for the Duke for almost three years.
Among the servants, Regina was among the prettiest. She was a woman with plain orange hair and brown eyes.
She had just reached her early twenties, and she was close to the head maid so she had a strong standing among the servants.
“Oh, isn’t it? Maybe.”
“That’s right. It’s impossible for a noblewoman to go to the garbage dump.”
The servants looked at each other and immediately agreed.
They could be in charge of cleaning the sewer that everyone avoided if they were hated by Regina.
“Is that so? That woman must have approached for the Duke’s money as well.”
After hearing agreements from them, Regina felt as if her argument was correct and giggled.
“I don’t know where she went off to and picked up that skinny kid.”
Regina mumbled, twisting her hair. Her voice was full of envy and jealousy.
The servants gathered around her rolled their eyes secretly.
There were a lot of things everyone wanted to say, but they held it in
If they say something wrong, they would be forced to work all day long.
“That’s right. Is he really an aristocrat?”
“When the antidote comes, all the lies will be revealed.”
All they could do was respond to Regina’s words.
“You there! What are you gathering for? Aren’t you all paid to work?”
The servants scattered to their respective seats except for Regina.
She stood alone in place where everyone had disappeared, remembering what happened earlier.
The image of Werazel entering the room while being carried by Chester.
The scene stuck in Regina’s mind and she could not forget it.
“You think you can get the Duke by trying to be feeble and weak? You think I don’t know your intentions?”
Regina clenched her fists tightly and muttered.
“The Duke is mine. I won’t lose him to anyone.”
“Lizelle, but you are sick now,” Lapel was imprisoned in the warm arms of Lizelle.
Lizelle hugged the soft child and laughed slightly.
The fluffy baby scent I smell every time I hold Lapel has the power to make my heart comfortable.
After the incident with Warden, Lizelle was forced to rest, trapped in her room.
“I think a light walk would be fine. We could go to the garde-“
“Lizelle is sick, stay still.”
Lapel spoke very sternly, with his arms on her side.
It’s so cute that this small child makes a serious and stern expression, I badly want to capture it with a photo.
Lapel had changed after being told by the doctor that she should take maximum amount of rest and do minimal movement until her ankle heals.
“I will protect you! I will take care of you!!”
When she failed to reach a glass of water earlier, Lapel moved quickly after saying he would do it.
“I will give you water!’
Drinking water was not a problem for her because her hand was not injured, but Lapel even put the cup to her lips with his small hand and made her drink. Touched, Lizelle smiled and accepted his efforts.
If Lapel was happy, she was happy too. So, after three days of intensive care by Raphelion, Lizelle was able to recover quickly.
“Thanks to Lapel, I was able to heal quickly. Thank you.” She rubbed her cheek against Lapel’s soft cheek.
“Hehehe! That’s a relief.”
Lapel smiled happily and put his arms around her neck. The boy was smiling but on the other hand, she could not hide the bitterness in her heart.
Day by day, time moves so fast.
That meant that there was not much time left to break up with Lapel.
I wanted to make a lot of memories and make the most of the month I have with Lapel but I lost three days of it because of an ankle injury. I regret it a lot.
Lapel’s call broke Lizelle’s thoughts. Lapel tapped Lizelle’s eyebrows with his short fingers.
Werazel groaned, realizing she was showing what she was thinking.
I forgot I was in front of him.
“Not now, right?” she smiled quickly at Lapel.
Seeing her smile, which is his most favorite thing in the world, Lapel smiled too.
Kay stood in front of the basement in the ducal mansion where no one comes and goes.
Inside his shirt, something vibrated and was flashing red light.
Kay grabbed the doorknob and turned it but as he expected, the door was locked. He stretched out his hand and a sharp claw sprang from his index finger. It was a claw of an animal. He inserted his claw in the keyhole and tugged it a few times.
Soon after, the lock was released with a chilling sound.
Walking straight to the basement, Kay pulled out the necklace he had hidden under his shirt. It was a necklace studded with a red ruby.
When he tapped the vibrating ruby twice with his fingers, a tiny black object popped out and floated in the air.
A low voice echoed from the black object.
“Yes, Master,” Hazen, who had turned into Kay, saluted at the object.
It was a voice communication tool that could only give and receive voices, so they could not see each other’s appearances, but he still gave a polite greeting to his owner. It was a behavior stemmed from strong loyalty.
[How is it going?]
“They are waiting for the antidote now. Looking at the boy’s appearance, he does look like from the Halos family, but I’m not sure yet.”
Read Latest Chapters at wuxiaworld.eu
Hazen reported what he saw while living as Kay the Knight for several days.
Like the ‘Raphelion’ they were looking for, the child who was staying with the Duke now had red eyes and dark hair, but he could not move yet because there was still no antidote.
“Yes.” Hazen knelt on one knee in an unshakable voice, and the magic tool, floating in the air, whizzed like a sound of a bee flying and was sucked into his necklace again.
Kay returned the necklace in his shirt and was now hidden from view.
Then, as if nothing had happened, he left the basement and returned to work.