“Wow, raw chicken. I never even imagined it.”
Werazel murmured, chasing after Lapel who had gone ahead first.
I wonder if this is just a normal thing and I am just ignorant.
“Maybe the people in this world think it’s okay to eat raw food. However… it’s not beef but raw chicken*.”
(*Maybe she’s referring to rare/medium rare steak?)
When I glanced at the plate the chef was holding, I saw that the chicken was not even boneless.
Surprised again at Chester’s peculiar diet, she ran towards the green grass.
Werazel glanced at the child and saw that he did not seem tired from all that running.
There was one thing she realized while staying with Lapel recently.
The physical strength of a five year old boy is endless.
Lapel’s energy was not something that can easily be depleted and even though he would be exhausted for a while, he will still get up afterwards and run again. His curiosity was also so much that when he found something interesting, he would immediately go near it and ask for it.
According to her friend who was a daycare teacher, parents with boys as offsprings always go to war every morning.
At that time, I didn’t fully understand her words, but now I know better than anyone else why it was called a war.
“Lizelle! Hehehehe.”
“Lapel, you‘re hurt! “
The said boy was lying and rolling in the grass.
I just took my eyes off for a second and now there’s a new accident.
She hurried towards Lapel.
There were stones placed around the lawn and it would be big deal if he get scratched.
“Hehehe! It’s fun!” Suddenly, Lapel, who had rolled towards Lizelle, jumped to his feet.
“Do you have any scratches?”
“I’m okay!”
Not knowing that her heart was in distress, Lapel smiled brightly. Lizelle inwardly sighed and scanned his body.
Fortunately, there were no injuries. However, this morning’s new clothes were now messed up. She made him wear a white shirt and wide, black pants to make it easy for him to play, but now he was fully covered by grass thus making him look like a straw doll.
Even the white clothes had turned green.
“Was it fun?”
“Yes, it is! “
Lizelle meticulously removed all the grass from Lapel’s clothes as she was worried that they might go through the fabric.
“As long as you had fun it’s okay, huh?”
As always, the two looked at each other and laughed. Lapel did not get hurt and just wanted to have fun. She was worried, but that was okay. She just needs to change his dirtied clothes and let Lapel grow healthy.
That was the only thing she wanted.
Lapel wiggled his little legs, wanting to move, unable to endure the short period of time of inactivity.
When Lizelle saw Lapel moving his body, aching to resume playing again, she smiled helplessly and released his arm.
“It’s done now. It’s nice to play, but don’t get hurt. Understand?”
“Yes, I’m not going to get hurt!”
With that, Lapel shot off again. Lizelle followed Lapel with a happy mother’s smile.
Then unexpectedly, the boy who was ahead of her screamed.
“Ah! Lizelle!”
“Lapel, what’s wrong?” Lizelle, startled by the scream, rushed to Lapel.
As soon as she reached the place where Lapel was, she halted. A tiger-sized dog was slowly approaching Lapel with its teeth bared, and Lizelle, who was surprised and froze, quickly regained her senses, bent down and slowly approached Lapel.
“Don’t move Lapel. You can’t move. Stay still. ”
“Huhu, Lizelle ..….”
Lapel was so surprised that he fell down on the grass on his butt.
The dog growled fiercely and showed his sharp canines. He was constantly approaching Lapel using his four feet that was supporting his massive body.
It was moving like a beast aiming for the neck of its prey. The dog’s posture was threatening as if it would jump at any moment.
“Lapel. It’s okay, I’ll go. Stay still.” Lizelle approached Lapel while crouching, her hands almost touching the ground.
She wanted to quickly wrap her arms around Lapel but could not because he and the dog were so close.
Lapel could be greatly injured if the dog got provoked. Werazel’s back was getting wet with cold sweat at the situation.
Raphel finally burst into tears when a dog bigger than him approached him while drooling.
“Grr! Rawr!!!”
As Lapel raised his hands to wipe away his tears, the dog leapt towards the boy with its frightening teeth ready to bite.
Werazel was stunned and immediately covered Lapel with her body. Nobody knew where such superhuman power came from, but it was the fastest run she ever made in her life. She embraced Lapel and rolled over the grass.
While rolling, her slender arms tightly held Lapel’s head and body and protected him.
“Lizelle! “
The dog, that was barking fiercely and rushing to bite Lizelle’s back, stopped moving at the voice he heard.
From far away, Chester was running with Warden’s food.
It was a dizzying moment.
If I were a little late, Warden might have bitten Lizelle’s back.
Chester pulled Warden’s leash straight away.
“Back off. ”
“Get back!” Warden, who was happy to see his owner’s appearance, lowered his tail to Chester’s fearsome voice and whimpered.
Warden’s eyes, who were asking for attention, were pitiful but Chester was adamant. He quickly tied Warden’s leash around the base of the tree firmly so that it would not reach Lizelle and Lapel then quickly went straight to the pair.
“Are you okay, where are you hurt?” A voice filled with urgency and worry reached the two.
“Lizelle, huhuhu!” Lapel cried again in Lizelle’s arms.
It was a very sad and frightened cry.
Lizelle, who was hugging Lapel with her body curled as much as possible, opened her tightly closed eyes.
A small and precious child was watching her and was crying big fat tears.
“Lapel, are you okay? “
“Huhu! Lizelle, Lizelle!”
Lapel dug into her arms and cried more loudly.
“It’s okay, you’re safe now.”
As Lizelle patted Lapel’s back, the crying gradually stopped and at the same time, a sense of relief spread throughout her body, a sense of relief that Lapel was safe.
At that moment, the string that tightened her whole body loosened. Werazel let out a moan. The effects of the adrenaline had worn off. Her muscles ached here and there.
Chester, who was watching the two, immediately took Lapel out of Lizelle’s arms and held him.
“I’m going to Lizelle! Lecheel!” Lapel struggled to get out of Chester’s arms to get to Lizelle, but he could not escape his uncle’s hard-as-a-brick arm.
“What happened?”
Just in time, the butler, Lohan, who came from the garden, approached them with a loud voice.
“Call the physician right away. “
“The physician? Where did you get hurt… Oh! “
Lohan was surprised to see Lizelle lying down on the grass and Lapel crying in Chester’s arms.
“Come on!”
“Oh, yes! “
At the order of his master, Lohan urged the employee next to him to call the doctor as soon as possible.
Chester ordered Lohan to hold Lapel after confirming that the boy was in good shape without any injuries.
“I’m going! Let me go! I’m going to Lizelle! “
Lapel struggled to get to Lizelle from Lohan’s arms too.
“Hold him firmly so that he would not come near to the young miss.”
Chester instructed Lohan and kneeled down in front of Lizelle.
“Are you all right?”
He observed Lizelle’s complexion. The reason why he separated the two was because Lizelle made a painful sound.
Maybe her bones are broken…
And with Lapel holding her tightly, the pain and her condition could get worse.
“Of course, Lapel is fine,” Lizelle said, staring at Chester looking down at her with his back against the sun. She was very embarrassed that she was lying down and looking up to him. She tried to get up, but her legs were weak and unresponsive.
There were no injuries, but she felt so weak that she could not even lift a finger. Like her strength was drained from her due to the tension earlier.
“……I am. “
Chester opened his mouth, frowning at her words.
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Lizelle, who couldn’t understand properly, stared at Chester. Then, before long, his lips moved once again.
“I am asking if you are okay.”
T/N: Please don’t hate on Warden. That’s just how a dog normally reacts to strangers. It just showed how Warden is loyal and protective of Chester. Dogs are really great pets.