A few days later.
“Master, the search team is about to return.”
As soon as he received Lohan’s report, Chester turned his seat and stood up.
Not long ago, the crew, who had been sent to investigate the road connecting Bernie and the capital, was returning from their mission. They went out of the mansion to find any clues about his brother’s death.
As he stepped forward in the scorching sun, he found the search team heading to the mansion to report and hastened his pace.
The search team belatedly approached him.
“Duke, how did you come out here?”
Chester skipped the greetings and asked from the main point.
“My apologies.”
The leader of the knights, Shane, bowed his head. The searchers returned empty-handed without finding evidence.
They bowed to Chester. No one could speak because of guilt.
After days of scouring the scene and its surroundings, there was little to no progress. There were more than one or two doubtful details regarding the incident but unfortunately there were no clues that could be used for physical evidence.
If it is enough to escape Halos Family’s investigative power and intelligence network, it is clear that it has been carefully planned for a long time.
“You all worked hard.” Chester said nothing else to the knights. Because scolding would only reduce morale but Shane couldn’t help but feel more ashamed.
“I’m going to expand the scope a little bit. Shall we send out the unit right away?
“No. Let the crew take a break until they recovered. “
He ordered them to take a rest first then reorganize afterwards.
They say the more you’re in a hurry, the more chances you’ll overlook something.
I knew it would take a long time to solve this case. But if I keep looking for clues without giving up, I can find out something, no matter how small it is.
He will never back down. He was intent on catching the culprit.
I will kill that bastard slowly until he begs for death.
Chester, who had his fists curled up to the point where his veins were throbbing, took the leash from Shane.
When it saw Chester, Warden shook his tail as if he had been waiting for a long time.
“Have you been well?”
“Arf! Arf!”
Warden expressed his happiness, rubbing his fluffy face against Chester’s leg.
He was so happy he even laid down to show his belly.
“Warden, you’ve worked hard.”
Chester petted Warden with a sweet smile. It was a happy smile that he never made to people.
Warden was a bloodhound he had raised with his older brother six years ago. He had a good sense of smell and could be helpful in the search, so he went with the search team.
Chester petted Warden endlessly until he was satisfied. Warden’s aegyo that is asking for constant touch did not seem to wane and made him naturally burst into laughter.
“Tell the chef to prepare Warden’s special meal.”
“Yes, I got it.” Shane started walking to the mansion.
Chester straightened his bent knee to reward Warden for his hard work.
“Warden, wait here.” Chester walked to the mansion, leaving the bloodhound under a cool, shady tree.
It did not matter if he took Warden to the mansion with him, but he considered Lapel who might be surprised to see a big dog, so he left it outside.
As soon as he entered the mansion, Chester headed to the dining area and stopped when he found Lizelle and Lapel sitting in front of the table.
It had been a long time since someone sat there because only he could use that but never did.
“You’re getting better, Lapel. You’re eating carrots now!”
His expression, that was darkening as he remembered the past, returned to its original appearance after hearing the voice of Werazel in his ear.
Werazel smiled cheerfully and stroked Lapel’s head.
He somehow couldn’t get in between them. Because it seemed like he was disturbing a loving family.
Chester turned to leave.
If Lapel showed any signs of being uncomfortable with the woman, of course, he would have separated the two, but the child’s face had a brighter smile than the sunshine.
It was a lovely smile that stemmed from trust and love towards the other person no matter what happens.
However, he couldn’t get out or get in, and he had no choice but to stop walking awkwardly.
He paused his movements because Werazel unexpectedly called him.
“Would you like to eat?”
Werazel found Chester standing at the door of the dining room and asked as a courtesy.
Their room felt stuffy, so she deliberately came down to the dining room to have a meal with Lapel.
At the same time, the chef found Chester and jumped slightly in shock.
“Duke, the raw chicken you ordered is ready. Shall I bring it out right away?”
And in an instant, total silence fell in the dining room.
Werazel looked at Chester with her mouth agape.
Wow, raw chicken.
He has unique tastes…
She clasped the fork she almost dropped, then stood up from her seat.
“Um… we’re done eating.”
I don’t want to see what other things he eats, I don’t think I can take it. I better leave now.
She only had two mouthfuls then took care of Lapel first, so she decided to just eat a snack later to fill her stomach.
Chester, without knowing that he was mistaken as a raw food eater, saw their plates on the table. Werazel’s plate was full with barely touched food. When he entered the dining room, she was serving Lapel his food.
If so, did she not eat properly because she was busy taking care of the child?
Chester was bothered because he felt like he was kicking out Werazel.
“No, please finish your meal”
That was the reason why Chester stopped Werazel. He did not want to be an unscrupulous landlord.
” I am already full.”
However, Werazel refused again and lowered Lapel from the chair.
“Let’s play!”
Lapel ran out of the room, laughing like he had been looking forward to it.
“Lapel! Don’t run!” Lizelle hurriedly curtsied to Chester and followed Lapel.
The chef’s voice came in his ears as he stared at their backs.
“Duke? Shall I bring out the special meal?
“Yes,” the chef went to get the raw chicken, and Chester Halos was again left in the dining room.
Only then a quiet and familiar landscape unfolded before his eyes. He was accustomed to eating alone, and most of the time, he had meals in his office. His hands alone would be enough to count how many times he ate here. It was the same even when his brother was alive.
When he had a meal here, he ran into his father sometimes, and he was always verbally abused and beaten for no reason. That is why he was used to eating in his own space from a very young age. For him, eating was done only by himself.
The sight of someone eating at the mansion, like what happened just now, was quite a foreign scene for him.
The dining room should be quiet and no one should eat here.
This was originally my world.
“Well… by the way Duke.” Once again, a voice that broke his stillness was heard.
Chester slowly turned and looked at the owner of the voice.
Werazel poked out her head, peeking from the door.
“What is it?”
Chester asked with a confused expression. Werazel looked at him completely with her clear, green eyes.
“I don’t think it’s good to eat food raw. You may get food poisoning.”
“What do you mean?” Chester asked back at her unexpected words, but Werazel looked at him as if she was sincerely worried.
“You should take care of yourself more. You have Lapel to raise.”
“No, wait, what is that now?”
“So cook your food first before eating it.”
When she was done speaking her mind, Lizelle turned around and left out of his sight.
Chester gazed at her back with a bewildered face.
Then he realized something and laughed out loud.
I was so confused by what she was saying but she actually thinks I eat raw chicken!
This is a special dish for Warden!
This is absurd.
However, worrying about me was funny and cute.
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“Duke?” The head chief who came out with a bowl of raw chicken saw Chester laughing out loud and thought it was a weird sight.
It was a heartfelt laughter that he had never seen before.
There was a huge ripple in Chester’s calm and lonely world caused by pebbles.
T/N: You might have wondered what Warden looks like (I did). So this is what a bloodhound dog looks like: