Chapter 47 The An Family Is Finished
Merak only used 30% of his force. He did not kick An Zi Qin to death, but only kicked off a few of his teeth.
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In the living room, An Zi Qin’s scream echoed again. His four front teeth were broken and there was blood wrapped around the rest of his teeth. A few drops of blood splattered onto the ground.
Old Mrs An, who nearly jumped, clenched her crutch and her old face tightened.
The atmosphere instantly became even more tense, and Third Mrs An quickly glanced at An Zi Qin’s bloody mouth before swallowing down the lump in her throat and retreating behind her husband.
God, she did not want to lose her teeth.
“It seems that you don’t want to invite An Yang Yang out, I guess I’ll have to find her myself.” An Xia got up and took her men with her.
“Niece, since you insist, then uncle will be blunt with you.” An Yuan Ding took a step forward and looked sharply at the girl who would not cooperate. Deep in his eyes, ruthlessly gradually grew, “There are 50 hired thugs here. Niece, why don’t you give this another thought?”
An Xia smiled, her bright black eyes shone like starlight on a cold night, “I thought you are a smart man, but you’re only mediocre.You’d better think about how to save the An Family.”
“Surround her!”
Since she refused to give in, then he would have to teach her how to conduct herself properly!
Dozens of hired thugs surrounded her. At the same time, the cell phones of the 3 brothers rang almost at the same time.
The ringtones were deafening to Old Mrs An’s ear, and she looked up at An Xia, whose features were clear, and her heart became more and more panicky without a reason.
The call connected, and a few seconds later, An Zi Qi’s mobile phone fell to the ground, he was like a spirit as his face became as white as paper.
Second Mrs An was intimidated, “Dear, what happened? Tell me quickly!”
“We’re doomed, we’re doomed. The company is finished.”
Only allowed on
Second Mrs An’s body swayed and she was terribly stunned. “How is it possible, this, how is it possible?”
On the other side, An Yuan Ding’s face suddenly changed.
Listening to the urgent report by a company subordinate, his ruthless and tyrannical gaze swept towards An Xia, and he repeated his words. “Who did you get acquainted with! How did you make the rich and powerful families of Qi City, Wu City, Yu City join hands!”
She knew many people. Why did she have to answer him?
An Xia, who was calm and unruffled in the midst of chaos, sat on the sofa. They didn’t want to let her go? Then, she would stay and admire the shocked faces of the An Family from the beginning to the end.
Old Mrs An heard every word clearly, and her eyes turned gloomy. If the rich and powerful families from the 3 cities joined hands, would the An Family still have a way to survive?
A good show kicked off, and naturally the next step  was to close in on every step.
The “jingle” of the landline at home rang, which showed how anxious the caller was.
Second Mrs An almost pounced to answer the phone. After a while, she stumbled to the ground, and the receiver in her hand fell on the coffee table.
“Hello, hello, Second Mrs An, are you listening? Please ask Vice President An to think of a solution. Hello….”
In the receiver, the group’s financial director was anxious, and no one from the An Family was answering him.
“Mom…. there’s something wrong with the finance.” Second Mrs An’s voice floated from her mouth. She felt powerless as the air around turned heavy. “Our An Family… is finished.”
Only An Zi Qin didn’t answer his mobile phone, his mouth was swollen, and it was difficult to open his mouth.
An Yuan Ding tensed his whole body, took a deep breath, and answered the mobile phone.
“Manager An, come here quickly. All the major clients are asking for a return, return of orders, and the legal department from several companies have arrived. They’re suing the corporation, Get here quickly… Ah, what are you doing, don’t smash it, don’t smash..”
Smashing sounds, roaring sounds, noisy sounds entered his ear, like a thunder striking on An Yuan Ding’s head one by one. Oh no. Oh no. The An Family was really finished!