Chapter 46 To One’s Heart’s Content
As soon as this remark came out, the four people including Dubhe suddenly had a killing intention.
If it hadn’t been for An Xia’s order before coming, An Zi Qin would have already become a corpse at this moment.
An Xia didn’t want to talk to An Zi Qin. If the An Family collapsed, with his stupidity, it was enough to see how frustrated he would be in the future.
After a few steps, she halted. She turned around, and looked back at the middle-aged man who was still talking nonsense and asked him, “Are you really Old Mrs An’s son?”
She casually asked, but Old Mrs An’s turbid eyes suddenly glimmered and her hands suddenly tightened on the dragon head of the crutch.
An Zi Qin was confused. “What do you mean?” A few seconds later, his gaze was fierce. “Don’t talk nonsense, where’s your mother? Where is she? Ask her to come out now.”
If it hadn’t been for the Bo Family’s orders that daughters of mistresses were not allowed to marry into the Bo Family, he would have felt disgusted looking at that crazy woman.
She was deranged and was an embarrassment to him!
Once she recognized Yang Yang as her biological daughter, he would ask her to die far away from him.
Ye Meng Wei was no longer in Xuancheng City as she took a private plane to the best hospital in the capital city for treatment.
The An Family could give up finding Ye Meng Wei in this life.
The edges of her lips rose. Leisurely she asked jokingly, “Guess where.”
“Bastard child…”
An Zi Qin, who was fooled, wanted to scold her. Four deadly stabbing eyes swept over at the same time, and all the words reached the tip of his tongue and his anger vanished in an instant.
Damn it, where did the bastard child find those four! They looked like ferocious characters!
Why couldn’t he find any?
“An Zi Qin, allow her to come!” Old Mrs An ordered. Useless thing, he only knew how to talk ruthlessly but couldn’t do anything practical!
An Xia strode, and the atmosphere in the living room became particularly tense and cramped as she moved. It felt like everyone was in a small, secret and narrow space, and they were all squeezed till they had difficulty breathing.
On the sofa behind, Dubhe, Phecda, Merak, and Megrez stood side by side, just like killers suppressing the town, causing the group of hired thugs to be afraid of flailing about.
An Yuan Ding’s vision secretly swept across the 4 men, and his fists clenched tightly
He was afraid that things would not end so simply.
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“Since you’re here, get right to the point.” The gloomy Old Mrs An went straight to the subject. She opened her mouth with a missing tooth and said deeply, “You have seen the greatness of the An Family. If you don’t cooperate, I will make you and your mother homeless.”
With that, she raised her chin and changed it into a charitable tone of voice. “Of course, after all, you’re my granddaughter. I really can’t bear to let you be homeless on the streets.”
“As long as you go online to affirm that Yang Yang is your mother’s biological daughter, the An Family may allow your mother to continue her treatment. And you, the Second young lady of the An Family, in the future, grandmother will definitely find a good marriage for you.”
Next to her, Second Mrs An said sarcastically, “ Niece, you should yield and admit defeat. You can admit your mistake. It’s better than being a beggar. Hey, hey, you four… What’s that expression? Am I wrong? Stop!”
Dubhe and the others were looking at fools, the whole family were blind fools.
The commander-in-chief did not come here to make a choice, she came for someone.
In An Xia’s eyes, she did not pay attention to both mother-in-law and daughter-in-law. They were trash and it was unnecessary to pay attention to them.
Her cold gaze fell on An Yuan Ding’s face and said, “I want An Yang Yang’s life. In exchange, you can keep yours. You’re a smart man. You must know what to do.”
The bastard child still wanted Yang Yang’s life?
An Zi Qin jumped and cursed, “Bastard child, you…”
Merak, who was nearest to him, did not give him a chance to continue speaking. He raised his foot and kicked An Zi Qin’s loathsome mouth.
He was looking to be whipped for humiliating the commander-in-chief!
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