Chapter 19: Small Punishments Warns Against Great Penalties
Second hand goods?
She had the guts to humiliate him!
Just a sentence from her was like a sudden clap of thunder through the skies, the members in the council chamber were all taken aback, and no one spoke for quite some time.
Only Mother Ye was the most clear-headed. She grasped An Xia’s palm and asked in disbelief, “Xia Xia, did you really cause Miss Song…”
However, she did not dare to finish her words.
Instead, An Xia held Mother Ye’s trembling hands firmly and said, “She tried to kill me first, and all I did was in order to defend myself.”
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In actual fact, the An Xia then had already died.
But regardless of who tried to kill who, her daughter had indeed killed someone.
Ye Meng Wei’s heart tensed up. After all, she had thought that Miss Song was only injured. Now that the An family couldn’t protect her daughter, and the Bo family wanted to cancel the engagement, what should they do!?
The man who got humiliated finally regained his senses. Sensing the fear from Ye Meng Wei, he clenched his teeth and exploded, “An Xia, you better clean that mouth of yours!”
How dare she call him a second hand good and humiliate him!
However, An Xia ignored him and comforted Mother Ye, “Nothing will happen. Take a sip of tea. You don’t have to be afraid.”
An Yang Yang looked around and quickly started crying in grievance again, “Sister, Brother Qing and I are innocently in love with each other, how could you humiliate him like this?”
“Grandpa Bo, Yang Yang swears that Brother Qing and I are really…”
“Enough, Second Missy An.” Old Mr Bo waved his hand, his amiable face interrupted An Yang Yang’s performance. If he couldn’t even see through her small act, then he had lived his many years in vain. “Let the adults talk, young people like you should listen instead.”
Only allowed on
His words showed no mercy and An Yang Yang’s ears turned red with embarrassment on the spot. Her face felt burning hot, almost as if she had received several slaps on her face.
Wiping away her tears, she sought Bo Zhi Qing for help by looking pitifully. Once again, Old Mr Bo spoke sternly, “Zhi Qing, you sit down too and keep your mouth shut.”
In the past, he had wanted the two sisters from the An family to cook up trouble before using the opportunity to cancel the engagement. But right now, that An Yang Yan was no longer useful.
On the other hand, An Xia was able to rid of Miss Song, who was a powerful figure. He could no longer consider An Xia to be easily taken advantage of.
Calmly and unhurriedly, Old Mr Bo pulled the sandalwood beaded necklace before speaking again, “Xia Xia, killing someone is against the law. Could it be that you didn’t know?”
“Old man Bo,” An Xia looked up at him coldly, “My time is precious and I don’t wish to waste it any further. State what you want.”
If it were her before she transmigrated, she would have already left.
Those who looked for her would not dare to beat about the bush when speaking to her.
First she peeled Bo Zhi Qing’s face, now she had done the same to Old Mr Bo. Old Mrs An slammed her hand against the armrest and scolded using her position as an elder, “Disrespectful thing, apologize to Old Mr Bo now!”
This bastard child! Even if you’re in a hurry to death’s door, don’t drag the entire An family with you!
An Xia’s gaze fell on the elderly lady’s old and bony face, and she said coldly, “Starting from this second, you best keep your mouth tightly shut.”
“How despicable…ah…” Without warning, the elderly lady suddenly shrieked. Looking down, she realized that there was suddenly a round porcelain cup’s cap in her mouth. The way she looked now was humorous.
“Mom!” Third Mrs An, who was serving by the side, hurriedly went to retrieve the cap. Barely before her fingers touched the cap, two old teeth fell and landed in Third Mrs An’s hands.
Third Mrs An, “…”
What should she do now?
It would be best for Old Mrs An herself to pull out the cap that broke her teeth. Startled and furious, that old face lost its color.
An Xia simply spoke indifferently, “a small punishment warns against great penalties.”