Chapter 18: No Interest In Second-Hand Goods
The families of An Zi Qi and An Yuan Ding were in shock.
How they wished to wake the dead Miss Song. Did she make An Xia learn martial arts and turn her into a persona where no one in the family could offend her!
Old Mrs. An did not expect An Xia to attack Bo Zhi Qing. Sensing that she was going to pass out again, Old Mrs. An held on to An Yuan Ding and said, “Quick, call Old Mr. Bo and ask him to come!”
What had the An family done to deserve this filthy creature as karma!
The murder of Miss Song had already put them in a difficult position, if Mr. Bo was injured too…
Even the cold and cruel Old Mrs. An shuddered in fear.
If Mr. Bo was injured, the An family would have to be buried alongside this little bitch.
Even the scheming An Yuan Ding was afraid, and he hurriedly called Old Mr. Bo.
An Xia was pleased by Old Mrs. An’s move.
Smiling at Ye Meng Wei, “When Old Mr. Bo arrives, please return the token of promise. We will then be free of them.”
“Xia’er…if they cancel the engagement, the Song family will not spare you.” Ye Meng Wei was not a confused mother; she insisted on the engagement in order to protect An Xia from the Song family.
“If you really want to, please wait until the storm has passed. You have already injured Bo Zhi Qing, if things were to escalate, even Old Mr. Bo cannot save you.”
An Xia was glad. She didn’t have to worry about her mother’s sanity afterall.
Besides, she did, in fact, murder Miss Song.
There would be no reason for the Bo family not to cancel the engagement.
She was not afraid that she had injured Bo Zhi Qing, perhaps Old Mr. Bo would even thank her for disciplining his grandson.
Was Bo Zhi Qing blind to the fact that the injured guards were still laying on the ground?
Then, could he still be worthy as the heir of the Bo family?
Love had clouded his mind, she was doing him a favour by smacking him back to reality.
The Bo family’s bodyguards charged into the chamber. Mr. Bo was attacked under their protection, how would they explain themselves to the Bo family?
However, Miss An was still Mr. Bo’s fiancee, they dared not act rashly.
Lifted by a guard, Bo Zhi Qing endured the pain on his lower abdomen. A murderous rage reflected in his eyes.
Waving his hand at the guards, he ordered, “Charge!”
An old but powerful voice stopped the guards in their tracks. Immediately, they retreated to their formation at the entrance of the chamber.
Old Mr. Bo was here just in time.
Within five minutes, the council chamber was back in silence.
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Old Mr. Bo sat on a large chair and stared deeply at An Xia, who stood bravely as she stared back indifferently. He turned to Old Mrs. An and said, “I see that Second Miss An is seriously injured, please send her for treatment.”
“Old Mr. Bo, I’m fine,” An Yang Yang said timidly. “My wounds are nothing compared to the situation at hand.”
The child of the mistress had no shame indeed!
Old Mr. Bo paid no attention to her as he waited for Old Mrs. An to speak.
“Yang Yang cares about her family, if you were to send her away, she can’t help but be restless,” Old Mrs. An sighed and looked at An Yang Yang with affection. “Yang Yang, if you are unwell please let us know immediately.”
Old Mr. Bo smiled and turned to An Xia, “Xia Xia, I came here to ask you, did you truly kill Miss Song?”
“You have to answer me truthfully, this will determine if you can marry into the Bo family. Zhi Qing wants to cancel the engagement, but I would like to hear from you first.”
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An Xia replied coldly, “Yes, I killed her. As for the engagement, please cancel it. I’m not interested in second-hand goods.”