Chapter 16: He’s Your Brother-In-Law!
In the brightly-lit chamber, Bo Zhi Qing swiftly walked past Ye Meng Wei and An Xia, towards An Yang Yang.
The light in Ye Meng Wei’s eyes dimmed and her smile disappeared as she saw Bo Zhi Qing by An Yang Yang’s side.
Mu Ning Xue smiled smugly. Ha ha ha! Both mother and daughter were not able to compete with them!
So what if they were born noble, they were still destined to be the loser, destined to be trampled under their feet!
“Wuuu….Brother Zhi Qing, you are finally here! I was so afraid I’d never see you again…”
An Yang Yang rushed into Bo Zhi Qing’s arms. Sobbing loudly, “Brother Zhi Qing, I miss you…you are finally here…”
Perfect, her saviour was here!
Hugging his beloved Yang Yang, Bo Zhi Qing softly apologized, “I’m sorry, I’m late…”
“No… you are not late…” Tears streaming down her face, An Yang Yang clutched the fabric on his chest, “You are never too late… Ah, it hurts! My knees hurt…”
Bo Zhi Qing hurriedly inspected her knee. There was a dent, a piece of broken cartilage had torn the skin. Heartbroken, he asked, “Yang Yang… who did this?!”
“It’s that bitch An Xia… you have to teach her a lesson for me…”
Mu Ning Xue sobbed loudly, “My poor child… you were so kind to that little bitch…yet she hurt you. My poor Yang Yang…”
Bo Zhi Qing clenched his teeth and fists. An Xia! How dare she hurt Yang Yang!
It seemed she had not learnt her lesson from last time!
An Xia was sick of their display of affection.
However, that should convince her mother of the truth.
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From the start, Ye Meng Wei could not accept it! Bo Zhi Qing was the brother-in-law of An Yang Yang! An Xia and his marriage was blessed by both households, how could he be in love with An Yang Yang!
An Xia grabbed onto Mother Ye, who became unsteady from the revelation. Slowly, she said, “The woman he loves is An Yang Yang, he is here for her.”
“Impossible…this is impossible! Zhi Qing is your fiance, Yang Yang’s brother-in-law! He must be confused!” Ye Meng Wei was fearful, if the Bo family would not protect An Xia, then the Song family would not spare her!
An Xia stared calmly at her mother with her pitch-black eyes, “Did you hear? He said he would make me pay for what I did to An Yang Yang.”
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With An Yang Yang’s cries still in the background, An Xia clenched her teeth and swiftly extinguished her mother’s hope.
“Look at everyone here in the An family. They know that the one he loves is An Yang Yang and not me.
“Mother, you have to accept the truth. He is not mine and I will let him go.”
“No…this isn’t right.”
Ye Meng Wei continued anxiously, “Old Mr. Bo is loyal and faithful, he would never agree to it.
Let’s go to him, he’ll definitely be on your side!”
He would never agree to it? An Xia smirked. Would he have let Bo Zhi Qing lead his men here then? Besides, they would have to first deal with Bo Zhi Qing first if they wanted to leave.
“Leave? Aunt Ye, you can leave, but An Xia will have to stay.”
How could Bo Zhi Qing allow An Xia to leave. Embracing An Yang Yang and suppressing his anger he said sternly, “An Xia can forget about leaving here tonight!”