Chapter 14: Only Fit To Lower Your Head
The bodyguard barely got close to An Xia before he was kicked into the air.
A layer of dust was raised from the floor as his sturdy body hit the floor.
Second Mrs. An shrieked and jumped in fright as the bodyguard landed at her foot.
An Zi Qin was filled with anger. He took a step back and yelled, “All of you, attack altogether!”
Mu Ning Xue, who was suffocating, wanted to stop for a rest. The leash around her neck was pulled again and a chilling voice came from above, “Kneel! And continue crawling!”
It was An Xia’s voice.
Filthy creature!
She swears to seek revenge for the humiliation she faced today!
She swears!
Mu Ning Xue was consumed with hatred as she crawled. Gazing upwards, she glared at Ye Meng Wei who sat in front of her.
Mu Ning Xue was suddenly slapped across the face. She closed her eyes in pain and let out a cry.
“You can only lower your head,” An Xia reminded her coldly.
To compare her to a dog, was a humiliation to the dog.
Mu Ning Xue’s rage was reflected in her bloodshot eyes. The ones who should be in this position were Ye Meng Wei and An Xia, not them! The fact that Old Mrs. An had yet to make a move fueled her anger.
Was Old Mrs. An happy to see them suffer?
Nasty old lady, I will make you pay as well!
One day, you’ll have to suffer the humiliation as I did!
Three minutes ago, Old Mrs. An had fainted from fury. It took a while for Third Mrs An to help her regain consciousness.
After regaining consciousness, Old Mrs. An slammed her staff to the ground and gave orders to the housekeeper, “Bring her down! Show no mercy!”
Only allowed on
“Yes, Ma’am!”
The housekeeper signaled to the bodyguards as they surrounded An Xia.
Witnessing the situation, Ye Meng Wei was about to get up when An Xia spoke, “Mom, why don’t you close your eyes and take a rest first if you are tired? There’s still eight minutes.”
“Xia’er…” Ye Meng Wei’s eyes were filled with concern.
“Just trust me… look…” An Xia had barely finished the sentence when she turned and hit the bodyguard on the head who was about to attack from behind.
“Bam!” Ye Meng Wei could not bear to look anymore.
An Xia proceeded to bring down two more guards, never letting go of the leash in her hand. During the battle she even had the time to step on Mu Ning Xue’s hand when she dared to move it.
The council chamber was in chaos.
In five minutes, all the guards had been defeated. Old Mrs. An collapsed to the ground as An Zi Qi, An Yuan Ding and their families rushed to her side. No one dared to attack An Xia.
Calmly, An Xia stood in front of her mother, with Mu Ning Xue and Yang Yang crawling beside her.
They gasped loudly for air as An Xia loosened the leash slightly. “Kowtow and apologize,” she demanded.
Seeing An Xia’s ruthlessness and while in excruciating pain, An Yang Yang immediately dropped her head to the ground, “Aunt An, I admit my mistake… Please forgive me, I beg you!”
“Elder sister, I was wrong. Please… forgive me,” Mu Ning Xue begged as she repeatedly touched her forehead to the ground. As much as she hated An Xia, she wanted to live.
An Xia did not care if they were genuine, all she cared about was her mother.
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“Mother, do you trust me now?”
From now on, I am your daughter. I will protect you forever.
Ye Meng Wei stared at her daughter, who seemed like a stranger. “My dear daughter…”
Eyes gleaming with tears, she nodded. She would always trust her.
How could she not trust her own daughter?
“I will take you away now.” Releasing the leashes, An Xia took her mother’s arm, “From now on, we will be together. The An family will be in the past.”
Swift, trained footsteps were heard from the outside. Just the sound of it intimidated the members in the council hall.