Counter Attack Chapter 9

Chapter 9 - Fix that loose screw in your head. The rain grew heavier and Jiang Xiaoshuai felt bad to chase Wu Qiqiong out. So he decided to let him sleep here. He could go to work straight from here, saving the trouble of going back and forth.
The two of them squeezed in a single bed, leaving no gap in between. They have to place their hands on their tummy when lying flat on their back. Jiang Xiaoshuai crooked his head and eyed at Wu Qiqiong. This dude looked entirely different from their first encounter. His face sunken in the dark night, making his facial contours more evident. Watery eyes has the reflection of the ceiling in them, and were so crystal clean.
"What date is it today?"
Abrupt remarks instantly interrupted Jiang Xiaoshuai's fantasies.
All of a sudden, Wu Qiqiong sat up. He took his phone out from his pocket and dialed Yue Yue's number. A while later, Yue Yue's sleepy voice came over from the other side of the line.
"Hello? What's up?"
Wu Qiqiong said, "Today is 30th. Our couple package for calls still has 877 minutes remaining. You can leave the phone on and sleep. We can't let China Mobile take advantage of us."
A mixture of furious, annoyed, speechless and hysteric swearing came from the other side of the line.
This woke up the bestie sleeping beside her. "What's wrong?"
Yue Yue's slack voice filled with a sense of annoyance. "My ex boyfriend. Totally one of a kind! I have broke up thrice with him, yet he threatens me with suicide each time."
Her bestie asked, " That platinum necklace was from him?"
"Fuck! I'm more furious at the mention of that! He bought that necklace for me, and already gave it to me. Then I just criticised him a little, he wants it back. Isn't that ridiculous?"
"Seriously? ...... Is he a man or not?"
"I didn't mind him, and while he was smashing with that brick, I took that necklace away."
"Yes. Why not take it? Use it to teach him a lesson!"
"I will find somewhere and sell it tomorrow. Seeing it makes me sick."
Couldn't continue listening any longer. Jiang Xiaoshuai hang up the phone for him.
Wu Qiqiong mumbled, " Actually she has cancelled the couple package long ago, I just wanted to hear her breathing."
Jiang Xiaoshuai's said with a cold tone. "Have you heard enough now?"
"Enough." Wu Qiqiong's eyes was dull. "Can I accept the break up now?"
"You should have fucking accepted it long ago!!!" Jiang Xiaoshuai leaped up in fury, and hit the bed board with his fists. "What have I told you in the start? She didn't take you seriously at all! And you wasted those bricks for nothing!!"
"It's the same one all along."
Jiang Xiaoshuai's chest went up and down due to his fury. Beads of sweats formed on his head. He couldn't help criticising himself inside. The person involved hasn't said anything yet, what are you so worked up for?
"Xiaoshuai, thinking again now, your words are all pretty reasonable. I should have studied literature instead. If I studied literature, I would have jumped the Weiming Lake*. It should have past my fifth seven* by now."
Jiang Xiaoshuai sneered, "Yes. And I will be sure to visit your grave and burn a screw* for you."
"You don't know you loose a screw?"
Wu Qiqiong fell silent. He was icy cold all over his body. As if the rain outside poured over his body directly.
His phone rang again. Wu Qiqiong grabbed onto it as it's the last living stalk. His eyes glued to the screen. Sadly, it's not from Yue Yue calling for explanation, but his department head.
"I called your phone just now. You...... Why is your line always busy?" The voice seemed wasted.
Wu Qiqiong replied, "My phone was spoiled. The signal is bad."
"Get over here quickly. The machine's down. We need it tomorrow morning."
Putting down the phone, Wu Qiqiong started wearing his shoes automatically.
Jiang Xiaoshuai sat up looking at him. "It's late, you're still going out? It's still pouring outside. Seriously, why your department head didn't look for technician when the machine breakdown? Furthermore, you're wounded. How can he order you around?"
Wu Qiqiong was used to this. He could be counted as the all rounder technician in his department. Be it lighting, computers, machines...... all looked for him if they're spoiled. There were altogether 4 employees in his office. He was the only one that did the work. The remaining three stood watching, but all of them were paid higher than him. Yet he felt extremely proud himself.
"Hey. You're seriously going?" Jiang Xiaoshuai chased to the door.
"Your room is a little cold. I'll go out to warm up myself a little."
*Weiming Lake or the Unnamed Lake. A lake inside the campus of Peking University.
*Five-seven is a stage after the deceased. There are these Chinese beliefs to do prayers for the deceased for forty nine days. These days are divided into segments of seven days - 'first seven' , 'third seven', 'fifth seven' and 'seventh seven'. According to beliefs, the deceased will only know about their own death after seven days. It is believed that the soul still wanders on earth during these forty nine days. Hence the prayer is practiced every seven days. It is a custom to burn paper money or anything in the form of paper on these days so that the deceased can use it in their afterlife. Hence Jiang Xiaoshuai wanted to burn a screw for him. So he can fix that loose screw in his head!
These chapters are generally shorter so I take approximately an hour to do them if i skip proofread. Forgive me if there's any spelling mistakes, I'm the queen of typo.
Till the next chapter. Ciao.