Counter Attack Chapter 10

Chapter 10 - I quit! Even if one can get a cab at this hour, it would have cost a pretty penny. Furthermore the heavy rain made it worse. Wu Qiqiong was worried the department head would grew impatient of waiting, he bolted onto the road. The rain brushed on his face, making that umbrella useless in this rain.
An old man followed behind Wu Qiqiong in his motorbike. He couldn't bear to watch further and shouted to Wu Qiqiong, "Kid! Get on. You need not pay me. Where are you going?"
Wu Qiqiong was deeply touched hearing something like this right now.
"It's alright. It's just by the next turn." With that he took out the remaining 37 CNY from his pocket and gave to the old man. "Uncle. Take this money and go home now. You're getting old, unlike youngsters like me."
The old man wanted to return the money to Wu Qiqiong but Wu Qiqiong left. After he got onto his motorbike again, Wu Qiqiong was nowhere to be seen.
After running for a further 10 minutes, Wu Qiqiong finally reached the company.
The head of department was drunk and wasted. He was throwing things around in the office alone. The moment Wu Qiqiong pushed open the door, he was harshly criticised by him.
"Take a look at it yourself, what time is it bloody now? Usually there are a bunch of you, when I seriously need you guys, all bloody scurried away! Asking for a raise in salary every single day. Do you seriously think you're really worth that amount! What are you staring at me for? I'm asking you to repair the machine here, not to stare at me......"
Wu Qiqiong squatted down and started investigating the machine without words. No one was around to assist him. He could only depend on himself and connect the wire with his bare hands, with a torchlight in his mouth. Zap! Wu Qiqiong shuddered from the electric shock. The department head just stood watching. Another zap. Wu Qiqiong's hair were almost standing on end.
Wu Qiqiong finally found the cause of the problem by morning. The department head had woken up by then.
"The machine part is spoiled, need a replacement."
The department head heard it needed a replacement, and frowned at once, "We can replace it, but you will pay for the cost."
At the sound of paying with his own money, Wu Qiqiong grew anxious. A few hundred doesn't really matter much. But why must he be the one to pay it? Resolving the concern of their superior is the sole responsibility of an employee. But he will never allow himself to be taken advantage of!
"The machine has already been spoiled before I started repairing it. That's not my responsibility."
The superior didn't look pleased. "Wu Qiqiong, you're just short-sighted. If you can help me repair the machine, does that few hundred matter so much?"
"Why not?" Wu Qiqiong argued. "My monthly salary is just about 2000 CNY."
"Are you saying the welfare of the company is bad?" The department head bellowed all of a sudden. "If you think it's not good, you can as well quit. There are many private companies with far better welfare. Go wherever you want so you won't hinder the development of others!"
Wu Qiqiong stood rooted to the ground like a piece of pole. His eyes were emotionless. His face was pale.
"You dare to bargain with me? Look at yourself, so dumb every day. If it had not been for me to give a job, you would have live like a pauper! Those three in your office have complained to me more than once to move you to another department. They have long since disliked you......"
Wu Qiqiong recalled his three years of working in this company. He had always helped his colleagues. He felt he was a very helpful person and that everyone would remember his good. However in the eyes of others, he was a pushy person, and only wanted to show off himself in front of the superiors, while stepping on their shoulder to climb the social stairs.
"Wu Qiqiong. You're the one who repaired this machine, so it's your responsibility if it's not ready. You better hand in the money today, and we will pretend as if nothing has happened. If you continue to persist, you will bear all the consequences!"
People have already turned numb. Wu Qiqiong finally realised that this is a dark society. No matter how many good deeds you have done, no one will remember them. Once you did something wrong, people will haunt you for life.
"I quit." Wu Qiqiong blurted abruptly. "I decided to resign."
The superior finally realised that the one leaving would be Wu Qiqiong. If he was gone, who would be the one to do all those odds and ends?
"I'm telling you Wu Qiqiong. Don't be ungrateful! You are trained by this company. If you were to leave, I will not permit you for paid leave. Your insurance money for these three years would be all wasted."
Insurance? In what way was I insured? My girlfriend had left me. What did it insure me?
Wu Qiqiong turned and headed towards the door.
The department was bellowing behind him. "I'm telling you. You were absent from work for a week without valid reason. I will deduct triple times according your daily salary! With the addition of the machine parts. Don't think of leaving without handing in the money!!"
Wu Qiqiong argued confidently, "I didn't. I asked for leave due to injury!"
The superior grabbed Wu Qiqiong's collar and gritted the words between his teeth. "What the fuck are you? How dare you shout at me!! There's always something wrong with that head of yours. As long as you have touched the machine, you're at fault for everything!"
Wu Qiqiong's face grew red from suffocation. He tried to pry open his hands but the superior kicked him to the other corner in the room. The bandage on his head fell off.
"How dare you scratch my hand? Idiot! Raised by a bitch! Get the fuck off!"
Wu Qiqiong clang onto the frame of the standee. His bloodshot eyes stared at the identification photo inside. Under the photo, the three words 'Zhang Baogui' was forever etched in his heart.
His life was harsh..
Till the next chapter. Ciao.