Counter Attack Chapter 43

The next afternoon, a delivery man arrived at the clinic.
'Is Wu here?'
Wu stood up and walked out to the door.
'There's a package for you, please sign here.'
Wu received the invoice doubtfully. It was really for him, even the address is correct. He looked at the ground, there were at least five huge boxes, he could totally fit in one of them. It's weird, he didn't order anything online, no one mentioned that there was a gift for him!
After moving the boxes into the clinic, Shuai came to help him unbox the gifts.
When they opened the first box, Wu's body went cold.
There was a whole box full of underwears, in every color and brand possible. It seemed like it was sent here straight from the retail store, there were at least hundred underwears inside. Shuai studied the brands of the packaging, they were all branded, the price of a single piece worth what Wu was wearing.
The second box was clothes and shoes, from spring to fall; the third box was bed linings, blankets, pillows, rugs...; the fourth one was full of different snacks, most of them were imports, Wu hadn't even tried them before...
After browsing through all the boxes, Wu could tell who those were from.
Shuai looked at Wu playfully, suddenly he felt like tell on Wu.
'I say, your ex-girlfriend wasn't even as considerate as him?'
Wu was at a loss for words, Yue Yue only did gave him one shirt because his brother couldn't fit into it, and she was lazy to refund it. The first ever official gift that he received, were actually from his love enemy...
The feelings inside were inexpressible.
Shuai continued to tease Wu.
'Why don't you just be together with Mr. Mighty?' You see, he treats you well, you two could work together and take revenge on your ex, don't hurt one that is sincere to you.'
Wu was outraged, 'Stop joking about it! He just sent these few boxes, that shows his sincerity? You knew who his father is, how many people are dying to send him gifts? It's hard to say, maybe these were from his whole collection of gifts.'
Shuai grinned, 'Didn't he see your glamorous pants before? Plus the underwears in this box are your size..'
'Who said it suited me? I don't wear this size.' Wu was in denial.
Shuai was having a dispute with Wu today, he was sure that the size was meant for Wu. Wu was being stubborn, Shuai insisted that Wu try them on, so Wu didn't have a choice but to go into the bathroom.
He removed everything and slipped on the new underwear. It fitted so perfectly that there were no spaces in between the fabric and his skin, it was beyond comfortable.
But he didn't want to give in, he claimed that it was small and a bit tight.
'Give it to me then, that's my size.' Shuai wanted to take away the box.
Wu stopped him, 'I can give one to you, but you can't take the whole box.'
Wu was trying hard not to laugh, 'You can't even wear them, why bother keeping them?'
'I can sell them, there are so expensive, it would be a waste if I don't sell them.' He then slowly pulled back the box, 'I'll start an online shop right now, I'll sell all these.'
'There's no need for it!' Shuai said purposely, 'I have a shop myself, I'll help you to sell them.'
Wu thought Shuai was being very bitchy now.
'No need, I can sell them myself!'
He carried the box into his own room.
Before sleeping at night, Wu opened the box and took out the blanket that Chiu had bought. it was very soft, it even has a slight scent, Wu felt so good under the blanket. When he was about to close his eyes and enjoy the moment, the door suddenly opened, Shuai's face appeared out of nowhere.
 'Tsk... I remember someone said that he was going to sell the things away? How come he's using it now?' He tugged onto the blanket.
Wu said, 'I sell the underwears because I couldn't fit it in! This blanket is doing great, why should I sell it? Plus, there are so many underwears, it couldn't hurt if I sell some of them away; there's only a blanket, I have nothing left if I sell this.'
'Hey!' Shuai gritted his teeth, 'What did you use in the past? Didn't I give you a blanket? Now what? You've forgotten about my blanket when you have something better?'
Wu replied, 'Are you crazy again?'
Shuai burst into laughter.
Wu threw the blanket over Shuai, after few rounds of fooling around, they both were laughing away on the bed.
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