Wenxi Mountain.
Today was the last day of the S Mayor’s LongBoard Speedway Association’s Team building exercise. A group of people had thought that they could relax, eat well and drink well before the competition started. Which was the original plan, until an unknown speedster came by and ruined their plans on the first day.
For the past three days, everyone was absent-minded and didn’t have a good time. They kept watching the mountain road every day, hoping that the figure wearing leather clothes and riding on the longboard would reappear.
It’s a pity that there was no one in sight.
Someone couldn’t help but ask, “President, do you think he might not be from S City, but just came over to longboard for fun?”
Wu Qian sighed: “It seems that we are not fated to meet.”
Wu Qian didn’t know anything about the other party, it was impossible to find out their identity.
Seeing that everyone was in low spirits, Wu Qian could not help laughing and cursing, “Let’s all just go back. If it doesn’t happen, it doesn’t happen, nothing we can do.. We’ll have lunch and we’ll go back to the Association this afternoon.”
On the other side, after Meng Yao and Meng Chaochuan drove to Wenxi Mountain, they saw this group of people from the Longboard Speedway Association sitting on the top of the mountain talking and laughing, with longboards beside them.
Meng Chaochuan’s eyes swept over them.
That man was not here.
Although he could not see the stranger’s face, since he was wearing a full-covered helmet that day, Meng Chaochuan was convinced that he was not among these people.
Weren’t these people from the Longboard Association?
A group of people from the Longboard Association were laughing and joking around. A few even stepped on their longboard and rushed down the mountain road.
Meng Chaochuan took the camera and pointed it at them. Then looked at the camera, shook his head, and put it back down. They didn’t give off the same feeling.
Meng Yao watched Meng Chaochuan’s movements, retracted his eyes and lowered his head, and opened his phone.
On his phone, there was a small video of the banquet sent to him by his subordinates. The video was full of wine glasses, people constantly coming and going, but Meng Yao caught a glimpse of a young man’s figure through the crowd. His breathing stalled slightly.
“Chaochuan, I have to go back.”
Meng Chaochuan heard a voice and turned his head to look at him.
“It’s a strange feeling……” Meng Yao tugged at his collar, a little annoyed, “As if some voice is telling me that it’s him.”
He patted his brother’s shoulder, slowed down his speech, saying one sentence at a time so that his brother could hear, “I have to go back. Take your time and find your inspiration.”
After returning from Orange Entertainment, Yu Nian devoted himself to the System Space to continue studying the Longboard Speedway Course.
As the Tianmen Mountain Open Longboard Speedway Competition approached, he needed to master the course as soon as possible. He needed to digest and absorb it in reality, through training, replication, and turning it into muscle memory.
Instead of going to Wenxi Mountain these two days, he only left the System Spacey after completing a stage of the course.
It was still early. Yu Nian had planned to try the new techniques on Wenxi Mountain again, but he decided against it after thinking about it.
The slope and bend difficulty of Wenxi Mountain was no longer challenging for him.
It’s time to change the mountain.
Yu Nian sat on the sofa, looking at the map while searching for mountains in the city. After finding a few good candidates, he then took out a pen and paper, and jotted down the information from the map. Such as the number of bends, road conditions, slope, and elevation drop.
At last, he chose a barren mountain.
Yu Nian circles the three words “Fang Shou Mountain” on the paper.
Fang Shou Mountain, located in the West part of the city, met today’s requirements. Whether it was the drop in elevation or number of slope bends.
In the early years, Fang Shan Mountain saw lots of traffic. There were a lot of trucks traveling on the mountain road.
Later, with the increase of urban planning and the establishment of the highway, the mountain road gradually became desolate; there were fewer and fewer vehicles traveling along that road. Recently, it had been completely abandoned.
A few years ago, the Longboard Speedway Association of this city contracted this barren mountain and used it as a training mountain for its members.
It was only open to members of this association. Yu Nian wrote down this line and circled it to mark it.
After looking at his own crooked handwriting on the paper, Yu Nian put back the pen cap, folded the paper twice, and threw it into the garbage basket.
He got up and watered the dead Phoenix tail orchid in the living room. Yu Nian took the longboard and went out to Fang Shou Mountain.
The Association was located at the foot of Fang Shou Mountain, next to the old sub-district office in the West part of the city.
When Yu Nian arrived, he saw that the door was closed and there was a little dog lying at the foot of the door.
The golden retriever had its tongue sticking out, lying by the crack of the door, and relied on the air conditioner to cool off.
When it saw Yu Nian, it made a feeble sound and wagged its tail twice.
Yu Nian touched the dog’s head and looked at the gate.
The place was quiet and deserted. Yu Nian could vaguely hear some game sound effects, which was somewhat different from the lively scene he had imagined.
He looked at the “S Mayor LongBoard Speedway Association” sign hanging on the wall, to make sure it was in the right place.
After knocking on the door, after a long while, a lazy response came from the door: “The door is unlocked. Come in.”
Yu Nian opened the heavy door, and a blast of cold air immediately rushed towards him. The dog excitedly wagged its tail, also wanting to get into the house.
“Xiao Huang, get out!” The young man in the rocking chair with a blanket on his stomach glared at the dog, the golden retriever growled and left, with its tail pitifully between its legs.
When Wu Zheng saw the dog leave, he then set his eyes on Yu Nian.
Unable to see his face clearly against the light, Wu Zheng waved his hand and looked back on the mobile game: “Ah, close the door, the cold air will escape.”
Yu Nian looked back from the teary golden retriever, with its tail between its legs, and closed the door.
Seeing that the man did not ask him why he came, Yu Nian walked up to him and said, “What procedures are required in order to join the Association?”
Wu Zheng’s fingers were busy tapping the phone. Without looking up, he responded: “There is an application form on the table over there. Fill it out by yourself.”
Yu Nian looked at the desk next to him, with a pile of forms scattered on it.
He took out one and began to fill it out.
In addition to the basic information, such as name, sex, and age, the form also included daily training places, awards, and other content.
Yu Nian quickly filled out the form, and stood on the side, waiting for Wu Zheng to finish the game.
Moments later, the “defeated” sound came from the phone. Wu Zheng slammed his fists down on the armrest of the rocking chair and scolded his teammates twice before remembering that there was someone next to him.
He glanced at Yu Nian.
Clearly seeing the appearance of the other party, Wu Zheng raised his eyebrows and was secretly astonished.
The man in front of him was too delicate and beautiful, tender looking skin, and thin. Wait, what did he just say?
Wu Zheng’s eyes fell on the application form in Yu Nian’s hand, with a little disbelief in his voice: “Who applied to join the club?”
Yu Nian gave a “uh-huh” and handed him the application form in his hand.
Wu Zheng took it and complained in his heart after seeing the messy handwriting. Wu Zheng wasn’t handsome at all, and yet Yu Nian’s handwriting was worse than his.
As he looked down, he said lazily, “In our Association, members need to submit an application form. Then the Board will discuss and approve it.”
“Yu Nian. Using Wenxi Mountain as the daily training place, what a coincidence.” He smiled inexplicably. Wasn’t this the mountain where the Association found its starting members?
“Ah Wenxi Mountain, it’s not difficult.”
When he saw that the award column on the application form was empty, Wu Zheng’s expression became even more disdainful.
In recent years, Longboard Speedway Associations in various places had actively held various competitions. Not to mention the National and provincial level competitions, some competitions were held at the municipal and district levels. There were also many colleges and high schools which also held competitions, and they were not small in number.
There were so many competitions, big and small, and yet not a single award was won.
Many people who grew up watching Longboard Athletes only wanted to join the Association to look cool, while having no actual skills.
Their Association was not something anyone can come in and join. Members must be approved by the President and Vice President.
Yu Nian asked, “When will the Board be able to make a decision?”
Yu Nian did not want to have any delays. He wanted to join the Association as quickly as possible, so he can use Fang Shou Mountain for training.
“Wait.” Wu Zheng thought about the members of the Association, who had all left on a team building exercise trip. They were set to return today, but Wu Zheng did not intend to bother them with such a trifling matter.
Wu Zheng looked up and down at Yu Nian and glanced over his longboard, “Or…”
With his sharp eyes, the small bronze number engraved on Yu Nian’s longboard did not escape Wu Zheng’s eyes.
That bronze number was only engraved on customized longboards, which was something most rich people would do.
“Or those who make some type of contribution to the Association can also join.”
Yu Nian’s expression was faint. He glanced at Wu Zheng and asked, “What type of contribution?”
“Well, for the sake of faster development and better construction of the Association, what else could it be besides a financial contribution?” Without waiting for him to finish, Yu Nian turned and left.
Wu Zheng’s words were stuck in his throat. When he saw Yu Nian, he saw that Yu Nian had turned around and left without hesitation, muttering to himself.
“I’m leaving. I don’t seem to want to join the Association very much.”
The will was so weak.
Yu Nian really doesn’t care whether he can join the Association or not. He just wanted to use Fang Shou Mountain for training.
However, if this Association worked in this way, it was not that big of a deal to choose another mountain to train on. There were many mountains near S city.
Yu Nian opened the door, and he immediately felt the rush of hot air hit him. The little golden retriever lying by the door raised its head slightly and gave a low whine.
Yu Nian walked out and closed the door behind him. He then pulled out the mineral water bottle from his pocket, went to the little dog, and poured some water into the palm of his hand for the dog to drink.
The little golden retriever stretched out its tongue, licked the palm of Yu Nian’s hand, and immediately wagged its tail. Desperately trying to drink the water, in which it had not seen for a long time.
Yu Nian shook his head, and the golden retriever wagged his tail and barked in joy.
The mini-bus stopped at the street entrance. When a group of people walked in, they saw this picture of Yu Nian petting the dog.
Wu Qian glanced at Yu Nian, who had his head bowed, and one could not see his face clearly. Wu Qian could only tell that the man was very young, with long eyelashes and a tear shaped mole at the edge of his eyes.
Wu Qian opened the door and entered the Association. Everyone else followed one by one.
After feeding the dog and filling the water bowl left outside the door, Wu Qian got up and left.
When Wu Zheng saw that everyone was back, he put down his phone, smiled and said, “Older Brother, you’re back. Did you have a good time?”
Wu Zheng was the younger brother of President Wu Qian and was not a member of the association. This time, Wu Zheng did not join the Association’s Team Building exercises, and offered to stay at the Association instead.
“Don’t mention it, my soul has been taken away, and I didn’t have a lot of fun.” Someone answered. Wu Zheng asked, “Have you seen a beautiful woman?”
“I saw the handsome guy. What a handsome guy, what a cool skill.”
“That’s right! It’s a hot day. Here’s some ice cream. Enjoy.”
Wu Zheng did not understand what the other members were talking about. So he went to Wu Qian and rubbed his fingers: “Brother, I’ve been housesitting at the Association for you for three days, that–”
Wu Qian stood in front of the air conditioner, and pulled at his collar. He then glanced at Wu Zheng and silently took out his mobile phone, sending a red envelope to his brother.
Thinking of the person he had just seen outside the door, Wu Qian casually asked, “What did that man want?”
“Oh, that guy? He wanted to join the Association, but I turned him away.” Wu Zheng had received a red envelope and didn’t care when he heard his brother ask, “Do people think that they can casually join our Association?” Wu Qian frowned. He then glanced at the newly filled form on his desk, and picked it up.
“Yu Nian. Regular training places… Wenxi Mountain. ”
“Wenxi Mountain.” Wu Zheng’s face gradually sank.
“Brother?” Wu Zheng noticed that there seemed to be something wrong with his brother’s expression and scratched his head. Other people were also aware of the tense atmosphere, and stopped talking, looking at each other in dismay.
Wu Qian clenched the form and thought of the tear shaped mole that he had spotted on the man just outside the door.
“Oh, shit!” He gritted his teeth and stared at Wu Zheng: “The man I’ve spent three days waiting for, has been turned away by you!”
Wu Zheng froze, and so did the others.
Stammering: “President, that was– that was–”
Wu Qian walked quickly out: “That was him.”
The others hurriedly followed.
Wu Qian stopped in front of the door and glared back at Wu Zheng: ” You bastard, I’ll be back later to deal with you!”
Wu Zheng couldn’t help replying: “If I’m a bastard, what are you?”
He didn’t know why his brother was so excited.
Wu Qian was extremely furious. He wasn’t sure if he could even catch up with the stranger from earlier.
His eyes swept to the door, where the golden retriever, which was just petted by Yu Nian, was happily wagging its tail.
Wu Qian growled at his brother, “Take the dog in and wait on it!”
The story keeps getting more exciting, I’ll try to update it faster and keep the hype up! If you like my translation, consider sending Kofis to foxaholic including my name~