On Chinese New Year’s Eve, at the Arrivals Gate in the Vienna airport.
Yu Nian was carrying a small suitcase. As soon as he looked up, he saw some relatives who came to pick him and his sister up. When the relatives saw him, they hurriedly greeted him with a smile and took the suitcase from his hand. They were afraid that his hands would get tired. “Our Nian Nian’s hands can’t be expected to carry the suitcase!” His sister rolled her eyes, dissatisfied: “Help me to carry it too.”
The boy, surrounded by stars and the moon, was quickly ushered into the car. Onlookers couldn’t help but be stunned by the care and attention of the elders, and started muttering amongst themselves.
“Who is that young man, making such a scene?”
“You don’t even know him? That’s Yu Nian! He’s awesome as hell.”
“What do you mean?”
“His father is the Lead Violinist of the Vienna Symphony Orchestra, and his mother is the Prima Ballerina of the Central Ballet, a national treasure!”
“Not only that.” Someone next to him added, “His grandparents have Bachelor degrees from Hanlin University, and they are famous in the Calligraphy field!”
“Oh! So what about him?”
“What do you think he’s doing in Vienna? He’s been invited to play a solo for the New Year Concert in the Golden / Hall. Those hands have to be protected.”
In the car, his sister holding a book in her hand, poked Yu Nian’s arm: “Brother, the name of the Supporting Character in this book is the same as you eh.”
“But it’s a little Cannon Fodder hahaha. They have a flower vase persona, outrageous.”
His sister, being the chatterbox she is, began going on and on about the tragic life of the Yu Nian in the book.
On the other side, the Elders said with a warm smile, “Don’t mess with your Older Brother. Sigh, it’s the same every year. When this concert is over, do you have any plans for next year?”
Yu Nian thought about it and raised his eyelashes: “I want to play extreme sports, rock climbing, rappelling, and so on.”
Several people looked at each other, thinking that he was joking: “Haha, this is too much, what if you hurt your hand?” Yu Nian laughed a little and didn’t say anything else.
“Why not? How could it not be so simple?”
“It’s the same virtue that has been taught so many times, and even the dog raised by the company knows how to do it!”
“Can you do it, Yu Nian?!”
The rage of the vocal teacher echoed in the room.
There was low laughter from all around.
Yu Nian’s gaze sank first.
He was just in the car heading to the Vienna residence, resting his eyes, when the surroundings and faces became completely unfamiliar.
The young man’s vision was unsteady. He saw the blazing sunlight coming in from the window, and heard the nonstop chirping of the cicadas. It was so loud that even the soundproof glass could not block it out, indicating that the current season was midsummer. The quality of the indoor air conditioning was very good, and the logo on the wall is ‘Orange Entertainment’.
The teacher saw Yu Nian looking around like this and became even angrier.
There was an attitude before, but now he doesn’t even have one!
“Teacher, don’t be so strict. Yu Nian is very good-looking, it’s enough just to have a pretty face!”
“With that kind of face, who has the heart to fight? You should just laugh it off, we can’t envy what resources we don’t have.”
The taunting voices echoed around the room. When the young people in the practice room looked at Yu Nian, who was standing in front of the window, the jealousy in their eyes was hard to hide. The words that came out of their mouths became even harsher.
Yu Nian had a gorgeous and beautiful appearance, with a tear mole at the end of his eye.
Standing in front of the blinds, the scorching sun came through, covering him in bright lights and shadows.
It was a dazzling scene, one that others can’t help but envy.
This scene seemed a bit familiar. Soon, Yu Nian realized where this sense of familiarity came from. It was from the book that his sister was reading –
She babbled on and on about how tragic the vase cannon fodder was, the one with the same name as her brother, and how he deserved it. In the blink of an eye, he became him.
After understanding what happened, Yu Nian raised his head.
The crowd realized that there wasn’t a trace of anger and shame on his face as expected. Instead, Yu Nian just stood there quietly, slightly glancing around his surroundings. This feeling of being ignored, gave everyone an inexplicable sense of humiliation.
“You’ve got a thick face.” Someone could not help but murmur.
At this time, a knock on the door from outside the practice room interrupted them. The vocal music teacher raised his hand to make everyone calm down. He raised his chin to the boy nearest to the door and signaled him to open the door.
After the door opened, a man of nearly forty came in.
All of them warmly greet the newcomer: “Brother Liu.”
This was Liu Chuan, the Senior Manager of Orange Entertainment.
Liu Chuan nodded, glanced around, and his eyes fell on Yu Nian: “Yu Nian, come out.” Then he turned around and left.
This time, the jealousy in people’s eyes became even more profound.
It seemed that Liu Chuan calling Yu Nian out of class was deliberate.
It was the same everywhere. Those who are attractive, like Yu Nian, only depend on their good looks to gain an advantage. They didn’t stand a chance.
Yu Nian walked towards the door.
Before pushing the door open, he stopped and turned around. Glancing at a crowd, he gave a wry smile.
He has a pair of peach blossom eyes, and a small mole dotted at the edge of one. He looks like an elaborate ink painting, and when he laughs, he can make hearts skip a beat.
“Everyone take your time in practicing.” The voice was quiet, but everyone could hear the sarcasm and mockery dripping from these words.
Yu Nian closed the door after he finished speaking.
“Shit! What’s he got to be proud of!”
An angry voice came faintly from the other side of the door.
The smile on Yu Nian’s face faded and he walked towards Liu Chuan’s office.
As he entered, he politely knocked on the open door.
“You have arrived?” Liu Chuan lit a cigarette, looked up and down at Yu Nian, then pointed to the opposite sofa, “Come in and sit down.”
Yu Nian closed the door and sat down on the sofa.
Liu Chuan liked to be elegant and sophisticated. In his office, he played symphonic music all year round.
At this time, “Beethoven’s Symphony No. 5” was playing.
The melody was low and resonated with the listener.
Liu Chuan exhaled a few smoke rings, partially leaned over his desk, looking at Yu Nian from above: “Scolded by the teacher again?” When he said this, he put extra emphasis on the word “again”, with a bit of teasing and contempt in his voice.
Yu Nian only roughly understood the plot from his sister, not knowing what part of the book he was in now, and chose to remain silent.
Liu Chuan didn’t care. He tapped the ashes off his cigarette and said, “You haven’t improved a bit after more than a year of practicing.”
After all, the original person was a vase. The book my sister read is called “Chief Executive Compulsory Love.” The main character in the novel is pure, cute, and has a high level of professional competence. He joins hands with his CEO husband and finally reaches the peak in the Entertainment Industry.
And every qualified Protagonist is accompanied by a minor Cannon Fodder, the book is about the small Cannon Fodder Yu Nian.
Gaudy, dull, self-indulgent, and disgusting, a vase to the highest degree.
Singing out of tune, their dancing is stiff, writing is crooked, and their paintings look like children’s graffiti.
All things should be opposite to the Protagonist, forming a sharp contrast is the fate of the Cannon Fodder.
As Yu Nian recalled the plot, he could feel the artistic talent being stripped from him. Upon entering the book, it was as if his artistic skills were separated from his soul, with nothing left. From the moment he came into the book, the rules in the book came into effect.
These four words were like an Imperial Edict issued by Fate.
Liu Chuan looked at Yu Nian. He has taken him under his wing for more than a year since his debut.
There were some small announcements, some commercial performances, and one or two acting roles. But there has been little splash, and the reviews were not very good.
Needless to say, despite being a vase, Yu Nian hasn’t made much impact. Why was it really difficult to make Yu Nian popular?
The only thing that was holding everything together was this face.
Liu Chuan took a deep puff of his cigarette, exhaled it out slowly, and stared at Yu Nian’s face through the wreath of smoke.
He had seen countless handsome boys and beauties in the Entertainment Circle, but in the case of Yu Nian, he was surprised when he saw him for the first time. It was a beautiful ceiling with no flaws at all.
Yu Nian’s skin is very white, there is a tear mole at the end of the eye, gorgeous and flamboyant.
Now, it seems that the whole person is different from what he used to be.
Now the eyes of Yu Nian were very light and calm, revealing the cold aura of rejecting people from thousands of miles away. It felt as if their souls had been removed from their bodies.
Liu Chuan raised an eyebrow. This contradictory temperament of Yu Nian’s, will unsurprisingly, make the coved eyes around him burn even hotter.
Putting out the cigarette in the ashtray, Liu Chuan turned his cigarette butts and whispered, “Next year is the centenary of the founding of the army. Director Sun Ming has taken over the burden of creating the ceremonial film. He is a great director, who doesn’t know how many awards he has won.”
“The casting will last until the end of this year. The film for the centenary, the film for the centenary, Yu Nian.” Liu Chuan’s voice was low. “There’s a producer who wants to see you.
Eating with them, smiling, it makes people happy-the worst thing that happens is that you lose a bit of sleep. What do you have to lose, how about it?”
Liu Chuan looked at him from above, showing a tolerant smile, waiting for Yu Nian to give the expected answer.
No one can resist this type of temptation, especially Yu Nian, who was eager to get ahead soon. That answer would be obvious.
Yu Nian glanced at him.
A ceremonial film.
The turning point of the original plot begins with this ceremonial film.
In the book, he listened to the advice of his agent, drank and laughed with the producer, then finally climbed into the producer’s bed. Afterwards, he succeeded in getting a small part in the film.
Those who have tasted the sweetness of fame can never turn back on this road, sinking deeper and deeper, becoming stained with filth.
Hiding in the shadows, once again serving as a sharp contrast to the thousands of spoiled, simple protagonists in the spotlight.
At this moment, of course, Yu Nian could not accept it.
He did not hesitate to refuse, but his voice was stuck in his throat. He could not get the words to come out.
This oppression was the power of the book, the established unwritten rules. Pushing Yu Nian towards the established abyss.
‘If there’s a shortcut, why not take it? Just put up with it and smile, the opportunity will be yours.’ A soft seductive voice resonated in his heart.
Because he doesn’t need it.
Yu Nian impolitely drove the voice away.
He lifted his head, stood up, and then stared at Liu Chuan, who was leaning against his desk.
Liu Chuan saw an open smile on his bright face, and his voice was clear: “I refuse.” There seems to be some broken sound.
“Beethoven’s Symphony No. 5” came to an abrupt end…
The office was suddenly silent. The words Yu Nian spoke echoed in the air.
Liu Chuan was surprised at first, and then he sneered: “No?” Have you thought about the consequences of saying that? If you refuse now, don’t come back crying and begging me if you don’t have a job. “
There is a threat in the words.
“If you can wow the producer now, you can continue to climb higher.”
Yu Nian was too lazy to listen and walked out of the office.
Liu Chuan had never seen Yu Nian act like this before and leave before he finished speaking. At first, he was stunned, and then he started scolding Yu Nian: “If you are pretentious and lofty, you will see only one side of a person, and yet you still want to act aloof and uncaring…”
Yu Nian closed the door and blocked his voice behind.
Immediately after, an electronic voice in his head cleared up.
[The Player has reached the condition of “My life is not up to me” and is about to bind to the System! Progress: 5%, 33%, 78%, 99%.]
[The binding is successful, and the Extreme Sports System is wholeheartedly at your service.]