Chapter 20: You’re Beautiful When You Smile Chapter 20 \nLu Sicheng tilted his head, “You’re ending the stream?”\nTong Yao stood up and stretched, “En. It’s already 10……”
“Don’t turn off your computer yet. Send the address of the place where you bought your beauty camera– –”
Before he could finish his sentence, Tong Yao, half way through her stretch, frantically rushed to close the stream app on her computer– –She turned to stare at the man had a confused expression as he slowly finished, “to Little Fatty.”
The chat was now filled with comments like, “beauty camera!” “Hahahahahahahahahaha, beauty camera!” “I knew she can’t possibly be this good looking.” “Little sister, you care a bit too much about your image.”– —
Tong Yao resentfully stared at Little Fatty.
Behind Lu Sicheng, Little Fatty spoke as if it wasn’t his fault, “Fans are saying that I’m getting fatter. I saw your camera has good effects, you look so good and natural. So I asked Cheng Ge to ask you. He sits closer to you……How did I know Cheng Ge would ask in front of the camera!”\nTong Yao stared back at Lu Sicheng. He looked very innocent, “What?”
“Take a look at the chat yourself!” Tong Yao angrily pointed at the computer screen, “They’re all questioning my beauty!”
Lu Sicheng turned his head to glance at her, then chuckled, “What beauty is there for them to question?”
Tong Yao shook her head.  She was afraid that if she stayed there for one second longer, she wouldn’t be able to control herself from going into the kitchen to grab a cleaver and thrust it into Lu Sicheng’s head. She turned around ready to go upstairs to get ready to sleep. Suddenly, a hand from behind gripped her t-shirt– —
Tong Yao leaned back.\n“What?”
“You’re going to sleep?” The man who had nothing better to do the whole night asked.
“Yeah. Won’t it be great when I’m back at 600 points Challenger in my dream.”
“Don’t sleep so early. Dad will help you get your points back tomorrow, so your dream will come true.”
“Don’t bother. People said I’m spoiled just because you were reading the bullet comments tonight. Tomorrow I’ll become a bitch if you help me get points.” Tong Yao wasn’t interested at all. She turned to look the man behind her, “What’s there to do except sleep– –let go of my t-shirt first.”
Lu Sicheng let go his hand, jumped down from his chair, then looked at the others around and announced, “I’m hungry. Anyone want to go for a late night meal with me? Hot pot, on me.”
\nLu Sicheng: “Oh.”
Tong Yao: “……”
Tong Yao didn’t quite understand the kind of lifestyle that included eating hot pot at the middle of the night.
She didn’t really want to go, but when she thought about what Xiao Rui had said before, “You’re not going to our group activity!”– –As a new member, it wasn’t a good idea to stay away from the group. She had concluded from her social experience for the past 19 years: If you choose to be the one who stays away from any group activity among friends or colleagues, then you will be the one they gossip about the most at the gathering that day.
In order to avoid being the subject of the conversation that night about “why do you think she’s so short yet she eats a lot,”  Tong Yao compromised and followed the group of night owls to get on the club’s van, while yawning– –The blue and white logo of the owner of the club was quite conspicuous– –If it wasn’t for the fact that the van was a high end car, a passersby would probably wonder: Why is China Telecom workers coming out in the middle of the night to fix someone’s internet?