Yonin no Ikemen ni Kyuuai sarete Ore wa Namidamedesu Chapter 6 Jun 22, 2017

Translator: OkubyouKunEditor : Fluffthoughts
Chapter 6: Encounter with Ragna
Third person appears.
TN: Yet again, some changes in Rei's title. The God of Magic, Izumi's, Favorite. It's now: "Spring of Magical Power(魔力の泉)" and "God's Favorite (神の寵愛)". They were two separate titles. Just how on earth did I not see this? Darn.
Morning has come. The sun has just risen so the temperature is low. An adventurer's morning is early, and since there's a chance I won't wake up on time if I go back to sleep, I reluctantly got up. After I changed into the clothes I bought yesterday, I left my room and I saw a dark green head outside it. She's holding a broom and is energetically cleaning.
[Good morning, Poppy.]
[Is that so, is there a place I can kill time at?]
[Then I think I'll do so.]
I'll take a look at the courtyard while waiting for breakfast to be prepared. It looks like it's possible to practice swinging or light exercise, and also magic training.
I collect it on top of my palm, then I try imagining water the size of a baseball ball. I felt something escaping from my fingertips, and when I opened my eyes, water the size of a basketball ball appeared. Oh, so this is magic.
Because the water was bigger than my imagination's, I repeatedly made balls of water while adjusting the output. As I kept on repeating it, I managed to grasp the reasonable amount of magic power to use. Next, I tried releasing it to the ground. The water ball scattered while making a splashing noise.
I also practiced the same way with fire, wind, and earth. When I also made a ball out of darkness attribute the same way and released it on the ground, it left a hole on it. In a panic, I covered it with earth magic. It looks like Darkness magic is powerful, I'll stop practicing that here.
I checked my status soon after I finished practicing.
Lv: 1
MP: 65417/65482
Skills: Language Conversion; God's Eye (Limited Ability); Magic
My MP is barely reduced compared to the full amount. But if Poppy or the lady from the clothing store used magic, it'd probably be depleted.
Breakfast consists of stir-fried ediyu eggs and leafy vegetables called petuna, paired with walnut bread. I deliciously ate it.
Maybe I can just go to the church and ask God about it when I have the free time.
I got ready to go out, picked up my lunch, then departed. The quests in the guild are first come first served. That's especially so for low-ranked adventurers so I better find myself one fast.
The front of the guild's bulletin board is packed with people. It's Spring Season, and looks like it's time for monsters to start actively moving so there are a lot of requests. I slipped through the crowd and searched for the F and G rank quests that I can accept.
I check her status while waiting.
Lv: 47
MP: 655/655
Skills: The Art of Staff ( 棒術); Magic; Wind Reading(風読み); Night Vision; Dismantling
I found it mysterious so I checked the other personnel, and all of their levels are high. It looks like only capable adventurers can become the guild's employee.
[Good morning, Rei. Are you immediately taking in your first job?]
[It's a request to gather pipir grass, isn't it? There will be a cancellation fee if you're unable to complete the quest after accepting it, will that be fine?]
You've accepted the request. Do you know what a pipir grass look like?]
[There's a dictionary for medicinal herb over there, and also a map of the area. Since we can't lend it out, please read it inside the guild. There are also books with information regarding adventuring so you might want to look at it if you have the time.]
Pipir grasses grow in the nearest fresh green forest from here, it takes an hour to walk.
I quickly found it. I checked it using God's Eye in case I made a mistake.
Pipir Grass
State of maturity is A.
It seems I wasn't mistaken. I place it in the hemp bag I'm carrying. The content of the request was 30 stalks. Since I want to finish it today, I will find exactly 30 of it.
When they realized it, the arrows are already in front of them, piercing them without much resistance.
The goblins noisily fell to the ground, and stopped moving just like that.
I somehow managed to work on the three goblins, then I look around me.
[….Which way did I come from?]
While focusing on hunting the goblins, I seem to have strayed from the road.
[Right, if I look from above, won't I be able to tell where I am?]
I collected the pipir grasses growing near me, then I used wind magic after I collected all 30 stalks.
Ragna Vue Der Burser 2
76 years old
HP: 5835/5835
Magic Attribute: Fire
Titles: Special-class Swordsman; First-class Fighter; Limit Breaker; S-rank Adventurer
Ooh…. so he's over Lv100. Moreover, an S-rank. Since he's heading towards me, running away or ignoring him might be bad, huh.
The man came in front of me after a few seconds. He's huge after seeing him up close. He has a height of about 2 m, has a good physique, his arms have scales and he's wearing a heavy-looking breastplate, the intimidating pressure he emits is also not half-assed.
Although he's 76 years old, probably because his race is different, he looks to be around his late 20's. Although he looks fierce, he's handsome.
[I'm not as young as I look.]
[Then I'll do so. I'm Rei, I just became an adventurer yesterday.]
[Enough to know it's more than mine. Don't you perhaps have more than even the ordinary elves?]
Does he think I'm the same level as Ciel? Thank goodness, so it's not like he found out how much magical power I have.
[And what are you doing out here?]
[Haa, well thanks for that.]
Ha!? How did it end like this!? Even when I violently struggle, he's not budging an inch.
[No, that's impossible! I'm a man!]
[No no, it's not a trivial thing, you know?]
While still continuing my useless resistance, I hear a voice from a low altitude.
[Let Rei go! Doesn't he dislike it!?]
[Yeah, jump into my arms!]
Ciel is cheekily comparing me and Ragna. 4
[Aleph? Just why is there a need to fight that person from the dragon race?]
[That should be my line.]
The troublesome person just increased into three. Eh, is this my fault? I have absolutely zero confidence that I can stop this, though.
Metals are constantly emitting sparks everywhere, other times places will get frozen, get blown up, or a sudden gust of wind will suddenly appear.
Or rather, it won't be surprising if a stray bullet will hit and kill me. (TN: not a literal bullet.)
[….Yosh, let's run away.]
I'm not the one in the wrong, am I? Yup, it's not my fault.
Sorry Aleph, I will not forget your precious sacrifice!
1 - 先手必勝だな
2 - ラグナ・ヴェーダバーサー (If somebody can come up with a better sounding name, please share it with me. Thank you.)
3 - 目尻は釣りあがっており、琥珀の目が爛々と光っている。
4 - シエルが訝しげに俺とラグナを見比べている。