“Rosalind-ojou-sama! Aah, wait!”
Reincarnation year 1. I threw out my embroidery and escaped from the room. The governess and maids chased after me, but I skillfully scattered them and headed toward my destination.
“Geez! As it is even though I’m on the watch out for my disastrous future, I don’t need to do things like small embroidery!”
Once I couldn’t see my pursuers’ figures, I spoke bitterly alone.
“Now, I’ll head to where onii-sama is.”
The Stanley marquis family’s residence was constructed in the middle of a fortress. Within the castle called Stanley Castle, there were buildings other than the residence: the employee quarters, training grounds, library, workshop, jail, arena, and other facilities.
“Because it’s uselessly big, I often got lost. But after spending a year, I of course got used to it.”
Marquis Stanley’s territory, the Arch Territory, was on the border facing the Kingdom of Valhalla. Thus, the Stanley marquis family was uniquely allowed to have a military force.
The chivalric order called the Arch Knight Order was its representative. It was made of mostly infantry, archers, and cavalry (horses・winged dragons). Although mostly filled with people from the knight class, in times of emergency, civilian conscriptions and mercenaries were also accepted. Apparently, commoners who earned merits of war were appointed the one generation long aristocratic peerage of knight.
Onii-sama received education and combat training from the Arch Knight Order inside the castle. On the other hand, I, the little sister, learned embroidery, painting, music, and language studies as well as household affairs――wholly a lady’s education so to speak.
Frankly speaking, I didn’t find it agreeable with my nature. The Rosalind who had been an archetypal noble lady had followed the road to a disastrous fate. Therefore, I wanted not to have a lady’s education but to receive equal education with my brother to become strong.
When I rushed to the training grounds where onii-sama was receiving swordsmanship instruction, it just so happened that they seemed to be on break. Onii-sama scooped me up in his arms.
“Rosalin! You went against your instructions and came here today again? This kid can’t be helped!”
“But I was bored!”
“What were you doing today? Painting? Embroidery? You’re really bad at staying in your room obediently!”
“It’s better if I train together with onii-sama! Even indoors, I prefer studying with onii-sama!”
“Even though you’re a girl, you’re interested in combat and military affairs. If you’re like this, you won’t be able to be a wife.”
“That’s fine!”
Although onii-sama spoke as if scolding me, he didn’t turn me over. Thinking about the future, rather than receiving a lady’s education, I wanted to do practical things.
“Hey, onii-sama. I want to become onii-sama’s strength. I’ll study and train a lot. It’s my dream to be useful to onii-sama in the future. I won’t get married!”
“Geez, my goodness, what a troublesome girl.”
Though he said that, my brother’s face was affectionate. If I earnestly requested to him, I generally won; he allowed me to accompany him in his studies and training. My parents didn’t seem like they would be willing, but with onii-sama’s persuasion, they came around and ultimately gave in.
“Randolph-sama, the break is over. Will Rosalind-sama also be receiving instruction? Then please use this fake sword.”
”Thank you!”
The instructor, an old knight, was completely accustomed to me, so he had prepared a fake sword matching my size. On that day as well I received training to the point that I couldn’t lift my shoulders. After training, I washed off my sweat in the bath and had dinner. Returning to my bedroom, I slept like a log.
Today was classroom learning. I was studying history, geography, culture, international affairs, military affairs, and sometimes economics in the library.
“The Kingdom of Amelia has a history of 200 years. It is a feudal kingdom with a large territory where there are feudal lords below the king. Under the aristocracy are the knights followed by the many commoners.”
”A feudal kingdom?”
“The king and feudal lord’s give and take relationship makes up the kingdom’s form. The king gives protection to all of the feudal lords, and in exchange, the feudal lords swear an oath of allegiance to the king. Under a large feudal lord, there are numerous aristocrats and knights who bear the responsibility of the territory’s management and armaments.
“Huh. It’s different from an absolute monarchy?”
“An absolute monarchy’s king has greater power and jurisdiction than that of a feudal kingdom. There is greater centralization of power. Our neighboring Kingdom of Valhalla is an absolute monarchy.”
When I quietly asked onii-sama beside me about things I was curious about, the old teacher who was our instructor lightly cleared his throat.
“The Amelia royal family is the descendants of an ancient magic empire. They are of the few existing magic users.”
“Magic!? We can use magic!?”
“It is a mysterious power that only a very small number of influential people can use now. In the Kingdom of Amelia, magic use is limited to only those with the blood of the royal family. Hence, marriages of the royal family are strictly managed.
“Huh, that’s boring.”
When I grumbled, the old teacher once again cleared his throat.
“The Kingdom of Amelia has a history of conquering its neighboring kingdoms because of its magic power. It was especially so for the previous generation’s King Cyrus who had such a belligerent personality that he had the nickname ‘Hegemon.’ Holding overwhelming military might, he set out to expand the kingdom’s territory.”
“Up until twenty years ago, in the vicinity of Stanley Castle was the border with the Kingdom of Valhalla. After King Cyrus’ territorial expansion, the border moved further north to a certain Fort Horns. However, after King Cyrus’ death, the royal family’s ruling power weakened. Opposing lords’ power and influence grew stronger――”
“Rosalin, Rosalin, are you okay?”

ha!? I-I’m okay, onii-sama!”
Although in this one year I had completely mastered the writing and reading of the language of Amelia, this sort of studying made me drowsy.
Rather wasn’t the teacher’s detached talking voice extremely compatible with the early afternoon? It was more effective than unskillful hypnotism.
“The Kingdom of Valhalla is located around the northern extremity of the mainland. Due to geographical influences, the Kingdom of Amelia assists in trade with the Kingdom of Valhalla. However, in recent years dissatisfied voices that the tariffs are too high have increased――”
“Zzzz zzzz”
“Already the people of Valhalla have a deep animosity for their loss of territory in the battles 20 years ago――”
“Rosalin, hey, Rosalin.”
“The Stanley marquis family shoulders the responsibility of the cornerstone of defensive preparations in the Arch Territory, using military might as well as diplomacy to avoid conflict and protect the fief――”
“Hm, wha, onii-sama


What, was it already morning? It was rare for onii-sama to come wake me up.
I let out a large yawn and opened my eyes. What flew into my field of vision was the form of the teacher who had changed to a demon-like expression.
So that onii-sama would learn unembarrassing behavior as the next marquis, he also received etiquette lessons. Although I discarded my lady’s education, if I were to receive the same lessons on manners as onii-sama, I would take them without complaints.
“Etiquette is also important, you know. If we don’t acquire manners as the upper class, when meeting royalty and other nobility, we will create embarrassing experiences.”
“Yes, onii-sama!”
There was both classroom learning and practice. It made me a bit ill at ease, but if I was with onii-sama, I had fun doing it.
“Having Rosalind learn manners through the same lessons as Randolph seems good, doesn’t it?”
Mother who came to see the state of affairs said that. She seemed to have judged that this was more effective than having me take a lady’s education against my will. She was an unexpectedly flexible person. Henceforth, I came to openly receive the same lessons as onii-sama. While nonetheless, there were issues and complaints at times, in general, things went as I desired.
“Onii-sama, onii-sama!”
I always clung to my brother Randolph.
“Hah~ onii-sama is the best. Good looking, smart, and kind. He’s surely the utmost ideal best onii-sama for all maidens!”
However, it was sad. In the game Rose of the Battlefield, onii-sama had the position of the villainess’ brother.
He had no relation to the heroine Eugenie whatsoever. Though I saw him as the best onii-sama, to Eugenie, he was a siscon big brother who pampered a detestable woman, making him highly unpopular.
“However, since Eugenie is a good girl, I doubt she would say bad things about onii-sama.”
On a side note, no matter how ideal onii-sama was, feelings beyond familial love did not well up within me. Since we were blood related, that was an obvious. I was thinking of wanting to have my brother and Eugenie marry each other. For that sake, it was necessary to know my brother, but.
――When I reached my second year of reincarnation, I had full-heartedly become emotionally attached to onii-sama.