I am Rosalind Stanley, daughter of the Marquis of the Arch region. I was once a normal high school girl, until I was reincarnated as a villainess in the world of the Otome game, “Rose of the Battlefield”.
To avoid my destruction end, I thought to set-up my brother, Randolph, and the heroine, Eugenie… but I became Eugenie’s lover instead!
Of course, I am a woman and Eugenie is, also. On top of being the same sex, I will be married next year to Prince Glenn, the second prince of Amelia.
Despite that, we confessed our feelings to each other and vowed to love each other as long as time allowed.
“I heard the news, Lady Rosalind,” Eugenie said. “Did you win the latest fighting tournament? Congratulations!”
It was Sunday, I and Eugenie were heading to the spring in the depths of the forest by my family home. Today, we’re riding Neptune, my favorite horse.
“Thank you,” I said. “I finally won the young men’s bracket.”
“All your opponents were 15 to 25, and you were the only woman… it’s amazing how you still won the championship, my Lady!”
“Fufu… thank you. But can you please stop calling me ‘Lady’?”
“Ah… sorry.”
“We have become lovers, after all.”
Eugenie laughed shyly as I said it. Kuu… she’s so cute!
I see the spring just up ahead. “Let’s ride, Genie!” I cry.
Ever since the start of this relationship, I’ve been calling Eugenie by that nickname. However, Genie still uses honorifics. I suppose it can’t be helped considering the difference in our statuses, but I still want her to treat me more casually.
“Uuhh-huu, we’ve arrived, Lady Rosalind,” Genie mutters.
“Huh?” I ask.
“… Uhhh, after all, that was scary!”
“Wait, what? That shouldn’t have been scary for you at all! You’re a natural now!”
“… Am I?”
She was lying. Even now, with a bright red face, she stares up at me with teary eyes. Oh, she’s cute, so cute, I want to tease her so badly! But no, none of that. Shortly after, Genie drops the act.
“We don’t have to rush, but I’m happy if you can treat me so roughly,” Genie says.
“A-Ah…” I mutter.
“Now, let’s start this picnic!” she says.
We get off Neptune and begin setting up. I brewed tea in a pot, while Jenny brought sweets fruits to go along with it.
“Well…?” Genie asks.
“Yes, it’s quite delicious.”
“Hooray!” Genie cried. “I made it based on the fruit cake recipe that Ms. Aira gave me.”
Aira, who was my exclusive maid until a few months ago when she ran away with someone—specifically, Samuel, son of the prime minister of Valhalla. It was all thanks to my scheming, but of course, no one except me knows that.
“Ms. Aira, are you doing well?” Genie asks.
“She ran away with someone she loves,” I said. “She’ll be happy no matter wherever she goes.”
“… Yeah, you’re right,” Genie said. With the people you love by your side, you’ll have the courage to face anything.”
“W-Well, when you put it like that…” I stammer.
“Ufufu, I’m so happy,” Genie said. “I still can’t believe that the beautiful Rosalind is my lover.”
“I-I feel the exact same way, Genie.”
“No, you can’t!” Genie said. “You’re so much more beautiful, Rosalind!”
“Wha-What are you saying? You’re so much more beautiful!”
We turn to each other, face-to-face.
“I don’t feel like arguing anymore,” I said.
“Eheheh, same!”
If you’re staring at each other in the face, it’s better to whisper loving words than to argue. Better still if you kiss. We both closed our eyes and closed the distance between us.
(Oh, she’s so cute, she smells good, she’s so soft, this feels so good…! What is it, Genie? What the heck is your secret!? Why are you so cute!? I’m so gay…)
The immorality of it all only makes us even more intoxicated. The apple scone slipped from my hand and fell on the grassland, forgotten.
We gave ourselves up to the rising heat between us, and after a passionate blaze, we began to cool off. I soaked my feet in the spring, take a bite out of the apple from earlier. I decide to take a little stroll in the shallows, dragged my other hand along the water.
I walk back to Eugenie, hold the apple out to her; she takes a bite out of it, too.
Our teeth marks are so cleanly engraved on the fruit. I feel so warm and fuzzy, gazing at Genie. When she noticed me, she smiled shyly.
“Hey, Genie,” I asked, “Have you ever loved any girls other than me?”
“Eh? I don’t know. I’ve always admired the girls I met when I was a kid, but I couldn’t fall in love with anyone else but you.”
“What about you, Rosalind?”
“Me?” I ask. “I—sort of. I was attracted to women in my previous life, too.”
“Your previous life?”
I don’t answer Genie, instead, I look far off into the distance.
My previous life—yes, some people thought that it did little good to have memories of men and women you used to love before reincarnating in this world. Still, I never got into a full-fledged romance, and I never had a strong desire to date besides.
But now that I think back—I think I was in love with someone back then.
It was when I was in kindergarten. One evening when I was picked up late and left alone in the classroom, a nursery teacher looked, then started brushing her hair out in a hurry. At that moment, my chest jumped. I thought she was beautiful. No matter how young I was, I was fascinated by her.
I didn’t know that a woman could fall in love with another woman, so I thought it was the yearning feeling that a girl had, wanting to become an adult, too. But that memory is still fresh in my mind even after being reborn as Rosalind Stanley.
“I’ve only loved one person: you Genie,” I said.
No matter how much time passes, the memory never fades. A scene imprinted in my brain. By realizing my feelings for Genie, I’ve realized what those feelings from previous life really meant.
“I love you, Genie,” I said. “I love you so much that I can’t remember how I ever lived before I met you… I love you.”
“I am yours, Rosalind, and you are mine Rosalind,” Genie said. “My body and soul are all yours, as your body and soul are all mine.”
We embraced again and whispered loving words to each other, as much as time would allow.
The seasons came and went. 12 years since Reincarnating, the scenery of the Archie region has not changed much. Even so, with Jenny by my side, the whole world seems so much brighter.
“Aahh…” Genie said. “It’s just like you said, the breeze from the spring feels so good!”
“There’s a small boat over there,” I said. “Shall we row offshore?”
It is summer. Genie and I float on a boat at the forest spring. She dips one hand in the water and closes her eyes, comfortable. We arrived at the center of the spring, I anchored the boat, and snuggled up next to Genie.”
“It’s so out beautiful out here on the water,” Genie said. “It’s like being in a dream.”
“Funny you should say that when this is all real,” I said. “You can feel the heat from my body, yeah?”
The sunlight on the surface of the water is dazzling. But Jenny’s smile was even brighter than that.
Autumn. As promised, we’re collecting blackberries in the forest.
“Look, look, Rosalind!” Genie said. “I’ve already got so many blackberries!”
“Oh, and I thought I collected a lot,” I said.
We show our blackberries to each other and giggle. “Can you really eat that many?” I ask.
“I’ll make a blackberry jam,” Genie said. “Then I’ll make a blackberry pie. Rosalind, will you eat it?”
“Yes, of course,” I said. “I wonder if I should make blackberry tea. I’ll have it next Sunday when we meet again here.”
“Fufu, next week we’ll have a blackberry party!”
We had fun, made memories, and nurtured our bond through trivial things. In those days I spent with my beloved girlfriend, I forgot about my future and my destiny—with her, I was the happiest person in the world.