“Aira didn’t come to tea today…” Eugenie said.
“Yes,” I said, 'she went into the forest to take care of some business.”
It was Sunday. Eugenie seemed to be a little discouraged.
… I feel bothered yet again. No, I know there is only friendship between the two. That’s why it’s more trouble than it’s worth getting upset about this.
“You could go into the forest yourself, but it’s easy to get lost, so don’t go in alone,” I said. “Always be sure to have a companion.”
“Eh?” Eugenie asked.
“W-What, don’t you want me to go with you in there?” I asked.
“You mean it? I’m so happy to hear that!”
Eugenie smiles as like a flower has just bloomed. What is with her? Why does such a small action make me so happy?
“Fu-fun!” I say. “Let’s go for a stroll after the tea party.”
After the tea party, we entered the forest and headed in the opposite direction from Aira.
“You didn’t take your horse today?” Eugenie asked.
“Yes, because you can’t ride one,” I replied.
“Right… sorry about that,” Eugenie said.
“You have nothing to apologize for,” I said. “You can’t learn horseback riding unless you were fortunate enough to have the opportunity.”
“Have you been riding horses since childhood, Lady Rosalind?”
“Yes, I’ve been joining my brother Randolph during hunts and riding horses in preparation for the fighting tournaments since I was little.”
“Really?” Eugenie asks, looking at me in wordless anticipation.
What is she thinking of me, looking at me with such eyes? I thought of the original story, and guessed what Eugenie wanted me to say: “You’re interested in horses, Eugenie?”
“Eh?” Eugenie asked.
“You seem to be quite a fan of horses, right?” I asked. “You wanted to be able to ride one too?”
“Oh, um…” Eugenie said.
“Don’t be so shy,” I said. “It’s quite alright—in fact, let me teach you horseback riding!”
“Ah! You really mean it?!” Eugenie’s eyes brighten as she bites her lip in anticipation. Safe to say she was very interested.
“Yes, let’s go back and fetch my horse,” I said. “The physical ability you showed me some time ago should be enough, you’ll be riding in no time at all.”
“Thank you so much, Lady Rosalind!”
So from that day on, I started teaching Eugenie horseback riding once a week.
Approximately one month later, Eugenie was able to ride her horse like a pro. My hunch about her physical abilities wasn’t wrong at all.
“Look, pull your reins in,” I said. “Tighten your legs. Don’t be shy. You don’t need to become one with your horse, but as long as your body is in close contact, it will be easier for you to convey your feelings. A horse depends on its rider. If you’re not confident, your horse will sense it and kick you off. You can’t blame it for refusing to carry someone unworthy on its back. “
“Oh, I wonder if I’m worrying too much. You’re doing fine. Just do exactly as I taught you. Follow the rhythm of your horse—yes, yes! You’re doing great!”
“Oh, th-thank you very much!”
We go into the forest, me riding Neptune, while Eugenie rides a practice horse. We go slowly at Eugenie’s pace and eventually take a rest at a spring. “Fuu…” I say, “this feels great.”
“The breeze from the spring is very comfortable,” Eugenie said.
“It’s cool here even in the summer,” I said. “The leaves of the trees turn green, and the surface of the water sparkles in the sunshine—it’s such a beautiful scene. You should look forward to it.”
“Yes, I will!”
Eugenie is so innocent and cute. Even if it’s something as insignificant as this, she becomes just as happy as if it were a huge milestone. When I see her like this, I only want to make her even happier. “The autumn scenery is also breathtaking,” I said. “One side is dyed orange and the spring runs clear. You could also collect blackberries—let’s do that together, in fact.”
“Yes, please, let me join you!” Eugenie says.
“Fufu…” I hum.
Eugenie listens so eagerly even if I was talking about nothing, I felt as if I could drone on forever, but it was already getting late. “Shall we head home soon?” I asked.
“Ah, yes… we should,” Eugenie said. She sounded disappointed, too.
I wish we could have stayed together for longer.
… But if Randolph and Eugenie married, the two of us could stay together for the rest of our days. But is that really what I wanted? I didn’t understand. When I was reincarnated in this world, and I was aiming for that ending. But right now at this spring, my resolve began to waver.
“Fuu …” I sigh.
I sent Eugenie to Rose Village before returning to the mansion. As I passed by the kitchen, I heard several maids gossiping with each other:
“What happened to Aira?”
“There’s a man involved, I’ve no doubt.”
“And what do you know, exactly?”
Aira has recently become quite restless. Her time spent in the forest has gotten longer and longer, and it seems that she’s somehow become even more attractive. I could even see some redness on her cheeks.
I’m sure my plan was successful… but Aira never talked about it. She’s not the type that shares details about her love life, but keeps that burning passion inside herself. I didn’t quite understand the consequences then.
One month later, Aira disappeared from the castle; we only found a later explaining why she’d left House Stanley and the Arch region altogether.
“It was a man after all! See, exactly as I said.”
“No way, I had no idea Aira could even do anything like that…”
After Aira disappeared, the maids gossiped freely. When I overheard it, I scolded them from the top of the stairs: “Hey, all of you! If you have time to gossip, you have time to finish your cleaning duties!”
“Y-Yes, Lady Rosalind!”
“Don’t let me catch you gossiping again,” I said. “Aira has only done good work. From now on, her choosing her happiness shouldn’t be looked down upon.”
The maids sneaked contemplative looks at me. When they finished cleaning, they left.
When I returned to my room, I took out Aira’s letter.
“I apologize for my rudeness, even though you have been so kind to me. Although it’s selfish, I have an important person in my life, and I cannot stay here and be with him also. An ungrateful servant like me deserves to be in Hell. But if I’m with him, even in Hell–“
I look up from Aira’s letter and look out the window. “You don’t deserve to go to Hell. You don’t need to feel guilty at all, because I was the one who made it happen…” I said.
It was frustrating that I could not say it to her face.
I went to the forest where Aira was last seen, and prayed her and Samuel would have a happy future.