The Training Camp and the Moonlight and the Palpitation (3)
The route for the kimodameshi this time entails passing through the gymnasium at the starting point, the infirmary, the science lab and finally the music room. Then, participants simply have to write their names on the blackboard at the final destination.
Rather, itā€™s so easy to guess what theyā€™ve fiddled with in the infirmary and science lab that itā€™s laughable. Mysterious chemicals in the infirmary and how it resembles a hospital, frog specimens and human anatomical models were all things that exudes a sense of fear. Though, itā€™s so dark now that I canā€™t even see the scary things.
Behind me, Soutarou was still holding onto the cuffs of my jersey.
ā€œUwah, you gave me a shock. Donā€™t cling to me so much.ā€
Panic-stricken, Soutarou glued himself perfectly onto my back. My back feels kind of warm when the Soutarou who has a high body temperature clings to me.
He was so frightened that his eyebrows became 八 and he kept staring towards the school building. The Soutarou who heard my words gave me a stiff smile. While still holding onto my jersey, he moved a few steps back.
ā€œIā€™m sorryā€¦ā€¦ Though itā€™s embarrassing, like what Mako said, Iā€™m bad with things like ghosts and obake [1].ā€
ā€œYou donā€™t need to feel embarrassed to have something youā€™re bad with. We can return now if you want.ā€
While we were talking, the 2-man team before us who were on standby started walking. Looks like itā€™s our turn next. We have to leave here in a few minutes.
The Soutarou who was agitated up until a moment ago narrowed his eyes and smiled after hearing my words. It was a tender smile one would expect from children or animals. Itā€™s because he smiled like that so suddenly that my heart went ā€œdokiā€ without thinking. Dangerous, dangerous.
ā€œItā€™s okay. Didnā€™t I say just now? That Iā€™ll be fine if Iā€™m with Mako.ā€
This, are you saying this air-headedly?
I canā€™t help but think heā€™s making a pass,Ā what does he mean by this. Or could it be that itā€™s normal for guys to have such a conversation? Iā€™m confused. I donā€™t understand.
I bet that my thoughts were showing on my face. Soutarou let out another smile.
ā€œBecause Mako is my important friend.ā€
ā€œI see. Thatā€™s right, huh. I too, think of Soutarou as important.ā€
I understand if thatā€™s his meaning. Yes, I can interpret it this way.
As a character whoā€™s supposed to be captured by Mitsuki, isnā€™t it laughable if he falls in love with her older brother? This is an otome game, not a BL game.
ā€œOhćƒ¼, itā€™s Sakurai-kun and Tsubaki-kunā€™s turn next. Kowa~ donā€™t get angry~. Ganbatte ne~. Donā€™t get hurt, okay~ā€
Yurino-sensei handed me a handheld flashlight while making an exaggerated voice.
Iā€™m amazed at the sensei who managed to maintain this vigour even though itā€™s already the 12th team. I can feel his enthusiasm of wanting the students to enjoy themselves.
ā€œHai. Letā€™s go, Soutarou.ā€
While clutching my jersey, Soutarou started walking gingerly.
Putting me aside, if he shows such a figure to the other girls, wonā€™t he lose his popularity? If they start thinking things like ā€˜Tsubaki-kun is patheticā€™, what will happen to this lead character?
ā€œTsubaki-kun, youā€™re scared of obake? Kawaiićƒ¼ā€
ā€œHeā€™s completely attached to Sakurai-kun. I want to become Sakurai-kun!ā€
ā€œSakurai-kun, do you mind changing partners with me?ā€
Seems like my worries were unfounded. I apologise. I should mind my own business.
They probably thought they were whispering softly but I can actually hear them pretty well.
Granted, itā€™s not like I donā€™t feel vexed but as expected, ikemen will be ikemen no matter what they do. I might have even said the same things as those girls when I was female.
I left the gymnasium while carrying such complicated feelings, taking the first step towards the infirmary.
ā€œWhere was the infirmary again?ā€
The light from the flashlight illuminated the corridor. As I thought, the school building looks different at night. The me who wasnā€™t very familiar with the surroundings wasnā€™t sure where to go. Even not for that, Iā€™ve never stepped foot into the infirmary before.
Hence I questioned the Soutarou who was glued perfectly to my back. In a foolish voice, he eventually answered me in one breath.
ā€œThe infirmary is at the 2nd school buildingā€¦ā€¦ā€
ā€œAh, I see.ā€
Izumino Gakuen comprises of the 1st school building to the 3rd, and thereā€™s also an old school building.
Entering through the main gate, youā€™ll see the 1st school building where the staff room, principalā€™s office and important classrooms are. The 2nd school building is located to the east of the main gate and within are the science lab, student council room, music room and other special classrooms. To the west of the main gate is the 3rd school building where the classrooms of first to third years are situated. In the old school building were the classrooms for clubs and extracurricular activities. Apparently thereā€™s also changing rooms.
The 2nd school building isnā€™t far from the gymnasium.
Since Soutarou looks quite frightened, letā€™s quicken the pace.
ā€œMako, that way is the 3rd school building.ā€
ā€œEh? Ah, ā€¦ā€¦ itā€™s because of my glasses.ā€
In response to my excuse, Soutarou tilted his head and gave me a blank look.
That was a bad excuse just now. Though itā€™d have been fine if I admitted that I didnā€™t know the way, for some reason I was embarrassed.
Despite telling Soutarou that itā€™s okay to have things youā€™re bad at, when it comes to myself, as expected, itā€™s embarrassing.
ā€œTo tell you the truthā€¦ā€¦ Iā€™m bad at memorizing directions.ā€
Thatā€™s right. Iā€™m not particularly good at remembering directions. Simply put, Iā€™m directionally-challenged.
ā€œOnce in a while, Mako says funny things with a straight face.ā€
Even though all I did was seriously tell him I donā€™t know the way with a straight face, for some reason Soutarou started laughing.
Whether itā€™s Kaname or itā€™s Soutarou, the residents of this world laugh too easily. I donā€™t think I said anything that was even remotely funny.
Soutarou, this guy, just before he was so scared but now heā€™s smiling at me. For some reason, despite feeling relieved, another part of me was mortified.
ā€œIf you say anymore trivial stuff, Iā€™m going to leave you behind.ā€
ā€œWait, Mako.ā€
Soutarou, this guy, heā€™s still laughing. Exasperated, I ignored him and walked on. Flustered, Soutarou grabbed onto my clothes.
If we walk quickly, we can reach the infirmary in less than 5 minutes. As proof of going there, we have to sign at our names on the register at the fridge in the infirmary.
When I placed my hand on the door of the infirmary weā€™re supposed to enter, I noticed there were sounds coming from inside. Was the pair before us still here? Thereā€™s no way itā€™s a thief, right? I came up with several speculations but all of them seem to miss the mark.
ā€œSoutarou, what do you think these sounds are?ā€
ā€œPerhaps itā€™s the sensei whoā€™s acting as a ghost?ā€
ā€œAh, that makes sense.ā€
The sensei who is acting as a ghost could be trying to scare us. But is it me or the sounds are too bustling?Ā Iā€™m not sure because I donā€™t usually go to places like haunted houses.
The me who agreed with Soutarouā€™s thinking opened the door boldly.
ā€œCho, Mako, all of a suddenā€¦ā€
ā€œSince weā€™re entering anyway, thereā€™s no need to hesitateā€•ā€•ā€¦ā€¦ E?ā€
Were ghosts beings whoā€™d push down a half-naked girl in a place like this. By chance, my eyes met with the ghost(temporary)ā€™s. [2] Itā€™s a little awkward, but who asked him to do this kind of thing in a place like this.
That ā€œghostā€ had black hair with blue[3] highlights, cut in a Wolf style. Like a certain Kitarou[4], only his right eye was hidden behind his hair. It was purposely set that way. He wore loose leaf-like earrings and even on his neck and fingers, there were jingling accessories. With a single glance, one could tell he wasnā€™t a serious or diligent person.
But he has pointlessly good looks. An oval-shaped face with a light complexion, large goggle-eyes[5] and a strange amorous mole at the corner of his eye. Although the way his mouth curled mischievously was irritating, he seems to be quite a lady-killer.
Incidentally, the girl seems to be the same type. Both her clothes and make-up were flashy.
From the colour of their ties, they should be third-years.
ā€œWhatā€™s with ā€˜emćƒ¼. They seriously canā€™t read the moodćƒ¼. Arenā€™t yā€™all the second years whoā€™re having training camp now?ā€
Even the things she says areĀ unscrupulous.
I scolded in my mind. As a girl, you should speak in a more well-mannered way.
ā€œNćƒ¼ļ¼Ÿ Seems like itćƒ¼. What happened, did you lose your way?ā€
Looks like this isnā€™t the infirmary.
The moonlight which permeated the classroom brightened the surrounding, allowing us to see the entire room. This, is probably the Student Council room. I could see a note stating ā€˜Student Council Presidentā€™ on the desk in the back.
ā€œThatā€™s right. Sorry to bother you.ā€
I donā€™t want to have anything to do with such strange people whom we met in such a strange way. Besides, getting involved is troublesome.
ā€œYou donā€™t have to be so scared, bunny-chan.ā€
ā€œā€¦ā€¦ bunny-chan?ā€
Whatā€™s with this guy. The words he say are so incomprehensible that it was scarier to me than ghosts.
ā€œAra, you donā€™t like bunny-chan? How about honey-chan or sweetie-chan or cutiepie-chan?ā€
ā€œNonsense. Iā€™m leaving.ā€
ā€œAhaha, wait a moment, bunny-chan. Youā€™re the transfer student Sakurai Mitsukiā€™s onii-chan right?ā€
Holding onto Soutarouā€™s arm, my feet reflexively stopped moving.
Turning around, the guy just rose from the sofa and walked towards me. With an uninterested face, the half-naked girl fixed the position of her eyelashes. Though I feel that she should first wear her clothes, the status of her eyelashes was probably more important to her than being half-naked.
Looking closely, the guyā€™s clothes were also fairly messy. In fact, his top was completely unbuttoned, he wasnā€™t wearing a belt and some of his underwear was even showing. Whatā€™s with them, really, did they try to do it in the classroom, these guys?
ā€œBingo. Mitsuki-chan is cute, huh~. Even though sheā€™s plain, arenā€™t her features considerably fine? Ehehe, are you glaring at me, onii-chan?ā€
ā€œStop messing around. I wonā€™t hand Mitsuki over to a shallow fool like you. Also, the only one who can call me ā€˜onii-chanā€™ is Mitsuki.ā€
ā€œThen, Iā€™ll call you bunny-chan. Even though bunny-chan doesnā€™t resemble Mitsuki-chan, youā€™re quite cute too~. Itā€™s like, your face seems kind of femininećƒ¼?Ā If Mitsuki-chanā€™s no good, perhaps Iā€™ll aim for you~?ā€
He seized my chin and forcibly turned my face towards his direction.
Sorry for having a feminine face. It canā€™t be helped since I was originally female. But the current me is male, so donā€™t bring your face so close to mine. Whatā€™s with this guy. This guy with pointlessly good looks feels a bit like a capturable character. I wonder if Iā€™m right. Letā€™s ask Subaru later.
Nevertheless, as he was about the same height as Soutarou, my neck hurts when he forcibly tilted my chin up for so long. When I involuntarily grimaced, he made a contrived dejected face.
ā€œDoes it hurt? Iā€™m sorry. Let me give you a kiss to help heal the pain.ā€
ā€œHah?! Baka, stop! Let go of me!ā€
ā€œEhh, kawaii. Could it be your first kiss?ā€
While pinning down my chin, he brought his face closer and closer.
To be kissed by such a guy riding on the momentum is the worst. Moreover, this is really my first kiss. Is that so bad? Iā€™ve had no relations with romance until now.
Ah, what should I do.
Let me press the reset button immediately!