The Training Camp and the Moonlight and the Palpitation (1)
On the day of the training camp. Mitsuki and I arrived at the meeting place, the schoolā€™s gymnasium.
Soutarou and Kaname who reached before us noticed our arrival and waved in our direction. As we walked towards the two, I saw the Prince who was hidden, sitting moodily on the floor.
ā€œGood morning. What happened to Kiritani? He seems to be in a bad mood.ā€
ā€œYouā€™re late. I was waiting for you, Makoto.ā€
The Prince looked towards me with undisguised unhappiness, glaring at me as though he was sulking. I could only give a bitter smile in response to the face he was making.
By the time Mitsuki and I got here, about 80%Ā of the students already arrived.
In the end, my group consisted of Soutarou, Kaname, the Prince and I.
Even though I wanted to Mitsuki to join our group, she was already a member of another group when I invited her. Moreover, as the males and females somehow separated into different groups, I couldnā€™t forcibly invite her.
Looks like I have no choice but to casually get closer to Mitsukiā€™s group. With great pains, I managed to raise Mitsukiā€™s specs in cooking to an average level, but at this rate she wonā€™t get a chance to show off to the Prince.
ā€œMitsuki~! Youā€™re slowćƒ¼ā€
ā€œAh, sorry, Iā€™m coming now~ā€
Mitsuki immediately left my group.
In otome games, this would be the time when the 怌 Who will you spend the training camp with? 怍choice appears. Is it okay for you to leave the side of the capturable target so quickly?
It may be that because itā€™s still in April when the game just started, but what should I do about the Mitsuki who doesnā€™t seem interested in love?Ā Ā Although I raised Mitsukiā€™s specs in cooking to an average level, thereā€™s no point if she doesnā€™t display her skills to the Prince.
ā€œJa, Mako-chan, Iā€™ll be going. Donā€™t cause any trouble for Tsubaki-kun and the rest, okay?ā€
ā€œMitsuki, you too, donā€™t be so absent-minded. Iā€™ll come and visit you from time to time.ā€
Along with the Prince, that is, I added silently in my heart.
And then Iā€™ll assist in creating an event between Mitsuki and the Prince. Because this training camp only exists to increase the affection between Mitsuki and the Prince.
ā€œMou, you donā€™t have to worry so much, Mako-chan~. Iā€™m not a kid anymore.ā€
Her pleated school skirt fluttered as she left. After sending off her retreating figure, I turned towards the others.
ā€œMako-chan is close to Sakurai imouto-chan, huh.ā€
Kaname spoke with his hand on my shoulder. Itā€™s just like Kaname to be this straightforward.
ā€œAh, Mitsuki is my little sister after all. More importantly, is this group okay?ā€
I think that with Kanameā€™s personality, he can fit in well with any group. Itā€™s the other two who are problematic. Soutarou aside, the Prince is the issue. Or should I say, itā€™s the relationship between the two thatā€™s an issue.
Glancing at the two, I saw that Soutarou had been shooting uncomfortable glances at the Prince while the Prince ignored him and glared at me instead.
Why canā€™t these two get along? And for some reason the Prince keeps glaring at me.
ā€œDoesnā€™t seem like itā€™ll be okay. Ganbatte, Mako-chan. Iā€™ll prepare white flowers for your funeral.ā€[1]
ā€œIf that happens, youā€™re coming with me.ā€
ā€œOur destinies are entwined together, arenā€™t they, Mako-chanā€¦ā€¦!ā€
I hit the head of Kaname who was making a scene.
Not only would it be difficult to create an event between Mitsuki and the Prince, for some reason thereā€™s a strained atmosphere between Soutarou and the Prince. I have a feeling this would be one anxiety-filled training camp. I donā€™t mind anything happening as long as I donā€™t get caught up in it. Though it seems inevitable that the Prince, Soutarou and Mitsuki will get involved. Yare yare daze.[2]
When the senseiā€™s speech in the gymnasium ended, without delay itā€™s time to prepare our evening meal. He said we could use either the schoolyard, the home economics room or the lodging area. I wonder where will Mitsukiā€™s group select? I want to pickĀ the same location as them. I must raise the encounter rate between the Prince and Mitsuki.
ā€œMitsuā€•ā€•ā€¦ā€¦ Uwa?!ā€
ā€œMakoto, ā€¦ā€¦ Youā€™re going over to Sakuraiā€™s place too much.ā€
ā€œDonā€™t scare me, Kiritani.ā€
The Prince grabbed my arm just as I was about to go find Mitsuki. Because he gave me a strong tug, I almost fell backwards.
Technically Iā€™m a girl so itā€™ll be nice if you treat me more gently. But it canā€™t be helped since on the outside Iā€™m a guy whoā€™s even taller than the Prince.
ā€œYou stay here. I forbid you to go to Sakuraiā€™s.ā€
The Princeā€™s eyebrows drew closer slightly, and he spoke with a voice that sounds like heā€™s sulking. As I thought, he has a good voice. Itā€™s a low voice that resonates well.
Like this, the Prince reveals a very cunningly cute appearance. But, canā€™t you do this in front of Mitsuki instead? Doing this to me is a waste of your allure.
ā€œIf you, go over to Sakuraiā€™s again, Iā€™ll goĀ home.ā€
After informing me, he released my arm.
Even though to everyone he appears expressionless and is unwilling to get close to them, but in front of me, why is he acting so selfish or should I say, haughty? How did it become like this.
Subaru said before, that the Prince was ā€˜docileā€™ and ā€˜coolā€™. But I believe she has mistook it with ā€˜tsundereā€™ and ā€˜tsun-samaā€™. Unmistakably.
ā€œMa, for now letā€™s just prepare our meal, okay?ā€
While giving a troubled smile, Soutarou approached the Prince and I.
Looking at Soutarou, the wrinkles between the Princeā€™s eyebrows increased. I was worried that the Prince would say something strange to Soutarou but he didnā€™t utter a single word.
Though Iā€™m relieved, to think that Iā€™d have to go through such a nerve-wrecking training camp.
ā€œYouā€™re right, letā€™s do it. Iā€™m hungry.ā€
You can say that Iā€™m reaping what I sow. I was so busy preparing for the training camp that I didnā€™t eat lunch.
In the end, because of Kanameā€™s incomprehensible claim that ā€œcooking begins with starting a fire in the schoolyardā€, it became that weā€™ll prepare our meal there. It seems that Mitsuki and the others went to the home economics room. Thatā€™s right, isnā€™t it. As girls, youā€™d prefer the home economics room. Whoā€™d purposelyĀ choose to cook outdoors in the schoolyard, huh.
The encounter between the Prince and Mitsuki during dinner time didnā€™t even last an instant. By the way, our meal was mostly prepared by Soutarou. It was a standard curry rice. It was very delicious, Maru.[3]
Finally the night has deepened and itā€™s already 21:00.
Itā€™s the midnight of a training camp, thereā€™s no way nothing will happen. A pointless kimodameshi [4] was being planned. I wonder who would get excited over such a thing. The only ones whoā€™ll go ā€œkyaā€ in these kimodameshi were couples.
Iā€™ve been tired out due to my anxiety since today morning. I want to sleep. But, such selfishness wasnā€™t allowed.
ā€œSouta, the Prince and Mako-chan, you must participate, okayćƒ¼ā€
Kaname was in high spirits as usual.
But Kaname is well-suited to such high school student activities. Only he can look so stylish while wearing an unfashionable russet jersey pyjamas.
Even though the Prince, Soutarou, Kaname and I were clad in the same set of russet jersey with short sleeves and long pants, Kaname looks the best in it. Itā€™s just that the fancy combination of the red bean-coloured clothes and blonde hair makes my eyes hurt.
ā€œI want to sleep. Go by yourself, Kaname.ā€
I coldly declared as I crawled into the futon.
ā€œAccording to my information network, Sakurai imouto-chan will be participating, you know? Aniki.ā€
ā€œEh, Mitsuki is participating in the kimodameshi?ā€
I unconsciously stood up after hearing Kanameā€™s whisper.
Although it wasnā€™t like I didnā€™t realise that I fell for his scheme, I canā€™t ignore that information.
ā€œThatā€™s right~. ā€˜Cause I, went to take a look just now.ā€
ā€œReallyā€¦ā€¦ are you seriousā€¦ā€¦ā€
So my turn has finally come?
If the Prince and Mitsuki gets together during the kimodameshi, something will definitely happen. Or rather, Iā€™ll make sure something happens.
Then I have no choice but to participate. This may sound conceited but if I go, the Prince will definitely come along.
ā€œIā€™ll go. Iā€™ll participate.ā€
ā€œYatta ne! If Mako-chan joins, Souta and the Prince will also come, right~?ā€
ā€œIā€™m coming.ā€
The Prince immediately replied.
Yoshi. If the Prince and Mitsuki gathers together, somehow itā€™ll work. Or rather, Iā€™ll somehow make it work.
For this relationship, I beg you God-sama, Buddha-sama, ancestors-sama and the other gods-sama.
Please let there be at least one event between the Prince and Mitsuki. Otherwise, thereā€™s no point for me to come all the way here.
Just the thought that Iā€™ll be stuck in this world if Mitsuki doesnā€™t get the ā€˜Prince endā€™ gave me the shivers. I have a world where I belong to. No matter how well I get along with Soutarou and the rest, this isnā€™t my world.
Will there come a day when Iā€™ll feel lonely while thinking of that?