Chapter 28 ā€“ The Sports Festival and the Chore ICĀ and the Staying Over (1)
June. At the same time itā€™s the rainy season, itā€™s the season of the Sports Festival.
The Sports Festival bustle also arrived at our Izumino Gakuen. It seems Izumino Gakuen carries out Ballgame Tournaments instead of Sports Festivals in this season. Weā€™re using the LHR period to decide which game weā€™ll participate in, but should I say as expected, I canā€™t quite make a decision.
Itā€™s truly troublesome to have a ballgame tournament in this season when itā€™s becoming warm.
Having said that, the Ballgame Tournament is a slightly gloomy event for me because I donā€™t particularly like physical activities. Especially when, as you know, my sense regarding ballgames is catastrophic.
ā€œWhatā€™s Mako planning to enter?ā€
Soutarou grinned as he pulled my sleeve.
ā€œI think I donā€™t want to enter if possible.ā€
ā€œYou canā€™t do that. Itā€™s been determined that every person has to enter one.ā€
Itā€™s good for Soutarou whoā€™s good at sports huh. Heā€™ll play a huge role no matter which ballgame he joins and gets ā€˜kya kyaā€™-ed at by girls, wonā€™t he. Thereā€™s no way he wonā€™t be popular with his good looks and being almighty at sports huh.
In comparison, Iā€™m bad with ballgames and however you put it the inside is a frail girl yā€™know. I donā€™t think of wanting to be popular, but at very least I donā€™t want to drag them down. I wonder what I should do.
ā€œI understand but, you know Iā€™m bad with ballgames, right.ā€
ā€œEnter the same ballgame with me then. Letā€™s practice together?ā€
Soutarou came up with what can only be said to be a good idea, bringing his lips close to my ear and suggested in a whisper. Thereafter ā€œHow about it?ā€ he tilted his head as he said that. Itā€™s the usual sly Soutarou.
Certainly Soutarou seems like heā€™ll match my pace, teaching me slowly and carefully because heā€™s kind. Moreover, personally it seems more fun to enter the same ballgame as friends I get along with like Soutarou or Kaname, the Prince.
ā€œAlright. Okay. By the way whatā€™s Soutarou planning to enter? As I thought is it basketball?ā€
ā€œI like Mako so anythingā€™s fine.ā€
Having heard my reply, dog ears popped out with aĀ springĀ from Soutarou. ThenĀ shine, a smile surfaced as though there were flowers blooming. In short, itā€™s the usual Soutarou.
What the heck, I wonder which part of me attracted Soutarou to come hugging this much. I donā€™t feel unpleasant when heā€™s all over me and hugs me, rather, while the area around my chest gets ticklish, I do feel happy.
Well then, rather than Soutarou Iā€™ve to think of which ballgame to participate in.
The ballgames are basketball, volleyball, soccer, tennis and table tennis. By the way theyā€™re all separated by gender. Youā€™ve to participate in at least one, and it seems you can hold at most three positions concurrently.
First of all basketball is out ofĀ question. Thereā€™s no doubt Iā€™ll end up a master of Travelling. I hit home runs in tennis and table tennis, and Iā€™m not even sure of the rules for soccer. Iā€™ve played volleyball quite a bit when I was a girl, so comparatively Iā€™ve a feeling I can do it.
ā€œIā€™ll go for volleyball.ā€
ā€œVolley? Okay~ā€
Iā€™m not very good at volleyball either, but it canā€™t be helped if thereā€™s no choice but to participate.
Iā€™m tentatively a high school student too. Itā€™s not too bad to relish in high school student-like events.
ā€œIf itā€™s volleyball for Mako, Iā€™ll go for volleyball too.ā€
I was extremely shocked as the Prince suddenly turned around the moment LHR ended.
ā€œI see, itā€™s heartening to have the Prince with us. Letā€™s do our best.ā€
Nod, the Prince bowed his head in assent while expressionless.
I canā€™t picture the figure of the lethargic Prince doing his best at volleyball. But since Subaru said the Princeā€™s a high-specs prince who can do anything be it studies, sports or the arts, heā€™ll be impressive if heā€™s up to it.
Ikemen whoā€™s able to do anything, what a cheat, a cheat. But if such a person was given the setting of a prince in an otome game, it means that maidens of the world pine for an ikemen who can do anything and loves only them, huh.
As a result, itā€™s been decided that the Prince and I will participate only in volleyball, Soutarou in volleyball and basketball, Kaname in tennis and basketball, and Mitsuki in tennis.
The current Mitsuki shouldnā€™t be very athletic as she specialises in Housework and Charm. I donā€™t mind even if sheā€™s hopeless at sports asĀ thatā€™s cute, but I suppose in terms of otome games, being good at sports increases the favorability rating more.
ā€œUwa, donā€™t come jumping all of a sudden, Kaname.ā€
ā€œI wanted to enter the same ballgame as Mako-chan~!ā€
He grabbed and shook my shoulder while making an unnatural tearful voice.
Kanameā€™s strong despite being shorter than me, so I get dizzy if he shakes me too much. I may look like this on the outside but Iā€™m actually weak. Feeble.
ā€œI get it already so stop, Iā€™m getting dizzy.ā€
ā€œMako-chan doesnā€™t give a hoot about someone like me, donā€™t you?ā€
ā€œI didnā€™t say that right. I find it cool that Kaname can do sports, yā€™know.ā€
Kanameā€™s face was 20cm away from the tip of my nose. I canā€™t continue letting his face draw closer.
The distance people of this world converse at is too close that I end up getting nervous every time. I can hear you well even if you donā€™t bring your face so close.
ā€œDid you hear that Souta! Mako-chan said that Iā€™m coolćƒ¼!ā€
Contrary to me whoā€™s speechless at Kanameā€™s excessive reaction, Soutarou gallantly returned words like ā€œIs that so, good for you huhā€.
I donā€™t have cleaning duties today so letā€™s go home quickly. Iā€™ve to prepare dinner in place of Mitsuki who should be tired when she returns after club activities. Letā€™s make cheese cake or something since thereā€™s lots of time. Because Mitsuki loves sweet things. How girlish and cute.
ā€œOii, Sakuraićƒ¼! Youā€™re on good terms with Kaichou right.ā€
Hasumi whoā€™s the class rep called out as I stuffed textbooks into my enamel bag.
Moreover is it my imagination that the contents of the conversation had an uneasy foreboding? By ā€˜Kaichouā€™ she means the Student Council President, in other words Narahashi Junya, doesnā€™t she?
More than being on good terms with Junya, should I say it was one-sidedly made to be on good terms, or should I say something that shouldnā€™t occur was almost made to transpire. In any case we arenā€™t particularly on good terms.
Nevertheless itā€™s too laborious to explainĀ thisĀ andĀ thatĀ concerning Junya to Hasumi, and itā€™ll probably incite a groundless misunderstanding.
ā€œWun, well, weā€™re acquainted. Is something the matter?ā€
ā€œIt became that weā€™ve to allocate one person from our class to be in charge of the Student Councilā€™s chores. Sakuraiā€™s free since youā€™re only entering one ballgame right. Can I leave this to you?ā€
Having to allocate a chore IC from our class, I can only think of it as Junyaā€™s scheme.
Thereā€™s no doubt heā€™ll use his authority as Student Council President to the max, naming Mitsuki the chore IC if I donā€™t go now. It seems like something that hentai Student Council President will come up with.
As though heā€™s granting me freedom but actually not, itā€™s just like Junyaā€™s way of doing things. Iā€™ve no freedom of choice.
ā€œAlright. Okay.ā€
ā€œEh? Mako.ā€
ā€œAs expected of Sakurai~! Thank you. Then be on your way to the Student Council room now, okay.ā€
Soutarou looked at me worriedly.
Iā€™m on the same boat in terms of being worried, but I wonā€™t retreat at this point. Because Mitsukiā€™s chastity will be in danger if I retreat. The pure maiden Mitsuki might get tainted by Junya.
Shoving the troublesome matter to me, Hasumi left dashingly.
ā€œWait a minute, is it really okay, Mako? Who knows whatā€™ll be done to you if you become Narahashiā€™s chore IC.ā€
Like an abandoned dog Soutarou made his eyebrows into the 惏 character and looked at me with upturned eyes.
ā€œSomething might be done to me, but Iā€™ll tackle it myself somehow. Iā€™m a guy after all.ā€
Junyaā€™s a 180cm guy with tall stature, but Iā€™m also a guy now. I think I can at least do something somehow.
Besides I donā€™t intend to be alone with Junya, nor do I intend to let down my guard.
In the first place this is a otome game yā€™know. Iā€™m the heroineā€™s onii-chan and Junyaā€™s the heroineā€™s capturable character yā€™know. I think itā€™ll be fine to not worry about weird things.
ā€œMako, listen to me. Mako might say Iā€™m being overprotective, but Iā€™m really worried you know.
Soutarou gripped my shoulder and closed in with a serious face. It wasnā€™t the sparkly fluffy face of the doggy Soutarou.
Itā€™s a scary thing when a guy with a huge body and a strong built closes in.
Sway sway, my head thatā€™s being shaken back and forth becomes all wobbly. Today I got shook back and forth, I got shook left and right, what on earthā€™s going on. Iā€™m not Akabeko[1] yā€™know.
Iā€™m extremely happy about Soutarouā€™s feelings of worrying about me, but itā€™s not like I was nominated to be Junyaā€™s chore IC because I wished to. Well, if you ask why I accepted the chore IC position then, Iā€™m the bait so that Mitsuki wonā€™t fall prey to Junya.
Thatā€™s why IĀ cannotĀ retreat.
ā€œThanks for worrying. Butā€•ā€•ā€
ā€œBut, bunny-chanā€™s appointed as my chore IC. Right?ā€
ā€œUwa, Junya-senpai?!ā€
What appeared from the side all of a sudden, was Narahashi Junya who fits the name ā€˜hentai Student Council Presidentā€™ to a T.
ā€œUn, itā€™s me~. I thought if itā€™s bunny-chan, youā€™ll become the chore IC as expected.ā€
Junya firmly settled his arm around my waist and clung on.
Rub rub, the tip of his nose came rubbing at my solar plexus, and an indescribable emotion rose up within me.
Soutarou who saw the entire series of events, moved behind me and thrusted his arms under my armpits. Around the same time I turned around wondering what heā€™s going to do,Ā yank, I was pulled into the chest of he who was behind.
ā€œIā€™ll have you return Mako.ā€
ā€œHang on, Soutarou-kun. Bunny-chanā€™s my chore IC you know? Besides, what exactly are you to bunny-chan. You think youā€™ve the right to restrain bunny-chan?ā€
Not being outdone, Junya grabbed my arms.
ā€œIā€™m Makoā€™s close friend. Thatā€™s why I wonā€™t sit back and watch as Kaichou does fishy things to Mako.ā€
ā€œAhaha, scary. Bunny-chanā€™s raising quite an outstanding watchdog huh?ā€
I canā€™t see it clearly, but Soutarou seemed to be trying to intimidate Junya.
Itā€™s a little hard to breathe whenĀ squeeze squeeze, Iā€™m being hugged with all his strength from behind.
I glanced at Kaname seeking help from him, but he was desperately trying to hold back his laughter. Good grief, Kaname sure is carefree thinking itā€™s someone elseā€™s business.
ā€œMako-chanā€™s popular as expected! Wonā€™t you achieve the Izuminoā€™s Popular Dude title with just a little push?ā€
ā€œDonā€™t mess around. Iā€™m not the least bit happy.ā€
I donā€™t particularly want to be popular. Thatā€™s something thatā€™ll will never change and has never changed since the past. Even before being male or being female, to wholeheartedly accept such straightforward good will is something that only frightens me.
Iā€™ve never had it expressed to me so fervently before, even if itā€™s in terms of friendship, so Iā€™ve no idea what to do.
ā€œSenpai and Soutarou let go of me for the time being! Conversing comes after that!ā€
It doesnā€™t matter whether itā€™s love, friendship or something borderline. I didnā€™t act the way I did for the sake of being popular like this. Whatever whoever says, the heroine of this story is Mitsuki. Itā€™sMitsuki.
I believe thereā€™s a need for me to create anew an opportunity to carefully and slowly talk with these guys regarding this issue.