The Third Wheel and the Knight and the Princess (2)
The second Sunday of March. Accompanying Mitsuki who wanted to do some final adjustments before the practice match begins, we came to Izumino Gakuenā€™s indoor pool in the morning.
But because Mitsuki asserted thatĀ itā€™s embarrassing to be watched during practice so you canā€™t see!, I quietly hid in the shadows and looked at her. Like a hentai. Well itā€™s my fault for coming against her will.
With her body wrapped in a black competitive swimsuit with pink lines, Mitsuki dived into the glistening water. Cutting open the water surface, she who gracefully and smoothly advanced was just like a doll.
So it wasnā€™t a lie that she had an interest in swimming. Even someone like me whoā€™s not familiar with swimming can tell that her swimming is beautiful.
ā€œSakurai-sanā€™s swimming is by no means fast, but itā€™s pretty isnā€™t it.ā€
Takayanagi who apparently emerged from the malesā€™ changing room, folded his arms and gently watched over the swimming Mitsuki.
He too was wearing a black knee-length competitive swimsuit with blue lines. A beautiful supple body with taut muscles.
Not expecting in her wildest dreams that we are watching her, Mitsuki rose from the pool after swimming 50 metres, catching her breath. I wonder how so much power is derived from such a small and slender body.
ā€œIt causes one to thinkĀ Mitsuki sure likes swimming. See, even now sheā€™s grinning so much.ā€
ā€œYouā€™re right. She swam very freely. It wonā€™t do if swimming isnā€™t like that.ā€
Once again, Mitsuki dived into the pool.
Submerging into the waterĀ with a beautiful form, she twisted her body and single-mindedly, simply single-mindedly bisected the water.
Takayanagi vacantly watched that figure of Mitsukiā€™s. That vacant blue eyes, as though longing for that freely-swimming Mitsuki, seemed to be looking at something beyond her.
ā€œI want to see Takayanagi-senpai swim too. I heard from Mitsuki but, youā€™ve won prizes on various occasions. I bet youā€™re fast.ā€
Will he, like Mitsuki, glide through the glistening water with his supple muscles? Or will he, in discord with his outer appearance, swim vigorously like heā€™s cutting through water?
Kyu, Takayanagi clenched his fist tightly, and made a face as though heā€™s laughing, as though heā€™s about to crying.
ā€œThatā€™s right. Iā€™m fast.ā€
ā€œAh, saying that yourself.ā€
As though the face just now was a lie, to Takayanagi who spoke confidently with a nonchalant face, I returned words like Iā€™m teasing him.
ā€œTruthfully IĀ amĀ fastā€¦ā€¦But, very soon Iā€™ll quit swimmingā€¦ā€¦This, is already the last.ā€
ā€œā€˜This is already the lastā€™, but, isnā€™t there still the interhigh preliminaries? Senpaiā€™s the Swimming Clubā€™s ace you know.ā€
Hereon weā€™ll face summer and its corresponding matches, for such a practice match to be the last is too wasteful.
Takayanagi is sufficiently competent. Thereā€™s no way itā€™s okay for his swimming life to end in such a place.
Moreover this expression of Takayanagi, itā€™s obvious with a single look that he doesnā€™t really want to quit the Swimming Club.
ā€œEven if my swimming is fast, even if Iā€™m the ace, thereā€™s times when one has no choice but to quit.ā€
This again.
I think he said something similar before, regarding the marriage with Madoka.
Itā€™s not like I plan to say ā€œIf you give up now, the match ends there you know?ā€ something like that, and if Takayanagi intends to give his life up to Madoka I donā€™t really care.
However. Choosing the result of giving up like this, how is it to Madoka? Rather, I think Madoka is pitiful.
Nonetheless if he chooses Madoka, does he really think thatā€™s fine?
ā€œEh? Madoka-san?ā€
Reacting to Takayanagiā€™s words, I chased his line of sight.
The destination of his sight was the, fair-skinned, beauty with a hair colour like honey and translucent eyes like glass balls, Yukinoshita Madoka, and the small-animal-like lovely girl, owner of large black eyes and small red lips, Sakurai Mitsuki whoā€™s standing by the poolside.
Itā€™s within my expectations that if her beloved Takayanagi participates in this match, Madokaā€™ll be here like itā€™s completely natural. Though I didnā€™t think sheā€™ll appear at such an early timing.
Since by no means can I suddenly step in, I decided to watch over the twoā€™s situation. Fortunately or unfortunately, they shouldnā€™t be able to see us from over there.
ā€œYou seem to be, having a lot of fun huh.ā€
Abruptly opening with a villainā€™s line and clearly picking a fight, I feel slightly touched at the template villainess.
Since long before, Iā€™ve been the type who feels like supporting rival characters or villain characters in shoujo manga, so I donā€™t think that badly of Madoka. Neither do I reallyĀ wantĀ to think badly of her.
But if it seems like sheā€™s going to do anything cruel to Mitsuki, I canā€™t overlook it.
Astonished, Mitsuki tilted her head as she stared at Madokaā€™s face.
ā€œI, loathe impertinent women like you who shower your charms on anyone, and think that theyā€™ll listen to anything you say as long as you make a slightly cute face.ā€
Nice to meet you Iā€™m the villain, with an absolute zero smile like sheā€™s looking down on Mitsuki, she spit out those words.
I thought I would be more angry, but when she plays the role of a villain to this extent, on the contrary I feel refreshed. After all there arenā€™t many 3-dimensional villains who play their role to this extent.
Mitsuki faltered with a troubled expression. Her eyebrows became like the 惏 character and she stirred restlessly.
Looking at her face, she doesnā€™t seem that hurt but if it comes to that I will have to put a stop to it.
ā€œOn no account, ever approach Yasuchika and Junya. Do quit the Swimming Club too. Itā€™s unsettling when someone like you is around.ā€
ā€œI canā€™t do that. I didnā€™t enter the Swimming Club to get along well with Takayanagi-senpai or Kaichou-san. I entered because I love swimming and I want to swim. Thatā€™s why itā€™s not something that I can quit when Madoka-san tells me to.ā€
My heart throbbed seeing the side of Mitsukiā€™s face which holds a strong will different from usual. And before I realised,Ā with the colour of her face clearly changed, MadokaĀ drew a step closer to Mitsuki.
ā€œIf you donā€™t quit, Yasuchika will have to quit! Are you saying thatā€™s okay?!ā€
Before I could even think what sheā€™s going to do, Madoka pushed Mitsukiā€™s shoulder with all her strength. It seems Mitsuki couldnā€™t resist the sudden movement.
Having lost her balance, Mitsuki plunged back first into the pool. There werenā€™t even time to let out aĀ ahĀ voice.
When Mitsuki fell into the pool with aĀ splashĀ sound, I was finally able to let out my voice.
Forgetting that I was hiding, I ran towards the poolside and jumped without hesitation.
Grabbing the arm of Mitsuki who sunk into the water without even preparing[1] for the fall, I pulled her towards my chest, hugging her as I led her towards the water surface. Mitsukiā€™s face emerged from the water and after coughing violentlyĀ goho goho, she took a deep breath.
Having scrutinised till there, I finally felt relieved and the tension left my shoulders.
ā€œMako, chanā€¦ā€¦ tha, nkā€¦ā€¦ you.ā€
In the interval between Mitsukiā€™s coughing fits, with a feeble breath she thanked me, making my heart tighten.
Despite having such a thing done to her, with neither fear nor anger, Mitsuki smiled sweetly. Only a ridiculous maso or a ridiculous softhearted person would be able to smile at a time like this.
ā€œAre you hurt?ā€
ā€œEhehe, my foot might have been twisted a little. Itā€™s hurts,Ā I donā€™t think I can stand if not for Mako-chanā€™s support.ā€
Mitsuki laughed frivolously, but perhaps her twisted foot is painful, she frowned once in a while.
Settling her down by the pool side, looking at her right ankle thereā€™s a red swelling. With her foot like this, not even mentioning todayā€™s practice match, she likely canā€™t swim for the next few weeks.
Mitsuki who swam so beautifully and smoothly, Mitsuki who enjoyed swimming so much, because of Madoka who pushed her with an irrational reason, it became that she canā€™t swim.
I canā€™t get angry here. Losing to my feelings here, shouting and brandishing violence, is what an idiot would do. Yes, what an idiot would do. I know that but I was unable to disperse the welling anger.
Just when I lifted my head,Ā smack!, the clear sound resounded in the indoor pool.
ā€œYasu, chikaā€¦ā€¦?ā€
What first entered my sight was Madoka holding her reddening left cheek, looking in shock at Takayanagi. Before her was Takayanagi, biting his lips in an attempt to suppress his anger.
ā€œWhat are you doing! You, do you know who you just hit?!ā€
ā€œI know. Madoka, apologise. Apologise to Sakurai-san.ā€
Towards Madoka who screamed hysterically, Takayanagi addressed her with a quiet low voice, like heā€™s warning her.
But Madokaā€™s lips trembled as though she was about to cry, and she grabbed Takayanagiā€™s arm strongly.
ā€œIā€™m not in the wrong. Because, Yasuchikaā€¦ā€¦ā€
ā€œI swore to you that I would quit the Swimming Club, didnā€™t I. With that you should have been convinced too. And yet, what is this about? Because you pushed her, Sakurai-kun got injured, and now she canā€™t participate in the match. How do you plan to take responsibility for this?ā€
ā€œYasuchikaā€™s an idiot! Why is it only me you donā€™t look at? Even though the only important people I have are you and Junya! Even though we promised that 3 of us will always be together.ā€
Madoka looked at Yasuchika once again. But Yasuchikaā€™s anger did not subside.
This was probably the first time Madoka was scolded by Yasuchika. Her shoulders shook with a start, and she took several steps back. But she was by nature a headstrong woman. Without being outdone, she glared back.
ā€œI donā€™t need someone like Yasuchika anymore.ā€
Running, Madoka left the indoor pool.
I was unable to follow this flow of events and vacantly watched the twoā€™s exchange while still submerged in the pool, but as Takayanagi unexpectedly said what I wanted to, the anger I held towards Madoka had already calmed down.
More importantly, didnā€™t this turn into quite a dire situation? What action will Madoka who lost the support of her heart, Takayanagi, take? I can imagine the point of her anger being directed at Mitsuki again.
But I donā€™t think it will help even if Takayanagi goes after her.
ā€œā€¦ā€¦ Sakurai-kun, will you go after Madoka? Itā€™s embarrassing when Iā€™m the one who said all that to her, but I donā€™t know what she will do when blood rushes to her head. Of course Iā€™m not forcing you butā€¦ā€¦ā€
ā€œUnderstood. Senpai, please take care of Mitsuki.ā€
ā€œOf course. Please leave Sakurai-sanĀ to me.ā€
Nodding just once to Takayanagiā€™s words, I chased after Madoka in a half-run.
Iā€™ve no idea where she ran off to, but she originally has a weak constitution and shouldnā€™t have much stamina, so sheā€™s likely not too far away.
What should I say to Madoka when I catch up to her? As the anger from her pushing Mitsuki was all conveyed by Takayanagiā€™s words, the rage has largely calmed down, so I should be able to speak with composure.
Well I have no choice but to do it.
Somehow or other, I have to say something skillful, and obtain a promise from her to not do cruel things to Mitsuki anymore.
Itā€™s just my gut speaking, but I have a feeling Madoka isnā€™t that disagreeable a person. What, perhaps Iā€™m also softhearted to the extent I have no right to call Mitsuki softhearted.