The Hide-and-Seek and the Darkness and the First Love (3)
ā€œJunya-senpai, please let go of me.ā€
ā€œDonā€™t wanna.ā€
He put force into his fingertips that were around my waist. He put in so much force that it hurts.
Junya lifted his head suddenly and gazed at me with eyes so large they looked like they were going to spill out. Peeking through his partly opened mouth, one could spot a crimson tongue and his cheeks were dyed in a light peach colour.
While staring at me, he slowly but surely pushed me down. Iā€™ve become the horse thatā€™s being ridden on again, exactly what should be done about this?
ā€œPuchi, puchiā€, from top to bottom he unfastened the buttons I took great pains to fasten. Although my body was bared again, Iā€™m not embarrassed because itā€™s pitch dark.
Ah, thatā€™s not the problem. Iā€™ll eyeball him with a more severe look. Straddling me with such high spirits, he even seems to be preparing for sexual intercourse.
ā€œIā€™ll get angry.ā€
ā€œDonā€™t be angered.ā€
ā€œRelease me then.ā€
The left corner of Junyaā€™s mouth rose and he smiled.
ā€œNo way.ā€
Geez, heā€™s not listening to me at all!
This isnā€™t the time to be acting so easygoing, right.
I almost unconsciously yelped when he ultimately hoisted my belt. ā€œKachi kachaā€ sounds resounded throughout the entire storeroom, and the release of pressure when the belt was removed was so refreshing that my waist loosened.
Even though it was just for an instance, just now I had the resolution to have sex with Junya. But at this moment that resolution feels like a faraway thing. In other words, this means that I have no intention of doing such a thing with him now.
ā€œWhat you do mean ā€œNo wayā€! Junya-senpai, for real, please stopā€¦ā€¦ā€
ā€œIā€™m not stopping. I like Makoto. And I want Makoto to like me too.ā€
ā€œWho on earth would come to like you when theyā€™re having such things being done to them? Rather, theyā€™d come to hate you!ā€
When I bluntly told him my genuine feelings, Junya became on the verge of tears. Panicked, I stroked his head. Then, with a face as though nothing happened, he again cheerfully placed his hands on my belt.
E, whatā€™s this. Even if I hit him now itā€™s considered self-defence, right? Itā€™s not my fault, right?
My shoulder shook in surprise when the door of the storeroom was knocked.
This voice belongs to the Prince.
The Prince could have noticed because we were making so much noise. Thatā€™s lucky of me.
ā€œUn! Kiritani, itā€™s me. Iā€™m over here.ā€
ā€œMakoto! So youā€™re fine. Is the hentai Student Council kaichou with you?ā€
ā€œThatā€™s right~. Prince-sama. Iā€™m together with Makoto. Ne, Makoto?ā€
Letting out a wheedling voice, he deposited the tip of his nose into the nape of my neck. At the same time, he slipped his hand onto my torso and caressed my flank, causing me to involuntarily let out a sound. Itā€™s ticklish.
Hearing my voice, the Prince started beating the door as though he had the intention of tearing it down.
ā€œMakoto?! Makoto!!ā€
ā€œKiritani, both Junya-senpai and I are safe. Can you help me fetch the key?ā€
ā€œI understand. But that hentai bastard! If you lay a hand on Makoto Iā€™ll beat you to death!ā€
The sounds of his footsteps faded away.
Ah Iā€™m relieved. Iā€™m truly relieved. The Prince today was really a prince-sama.
It takes less than 5 minutes to fetch the key, there shouldnā€™t be any danger of me losing my chastity in this short amount of time. This way, my chastity has been protected.
Relieved, strength left my body. Thereupon, Junya made a pouting face and in a peppy manner got off my waist.
ā€œHow disappointingā€¦ā€¦ I was thinking of creating a fait accompli.ā€
ā€œā€˜Fait accompliā€™ā€¦ā€¦. canā€™t you talk about more serious matters?ā€
Itā€™s unbearable that my chastity was being targeted time and time again.
He sat in seiza-style[1] before me, with a serious expression on his face.
Even though heā€™s such a frivolous guy, he tentatively made a promise to face me seriously and at the core he was an honest child. He should be able to understand what Iā€™m saying.
ā€œI wonā€™t come to like you even if you do such a thing to me.ā€
ā€œThen what should I do? To get you to like me?ā€
I initially thought heā€™s joking but it appears heā€™s serious.
ā€œYou see hereā€¦ā€¦ā€
ā€œBecause, if we part ways here, Makoto probably wonā€™t talk to me again?ā€
ā€œIā€™ll apologise for avoiding you so far. From now on Iā€™ll properly listen to what Junya-senpai has to say. Only if you talks about proper matters, that is.ā€
Junya took my hand and placed it on his cheek.
ā€œā€¦ā€¦ Okay.ā€
ā€œWhile itā€™s easy to connect only the bodies, I donā€™t want to build a relationship on that. We need to communicate properly, heart to heart. Do you understand?ā€
ā€œUnā€¦ā€¦ As I thought, Iā€™m useless, huh. At this rate Iā€™ll really become a sex fiend. Iā€™m sorry, Makoto. Itā€™s the first time Iā€™ve come to love someoneĀ so much so I donā€™t know what to do.ā€
A guy like him whoā€™s an experienced master at love-making was blushing while looking at me. He hid his lips with his large knuckles and looked at me with upturned eyes.
If Subaru saw this, itā€™ll become a spectacle whereby she rolls over with a nosebleed. Itā€™s fortunate that Subaru wasnā€™t here.
However, what should I do about his ā€˜coming outā€™ā€¦ā€¦
Does Junya really love me? Iya iya, no way no way no way. Thereā€™s no way, rightā€¦ā€¦ right?
He likes me ā€œas a friendā€, right? Itā€™s okay to interpret it that way, right?
Noisy footsteps came from beyond the door, growing louder. The clattering sounds of a key opening the door rang out and with excessive vigour, he dove into the storeroom.
ā€œMakoto! Are you okay?ā€
ā€œA, ahā€¦ Iā€™m fineā€•ā€•ā€
Just as I saw the figure of the Prince whoā€™s bathed in perspiration, the next moment he was hidden by the Junyaā€™s shadow. In other words, Junya embraced me strongly and even left a kiss on my cheek.
Though to me it just feels like Iā€™ve been bitten by a dog, the look of the Princeā€™s changed as he grabbed hold of the back of Junyaā€™s neck.
ā€œIā€™ll trash you. Narahashi Junya, Iā€™ll seriously trash you.ā€
Even though heā€™s expressionless, one can see that heā€™s emanating a terrifying killing intent.
The Princeā€™s eyes were completely hooded, trying to shoot a hole through Junya. With all his strength, his delicate and slender arm constricted Junyaā€™s neck.
Junya gave his usual Cheshire Cat-like grin. He had on a face as though heā€™s totally treating the Prince like an idiot.
ā€œGeez, the Prince is so scary. Bunny-chan, save me~ā€
ā€œYou try and put your hand on him and Iā€™ll put an end to your life.ā€
ā€œIā€™ve already put my hand on him. Here, here, take a look.ā€
Junya pulled open my already-unbuttoned shirt and pointed at the nape of my neck. Heā€™s probably pointing at the kiss mark he made just now.
The Prince released an even more dangerous aura. I feel that itā€™s okay to let it go since itā€™s just a kiss mark. If I keep feeling disturbed about every single thing, I wonā€™t be able to live in the world of an otome game.
ā€œWhat did you do to Makotoā€¦ā€¦ That, even his clothes were stripped offā€¦ā€¦ā€
ā€œI only stripped one clothing though?ā€
ā€œKora, donā€™t say things thatā€™ll cause Kiritani to misunderstand. Kiritani, this was caused by an incident. Nothing happened between Junya-senpai and I. Itā€™s okay. Hora, letā€™s go home.ā€
I raised my hips and retrieved Junyaā€™s rabbit ear parka[2]. Then while expressing my gratitude, I handed it to him.
Out the window, the curtain of darkness/of the night had fallen, the only light source shining on the school building was the moonlight. I buttoned my dress shirt and picked up the necktie that fell near my feet.
Once Iā€™m out of the door, Narahashi who was following behind me cheekily seized my hand.
ā€œBunny-chan, go home with me~?ā€
Pulling aside the playful Junya, the Prince wedged himself us.
ā€œChotto~ Prince, youā€™re in the way, you know?ā€
ā€œDonā€™t call me ā€˜Princeā€™. Also, donā€™t come near Makoto, heā€™ll catch your hentai-ness.ā€
While protecting me behind his back, the Prince stood before Junya and blocked his way.
Like before, the Princeā€™s fur stood on its ends as though he was a parent cat protecting his kitten. As I thought, he appears valiant, or should I say, kind of cute. Unknowingly, I let out a smile.
ā€œStop fighting. Letā€™s quickly find Yurino-sensei and Mitsuki.ā€
Because they separated to look for Junya and I in different directions, theyā€™re probably still desperately searching for us.
Itā€™s not too bad because I have Mitsukiā€™s phone number but I donā€™t have a way to contact Yurino-sensei at all. Itā€™s also likely that weā€™ll miss each other if I blindly search for him.
Yoshi, the moment I came to the decision that we should stay put and wait, something jumped at me from my rear. As one would expect, I was so surprised that my breath got caught. As a high school boy, being jumped at isnā€™t that scary but as expected when Iā€™m assaulted from behind in the dead of the night at school, even the obtuse me would be shocked.
Wondering who it could be, I turned around and saw a 155cm fairy-san. It was my kawaii imouto Mitsuki, followed by Yurino-sensei.
What good timing. How did they know that the Prince found me? Is this even possible? Is it because this is an otome game?
ā€œI contacted them.ā€
The Prince smoothly clarified my doubt. I see.
ā€œMou! Mako-chanā€™s an idiot! I was worried!ā€
ā€œIā€™m sorryā€¦ā€¦ Iā€™ve made you worried.ā€
ā€œMouā€¦ā€¦ But Iā€™m glad you werenā€™t hurt. I prepared dinner for you, Mako-chan. Itā€™s the hamburger you like.ā€
The Mitsuki who looked at me with tearful eyes was really kawaii. I really think sheā€™s an angel.
Mitsukiā€™s neediness struck my heart and gave me an indescribable feeling.Ā You definitely canā€™t let any guys except me hug you. Just the thought of you whoā€™s so defenseless diving into someone elseā€™s chest makes onii-chan so worried that he wonā€™t be able to sleep at night.
She gazed at me with her big and round eyes. As she scolded me with a frown, she said that she made hamburger with her upgraded cooking specs.
Even though Mitsuki went to lengths to cook up an evening meal, for me to not return home quickly, I was a failure as an onii-chan.
ā€œThanks, Mitsuki. Iā€™m sorry.ā€
I embraced Mitsukiā€™s small body and gently strokeĀ her head.
ā€œUn. Thatā€™s enough.ā€
Mitsuki gave an embarrassed smile.
ā€œIā€™ve also troubled Yurino-sensei and Kiritani. Thank you very much for looking for us.ā€
Putting a stop to my lovey-dovey moment with Mitsuki, I lowered my head towards Yurino-sensei and Kiritani.
After all, if these 3 didnā€™t come and look for us, my chastity would have been in danger. The word ā€˜gratefulā€™ isnā€™t enough to express my gratitude to them.
ā€œNarahashi-kun and Makoto-kun caused us a lot of worrying. The deadline for the reflection essay is 1 week later, okay.ā€
I donā€™t know where he brought them out from but he handed us 5 blank essay sheets.
Does he want us to write todayā€™s reflection on theseā€¦ā€¦ Yurino-sensei who had on the face of an harmless animal, in the blink of an eye said such sadistic words.
ā€œDo you have, any questions?ā€
Even though heā€™s smiling, for some reason he was emitting an aura thatā€™s hard to oppose.
Both Junya and I frantically shook our heads left and right, appealing to him that weā€™ll not oppose him.
And thus the eventful 21st of April ended in this manner.
Even though Iā€™ve been going through every day so eventfully, itā€™s a joke that itā€™s still April, right? It seems Iā€™ll need to remain in this world for at least 11 more months. The road ahead is too long.
But a part of me has been, little by little, starting to enjoy living this kind of life.