Villain Days Chapter 49

\nHey everyone, hope you had a happy holiday!
So sorry for the long wait. Thank you for waiting so patiently for this installment! Like I’ve said before, I haven’t dropped any of the novels. They will be completed in time.
I’m doing something a bit different with the editing, just adding a few details that don’t actually exist in the original. Just a little to flush some things up.  You can only write about wide eyes and facial expressions so much before it becomes overused xd.
Also, in the raws Yuu kept referring to Teruki as Byakko in his thoughts. Really weird. I wonder if those were typos, because he usually calls him Teruki internally.
If you guys enjoyed this chapter, please leave a like or a comment below!
Until then (;
Chapter 49:
High School – Twenty-ninth Part
I’m deeply moved while watching the game. Kenshin’s movement, his footwork, everything sucks in my attention, his afterimage burning into my eyes. As I’m sitting there, lost in the scene before me, Suzaku-kun speaks up.
“Amano, let’s go home… Is Seiryuu-senpai not coming with us?”
I think it over a bit before answering.
“I’m guessing that today the club has activities planned after the match… I’ll go home as it is today.  Sorry you have to wait for me.”
I push myself up from my seat and follow Teruki and Suzaku-kun toward the exit, chattering with Suzaku-kun excitedly.
“At any rate, Seiryuu-senpai’s pre-match thanks surprised me. That said, compared to you Byakko,” Suzaku-kun gives him a once-over, eyeing his bruises. “Amano was taken care of.”
“Don’t you think senpai was too intense? We had quite a return back there… Even when I think of acting a certain way, I can’t for the life of me make my body move how I want it to… Oh.”
Something stops Teruki in his tracks, his words melding in with the breeze. Tired, I also take a break from walking. I turn my head to the direction he is staring.
It’s Kenshin in his club jacket, standing at the exit. We promptly make our way over.
“Kenshin!” I run to him and leap into his arms. Smiling, Kenshin hugs me and I feel safe in his embrace.
“Yuu, you came to cheer for us. Thank you.”
“You were amazing Kenshin! I was so impressed! Congratulations on winning!”
“For you to say this is the best reward.” He looks over my shoulder. “Suzaku and Byakko, thank you as well.” Then he slips a hand into his pockets, pulling out something. He passes it on to Teruki.
“A compress. You should put it on your bruise. For taking care of Yuu…” With his eyes never leaving Teruki, he lets his words trail off.
“I might be envious of you. I wanted to be the one to protect him. I wonder how many times I’ve thought about tossing aside this bamboo sword. No, it’s unavoidable. You’re the one who took care of Yuu. Byakko… thank you.”
Teruki’s expression is serious. “Yuu was enraptured with your performance, you know? I don’t believe I can ever make him look like that. I’m even more envious of you.”
“Really? Yuu. Your eyes are getting a bit red,” says Kenshin. He’s peering down at my face, stroking the skin around each gently with a finger. All of a sudden I feel embarrassed and drop my gaze. It’s because the game affected me so much I had shed a few tears in the process. As a high school boy, how does this even happen?
“Ah, that’s right. You were moved to tears by senpai’s match. You’re always crying— mphh.” Flustered, I quickly clamp a hand in front of Teruki’s mouth until he quiets down. He flashes me an abashed look.  “Sorry, Yuu.”
Kenshin watches with a smile as I chase Teruki down the street.
“Did I say he cried because he was moved? I meant it was from the good fortune of being born male!”
I’m still ashamed anyhow, and can’t say a single thing to retort it.
After that, Kenshin does in fact have a club meeting. So we part ways on the spot. Teruki and I return to Genbu-senpai’s place together. After entering the apartment, I lock the front door. I promised Genbu-senpai I would lock it myself.
For now, I attempt to change into a fresh set of clothes. Suddenly, my phone rings.
“Huh? I don’t recognize this number.”
As I’m worrying whether I should pick up, the sound cuts off at once. A few moments later, it rings again.
“Yeah… Who’s this?”
The people on the unknown line seem angry when I answer. Yep. Sorry. I’ll ignore it.
After a while, I check my voicemail.
“Amano-kun? It’s Hasumyouji. Hiroto-senpai is hurt. Can you come to the hospital right now?” After he reads out the address, the message ends.
Grabbing my wallet and phone, I bolt from the apartment. My heart is so full of worry for Hiroto that I don’t notice one important fact. For some reason, the hospital’s address is close to Genbu-senpai’s apartment.
Impatient, I jab at the elevator button to descend quicker. When I reach the ground floor, I tell the manager that because my childhood friend is injured I need to see him at the hospital, and I jump out the entrance.
As I’m waiting for the walk sign, I feel a presence looming behind me. I try to glance back. There’s something touching my back and I hear a voice by my ears.
Before I can turn around, I’m knocked to the floor.
Ending notes: Suspense! Nah, I think it’s pretty obvious who knocked Yuu down. You guys ready for the end? Nine more to go baby!\n