Villain Days Chapter 21

Just as a thanks for all you guys ^^
I’d love to hear you guys’ comments about this…turn of events ;_;
Until next time!
P.S what are your favorite BL novels? I’m looking for some recs ^^
Chapter 21:
High School – Fourth Part
In the end, I couldn't attend the April training camp.
That’s because after collapsing from a headache, I decided to head home early in the morning.
However, deep within my heart I'm a bit relieved.
I find it hard to be in the same space as Suzaku. I also don't know how to face Teruki and Mizuki. After what happened, I don't have the confidence to speak with them normally anymore.
The next day, I'm also absent from school.
Although the school staff is concerned, after I answer their email I just sink deep into my sofa.
Tomorrow…I'd have to go to school, don't I?
For some reason, I just don't have the courage. Even Hiroto said that if I faint from a terrible headache, I shouldn't attend class.
"…Ahh. I can't stop thinking about it."
Maybe I should eat something. Just as a change of pace. I mean, you can't fight a war with an empty stomach. If it's cup ramen, even I can make it.
As I'm boiling water for the ramen, my intercom suddenly sounds.
When I go look at the screen, my eyes pick up the image of an anxious looking Teruki. As soon as the second bell rings, I rush down to meet him.
Yuu: "I'm sorry for making you wait."
Teruki: "Oh, um. I'm sorry, but are you free right now? Are feeling alright?"
I lead Teruki into my house and pour him some coffee from the boiled water.
As we sit on my living room sofa, sipping a cup of Joe each, I notice that Teruki is staring at me.
Because of this, I attempt to strike up a conversation to cover up the awkwardness. And I'm running my mouth off like a faucet, saying whatever comes to mind like a fool. I don't know for how long I've been talking to myself. Eventually, I run out of things to say. I'm not even sure how long we both sit there saying nothing. In the end, Teruki breaks the silence.
Teruki: "How are you feeling? When I was in the Training Camp, I heard you fainted from a headache."
Yuu: "Well, I guess I'm…fine now."
Since I'm absent from school today, what should I do tomorrow?
I'm struggling to divert my gaze from Teruki's. And he just keeps talking, almost as if not caring whether I'm listening or not.
Teruki: "There wasn't any trouble at camp. I took care of the group activities. Mizuki was in the same group as Seiryuu-senpai, so as you can imagine that group was quite spirited."
Yuu: "I see. So Mizuki also had it hard."
What the. Our eyes meet for a moment, and suddenly I feel self conscious. I guess it must be the holiday atmosphere.
Teruki blushes, and something in my heart flutters.
Teruki: "Also, there's something about Suzaku."
Yuu: "…"
I clutch my hands into fists.
What the.
I want to hear it, but at the same time I also don't want to.
Just thinking about Teruki and Suzaku-kun together makes me feel all out of sorts.
But, Teruki has a world that he belongs in. Besides me and Mizuki, he has other classmates, and he has other friends. That much is obvious.
So why is Suzaku-kun the only one I'm so hurt by?
Is it because of the weird attitude he gave me?
I've been bullied by my classmates in the past, but it had never pained me so much.
Or, is it because I'm the Villain?
Tears start to fall as I'm struggling with my thoughts. I quickly try to hide my crying face.
Yuu: "How about another drink? I'll go get some right now."
I try to get up but before I know it, I'm wrapped in Teruki's arms.
Teruki is hugging me.
My ears pick up the beat of his heart. It's thumping really fast.
Yuu: "Teruki? Um, what is it?"
His next words are whispered into my ear.
Teruki: "…what's with you."
Yuu: "Teruki…?"
His voice is so low. Huh? What? Are you angry? Did I do something wrong? Does he dislike me now?
Yuu: "I'm sorry! I must have done something wrong. Um, I  know I'm always relying on you Teruki. And I'm sorry about that. From now on, I'll depend on myself. I'll try my best not to bother you…"
I'm not able to finish my words. Because, Teruki kisses me.
Yuu: "….mpf….nn…"
He kisses me again, this time nibbling at my lips, and hugs me tightly.
Teruki: "What are you? A bother? If you put it that way, then yeah. I want to get closer to you. I want to stay by your side forever even as a friend! I want to be your unwavering support! I'll never give up on you! ….That's why, don't give up on me so easily!"
I'm stunned.
Teruki's crying.
His tears are beautiful. Without realizing it, I lean forward and lick them. This draws out a look of surprise from his face.
So as to not let our gazes break, I hold his cheeks in my hands.
Teruki: "Hey…Yuu."
Yuu: "…?"
Teruki: "Do you want me?"
Yuu: "….?"
Teruki: "If you want me to want you, I will. But in return, I'll be your friend for the rest of my life. I'll never leave your side. So, what will it be?"
There's a warmth overflowing my body as I stare into his eyes.
Yuu: "Yes, I want you. I want Teruki."
And he laughs, smile as bright as the sun.
Teruki: "Okay. I'll do it for you. For the rest of my life, I'll be your friend…and I won't kiss you anymore. This will be the last one. So, we'll be friends, yeah? Please don't forget this. Don't forget that you can always depend on me."
And he kisses me, greedily, intensely, desperately. As if accepting his fate.