Chapter 99: 99
Chapter 99 – Surprising Sides of Him (2)
Max widened her eyes at his extreme characterization. It seemed excessive. Ruth shook his head restlessly as though such words were not enough to describe him.
“He really was fearless. When unarmed, one should not charge at an ogre with only a dagger and especially not something as crazy as cutting clean through a dragon’s skull. He did it all without ever flinching. Even now, when I recall the things that he did from time to time, a chill goes down my spine. On the day I was charged with accompanying Lord Calypse, my hair was on edge the entire day.”
Unconsciously, Max’s jaw dropped. Rather than being awe-inspiring, his words made her break out into a cold sweat. She could not believe that he had been doing such dangerous deeds since he was sixteen.
Isn’t sixteen even younger than when her sister, Rosetta’s debut, or even Yurixion, the cheerful knight-in-training?
She licked her dry lips and asked with a quivering voice.
“D-d-does he still d-do those so-sort of a-acts?”
“He is still the same when it comes to taking care of his body but… he rarely gambles his life like he used to back then. Although he is no longer involved with obstinately questionable actions, he is strong enough to get rid of evil spirits with ease. I have not seen him risk his life in that way for many years, not since the time of dragon suppression.”
“Dr-dragon suppression… what in the wo-world ha-happened?”
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Ruth sighed heavily at her question.
“Lord Calypse has an extremely rare ability to temporarily absorb mana. This allows him to use it as his weapon in the form of his sword. He was not born with this ability. While battling evil spirits, he was covered in their bodily fluids and blood, and his body changed. To cut a long explanation short, Lord Calypse defeated the Red Dragon using this ability. He stood in front of the most powerful magic to exist in the natural world: dragon breath, and cut right through it, absorbing its strength into his sword and finally slicing off the dragon’s head using its own mana.”
She shuddered at the image of him throwing himself into the flames of a dragon. Ruth was grinding his teeth at the mere recollection.
“If there had been only one miscalculation, Lord Calypse would have been a handful of ashes. Due to his outrageous actions, it became the most courageous tale on the continent.”
Max had heard previously about Riftan’s feat against the Red Dragon, but she never knew how reckless he had been. She trembled in fear. Riftan could have died. She could have never gotten the chance to know him this intimately, and that miserable wedding night would have remained the only thing between them. She dreaded the thought.
“Oh…I did not mean to frighten you.” Ruth muttered surprisingly when he saw her pale face. “That was not a story meant to be heard by a lady. I have spent too much of my time in the company of rough men, I guess I’m losing my sensitivity.”
“It’s okay. I… as-asked you first.”
She was doubtful that he ever had any sensitivity to start with, but she did not bother to say that.
Max turned around and began to complete her assignment quietly without asking any further questions. Her mind was in disarray, fear gripping her heart. He was a knight, she surmised. Eventually, he would throw himself back into danger in due time.
Once the winter passed, Riftan would be summoned by King Ruben to lead his fellow knights on an expedition. It was his duty as a knight after all. He might never come back this time. Riftan may be a powerful knight, but he is not invincible.
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The possibility left Max breathless. She did not realize how precarious the situation was. That her comfortable, happy life could disappear so easily. That Riftan could disappear so easily.
“Your mind is elsewhere.” The wizard promptly pointed out. He read her condition quickly.
He squinted his eyes, looked at his work on his desk, and put down his quill pen.
“That’s enough for today.”
Max meekly rose from her seat and left the library. Today, the new servants arrived. After consulting with Riftan, she had requested the merchant, Aderon, to recommend thirty new servants.
As the lady, she had to greet the new hands and select servants to take charge of educating the others. After that, she visited the kitchen to observe its condition. It was still bustling with cooks preparing the daily meals, but it no longer looked like a war had broken out. Preparations for winter were nearly complete.
“The first frost is expected within the next few days.”
Rodrigo, appearing suddenly behind Max, shivered at the noticeably lowering temperature and firmly secured his overcoat. Max’s face clouded over with worry.
“Be-before that, w-we should pro-provide winter clothes to th-the guards,” she said.
“That is almost finished. Since more servants have come in, we should be able to complete everything before the cold snap hits us.” Rodrigo reported.
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When the winter preparations were over, time in the castle would begin to pass slowly. The hectic period would soon be over. Lastly, she went to each room to check if there was enough firewood, thereon, returning to her room to fill out her journal.
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