Chapter 92: 92
Chapter 92 – Unexpected Request (1)
Ruth scavenged through the messy wooden desk, casting the books and papers aside until he finally found the stone emitting a red light and showed it to Max.
“It’s a stone with a certain amount of magic. If you put this stone inside the magic tools, even people without magic can operate and harness the magical properties and use it as much as possible. It’s like the fuel for magic tools.” Ruth told Max as he gave her the stone to observe it.
Max held the palm-sized gemstone in her hands and looked into it closely. It was mysteriously red and glassy as if she was staring into water. It felt strange to her touch.
Max’ heart pounded in a way she had never felt before. It was like she was seeing a glimpse of another mysterious world.
“Come on, if you have satisfied your curiosity, shall we start working now?” Ruth asked Max, his voice effectively pulled her out of her mild trance.
“If we don’t hurry, I will be taken away from the tower by Lord Calypse.” Ruth added sarcastically and Max gave him a nod.
Ruth pushed the book into one place to create more space for them to work with while she laid the stone down on the table and listened carefully to his explanation as Ruth gave her further instructions.
The wizard explained step by step how to draw the complex and difficult shapes to make it easier for her to do her tasks.
Max immediately began to understand what she had to do in order to help Ruth. She studied and learned how to calculate from him, and so she was able to get used to the work at an unexpected quick pace.
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She added and subtracted the numbers step by step, and took the ruler and traced the complex shapes and drew them into their correct sizes and shapes, as she was instructed. Even though it was an incredibly complicated task for her, she never felt bored doing it, it surprisingly even seemed fun.
Ruth, who had been silently writing ancient words on parchment for a long time, raised his eyebrows astonished at the amount of work she had finished.
“Your hands are faster than I thought. There’s not much of a mistake in your work.” Ruth praised Max, and she squinted her eyes to discern whether the remark was a compliment or not.
“I can do this kind of work, too.” Max said in defense and Ruth nodded at her.
“I didn’t doubt that. I meant you were better than I thought.” Ruth explained to her.
However, despite his reassuring words, Max knew the wizard was making fun of her, and demeaning her abilities as if it was a given that she was ignorant and incapable of the simplest task. Max didn’t feel complimented by him, she knew him too well.
Regardless of what he truly thought of her, Max could not care less. She was already relieved that she wasn’t likely to suffer from his nagging of her now that she has proven herself useful to him.
“I’m re-relieved to hear it’s he-helpful.” Max told the wizard before turning to focus back on her work.
With a faint smile to herself, Max continued to organize the piles of parchment. After some time, she felt the heat from the windows. She looked towards the source and saw it was already late into the afternoon.
How long have they been working in the library? Max asked herself this as she felt her fingers which were holding the quill pen began aching.
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Just as she thought of this, the doors to the library burst open.
Due to this sudden disturbance, Max stopped what she was doing and turned her head towards the doorway. Her eyes widened when she saw Riftan in a black tunic and leather dark brown pants walking deeper into the library and heading towards her.
She found herself wondering of where Riftan could have been and what he was doing all throughout the day at the sight of his casual attire. The fact that he did not wear any armor on his clothes meant that he had no plans to go out of the castle.
Max found herself standing instinctively to greet him. As she stood up from her seat with a welcome smile, his cold voice pierced her eardrum sharply.
“The servants have been here since early morning. What the hell are you doing?”
Max looked perplexed at the displeasure on his face; she did not know why he sounded so upset.
Riftan began to pace the room and stopped in front of the table and glanced at the piles of parchment and books scattered around her.
“What the hell are all these things?” Riftan asked her sharply and Max slightly winced at his tone.
“As you can see, we were making the magic tools as Lord Calypse asked.” Ruth answered Riftan.
The wizard seemed unconcerned by the domineering attitude of Riftan, the latter’s eyebrows curled fiercely up at the reply.
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“Why should my wife be where you make magic tools?” Riftan asked Ruth. It seemed he was trying hard to control his temper in front of the Wizard.
“I asked Madam for help. As I have told you many times, I am pressed for time and could not do it all by myself.” Ruth reasoned out.
Ruth’s harsh tone made Riftan’s lips curl up in a scowl. He turned over the desk and snarled threateningly at the wizard.
“I ask you to do some cleaning, how dare you think of using my wife to help you?” Riftan looked like he was ready to kill Ruth on the spot for disrespecting his wife and Max felt a slight panic rise in her chest.
“I didn’t ask you for help because I thought she’d be distracted. She’s the only one who’s good at shapes and knows how to read and write, so I asked her for help. I can’t get help from the knights.” Ruth replied. The wizard did not seem to think what he did was wrong.
“So, you think it’s all right to seek help from the Lord’s wife!” Riftan raised his voice louder and his eyes grew even more murderous.
Max quickly made her move towards him and stood between them..
“Ri-riftan.. I am o-okay.” She told him gently.
Riftan cast a fierce look.
Her shoulders trembled at the threatening attitude he seemed to be wearing but she couldn’t leave Ruth who helped her in many ways, so Max tried to keep Riftan calm.
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“It’s not that di-difficult…most of all, it’s for the sa-safety of A-anatol. I don’t want the same thing to ha-happen…”Max began explaining but before she could finish  Riftan spoke again.
“Of course, I’ll never let that happen again.” Riftan this time spoke to her in a more softer tone. But his face still looked rigid and he seemed reluctant to let this incident pass.
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