Chapter 76: 76
Chapter 76 – The Lord’s Return (2)
The soldier manning the tower cried out in deference, palpable relief on his features at the arrival of these men capable of turning the battlefield around. And it was as if their entrance signified an ominous presence, as it all suddenly became eerily silent. The sounds of fighting and earsplitting clangs of swords halted, as if it was never there at all.
The protectors of Anatol all raised their heads, expectant and joyous, like a sunflower towards the bright sun as the intruders looked back in alarm and shock.
There, from up the green hills, only the sound of the hooves against earth rumbled against their ears as silver-armored knights stormed towards the castle. And when the face leading the knights came into closer view, all tension in Max’s body bundling her nerves tight immediately disappeared.
He was back. Yet this return was far from their first meeting; it marked a different feeling inside her…
It seemed like months when it had been only short of three weeks that Max had last seen his figure, now dashing down from the slopes as if he was able to overcome any challenge. And she rightly believes it so. While she was observing him close the distance between the gates and his horse, she felt something stir inside her heart.
One that of his presence giving her safety, and the second that of shame at having failed to protect their estate.
“… I guess some guests came over while we were gone.”
Riftan looked over the black-clothed knights from his majestic steed as he arrived near the battle that had ceased. The wind blew at his hair, wisps of dark locks dancing around his eyes that had thinned like a beast… and an inflamed one, about to devour those who stand in his way.
As an uncomfortable silence commenced, he suddenly drawled out, “What are guests that aren’t invited called again?” he then held up his hand, and the Remdragon Knights behind him slowly surrounded the enemies in a circle.
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One said, “Gatecrashers, leader.”
“More like burglars,” another spat.
The knights steadily gathered around the dumbfounded intruders while exchanging words, only then did they stop their horses from stepping forward when they had taken their place.
Max silently watched the confrontation from where she was. It was only a few moments ago that these same trespassers were going at them at a frenzy, at the height of their confidence. Now, as if they were overwhelmed by a pressuring sense of oppression from the newly-arrived Remdragon knights, they didn’t even move an inch.
“You dare come into my lands and make a mess… then allow me to write, ‘Praise to the ignorant and the valiant who didn’t treasure their lives’ on your tombstones for you.”
His words were only softly spoken, yet the wind that brought them to its intended recipients blew chills down their spine. The sound of a sword being slowly drawn, as if he was taking his time, from its sheath, suddenly made the trespassers’ face turn pale. The man who had announced himself as ‘Rob Midahas’ then hurriedly laid down his sword in an effort to diffuse the confrontation and yelled.
“I, I am Lord Rob Midahas, the ruler of Kai’Sa in Libadon!”
“…Lord?” Riftan stopped and cockked one of his dark eyebrows up.
Seeing Riftan’s reaction, Rob was able to regain some of his confidence back and lifted his chin up, defiantly stating, “These men,” he started to gesture to Ruth and the knights, “have committed disrespect by questioning my identity and refusing admittance! A small fight happened during the process. That’s all there is to it!”
“A small fight you say….”
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Riftan’s answer came in a gloomy slur as his gaze unhurriedly passed over the injured guards on the ground to the gates that had once stood protecting his estate now on the ground in ruins. Rob’s face became noticeably hard.
“I-I’ll apologize for not controlling my anger and my overreaction. So… let’s, let’s let this one go. Yo-you wouldn’t want to… make the situation worse, as well. Therefore–”
“I guess this means war.”
His calm voice coldly swept across them. Riftan smiled, barring his teeth like a ferocious wolf as he slowly stirred his steed towards Rob Midahas. The knights steadily moved aside to open the way for their leader and even though he was entering the enemies’ domain, there was not a hint of hesitation nor wariness on Riftan’s face.
He continued his words ever so leisurely and serenely that it seemed monotonous to their ears.
“You brought soldiers and attacked the castle gate… this is an obvious declaration of war. In return – and after I cut your throat – I’ll run to your land, break down the city walls and turn everything I see into shambles.”
Rob Midahas felt his heart in his throat. “Are, are you insinuating you’re going to break the peace agreement between the seven countries!? If-if you do that, the king of Libadon won’t grant you forgiveness!”
“As soon as you broke the gates of my castle, you were no longer protected by the agreement.”
At the casual declaration of revenge, even Max felt goosebumps erupt on her body and she unconsciously gripped the guards’ forearm tighter. Riftan’s face was strangely calm. Yet the serenity before her felt eerie, like the quiet before a brewing storm.
A lot might think Maxi’s development was stunted once more, but if there’s one thing to know about growth, it’s that: it will not always be linear. Some past traumas may still find their way to the surface and that is human. Nevertheless, change is inevitable and our Maxi will grow ????
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