Chapter 258: Chapter 258 Epilogue - Hebaron's POV
Epilogue – Hebaron’s POV
In just a few weeks, the weather has inadvertently turned warm. Hebaron sighed deeply as he sat by the break room window and gazed at the field where the bright sunlight was shining down. The wind was still cold, but the sunlight was already glowing so vividly. The season of water has finally arrived.
As visitors increased, Anatol became more vibrant than ever. Merchants from the southern continent entered the port with all sorts of rare goods, and merchants from the western continent began to flock in Anatol to buy the goods they brought. However, the brimming prosperity seemed to be missing in Calypse Castle. The atmosphere in the castle had heavily plummeted over the past few weeks.
“What are you doing, not preparing yet?”
Hebaron, who was immersed in his own thoughts, turned his head. Uslin Rikaido was coming down the stairs already dressed flawlessly in his armor. He looked skeptically up and down at his dark blue cloak that was spotless, his armor was always immaculately shiny, as if revealing his peevish and prim attitude, and his coat was always as clean as if it was new. Hebaron’s eyes narrowed, in suspicion that if the maidens would be swayed by his clean-cut face and in turn, he would be discriminated against.
Uslin shot him a glare and frowned. “Hey, didn’t you hear me tell you to get ready?”
Hebaron rose from his seat and mumbled in an annoyed manner. Just in time, Lombardo and Gabel Laxion opened the door and stepped inside.
“Sir Nirta, Lady Calypse says she is ready to go.”
He looked out the window toward the castle gates and frowned. Two wagons full of luggage were already lined up. Looking at it, he realized that that person was really leaving that place. He blinked uncomprehendingly and Uslin roared at him as if his patience had run out.
“Are you going to make Lady Calypse wait? If you don’t intend to go, then just stay here.”
“Fine, fine, I’ll get ready and come down soon.”
He grunted and went up the stairs at a nimble pace that didn’t suit his sheer size. He snorted at Uslin’s unusual attitude which blew him away. Who would have known that there would be a change in his stance? Hebaron, who wore armor with swift skill, smiled bitterly. Not that he didn’t understand his change, he also came to like the little lady very much. What was more, hadn’t Uslin personally first handedly witnessed the horrendously unfortunate incident while accompanying her to Castle Croix? It must have been heart-wrenching.
Not only him, Elliott was also quite shocked, and at the time of the declaration of war against the Duke of Croix, he was more fiercely in favor of war than anyone else. He hadn’t heard a detailed explanation of what happened, but based on their reaction, it must have been pretty harsh. Suddenly, he couldn’t stand the inner anger he was holding and slammed his cloak to the ground.
Croix, when he thought of that dog-like bastard, a thousand ignitions arose from within. He aggressively swept his hair back. His heart sank when the expressionless face of their commander came to his mind. He sat back in the chair and heaved a long sigh. When he heard that Lady Calypse had decided to go to the World Tower, he thought the commander would never allow it. However, breaking everyone’s expectations, the lord allowed her to leave. Not only that, he began to faithfully fulfill the duties of the knight commander and his duties as a lord, which he had neglected for a while. At first glance, everything seemed to have found its place. However, Hebaron couldn’t help being anxious at Riftan’s abnormally calm appearance. The commander had always had an unpredictable reaction when it came to Maximilian Calypse.
‘Damn, it’s useless to worry about that now…’
He wore a blue cloak with a white dragon over his armor, clicking his tongue anxiously. After arming himself, as he came out, Uslin gave him a nasty look.
“How long are you going to delay us! Are you planning to leave after sunrise?”
“Stop nagging me. Are you my wife?”
Uslin made an expression as if he wanted to scold Hebaron some more, but then quickly turned around as if he didn’t want to bother dealing with him.
Hebaron asked, chasing after him. “By the way… have you formally apologized to the lady?”
Uslin paused and answered bluntly. “… I haven’t had the timing.”
He answered and then stepped forward again. Hebaron sarcastically spoke, crossing his arms behind his head.
“You’re just making excuses. You’re just like a skittish teenager.”
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Uslin kept his mouth shut as if he was speechless, a rare occasion that was. Hebaron let out a laugh as he watched him walk fast with a resentful face. It was very interesting to see Uslin looking at the little woman’s eyes with such discomfort.
“Stop stalling and do it before she leaves today. If you overlook the opportunity, it will forever remain as a bothering feeling in your chest.”
Uslin glared at him like he didn’t care, then turned his head. Hebaron leisurely followed him while Uslin marched in an uptight manner. After passing the entrance, he saw the servants gathered in the Great Hall. In it, he could easily find a woman with dark mahogany red hair: Maximilian Calypse was taking something from the old wizard who became a member of Castle Calypse last year. It looked like it was a bag of herbs.
“This is a good medicine for colds. This herb helps to replenish magical power. The medicines in this bottle help relieve dizziness. And this…”
She was listening intently to the description of the old wizard pouring out phrases and phrases without any mortification, but Hebaron observed that from time to time she would avert her eyes to find someone. A deep sigh broke out.
“Apologies for keeping you waiting.”
Uslin walked over to her and bowed courteously. Then, Maximilian Calypse turned her head and smiled brightly.
“D-don’t worry about it. I was still… bidding farewell to everyone.”
Hebaron had a confused expression. As he watched her hide her pain, he felt like he was doing something terrible. She looked behind them and asked hesitantly.
“B-by the way… Riftan…”
“The commander…had an urgent matter and went out the castle gates. But he still asked us to bring the lady safely to the port.”
The smile that remained on her mouth crumbled dejectedly. Seeing the dark shadows cast over her large gray eyes, Hebaron inwardly cursed the commander. She then spoke cheerfully, which sounded so unnatural, as if trying to hide her disappointment.
“Th-then… we shall head to the port. The princess… is waiting for us there.”
“W-wait a second!”
She was about to get into the carriage, but a loud voice came from a distance. Hebaron raised his head. Yulysion and Garrow, in training uniforms, came rushing from the training grounds. As the servants quickly moved aside, Yulysion ran straight towards Maximilian.
“We-we’d like to bid our farewell…” He took a deep breath and then threw a handful of wildflowers at her.
“We searched all over the mountains… The weather is still cold, so I could only find these little flowers. It is a trivial gift, but will you accept it?”
Maximilian, blinking distantly, carefully accepted the flowers. Only then did Yulysion form a smile on his face. The young man, who had grown a lot during the past months, spoke with a serene and chivalrous expression.
“You must return safely.”
“Th…thank you. Yulysion must also… take care of his health.”
“The lady too, please take care of your health.”
Garrow wished her well too. After smiling in farewell to everyone, she got on the carriage. Twenty knights in charge of the escort, including Hebaron and Uslin, also mounted their horses in unison. Hebaron approached the carriage and Uslin took the lead. After checking the rows with a sharp eye, he signaled for them to start the journey. Then, the bridge to the moat was lowered. They crossed the bridge slowly, surrounding the carriage from side to side.
As they immediately descended the hill and reached the village, people were crowding to the left and right of the road to see the Knights. Hebaron, who led his horse silently between them, looked at the carriage window. Through the parted curtains, he saw thin shoulders that were dejectedly drooping. Her long hair in a single braid seemed a bit heavy over the nape of her slim neck. Guilt weighed heavily in his chest, making a corner of his heart feel uncomfortable. It was none other than himself who informed her of the commander’s situation and asked her to testify.
He rubbed his aching temple, remembering Riftan’s burning fury. It seemed to him that it would be better to express his rage like he usually did, it looked like it was more precarious that he was keeping all his emotions bottled inside. He did not know what she said to persuade the commander, but it was clear that he did not accept it without any consequence. Every time he entered the Great Hall, he repeatedly heard the servants worry about the lord and the lady.
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‘Don’t tell me… that he isn’t even planning to see the lady off…’
He felt regret that he had not forcibly persuaded him, but in front of him, who had grown cold as if he had lost all his emotions, who dared to put the name of Maximilian Calypse in his mouth? After being told that the lady had decided to go to the world tower, the knights acted extremely cautious in front of Riftan. Now, no one knew how much she meant to him.
“The voices singing…”
Hebaron, who was lost in his thoughts, turned to the soft voice that was suddenly heard. Maximilian Calypse stared out the window blankly. Now they were passing through the plaza towards the outskirts of the city, and on the right side of the wide road was a gentle hill where sheep were grazing. As she said, Vielle’s melody sounded faintly over the hill.
“It looks like they’re practicing for the spring festival.”
Suddenly, Ruth reached the carriage’s side and spoke. “As there are more visitors coming from various places than ever, they seem to be putting more attention to detail for the festival preparations. Lots of singing could be heard everyday all over town.”
“… I see.”
There was a bitter smile around her mouth. The woman, looking up at the hill where the blue light of dawn had started to shine with her dim eyes, turned her head again. They walked through the gates in heavy silence. After a while, the wide road that had been their focus of troublesome work last year, was revealed before their eyes. After having traveled for an hour and a half, the scenic view of the sea appeared just below the gentle hill. Giant ships from the south were lined up on the wide dock, and several huge, multi-floor buildings towered alongside the harbor. They then took the carriage directly there.
Then Princess Agnes ran among the workers who were busily preparing along the dock carrying cargo.
“You’re finally here! I thought it was taking you long because she changed her mind, and I was becoming very restless.”
Uslin jumped off his horse and bowed his head politely. “Sorry to keep you waiting. It took us longer than expected to be ready.”
“No worries. We were also loading our luggage.” Said the princess, pointing to the ship with the flag of the Wheddon royal family parked between ships lined up at sea. In front of them, the royal knights and wizards who gathered to escort the princess were waiting. “The preparations for departure have just finished. You can get on the ship.”
Hebaron jumped off his horse and helped Maximilian out of the carriage. She looked at the huge ship with her light gray eyes. Princess Agnes came up to her side and spoke softly.
“Only those with permission to enter Nornui can come. So, from here on, the Royal Knights will escort Maximilian. Of course, I will go with you. I will stay on the island for about a month. I decided to help Maximilian adjust to her new life in the World Tower.”
A sign of relief passed over Max’s face. It was then that Hebaron realized how uncomfortable it was going to be for her to go to a strange place.
“If you will do th-that… I greatly appreciate it.”
“Don’t worry too much. The World Tower is the safest and most exciting place for a wizard than anywhere else in the world. You’ll get used to it quickly.”
The princess spoke cheerfully and nodded at the workers. As they loaded the luggage they had from the wagon, she said goodbye to the Knights.
“Thank you… for e-everything. Everyone, take care and be healthy.”
“I wish the lady good health too. Have a safe journey.”
Hebaron said shyly and scratched his cheek, and the other Knights greeted her one by one. Uslin, who was watching silently, finally opened his mouth.
“I apologize… for everything.” At the sudden apology, Max appeared confused. Uslin slowly lowered his head. “I wanted to apologize for being rude all this time.”
“It’s a-alright. I… didn’t take it to heart.” She was startled and waved her hand. Uslin spoke with a bitter smile.
“Please come back as soon as possible. Our commander needs his wife.”
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Suddenly, the smile disappeared from her face and he thought she might burst into tears, but unexpectedly a calm voice came from her.
“Please take good care of… Riftan. Don’t let him do anything too reckless… Please watch over him.”
“Don’t worry about Sir Calypse. I’ll be by his side, scolding him diligently.”
Ruth, who wore a robe to the tip of his nose, suddenly intervened in the conversation. He appeared uncomfortable in the presence of the royal wizards, but he still walked over to her and tossed something.
“It is the most expensive mana stone I have. Please keep it. It might be of use.”
“T-thank you. In the meantime. I owe you… a lot for everything.”
“Thank you for acknowledging it.”
The stricken wizard hesitated for a moment, scratching the back of his head awkwardly. He sighed deeply and spoke as if coughing the words out.
“Please, take good care and come back.”
“Don’t worry. I’ll take care… and come back.”
She straightened her posture and suddenly, it came to his mind the first time he saw her. Shoulders that hunched anxiously, pale and terrified face, and vivid fragile eyes that seemed to be about to break at any moment. He wondered if she really was the same fragile woman who was standing in front of him now.
She smiled and looked up, climbing up the boat. The intense sunlight shone brightly against her red hair. When he thought of the girl who gave him healing magic, and that he would no longer be able to see her wandering for a while, a corner of his heart felt empty. He stretched his head over the railing and waved at the woman waving one hand. Before long, the ship began to move slowly away from the dock. They stood still until the boat got smaller and her figure became invisible.
At that moment, suddenly, a loud sound of horseshoes clattering against the ground came from behind his back. They placed their hands on the handle of their swords and turned at once. The man jumped over the dock at once, and someone ran at a terrifying speed.
Hebaron, realizing it was a Riftan, grabbed him without thinking. Riftan shook his arm and tried to jump into the sea like a madman. The knights who had been rigid with faces of horror rushed towards him at once. Riftan rioted like a chained beast.
“Let go of me!”
“Damn, are you crazy?!”
“I said let go of me!”
He fought violently. He was so strong that they couldn’t handle it despite four people holding him back. Hebaron cursed and threw him against the ground.
“Stop it! What are you going to do now? Even if you’re the commander, you can’t chase her!”
Riftan pounded his chest harshly and gasped breathlessly. His eyes trembled violently as he watched the ship get smaller and smaller, his appearance completely disheveled. Hebaron held his breath. As if a dam had collapsed, his body fell forward helplessly.
He heard a weak voice speaking. “…It was a lie.”
Drops of water fell to the ground. Hebaron, still restraining him, blinked blindly. Riftan seemed unaware that he was even crying. He muttered with a grief-stricken expression.
“That I won’t wait for her… It was a lie.”
Looking at his shoulder trembling relentlessly, no one dared to open their mouths. The sound of the calm waves echoed softly over their heads. Riftan gazed at the rough sea with yearning eyes, then his face slowly distorted. The ship gradually faded beyond the hazy horizon.
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~ End of Book 1 ~
Note – LF: Thank you all for the support and riding this roller coaster of emotions with us. Book 1 ended in pure heartbreak, but we’ll gladly go through the same rough ride with you in Book 2
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