Chapter 240: Chapter 240
Chapter 240
Max held the doorknob as she waited for Rudis’ response. Rudis was evidently hesitant, her face uneasy as she opened her mouth with a reluctant tone.
“The Lord has asked for food to be prepared and served to the guests. They are probably at the dining hall.”
As soon as Max heard her response, she immediately opened the door without any hesitation and left the room. She could feel Rudis rush to follow her, but she pretended to be ignorant of it and quickly ran down the stairs, seeing servants busily carrying kegs of beverage and trays of food. Max brushed off their startled glances and headed straight for the dining hall. She hid along the hallway that led to the dining hall and secretly listened to the loud voices of the knights. It was difficult to understand every detail of the conversation as it was a mix of Whedon and Southern languages, but it seemed like they were talking about war horses and weapons.
Max frowned at the tepid conversation. The atmosphere was so casual that it didn’t seem like a place to discuss important issues.
‘Were they… really just hired to keep Anatol safe?’
She wanted to try peeking through the cracks of the dining halls’ doors, but she didn’t want to be caught by any of the knights who always had keen senses, so she settled for listening to the intermittent voices that resounded from a distance. Then suddenly, someone tapped her shoulder. Max let out a little startled cry and looked to see who it was. Ruth was glaring down at her with creased eyebrows.
“What are you doing in a place like this?”
Max was embarrassed to be found spying, so her face turned red, and she quickly straightened up her posture.
Ruth’s eyes narrowed as she fiddled with the hair that fell forward her face and searched for an excuse. Max awkwardly lowered her gaze. Since seeing him again back in Croix Castle, they never had a proper conversation yet, so she had no idea how to approach him. Max stuttered as she struggled to make up her excuse.
“There were guests… who arrived…”
“I see, you’ve seen the Rakasim mercenaries.” Ruth looked into the dining room and clicked his tongue like it wasn’t worth knowing. “So, you came down here to eavesdrop?”
“Ea-eavesdrop… I can’t even ma-make out what they’re saying.”
Max forgot her embarrassment at Ruth’s accusing tone and glared at him. As he witnessed her attitude take a turn, he turned his back at her to hide his laugh.
“If you linger around here any longer and Sir Calypse sees you, you’ll get a lot of scolding. Please, come this way.”
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Before Max could retort, Ruth went up the narrow stairs which were used by the servants. Rudis, who followed Max like a shadow, hesitantly followed, looking anxiously towards the dining hall that was noisy from the knights’ voices. Ruth proceeded to the drawing room situated on the second floor, then pulled the window curtains open and lit the fire with magic.
“Are you feeling better now?”
He asked as he dragged a chair next to the fire and sat down. Max, who was standing by the doorway, nodded.
“I’m mu… much better.”
“If it’s possible, I want to personally check your condition, but I will need permission from the Lord to do that.”
Ruth muttered bitterly and gestured his head to urge her to sit down. Max asked Rudis to bring him a cup of hot drink and then carefully sat down across from him. After a moment of silence, Ruth spoke first.
“I was relieved that your complexion looks good. Are you taking your medication well?”
“I’m taking them w-well. Thank you… for your concern.”
She fiddled with her skirt and plucked up her courage to raise her head and look at him. There was no sign of pity or awkwardness in the wizard’s eyes. Max’s shoulders relaxed as she watched him poke at the fireplace with the usual slightly gloomy and indifferent expression Ruth wore. Max sighed in relief at his normal attitude and raised her question comfortably.
“Why are… those pe-people here? It was so sudden… why are those mercenaries from the southern continent being hired?”
“Lord Calypse didn’t tell you anything?”
Ruth asked back, his forehead wrinkling. Max thought for a moment then shook her head. The wizard took some time to hesitate then eventually confessed a sigh.
“Sir Calypse has officially declared war against the Duke of Croix.”
Max’s whole body froze. Although she half expected that it would happen, her heart still sank upon confirming it from someone else’s words. Seeing her complexion turn pale, Ruth hasted to speak.
“It was decided after several internal meetings. The Remdragon Knights have long been hostile against the Duke of Croix. This was bound to happen sooner or later.”
“But… u-until now, they had no intention of going to war. The reason that this is happening now… is all be-because of me…”
The source of this_chapter;
Ruth opened his mouth and closed it again as if he couldn’t find the right words to say. Max lowered her head with a desperate expression. Her clasped hands visibly trembled. As she bit her lips, she felt the guilt and shame weighing heavily on her chest, then Ruth spoke in a cold voice.
“What happened is already done. Lord Calypse sneaked into Croix Castle and attacked the Duke. Although it has been quiet since, the Duke won’t let this matter be settled peacefully. It’s better to strike first than have them attacking Anatol.”
“B-but… according to the peace agreement between the seven kingdoms, war between territories is prohibited. King Ruben…won’t stand s-still.”
As if that thought didn’t cross his mind, Ruth shrugged and replied. “As you said, it is very likely that the royal family will impose sanctions. But there is enough justification from our side to proceed with it. The Duke of Croix has no authority over where the Lady should be held as she clearly belongs to Anatol. Moreover, harming the lady is more than enough of a reason to declare a war. Even if the royal family does interfere, when the cause is clear and just, it can be inevitable.”
Max’s shoulders tensed and she couldn’t help asking. “The other knights… do they know e-everything?”
Despite being vague about what she was pertaining to, Ruth seemed to have known what she meant. He paused for a moment and rubbed his nape, then eventually nodded his head.
“…It isn’t because I, Sir Caron, or Sir Rikaido talked about what happened. However, everyone would have caught on that the Duke of Croix had done something unacceptable against the Lady. It is more than evident from the demeanor of Sir Calypse and the other knights who accompanied him that day.”
Ruth added hesitantly. “To tell you honestly, there were quite a few men who opposed going to war because of various practical reasons. However, those who agreed to declare a war were very adamant. It wasn’t only Sir Calypse who was furious… but the other knights as well. There’s no persuading them out of it.”
Max lowered her eyes in shame, not knowing what kind of reaction she should have. Ruth spoke with an exaggerated sigh, as if trying to clear the deeply sunken atmosphere.
“Besides, aren’t knights known for wielding their swords in the name of honor and chivalry? Don’t worry about it too deeply. Everyone will eventually calm the ruckus.”
“I-I… can’t take wa-war that lightly! For m-my sake… th-there’s no need to go through such…”
“M’lady.” Ruth’s voice suddenly dropped low. Max flinched and raised her head. The wizard looked at her with a serious gaze. “The lady is the mistress of Anatol and a wizard of the Remdragon Knights. The Remdragon Knights never forgive anyone who does harm to their members. Majority of the knights voted in favor of the war. Even those who opposed it because of practical reasons also had the same sentiments against the Duke.”
Max’s lips quivered, she was at loss for words. She was reminded of that time when she envied the bond that glued Riftan, Ruth, and the Knights. Her heart raced. She wondered if she was really considered as part of that bond now. Seeing her face that was deep in thought, Ruth gave her a bitter smile.
“The Lady spared none for herself to fight for the remaining people in Ethylene Castle. And so are we. The Remdragon Knights have the right to resent and spare nothing to retaliate against anyone who harms the Lady.”
“I, I…”
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Max bit her trembling lips lightly and her eyes went watery. At the same time, her throat felt blocked as if she had swallowed a piece of lead. If she hadn’t followed her father in the first place, it wouldn’t have been necessary for Riftan nor the Knights to go to war. If she had not been so weak, if she only had a little courage and had believed in Riftan, if she only had believed in others, she would not have thrown herself out in that situation if she didn’t abandon her own self…
She closed her eyes tightly and spoke roughly. “Although my heart appreciates it… I… surely don’t want any wa-war to happen. I don’t want to witness… such a tragedy a-again.”
“It won’t escalate to an all-out war.” Ruth said firmly. “Although Sir Calypse seems to intend on ruining the Duke’s territory to rumbles, if he does such an act, he will not be able to escape the sanctions from the Seven Kingdom’s Peace Agreement. That’s why territorial wars only commence after its formal declaration is fought through jousting. The opposing sides would summon their best knights upfront and after several clashes and combats, if anyone succeeds in striking down the commander of the opposing side, the war then usually comes to a conclusion. Wars between territories are completely different from wars against monsters.”
“Yes, although… there must be some degree of damage… you cannot avoid the bloodshed. We have barely returned from a long expedition… yet now… there’s another war…”
A perplexed expression floated across Ruth’s face as if he thought she might burst into tears with her weak, trembling voice. Then, he spoke to her in a soothing manner.
“Lord Calypse will be leading it so it will last at most for a month… no, the war will conclude within a fortnight. Although the number of the Duke’s troops are thrice of Anatol’s, the power of the Remdragon Knights is far more superior compared to the combined strength of all the Duke’s Knights. The reason why they haven’t declared a war against us yet is because they have no chances of winning. “
Ruth shrugged his shoulders as if what he was saying was a matter of fact and murmured. “Actually, it’s better for us to declare war and bring it to them.”
Then Max asserted urgently. “T-then, if there’s little chance of retaliation coming from the Duke… there’s n-no need to go to war anymore. I-I’ll try… to persuade Riftan out of it. Ruth… please convince the k-knights as well. If Anatol withdraws its de-declaration of war, my fa-father will also…”
“Doesn’t the Lady know better what kind of person the Duke of Croix is? Yes, he will try to avoid an armed confrontation, but he won’t sit quietly and let the incident go. For sure, he will find some other way to retaliate. Given that, it is better for us to conclude a war wherein we have an advantage. We cannot defeat him when he decides to use his power in politics.”
Max’s shoulders grew more tense. A cold sweat formed on her back when she remembered her father’s figure, laying on the floor, covered in blood. He is certainly not the type of person who would sit still after going through such a thing.
She bit her lip gently and then nodded with a stiff face. “I u-understand what you mean. Thank you… for explaining.”
Max ended the conversation and rose from her seat, Ruth followed her and stood up as well while giving her a stern look.
“M’lady, there is nothing you can do regarding this matter. Please, don’t even think about doing something reckless.”
“I won’t do anything re-reckless…”
Ruth narrowed his eyes and crossed his arms in front of his chest as he gave her a relenting serious look.
“I’m talking about you trying to contact the Duke of Croix and persuade him. There is no way that man will listen to the Lady, and that would not change Lord Calypse’s decision either. The two Lords will not be able to release their hostility between each other just because the Lady stepped in the middle of their fistfight. Some conflicts are just inevitable.”
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Max’s face turned red at his words that seemed to see through her.
Note – LF: I love how even Ruth is in favor of the war lol. And aww, Max is really part of the RDK
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