Chapter 238: Chapter 238
Chapter 238
Maxi had to ride a horse with Riftan as they couldn’t find a carriage in the town of Genoa. She leaned against his chest and gazed out at the flowing landscape. The rice paddies swayed leisurely against the breeze and a few clouds floated on the dark blue sky, making her eyes shiver. Max leaned deeper into Riftan’s arms and watched from a distance how everything got closer and closer as they moved. After the sun set and then rose again a couple of times, the Knights passed through the vast fields of granary and into the Yudical forest in one day.
As they did not have a carriage, they were able to reach the Anatolian plains twice the speed of when they first did last year.
“I was worried that the duke might send someone to chase after us… our journey has been more peaceful than I thought it would be.”
Gabel murmured as he turned while preparing to make camp in the middle of an open field. Max stiffened at his words as she climbed down the horse with Riftan’s help.
Riftan gave him a cold glance. “Are you perhaps afraid of the duke’s knights?”
Gabel’s face grew red as if his pride had been trampled over, he glanced at Max and shrugged. “It is better to avoid useless battles whenever possible. The lady can get hurt again…”
“If you have time to talk nonsense, build a fire, Laxion.”
Uslin, who was pulling down the loads on the saddles, exclaimed annoyingly. Gabel grunted and went to gather dry branches in the area. Max merely watched with Riftan’s arms around her as the knights released their horses to graze and pitch tents. As the campfire began to burn, Riftan placed a sleeping bag next to it for her to sit on.Throughout their journey, Riftan always held her, not leaving her even for a second. He did not even let Ruth nor the other knights approach her. Perhaps tired of his oversensitivity, the knights minded their own businesses.
Max wondered if they had learned all about her miserable plight. Did Ruth, Uslin, or Elliot let others know what they had seen at the castle? She was so flustered and embarrassed that she couldn’t ask, but she couldn’t bear it either because she was worried that the knights might take pity on her.
“Come here.”
Riftan pulled the disconcerted Max to his side. She sat close to his chest and hugged her knees, like a chick hiding beneath its mother hen’s bosom. When everything was finally set up in the camp, he took her into a tent, then laid her on a blanket, massaged her stiff back and waist, then fed her by hand. Max ate the bread and stew he gave her and crawled into a sleeping bag. In the darkness, the sound of rumbling horses, the echo of the wind, and the snapping of the bonfire sounded faintly. After a long quiet moment, Riftan’s voice broke the silence.
“Don’t worry about anything. I’ll protect you.”
Max realized he was talking about the Duke of Croix. Thousands of questions remained on her tongue. What will happen in the future? Will he really be able to stand against the duke? No matter how accomplished a knight was, if he attacked a duke, they couldn’t let him go unpunished. She held her breath, remembering her father’s horribly crushed figure. If the knights hadn’t stopped him, Riftan would have actually killed him, and as she remembered the sight of his half-dead body, her consciousness flew directly to the words Riftan had said that night.
‘Did he really mean those words? Did he say those words only because he felt pity for me?’
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Given the cold demeanor from the first time they met, it was difficult to believe that she had been on his mind for a long time. However, Max couldn’t dare to utter those questions despite them almost escaping out of her lips. She was worried that this glass-like peace that surrounds them now would be shattered. She stirred, closing her eyes tightly to shake the thoughts out of her head. Then, Riftan wrapped his arm around her back and embraced her tightly.
“Sleep well and tight. From now on, I will never let anyone hurt you ever again.”
The tension from her stiff shoulders went away like a lie at his words that he uttered as an oath. She then wrapped her arms around his sturdy waist. When she was this close to him, all her worries went away as if she was enclosed in a huge, comfortable fortress. Max breathed in his scent and slowly drifted to sleep. The next day, they crossed the mountain in half a day and reached Anatol. The horses raced down the hill like the wind, making it to the front of the gates at once. After a while, the gates were pulled by its lever and became wide open.
They entered the lively city packed with buildings, completely exhausted after days of journey. Anatol was thriving as if some kind of magic was unfolding while they were away. Huge buildings that were not built before they left were now towering. The road expansion has since been completed and stalls selling rare items from the south were on both sides of the way. Those who were looking at the items with their backs turned and bent, noticed the knights’ arrival and all cheered at once. People flocked and flooded the streets.
Max was blown away by their enthusiastic cheers for the lord of the land. The citizens waved branches of Linden tree rich with red berries as the knights passed by. Riftan took the lead and led his horse through the crowds. Just when they had entered the square, a knight ran to the forefront of their procession.
“Commander, I have ordered the gatekeepers to increase the security.”
Max watched Riftan’s face with an anxious look. He nodded to the knight and spurred his horse. They passed through the welcoming crowds in an instance. As they climbed the steep hill past the birch grove, the knights who stood guard on the castle walls immediately lowered the bridge of the moat. When they crossed the bridge, she breathed a sigh of relief. Finally, they were home.
As they passed through the gates, the knights who were on the training grounds rushed to meet them. All the knights who went to Livadon for the war have returned to Anatol, except Riftan and around thirty knights as they have gone to the duke’s territory to fetch her. Hebaron, who led them and returned to Anatol first, patted the knights on the shoulders one by one. Max sighed in relief as she looked at him, who had regained his health to its perfect condition.
When he found her glued to Riftan’s side, he flashed her a soft, sad smile. “You have come back safely. Was the journey back difficult?”
When Hebaron approached her, Riftan’s face hardened. He pulled her closer to him and gave him orders.
“…tighten the security right this instance.” Hebaron was visibly flustered. However, Riftan turned around as if it was too much to explain further. “Double the troops posted on the walls and restrict the access to the gates until further notice.”
Then, as if to leave the rest of the instructions to be detailed by the other knights, he led her and strode towards the great hall. Max glanced at the knights’ faces as they hardened into serious expressions. She had been trying to pretend to be ignorant, but this time she couldn’t help but ask.
“Wh-what will… happen now? Will a wa-war really…”
“It’s just preparation for precaution. That man would have no ounce of guts to lead an army and invade Anatol.”
Riftan cut her off and quickened his footsteps. As Max stumbled, unable to keep up with his speed, he lifted her in his arms.
“You don’t have to worry about anything, all you need to do is focus on recovering your health. I’ll deal with that man.”
“D-deal with him…”
Max wondered if he really would declare war. Riftan ignored her anxious gaze as he crossed the garden and strode up the stairs at once. As they entered the great hall, Rodrigo and the servants rushed out to meet their lord.
“Welcome home, m’lord, m’lady. It’s a relief that both of you have come back safel-”
“Please bring hot water and food. And clean clothes.”
Riftan ordered, cutting short their welcome, and went straight up the carpeted stairs. He climbed the stairs two steps at a time, not even taking a moment to catch his breath nor did he need it. In the blink of an eye, Max entered the room and she looked around. The tension she felt melted away as she looked at the room that looked no different from the last time she saw it. Riftan strode over the cats that swarmed and rubbed their bodies against his legs then lowered her down on the bed.
“Wait a bit. I’ll get some fire going.”
Then, without even taking off his armor, he walked in front of the fireplace and started lighting a fire. He struck the flint only a few times and a fire sparked in an instant. Riftan used the bellows to fan the fire then walked back to the bed and took Max’s shoes off. She looked at him with a peculiar tension. She could see his deep black eyes trembling through his dark hair that had been ruffled by the wind. The moment he tried to mutter something to say to her, they heard a knock on the door.
“M’lord, the water for the bath is here.”
It was Rudis’ voice. When Riftan told her to come in, the maids entered the room with a large steaming tub. Max looked at their familiar faces and tried putting a smile on her lips. Rudis smiled back but when she saw her pale complexion, her face hardened.
“M’lady, are you perhaps injured somewhere…”
“Leave the bathtub by the fire and get out.”
Before she could even finish speaking, Riftan exclaimed sternly. The maids were startled and flinched, then hastily moved the tub.
“T-then… I’ll leave the towels and change of clothes here. If there’s anything you need, please call for us.”
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As Rudis led the maids out, Riftan removed his armor, hung it in front of the stand, and carefully helped her up.
“Come here, I’ll wash you.”
“I’m f-fine…”
“I’m not going to do anything. I just want to take care of you.”
Max nodded reluctantly. After Riftan took off her robe, she was left with a loose tunic that he had bought in the village and it was also pulled over her head. She raised her arms over her chest, wearing only a thin camisole, socks, and underwear. It was an act of shame rather than shyness. She had lost weight within a few weeks and her stomach was not flat, but she was skinny. He may have already seen it all, but since everything was revealed in such a bright light, she was concerned of what he thought of her. He muttered in a choked voice, rubbing the goose bumps on her waist.
“Are you cold?”
Then, he knelt down, took off her socks one by one, tossing them away, and pulled down even her thin chemise. The light from the fireplace gently warmed her bare body. Max looked down anxiously as his eyes swept over her protruding ribs. As he stroked her bony back, Riftan’s face suddenly became distorted as if he was in great pain.
“I should have ripped that man to pieces.”
He muttered in a suppressed voice and buried his face in her stomach. Max hesitantly touched his hair. Riftan’s hand ran down her back, as if looking for a wound that had already vanished. She could feel his breathing grow heavy. Max felt a mysterious feeling envelop her. How did she come to mean so much to him? Although she wanted to delve into his mind, she was afraid of knowing the truth.
On one hand, she wanted to believe everything about him, and on the other hand, she had doubts as to whether there was any misunderstanding, or he just felt pity for her. Was it possible to receive unconditional love from others even if you haven’t really done anything for them? Even the denigrated didn’t do that, and yet, how could someone so perfect give it to her? Perhaps, someday, that passion could also fade away.
When such suspicions arose, she became overwhelmed with her own disillusionment. Perhaps, she had finally lost the ability to trust anyone. It could be forever impossible for her to completely trust Riftan. Engulfed in her own guilt, she leaned down and embraced his head.
“We’re home n-now, so… everything will be fine.”
His large body was trembling pathetically. After being held by Max for a while, Riftan removed the last of her undergarments and lowered her into the bathtub. And then, he washed her with utmost care, like a servant caring for a royal princess.
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Note – LF: Uslin being a real champ here. Anyway, this chapter still hurts a lot though
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