Chapter 232: Chapter 232
Chapter 232
So loud was the sound that even Max, who was helpless and couldn’t do anything but slumber on her bed, opened her eyes to the noise. She felt like an earth nymph who had awakened from a deep sleep when the cheers and victorious tunes erupted from afar. The domineering evil forces that had caused her the greatest pains and trials throughout spring, summer and the beginning of autumn, had finally raised a white flag, signaling their surrender.
Max opened the window next to the bed and looked out at the elm forest that was transforming to the rich yellowish-brown color of autumn. She then slipped her feet into a pair of comfortable moccasins and wrapped a shawl around her shoulders. One of the healers walked into the room with a tray and her eyes widened upon seeing her up on her two feet.
“M’lady, is there anything you need? Tell me what it is and I’ll do it right away.”
“I want to go…o-out. I would like to hear the details of the war’s conclusion…”
“I’ll ask one of the servants to gather the details and report to you. You shouldn’t leave your bedroom just yet.”
“I’m not feeling sleepy, and my body has recovered now. Let me meet the knights for a while… I’d like to hear from them. Those from Livadon must have heard of the details.”
“But I have prepared your food and medicine…”
The healer looked embarrassed and put the tray she had brought down on the table. Upon the tray was the bitter medicinal herbs she was made to drink every morning and evening. Max wrinkled her nose.
“That medicine… makes me really drowsy, it’s harder for me when I feel sleepy. I’ll drink the medicine when I come back instead.”
The healer had an anxious and resolute expression on her face, but called for a servant to accompany Max as she knew that she would not back down. Max walked through the quiet hall with two servants accompanying her. The princess’ palace was situated in the most remote place of the Drakium Palace, so it was calm and quiet during the day. She slowly descended the marble staircase that led to a long, sun-lit corridor. One of the servants who was accompanying her followed closely and held onto her elbow, as if afraid she might collapse and fall over. Max felt like she was being treated just like she aged to 90-years-old, but she accepted the support without protest. In truth, her legs felt weak for being in bed for too long and any movement she made caused her a slight dizziness. This is why she didn’t complain, even though Simon scolded her rudely.
She sighed as she took the last steps of the staircase. At that moment, she heard Princess Agnes’ voice from somewhere, causing Max to turn her head. Usually, the princess was not around her palace until dusk, she would be in the main castle or training grounds all day, so it was a rare occasion that she was in her castle at this time. Her curiosity ate her, wondering if something concerning must have happened as she walked towards the hallway where she heard the Princess’ voices. Her feet led her to a huge door that was ajar. The room inside was large and filled with bookshelves. Princess Agnes and Simon were sitting opposite each other in the middle of the room.
The princess, who was scribbling something down on a piece of parchment, saw Maximillian standing by the door and immediately jumped out of her seat.
“Maximillian, is it alright for you to be already out of bed?”
“It’s just for a whi-while… it’s alright.”
The wizard did not even glance at Max, he then nagged the princess. “Ms. Agnes, your hands are not writing.”
“Ugh, it’s sickening. Are wind wizards ever taught how to keep from nagging during their training?” Agnes complained irritably as she dipped her quill roughly into the inkwell. “I have to request that they only send me water wizards next time!”
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“If you cannot adequately explain the situation to the inspectors who are coming this time, you will have to wait at least 10 years for a new wizard to be assigned to you.” Simon snorted back at Agnes and then he gestured to Max.
“Don’t just stand there, why don’t you come in and sit down?”
“You seem to be bu-busy… I don’t want to disturb you. I shall leave you…”
“Where are you going?” Agnes asked anxiously. Max replied with a bitter smile.
“Just for a whi-while… I’m going to meet Sir Caron to hear the news from the Remdragon Knights.”
“You can ask me instead. You don’t need to go to him.” Agnes smiled as she fiddled with her pen. “Everyone is safe. Estimating from the time it took for the messenger pigeon to reach Drakium, they must have reached Levan by now and have boarded a ship.”
At the good news, Max ran in front of the desk where the princess was sitting. “Was the messenger Pigeon… from Ri-riftan?”
“It came this morning. Would you like to read it? I think they will arrive in two or three weeks at the latest.”
The princess then rummaged through the pile of parchment and scrolls on the desk, then pulled out a letter the size of her palm and held it out to her. Max’s eyes widened as she read it. There were no casualties among the Remdragon Knights and they would return once the injured had been treated in Levan. The note that announced their arrival was written in just two sentences.
Max was distraught. ‘Has anyone been injured so badly that they needed to receive treatment for an injury?’
While she was biting her lip anxiously, Princess Agnes said in a bright voice. “Don’t worry. If someone had been seriously injured, they wouldn’t even have thought of sending a messenger pigeon. The telegrams sent by the other lords of the Allied Forces that remained are more sincere than this letter. They said that they will be immediately boarding the ships after resting in Levan’s Great Temple for 3 to 4 days to allow those who have mild to serious injuries be treated. There’s already an uproar for the preparation of a great banquet.”
The princess shrugged nonchalantly. “I’ve been writing hundreds of invitations since the news of the victory came. I think the king is going to summon all the nobles of Whedon this time.”
“You must be very bu-busy… pre-preparing for the banquet.”
“Right now, what’s more urgent than a frivolous banquet is to write a report to the inspection team of the Wizard Tower.”
Simon abruptly interrupted the conversation and tapped with his fingertip a parchment paper with ancient script, as if to urge the Princess the message. The princess started to write something again, grunting in annoyance. Simon, who gazed at Agnes like a supervisor, turned his head to Max and explained.
“Three wizards from the Wizard Tower died in this expedition. Nornui will be investigating whether there were any unwarrantable commands involved. The cause of their death must be told and explained in detail. Otherwise, it would be difficult in the future to hire wizards who were trained in the Wizard Tower.”
“The wi-wizard tower… goes to that extent of interference?”
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“Isn’t that the purpose of the creation of the World Tower, to prevent the persecution of wizards? All wizards registered in the tower are protected by Nornui. Although the treatment towards wizards has since improved, there remains those who see the use of magic negatively. Because of this, Nornui is vigilant about seeing whether there was any maltreatment whenever a wizard dies.”
“That is why every time huge battles take place, army commanders like me have a lot to suffer. I must explain the whole situation to closed-minded people who have never been on a battlefield all their life and then beg for new wizards to fill the positions of those who have perished.”
The princess explained sternly. Max trailed her eyes curiously at the ancient writing made with the princess’ skilfully fine handwriting then asked cautiously.
“Do the wizards in the Wi-Wizard Tower… get di-dispatched to any place that they were requested from?”
“Usually, when the requests for wizards come from Drakium, the Wizard Tower will review the request and send over the wizards who volunteer. These days every lord in the continent are eager to have at least one high-ranking wizard, some would request for more archmages, but it would take a long time for this to be fulfilled… The Wizard Tower tries as much as possible to balance and evenly distribute wizards in all parts of the world.”
“Will it be possible… to send another wizard to A-anatol? We don’t have enough wi-wizards in our territory.”
Simon and Princess Agnes paused at her words. After a strange silence, Simon opened his mouth with a complicated expression on his face.
“I doubt it… as long as ‘that person’ is there, it would be difficult to acquire a new wizard.”
“What do you mean ‘tha-that person’?”
“Who do you think! He’s referring to that shameless runaway scamp!” The princess suddenly raised her voice. “Ruth Serbel, who ignored all the rules of the World Tower and left the tower without permission! As long as that traitor is in Anatol, there will be no dispatch of wizards from them.”
Max’s eyebrows furrowed and she looked around in confusion. She always wondered why there was only one high-ranking wizard among world-renowned knights, but she didn’t even know it was because of Ruth. The more that the topic relented, the princess became more and more critical about her friend.
“If it hadn’t been for that pesky lump, there would be one or two more high-ranking wizards who would volunteer to serve Riftan Calypse. I advised Riftan several times to kick him out, but he wouldn’t listen. He seems to be keeping his loyalty to a scamp who doesn’t deserve it and suffers a tremendous loss.”
Max’s face clouded. She may not have seen it in that regard, but a corner of her heart grew cold when she remembered that Riftan refused to marry the princess, as if he had kept his marriage vows by force. The princess then spoke in a calming voice, misunderstanding her expression.
“Still… There are a lot of talented free-roaming wizards so don’t worry about it too much. This time, when the Remdragon Knights return, I will request for high-ranking and wizards and make a petition for the king’s benevolence to sent them to Anatol.”
“Th-thank you.”
“You’re welcome. Now, let’s get you back to your room. You shouldn’t be straining yourself yet.”
Unable to overcome the princess’s persuasion, Max had to quietly return to the room, take her medicine, and reluctantly lie in bed to sleep. A few more senseless days passed. There was an endless procession of nobles who visited the capital to attend the grand banquet at the Drakium Palace. In the morning, the whole manor would be filled with servants who would greet them, and in the evening, a welcome dinner was held. Max sat up in bed craning her neck, staring at the castle gates day and night, wondering if Riftan would miraculously arrive a little earlier. Princess Agnes felt sorry for her and suggested that she attend the banquet, to which Max appeared surprised. Meanwhile, Princess Agnes knew that she was anxious because she could not wait for Riftan’s arrival. As if aware of her unusual attitude, the princess said with a consoling expression.
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“I heard from the healer today that your health has improved a lot now. If it’s not difficult for you, why don’t you attend the banquet and lighten your mood for a little? You have never attended any event at the palace since you arrived at Drakium castle.”
Max tried to protest, she was embarrassed. There were several occasions that she attended for some reason at events at the Croix Castle, but she was always under her father’s supervision and quietly returned to her room after a while of showing up. Because association with nobles was forbidden, court etiquette was learned at a desk and she had no ability to speak or socialize. As she imagined stuttering like an idiot among the nobles, a cold sweat ran down her back.
“I am not… very fond of no-noisy environments…”
Finally, when she gave that excuse, the princess laughed as if she was hiding something. “I had planned to surprise you, but I better tell you instead. The truth is, this afternoon the Duke of Croix entered the palace with the Eastern nobles. If you go to the dinner banquet, you will be able to see him.”
Max felt cold air rush down her spine. She quickly hid her grim expression. Her heart pounded with old fear and her palms began to sweat.
“My fa-father came? Does he kno-know… that I’m also here?”
“The king must have informed him. The duke has been in discussion with the king since the moment he arrived, that’s why he hasn’t come to visit Maximillian just yet.” The princess added, mistaking her upset expression, thinking that Max was upset because the Duke had not come to visit his daughter yet.
Max swallowed her cynicism. Her father didn’t care whether she was there or not. No, he probably had no interest in whatever happens to her. Her shoulders hunched, remembering that he wouldn’t forgive her if she did anything that would taint the family name. The Duke of Croix hated that she appeared before the nobles. She was instructed to keep a low profile, to appear almost invisible as she is inferior, it was etched in her blood for being a stutterer.
Max didn’t want to imagine the punishment she would one day receive if she attended the dinner banquet and somehow embarrass herself in front of the nobles. She then hurriedly made up an excuse to refuse.
“I-I also wish to attend… but I feel really e-exhausted today… It would probably be better… to quietly meet him to-tomorrow.”
“Are you still feeling weak?”
“Although it’s not that se-serious… if I appear too pale and f-frail to him…he might wo-worry…”
The princess nodded when she saw how convincing she had spoken. “I understand. You should rest then. I’ll tell the healer to bring your medicine.”
When the princess left the room, Max wrapped her cold body with her blankets and curled up, bringing her chest to her knees. She scanned her mind for excuses to avoid meeting him when tomorrow comes. No. Maybe her own father will make excuses. In the capital, there were countless nobles whom he had to acquaint with. He would probably have no time to come see her. Max held dearly to the thought that he wouldn’t meet her. She really didn’t want to see him ever again. The last memory of her father flashed in her mind, he threatened her that the worst would come for her if she became a divorced woman and threatened the name of the family.
She didn’t end up being divorced as her father had threatened. The Duke must be content that she was able to keep her marriage and would not come for her. Max tortured herself with those thoughts, she tried to erase her father’s existence from her head. However, her expectations were brutally betrayed. The next morning, just before the break of dawn, the Duke of Croix went to the separate palace to meet her. When she found out that her father was waiting for her downstairs, she stiffened. Before approaching her, Princess Agnes told her with unprecedented embarrassment the kind of conversation she had with her father.
“When he heard that Maximillian’s health… is not doing good, he became overly anxious. He immediately rushed and went to see his daughter.”
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Note – LF: Gosh, I’m so touched with how Ruth is being kept by Riftan He is probably like a brother to him now. ANYWAY, THE DUKE IS HERE. PREAPARE YOUR CHAIRS.
Nymeria: Guys… we’re almost there.
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